Chongzhen Fengshen

New book

Treasure Hunter of Online Games

Introduction: What is the probability of losing treasure, and the equipment and attributes of alchemy are just the basic abilities of treasure hunters! Start the hidden task, and hidden rewards are the real attributes of treasure hunters!

Each dynasty has a corresponding epic copy, the change of Xuanwumen, Huo's attack on the Xiongnu in the north, the battle of Song Liaoyanyun, 300 years at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the strongest epic copy, the war of the gods!

Game, movie Age of Discovery copy, Pirates of the Caribbean copy, Resident Evil copy, special-type copy, and the final enhanced version of Diablo copy!

Everything is in the civilization of online games!

Chapter 1, have no choice but to enter the game

The dark curtain gradually pulled down, the sky was full of stars dotted the night sky, and the crescent moon hung high, and the noisy city gradually became quiet. Only the continuous pedestrians, the endless cars, and the noise of the day dispersed together

I dragged dust back to my nest alone, mechanically took out the key, opened the door blankly, threw out the bag, and took off my coat. My father's words sounded in my mind:

"Bai Yu, it's not that Dad said you, you still have to find a formal job. After all, it's not a long-term thing to do odd jobs on the Internet. You'd better find a way to go to work!"

It's light, Dad, what good way can you find as a laid-off employee? The job I'm looking for is more than 2,000 yuan a month, which is not enough to pay my mortgage!

Liu Baiyu sighed, turned on the computer, entered his most trusted studio QQ group, ready to take over a code word work. Here I would like to introduce the protagonist: male, 25 years old, who was also handsome in college, with a Chinese face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, also known as gentle and elegant. Unfortunately, the Korean Wave is rampant and is known as a poker face. Coupled with busy work, his girlfriend is not ready yet.

After graduating from university, because the school is a third-rate university and the department is not good, he accidentally went to the sea to write online articles. As a result, he did not become an online writer and became a gunman. Now he is a gunman in the studio. His monthly income is about 4,000. He has just reached the stage of food and clothing, and there is still a long way from a well-off life. Fortunately, it is a small city with income. It's okay. People save money, and they can squeeze out some money every month to pay more than 2,000 mortgages.

"What, Boss Lu, there is no gunner's mission this month? How is it possible? We are old-fashioned. Don't play with me!"

"Xiaoyu, you are the gold writer in our studio. I can't cheat anyone! Now you go to the novel website to have a look. There is basically no one reading, and you are waiting to play online games! If you don't believe it, watch TV!"

Really? Liu Baiyu plunged his head into **, was silent for a while, stretched out his hands and groped for the long-lost TV remote control. He finally found it. He clicked randomly and finally turned on the TV and heard today's news.

"Latest report, Huaxia Group and China's five major banks jointly launched the latest network masterpiece - "Civilization" is about to kick off. Real sensory experience, epic gorgeous scenes, giving people extraordinary entertainment enjoyment, mysterious civilized world, waiting for you to explore! The ratio with the real time is 1:7, and the daily online time is limited to 8 hours, which can be carried out during sleep, which can relieve Alzheimer's disease, ensure a more comfortable sleep, and develop the human brain domain. At the same time, it is guaranteed by five major banks and will open a real currency exchange business..."

"What!" I immediately figured out that this was an opportunity, a real feeling? Real currency exchange! This game must be very popular. Even if the game is not popular, what about the game novel? It will be popular! Seize the opportunity to become a little god and earn hundreds of thousands of yuan, but you have everything! My eyes immediately appeared. I quickly climbed out of bed and stared at the TV. On the screen, the CEO of Huaxia Group and the presidents of the five major banks were standing together in front of a huge poster and talking.

It seems that my work as a gunman for the studio makes me lack understanding of current affairs. I only know such a "money" thing now. Open the relevant web page of the computer and immediately look for the relevant information of "civilized" online games.

Drink, it's too exaggerated. It's full of relevant news on the screen. Well, let's take a look at when the public beta will start on the official website. I fainted. Unexpectedly, there is no public beta. The game will be opened directly at 8 a.m. on the 18th of this month. The system will adopt the latest brainwave and iris verification technology to ensure the safety of the player's account. At that time, it can accommodate 1.8 billion people online at the same time. It's such a big server from the beginning. Don't be afraid of losing money. It's awesome!

I browsed the official website and wanted to know the basic information of the game, but there is only simple * and professional information, not even a map, only civilized copies, movie copies, and what is waiting for you to explore. Everything is an unknown mystery! This is not to open garlic.

Well, go to download the client, but I have searched every corner of the official website, no??? What, you need to buy mimic equipment and enter the game directly through the network connection.

I have long heard that the country has developed a mimic system, which can reproduce real senses and physical feelings in the human brain through the connection between optical fiber and the brain, but it is really a big deal to apply it to online games!

Look at the price, it must be expensive. It's true that the virtual helmet - 1500RMB, virtual warehouse - 250000RMB, but it is claimed to be free, because of the corresponding game time, this strategy of binding players is really clever.

Think about the less than 30,000 deposits in the bank, grit your teeth and buy a virtual helmet. With my previous experience as a non-rmb player competing against small rmb players's online game experience, isn't it stable to be able to make thousands of money in it?

Look at the date, ah, today is the 16th. I have to act quickly tomorrow. With the original motivation, I immediately became energetic. After washing, I immediately integrated my game experience on the Internet, planned my game plan, and made a few game plans. Tonight is another sleepless night.

The sun is shining today, and my mood is as bright as the sun. As soon as I turned around, I immediately came to the sales company of Huaxia Group in this city. I didn't know if I didn't look at it. A lot of people were shocked at a glance. Fortunately, the sales system of Huaxia Group is very good, and a few people can get it in a minute... After an hour of anticipation, it finally came to me. Swipe the card, pick up the goods, a square, and the appearance is exquisite. The black box was handed to me from the beautiful sales lady. I carefully took it and went straight home.

After destroying a delicious beef ramen made by an uncle downstairs, I burp and came to the computer to open the box. A dark and shiny mimic helmet appeared in front of my eyes. After carefully reading the instructions, I connected the power supply, connected the network cable, and installed the virtual helmet. Now everything is available, just waiting for the east wind to come. You have to continue to read the poor information of "civilization" on the Internet, review your own plans to make a few games, and do a good job of preparation...

I sent the night away. Early the next morning, I got up and went downstairs for a walk. Today, the game will be open. I need to be in a good state. After running, I went home to freshen up, made a nutritious breakfast for myself, milk and eggs, and saw that it was still early. Well, wash your hair, which is conducive to waking up the brain and fully mobilizing brain cells. After all, this kind of game is definitely not comparable to the mechanically trained kimchi online game of the Korean Wave. It is not a simple time competition. I'm afraid it will take a lot of brains!

"It's so comfortable. It's good to wash your hair in cold water!" As I said to myself, I wiped my hair with a little wet hair. No, the time was coming soon. I quickly sat in front of the computer, put on my helmet, connected to the Internet, and began my "civilized" career.

Chapter 2 White Face Attributes

As soon as I entered the game, it was dark. There was no profession, race selection page, but a pleasant voice floated in my ear out of thin air: "Hello, welcome to the civilized world, confirm your nationality as China, and start brain waves, iris locking."

Half a second later, a light passed through my eyes from nothingness. I was about to speak when my voice sounded again: "Brain wave, the iris has been locked, and the ID card has been verified, male player! Please confirm the id!"

I just work to make money, and don't use any domineering names. To be honest

"Working to make money"

"20%-20% of appearance mimicry beautification?"

"Well, ordinary is true, just drop it by 10%, so that you can't find it in the crowd, and it won't attract attention! Keep a low profile and make a fortune!" Another light floated from my face. I guess it has been "beautified"!

"Senses bear 5%-50%?"

"Well, of course, the stimulation is important, otherwise it may have an impact on the perception of monsters, but don't be too high, 15% is fine!"

"Good! The basic allocation of attribute points begins!"

Another light passed, and the attributes assigned by my foundation immediately appeared in front of me. My head is a little confused. I can also encounter such an extreme distribution, which makes me immediately have the idea of suicide. My luck is really bad.

Physical fitness: 5 (affecting the player's health and restoring the player's health speed)

Agility: 5 (affects the player's fatal attack rate and the probability of avoiding monster attacks)

Strength: 5 (affecting the player's attack power)

Intellect Intelligence: 5 (affects the player's magic value, and the use of magic or skill to consume this value affects the player's magic speed)

Charm: 10 (unknown information such as affecting the player's npc favorability)

In civilization, 5 additional skill points are freely assigned by players for each upgrade system. If you choose to assign yourself, the maximum value of the five basic attributes is 10. This charm is full and the rest are the basic attributes of 5. It is reasonable to be an attribute of a four-body industrty little white face! In fact, this attribute in the whole game is the so-called treasure hunter special attribute, which is one of the extremely rare professions) And once you log in to the game to establish characters, you can't delete the number and rebuild it if you reach level 20, which makes me infinitely depressed!

Forget it, that's it. Besides, it's useless. At worst, I will commit suicide again.

"After the skill points have been assigned, do you want to enter the game!"

"Nonsense, why don't you get in? Give me such a rubbish attribute, strong BS you." I muttered in my heart, and of course I said the word "enter".

A dazzling golden light flashed, and suddenly it was bright in front of me. I appeared in a village out of thin air, scared, and golden light kept shining around me, and one player after another entered the civilized world. Hey, the propaganda slogan is true. The effect of the virtual real world is really not covered. A fantasy world came into view. The quaint buildings reappeared one by one, and the free wind passed by my ears. Birds can be seen in the blue sky. Even the air breathed is fresh with the freshness of dirt, giving people a feeling of two. Words - nature.

I looked at my appearance carefully and wore the simplest pair of coarse cloth trousers (hey, fortunately I didn't let me** appear on the stage). A pair of straw shoes didn't even give me a upper, and my feet were cooled outside. I shook my arms, kicked my legs, and jumped and flipped. It felt good. The game seemed to strengthen the coordination of sports. Force, it seems that everyone can easily achieve the movements that usually require a certain amount of exercise.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in my ear, "Working to make money players, you are now in Maple Leaf Village, one of the civilized novice villages. Everything about civilization is waiting for you to explore. In order to take care of ordinary players, at this stage, only the game currency cashing RMB business is opened, and the RMB exchange game currency will be opened 2 months later. Finally, I wish you a happy Enjoy the game, goodbye!"

Dizzy, I didn't say anything, but I still take care of our vast proletariat, but it also limits the first-mover advantage of rmb players and increases the playability of the game. Anyway, I do it myself and have enough food, and everything depends on myself! Opening the backpack, it was really stingy. There was only one shabby dagger with an attack 1-5, lasting 15 and a speed of 4.0, and I didn't even give me a copper plate. I can't help it. Let's pick it up and use it first. Look at your own attributes and open the property bar:

Name: Working to make money Race: Human Grade: 0

Life: 50

Defense: 10

physique: 5

Agility: 5

Strengthes: 5

Intelligence: 5

Charm 10

Attack: 2-6

Dead attack strength: 2

Intelligence: 1

Magic value: 10

Magic Attack: 1-5

Spirit: 1

Spearing speed: 10

Recovery speed: 10

Prewang: 0

What a helpless attribute! Let me fall behind most of the time at the beginning. No, I guess it's behind everyone. Take a deep breath and have no choice.

Suddenly, I looked back and looked at the crowded players around me. Most of them, both men and women, rushed out of the village waving their swords to bully low-level monsters. The roads were crowded with people. Only a few people wandered around the village. Other attributes could not be seen. At first glance, this slow pace was that they were not as agile. There are not many people, and it's not strange to go out. It's better to find a novice task!

Liu Baiyu thought about it and still didn't go out. Anyway, he was also full of garbage. It's better to walk around the village first, get familiar with the environment, and see what benefits he can get without money, or take on a simple task, preferably with both money and experience. Generally, the tasks in online games The system reward is very generous, and it is necessary to confirm it. Especially in this sea of people, it's strange that there are no small tasks!

Liu Baiyu trotted all the way and strolled. First, he was familiar with the basic situation of the village. The official website was really stingy. He just introduced the basic world view, profession and operation. Everything else was kept secret, waiting for the players to explore and made it mysterious. Now In the past, the basic skills of playing RPG games should be used, not to let go of every building, every corner, not to let go of every NPC...

The transmitter in the middle of the village can set a return point, and the return journey in civilization is to use the return stone (due to the recent addiction to Warcraft, refer to the selling point in it). The primary stone can set a return point. In the middle, the advanced stone should be able to set 2-3 return points, but that's the future. .

The outside sign is the wine bottle and wine glass is the pub, where you can enjoy delicious food and learn cooking skills; a scissors sign is a sewing shop, where you can learn primary sewing skills and buy related materials; the sword and shield cross is a weapons store, where you can also learn craftsman skills; the medicine bottle is marked by a pharmacy. Of course, junior pharmaceutical skills can also be learned; the shovel-marked house is a miners' association, where you can learn mining skills.

A pile of gold coins are marked by banks, where items can be stored. It is said that there are auction houses in the big city, which can help players auction various equipment and items. Of course, there is a handling fee. There is no free dinner. In addition, there are also some sub-profes, and the transfer of various occupations also need to go to the big city to find professional skilled teachers and Only the union can do it. Where is the big city? You still have to look for it. Open the map and only the display of the current village - Maple Leaf Village. Everything else is unknown signs and dark.

The basic situation has been figured out. NPC is coaxed and doesn't pay attention to people at all. Then don't say anything. Fuck the guy, he also goes out to earn some money with the crowd. There's nothing you can do. It is estimated that trigger the task also needs a level, or kill the little monster, and even if you study as a deputy, you need money. Just like reality, hands I have no money and no strength to speak.

Chapter 3 The novice village was killed

Liu Baiyu walked out of the village and looked at the dense players outside. His head was big. The novice monster here is a little mouse - a veritable - a newborn young rat (the level of monsters in the world is not higher than his level 5, and you can observe their names and levels; if they exceed 5-10 levels, they can only observe their names and levels. It is a question mark; if it exceeds level 10, it is a question mark.)

Although he did not see the specific life, Liu Baiyu compared the blood strips on his head and the blood strips on the head of the newborn mice probably knew that the life of the newborn mice was about 15-20.

There seems to be something wrong with the refresh speed of general monsters in civilization. Due to the swarming of so many players, there are still a situation where there are few people in the new village and the supply is not in short supply. Many people have played for a long time and have not grabbed much experience points. If you don't believe it, you will know when you listen to these players complain!

"I've been playing for most of the day. Why did I get 100 experience points? I can't grab it at all. My strength is 9! The damage is high!"

"It's useless to fight with high strength. This newborn mouse has little life, but its agility is high, its agility is slightly lower, and its hit is not enough. After playing for a long time, how many misses have you? Can't you see it?"

"Light agility is high and useful. This newborn mouse not only dodges high, but also attacks high. It has 5 points of blood in one bite, with plague attack. With this resistance, we lost more than 30 drops of blood at once. Didn't I look at it for a long time? I can see it quickly, and my life is both high!"

This... Liu Baiyu was a little stupid at that time. Although the Korean kimchi online game of time is boring, the monster in civilization is too perverted. Is it so difficult for a monster in a novice village? These attributes are very fierce, and the result is so embarrassed!

Now my attributes are so rubbish that it's troublesome to beat a monster. There are so many more people to compete with you. NND, what can I do to upgrade?

Forget, I won't argue with others. I saw a small river not far away. Go there and try your luck. Hey, why is there no one robing monsters there?

At a glance, there was a player with an id called the peerless young master. There were four players around him who were obviously agile and had a high physique. They all abandoned their weapons and held down the fresh young mouse with bare hands. Because it was empty-handed, it could only be judged as a little damage. The peerless young master was just Output, slow one, one kill!

Can this kind of training method be fast? The peerless young master also hummed:

"What rmb player has no advantage? It's money that hasn't been spent anywhere! Spend 1,000 yuan to hire 4 blood cows, the experience is crooked! I'm at level 5 now! At level 10, you can go to the new map. Suffering is suffering, and the rich second generation is the rich second generation. Everything is the same, loser! Give it all to me!"

This kind of person ignores him and is a prodigal son. This kind of raised profession was later killed by professional players! It's important for us to practice! Liu Baiyu was dozens of meters away from him and was preparing for the training of the newborn rat, but his attributes were too poor. It took him a long time to kill a newborn rat and lost 20 blood - there was no way to have low damage and low hit, and the newborn rat must hit almost every blow! Fortunately, there was no plague, otherwise it would be even worse! Liu Baiyu took a look and got the information about the newborn mouse!

Newborn young mouse data level 1

Life: 20

Defense: 2

physique: 2

Agility: 11

Power: 2

Intelligence: 1

Attack: 4-6

Deadly attack strength: 7

Intelligence: 1

Magic value: 0

Magic Attack: 0

Sp cast speed: 0

Recovery speed: 0

Special ability, plague, reduce a drop of blood per second!

Comment: If there is no long-range attack, intermediate players will be besieged to death

Liu Baiyu killed the newborn rat and gained 10 experience points, and now the upgraded experience value is 10/1000! Hearing the system prompt, Liu Baiyu almost had a nervous breakdown, which was too difficult to upgrade! Looking at his own blood and the little red with 10 drops of blood given by the system, he was not willing to eat it, so he had to sit on the ground to recover the blood. After all, there was only 30 blood. After the newborn young mouse came out of plague, maybe he died!

However, as soon as Liu Baiyu sat down, he was attacked. The player Liu Baiyu was maliciously attacked by the player's peerless young master, causing 5 points of damage. Player Liu Baiyu was protected by the novice rules of the novice village and suffered 0 points of damage!

The player's peerless young master maliciously attacks others, and the evil value increases a little!

I went to the novice village to attack others. This one is too boring! Liu Baiyu turned around and was about to speak, but the peerless young master pointed to Liu Baiyu's nose and said:

"Why don't you get out of here? Do you see that no one dares to come here to grab monsters?"

"Are you reasonable or not? I didn't rob you!"

"Come on. I allow you to fight monsters here, and a bitter loser will come soon. Get out!"

"I won't leave. No wonder it's not raised by your family. The novice village is protected by the novice rules of the novice village, and the damage is 0 points! What can you do?" Liu Baiyu was also angry. This peerless young master maliciously made a deal, and his mouth was not clean. He opened his mouth and shut up. No matter how good the cultivation is, he can't stand it!

"Grass mud horse! Does the bitter loser dare to pretend to be 13? Let the mouse go!" Although the peerless young master was domineering and his mouth was not clean, his brain was a little crooked. He snorted coldly. The four blood cows he hired caught a mouse and threw it at Liu Baiyu!

What's the matter? Can the novice village still be disguised like this? Liu Baiyu was shocked. Because the newborn mouse was injured, he still took the initiative to attack the monster. It was far away from the peerless young master and the four bloody cows he hired. He bit around Liu Baiyu. The damage of the four newborn mice was 12. Liu Baiyu only had 30 blood left, while Liu Baiyu was agile and low. The newborn mice If you hit him, you will hit him with every blow! As a result, it turned into white light in less than two seconds and realized the virgin hanging in the novice village!

"Grass mud horse! Suffering loser, this time you know why no one came to rob me. Get out of here. In the future, I will kill you once. Civilization online game uses your brain. 13 kneel honestly, otherwise you will be hurt!" As soon as the peerless young master saw it, he cleaned up another blind man and snorted coldly, and continued to let the four bloody cows he hired help him practice!

Liu Baiyu's eyes darkened, and it took him ten seconds to resurrect come back at the transmission point. Unexpectedly, the peerless young master's mouth was not clean, but there were still crooked ideas. The trick of throwing mice in the novice village was also full of new ideas, but the peerless young master was too crazy, and there were many opportunities to deal with him in the future! The key is that you can no longer use the experience of ordinary online games to see civilization, and you will suffer great losses!

"Meow, meow, meow!" With a few pleasant cat calls, Liu Baiyu looked down. A blue-eyed white cat squatted in front of him. The big white cat was covered with clean white hair and its toned muscles, reflecting light in the sun. A pair of big blue eyes were like sapphire - people couldn't help but want to hug...

Unfortunately, this big white cat lost all his goodwill with one mouth:

"Meow, human beings are really useless. They can't even deal with newborn mice! It seems that we have to rely on cats to deal with mice! Human, I think you still like it. Send me a letter and contact a cat to help me, so that the rat can be completely eradicated!"

This big white cat is really crazy! Liu Baiyu took over the task of the big white cat and immediately calculated a few points of this task. 1 must die in the hands of the newborn young mouse once to receive it. 2 It still looks good, indicating that this task must be attractive enough!

Forget it, just think of this big white cat as arrogant. Anyway, there are many cats with bad temper in reality, but...

"Big white cat, can you help me relieve the state of plague? How can the negative state of this game not disappear after resurrection!" The plague lost a little blood in a second, and a few drops in a short time. Liu Baiyu did not dare to walk in this state.

"Meow, you are so rude, what kind of big white cat? Can I call you a yellow man? Call me Mr. Snow White! Come here and get rid of the plague for you!" The big white cat's big eyes showed contempt, which made Liu Baiyu lower his head and reach out to touch it! Liu Baiyu took a look and got Mr. Bai Xue's material!

Name: Mr. Snow White Race: Cat Level 40

Life: 3000

Defense: 1000

physique: 55

Agility: 55

Strengthes: 40

Intelligence: 45

Attack: 130-140

Deadly attack strength: 14

Magic value: 4000

Magic Attack: 300-500

Sp cast speed: 100

Recovery speed: 100

Skill: Eighteen claws of the divine cat, 3% is likely to open the wound with each blow.

Title, legendary life in cats +1000, magic value +1500

King of Cat Life +1500, Magic Value +2000

Special ability: 1 to relieve the plague, which can relieve the negative state imposed by all rodent organisms!

2 Rat natural enemies, 3 times the damage to rat monsters!

3 The king's wind subdues all cat creatures and doubles the effect on female cats!

4 oppress the rats. When the king of cats is present, the rat creatures will trembling, and all values will be halved! Comments:

It's scary, but he is the boss of the plot. Unless you do something angry and resentful, they don't bother to pay attention to you!

You dead cat, I usually coax my cats like this. Do you think you are my master? Forget it, your data is awesome. I can't afford it!

Liu Baiyu's heart was noisy, but under the eaves, he had to bow his head and let the big white cat touch it twice. Sure enough, the plague state disappeared. Opening the big white cat's letter automatically showed the map and route of the back mountain. However, Liu Baiyu read the content of the letter and had a worse impression of the big white cat!

Dear Baiyun, after I saw it once, I can't forget your charming figure. The mice can't eat all day long, resulting in the flood of mice in the village. Can you help me give birth to a group of cute kittens to eliminate rats?

This big white cat means that it is not lech for the responsibility of killing rats. It's really thick-skinned! Liu Baiyu almost laughed and found that the big white cat still had a letter to him:

Humans, no matter what means you use, bring the white clouds to help you complete a hidden task! Tip - although you can't beat Baiyun, you can drug it or something...

Puff! This cat scum! Unfortunately, its appearance was very cute. Liu Baiyu was really speechless. He lowered his head and sent a letter. He went out of the back door of the novice village and the jungle opposite the target. I quickly trotted all the way. Just crossed the wooden bridge by the river, the system prompted, "Discover the willow jungle and gain 60 experience." Open the map and there is an additional willow sign with "will tree jungle" written on it, but from the map, this jungle is relatively large, and the place I am in is just a small spot on the periphery!

For good, this willow jungle does not seem to be a monster area. Liu Baiyu walked for 20 minutes and found the target. A cute white cat two times smaller than the big white cat lay there, wagging its tail lazily! It seems to be squinting and basking in the sun.

Liu Baiyu walked over and handed over the letter from the big white cat. The extremely cute white cat opened his eyes and looked twice. First, his eyes glowed, and then sighed:

"I also like Mr. Bai Xue a little, but the master's place... Forget it, you clean up the monsters there for me, and I'll go with you!"

Liu Baiyu took over Baiyun's task. Her master fell from the sky and made Liu Baiyu's eyes dizzy. Her master was a Taoist, shining golden all over, like a super big light bulb, and the title was an unknown Taoist!

This unknown Taoist doesn't even have a name, but he looks like a master. His beard is snow-white, and his immortal Taoist bone is a little immoral:

"Kid, I think you are disabled and determined [Liu Baiyu: If the attributes are lower, I xxoo] are very pleasing to me. There are 100 balloon monsters in my world. Go and clean them up. Although your level attributes are low, and the balloon monsters don't drop anything at all, the balloon monsters will not fight back. It should be possible!"

Won't you fight back? That's the kind of thick skin or high dodge, and you only need to grind time? In a word, it is much easier to deal with than the newborn mice, but it is better to practice and do tasks! Liu Baiyu nodded and took over the task!

Chapter 4 won't fight back? But it will explode!

The so-called Xumi world is actually similar to the scenery of the novice village. The balloon monster is like a watermelon-sized balloon with various patterns on it. Not only will it not fight back, but even this guy is passively attacked. Liu Baiyu took a look at the information about the new balloon monster!

Balloon Monster Life: 20 Level 1

Defense: 0

physique: 1

Agility: 0

Strengthes: 1

Intelligence: 1

Attack: 0

Deadly attack strength: 0

Intelligence: 1

Magic value: 0

Magic Attack: 0

Sp cast speed: 0

Recovery speed: 0

Special ability, self-explosion, explosion when you die. If you don't dodge, you will receive 100% damage to the life of the balloon monster. If you dodge but do not escape the explosion range, you will receive 50% of the life of the balloon monster. The damage is to ignore the defense damage!

Comment: If you don't have a long-range attack, pray for more blood!

The scope of self-explosion is also a little larger! Liu Baiyu killed several balloon monsters, and even used 18 rolls on the ground, but he could not escape the range of balloon monster's self-explosion, and even half of the range of balloon monster's self-explosion. The balloon monster's self-explosion range is 10x10 meters. Liu Baiyu calculated that unless he is agile and full value of 10 Agile 9 can't be avoided!

Does this balloon monster have to resist the self-explosive attack and grind slowly? When Liu Baiyu sat waiting for the blood to return, he finally came up with a way. Didn't he say that balloons are afraid of long-range attacks, so it's okay...

In fact, it's very simple. It's up to you. When Liu Baiyu hit the balloon monster with only blood skin this time, he immediately distanced, threw a novice dagger, and then rolled on the ground 18 times. As a result, except for one carelessness, he failed to escape the range of the balloon monster's self-explosion. The remaining dozens of times were balloon monsters. With a sound, he blew himself up.

Unexpectedly, it basically didn't consume anything, so it destroyed one balloon monster after another, and finally the number of balloon monster was fixed on 99!

Isn't it required to kill 100 balloon monsters? Where is the hundredth? Liu Baiyu searched for a long time and didn't find the 100th balloon monster. At this time, he found that it seemed to be dark!

Liu Baiyu looked up and saw that it was dark! It turned out that the 100th balloon monster appeared! He is so big that he covers the sky and the sun! It's as big as 99 other balloon monsters!

Name: Mysterious Vacuum, Race Balloon Monster Level 10

Life: 30000

Defense: 0

physique: 550

Agility: 0

Strengthes: 0

Intelligence: 0

Attack: 0

Deadly attack strength: 0

Magic value: 0

Magic Attack: 0

Sp cast speed: 0

Recovery speed: 0

title, legendary life in the balloon monster +10000,

The life of the king of balloon monsters +15000

Special ability:

1 powerful self-detonation, explosion when you die, if you dodge, you will receive 300% damage equivalent to the life of the balloon monster. If you dodge but do not escape the explosion range, you will receive 100% damage to the life of the balloon monster, the damage is to ignore the defense damage!

Comment: If you are not a super-blooded cow, it is a wise idea to turn around and run. If you have to kill it, please keep enough distance!

Liu Baiyu looked at the information of the mysterious vacuum, the king of balloon monster, and took a deep breath. The best way to do this is to team up with multiple people and then sacrifice one person to kill it! If you have to kill alone, you can only fly kites with long-range weapons. That is, in close combat, you can only use skills or weapons such as repel to squeeze the mysterious vacuum, the balloon monster king to a corner, then try to run away, throw weapons to kill, and finally roll on the ground. Of course, it's the same if you know traps and other skills!

But the problem is that Liu Baiyu is now a newcomer. He has nothing. Although he came up with so many ways in an instant, he has nothing, and in order to complete the task, he must kill the mysterious vacuum balloon monster king! What should I do?

What should I do? That's it. Anyway, Liu Baiyu also figured it out. If it is a low-level task, it is estimated that he can complete the task by being killed by the mysterious vacuum balloon monster king. If he has to kill the mysterious vacuum balloon monster king, he still force the player not to die, which means that this task is not prepared for this low-level player at all!

After all, it is normal to play online games and some extremely difficult tasks cannot be completed. Just have a good mentality!

Although the blood volume of the mysterious vacuum balloon monster king is very long, there is no defense. Liu Baiyu cut him with a novice dagger, almost no miss, and even often hit -6 such critical damage. The mysterious vacuum balloon monster king 30,000 blood soon bottomed out and fell 3 digits. Next, Liu Baiyu cheered up, because he remembered another possibility, that is, the self-explosion of the balloon monster king may be avoided, because he found that there was a cliff on the edge of the map, so after throwing the mysterious vacuum with his weapon, he may avoid the self-explosion of the balloon monster king of the mysterious vacuum. !

After all, since there is a cliff on the edge of this map, it may mean this possibility. After all, your starting data is poor. If you don't complete some hidden tasks, the invalid number is almost necessary, so you must consider all aspects of the task and don't make mistakes!

68,62......16,10,4! The mysterious vacuum, the balloon monster king, finally reached the edge of death under the attack of Liu Baiyu. Liu Baiyu calmly retreated to the edge of the cliff, threw weapons to kill, and then picked off the cliff!

With a loud noise, the mysterious vacuum, the self-explosion of the balloon monster king, shook the world constantly! Liu Baiyu, who was shocked in mid-air, was dizzy! Fortunately, the prompt came!

Congratulations on making money, you killed the legendary mysterious vacuum in the balloon monster, get the epic degree +1, you kill the mysterious vacuum of the balloon monster king, get the epic degree +2, you get the golden crossbow cursed by black items, get 200 gold coins, and get the mystery A skill book!

Chapter 5 Hidden Occupation, Skill Variation

Congratulations on working to make money. You killed the mysterious vacuum, the balloon monster king, completed the task, gained 30,000 experience points, and you rose to level 5! Please go to the unknown Taoist to hand over the task!

Sure enough, without Liu Baiyu's expectation, after avoiding the mysterious vacuum, the self-explosive attack of the balloon monster king, he could transmit it even in the air. A white light returned to the unknown Taoist. Liu Baiyu hurriedly handed over the task!

Congratulations on making money from players. You have completed the test of the task treasure hunter and transferred to the treasure hunter. Your charm has been permanently increased by 5 points! You have acquired the skill adventure! You have gained the professional ability of treasure hunters, and the dropped items will be automatically collected!

I have transferred, and it is still an unheard-of profession as a treasure hunter. Although it can be transferred at level 5, it only adds charm without the upper limit of blood and blue, and because of the hidden occupation, the skills are not easy to learn. The combat effectiveness of this profession is estimated to be much higher...

Forget it, anyway, you are here to make money. Treasure hunters must have an advantage in treasure hunting, and there is no loss if you turn around! Let's see what the new skill adventure is!

Skill Adventure: While killing monsters, there is a chance to get mysterious items and even hidden task items [Of course, the quality of this mysterious item and even hidden task items are rewarded, depending on luck] When completing the task, you can get an additional reward!

I'll go, what a skill! Although there is a chance to get mysterious items and even hidden task items, which are almost impossible to touch the lottery, you can get an additional reward when completing the task, which is unbelievable. After all, in the early stage of the game, there is a big lack of money, lack of experience, lack of... In short, everything is missing, and the task is also a reward. When you complete the task, you can get an additional reward! It's almost double the reward!

"Hey, boy! Do you still have a skill book and a golden crossbow? Give me the identification, and I'll charge you 200 gold coins. Who will make you look good?

This uncle, you happen to want 200 gold coins. Don't you know how to gain insight? Well, Liu Baiyu is also connected. It costs 60 gold coins to identify a blue item in the village appraisal house. The skill book and so on are estimated to be sky-high, and I heard that the appraisal technology is also graded, and the village appraisal house can't identify blue or above items. If you don't take this money, I'm afraid you may not have a chance to spend it!

"Thank you for your hard work!" Liu Baiyu said politely!

"It's not hard, just touch it!" The unknown Taoist really touched it, and the mysterious skill book revealed his true face! Skills, force the treasure [Treasure Hunter Exclusive] No matter how stingy the monster is, the treasure hunter should also peel off a layer of skin! If you don't drop the treasure, you have to lose it! Iron roosters such as elemental monsters and balloon monsters are the same! If the monster has dropped the treasure, then forced to drop the treasure will get an extra item!

Liu Baiyu did not hesitate to learn this skill. This skill is unbelievable. According to his explosion rate in the novice village, he killed ten newborn rats and only lost one or two materials - note that the material is not equipment, but the goods for money! Forced treasure drop cooperation has a chance to get the skills of mysterious items and even hidden task items, which is twice as powerful as the vip permanent treasure drop in many garbage games!

Thinking of this, Liu Baiyu finally understood what the essence of the treasure hunter is, that is, the gold captain raised by the big guild. Although he has no powerful skills, he is powerful, so he must have him. If he transferred to the treasure hunter, he basically becomes the gold in the game. Get the job! Looking at the popularity of online game civilization, it is not a dream to find a big guild and earn tens of thousands of yuan a month!

Well, don't think so much, let's see what the attributes of the golden crossbow are! Liu Baiyu took a look and was speechless.

Cursed golden crossbow damage 1-1

attribute 1. Damage is real damage, no physical or magic defense can be exempted, and it is not affected by reduced damage attributes. At the same time, when the real life of the player or monster returns to 0, it is attacked by the cursed golden crossbow and dies immediately!

[For example, if a player's own 180 blood, equipment or medicine adds 140 blood, and the cursed golden crossbow attacks, if a player himself is less than 180 blood, he will die immediately. 140 blood added by equipment or drugs does not work at all!]

Attribute 2 attack speed up, the highest speed

Attribute 3 is *

each time

Attribute 4 unlimited number of crossbows

Attribute 5 will never wear out

Curse 1. The cursed golden crossbow attack is the attack that attracts the monster's damage the most, and the monster attack has the highest priority.

Curse 2. Multiple seals, the cursed golden crossbow multiple attributes are sealed, which need to be untied one by one

Curse 3 cannot be strengthened, washed, and cannot be refined

shows that the cursed golden crossbow has a strange connection with the death of Emperor Yan. To lift the curse, please go to the Yan Emperor's Mausoleum in various world to find clues.

Soul binding, non-trading, non-dropable!

Congratulations on working to make money. You have accepted the mandatory task and solved the mystery of the cursed golden crossbow. The duration of the task is unlimited! Get epic +2

The attributes of the cursed golden crossbow are good or bad, and Liu Baiyu can't say whether it is good or not, but good is that there is no level, and the attribute requirements are at least the best in the early stage!

What's better is that although the skill adventure is learned after completing the task, the attribute that can get an additional reward has already worked. The unknown Taoist opened an interface with a smile, which is like five poker cards, with the back facing up, which is obviously one of the five rewards!

This is completely a big luck. Liu Baiyu couldn't choose. Suddenly, he remembered his high charm attributes and flattered the unknown Taoist:

"Can you choose all five!"

"You are not afraid that the system will empty your number directly and give it a try!"

"Can you give me a hint?"

"It's useless to be sweet. We are not close to each other!"

The hint is so obvious that if Liu Baiyu can't react, he will simply commit suicide. So many years of game has become a white bird!

"Master, please give me some guidance!"

System prompt, congratulations to players for working to make money and becoming a teacher. The master is an unknown Taoist

Although the movement and expression on the unknown Taoist's face remain unchanged, the middle finger of his left hand is telescopic, which is obviously exploiting the loophole of the rules!

Liu Baiyu got the prompt and took the middle one

System prompt, congratulations to players for working and making money to get black cursed equipment, blood-stained Confucian clothes, and equipment type underwear [Does not affect the wearing of armor]


Defense: +20





Charm plus 10

Curse,: physique:-1 agility:-1 strength:-1 intelligence:-1

Can't be strengthened, washed, and can't be refined!

Soul binding, non-trading, non-dropable!

It shows that Confucius's close-fitting clothes were cursed by hundreds of ancestors after deposing Confucianism. To lift the curse, please go to the Spring and Autumn Warring States or other Confucian worlds to trigger the task. It is suggested that the task level is extremely dangerous, and it is recommended that players complete it after level 120.

The system prompts that players work to make money, and you trigger the curse of hundreds of ancestors of hidden tasks! The curse of hundreds of ancestors will attack, and your skills will mutate immediately! Get epic +5 In order to compensate players to work and make money, your talent is awakened, you can identify all the items below bright gold, and you can see through all the attributes of monsters - in view of the monsters' changes and hidden attributes, please don't believe too much in the data of the eyes!

Do skills produce immediate mutations? How to play this? Liu Baiyu almost cried, but suddenly remembered that his profession was a treasure hunter, which was originally a treasure hunter, and the object mutation was obviously to change the treasure, which was not necessarily a loss. And the talented eye awakening can identify all the items below the bright gold, and can see through all the attributes of the monster. Obviously, it is also extremely strong. The big auxiliary skills are completely compatible with his identity as a treasure hunter. With the talent of wisdom, Liu Baiyu found a big guild and had more confidence to earn tens of thousands of yuan a month. Of course, he became a master or something. Anyway, he had nothing to do with the profession of treasure hunter. Liu Baiyu had already given up. However, many things were unexpected by Liu Baiyu. Later, a treasure hunter he knew was one of the top three masters in civilization. Liu Baiyu himself became the top ten masters in civilization, and even if he was against the strongest, he had no chance of winning. At most, it was because he could not afford to take other people's good medicine. It's just over.

In a word, the advantage of the former treasure hunter in civilization lies in the endless possibilities. There are also many people who have become treasure captains.

After the task was completed, the unknown Taoist disappeared into the air with a smile. At the same time, the beautiful female cat Bai Yun also jumped on Liu Baiyu's shoulder. As soon as Liu Baiyu got the talent and insight, he patted it on it. As a result, he was almost scared to death!

Name: Baiyun Beauty Race: White Tiger Adult Level 300

Life: 3000000000

Defense: 1000000

physique: 55000

Agility: 55000

Strengthes: 40000

Intelligence: 45000

Attack: 13000-140000

Fatal attack strength: 140000

Magic value: 4000000

Magic Attack: 300000-500000

Spearing speed: 100000

Recovery speed: 10000

Title, supreme mythical beast life +1000000, magic value +150000

King of Cats Life +1500000, Magic Value+2000000

Special ability: 1 majestic beasts can relieve the negative state imposed by all biological instincts! It even includes mutant creatures, scientific and technological synthetic monsters, and humans

2 Supreme mythical beast, 3 times the damage to biological monsters!

3 King's Wind, hypnotize all creatures, double the effect on males!

4 Intimidating creatures, when the supreme mythical beast is present, any biological instinct will trembling, and all values will be halved!

5 is charming, irresistible, beyond the existence of race and gender, in the form of cats, add 80 to all npc

Absorb life, when the life drops to half, automatically launch once, and absorb the life is 30% of your total health value [This skill is a general skill of the boss, but the extraction ratio is inconsistent. According to the level of the boss, the proportion of absorbing life increases!]

7 disguised cat, unless there is divine monster identification or response skills, you will only see her disguised cat attributes!


I have infinite charm and found a silly innocent little male cat Bai Xue. It seems that there will be another minister under my skirt!

Chapter 6: Touch the hidden mission to completely eliminate rat damage

This is not a good bird, but it's a pity that the appearance is so cute. Liu Baiyu smiled secretly and called the male cat Bai Xue so awesome. This time I'll give you a female tiger. You can suffer! However, although this guy looks cute, he really can't afford to provoke him. Otherwise, even if his favorability goes up, what should he do if he gives you a forced time-limited task that can't be achieved?

Of course, as a master of games, Liu Baiyu immediately understood two things:

First, since absorbing life is a general skill of the boss in civilization, the sea of people tactics that rely on people are probably useless, and elite masters will play a great role. Second, unknown Taoists can raise the supreme mythical beast as a cat, but I'm afraid he is also an extremely strong boss. Although his master has not handed in anything, he will definitely not eat it in the future. It's a loss! Third, his talent and insight seem to be equivalent to god-level monster identification. It is definitely an extremely powerful skill, which is much more powerful than combat skills!

It's just that Liu Baiyu could see the true face of the beautiful woman. The male cat Bai Xue did not have this ability. As soon as he saw that the cat in his heart was brought by Liu Baiyu, the male cat Bai Xue hugged the beautiful woman Baiyun without image and kissed her a few times. The beautiful woman Baiyun was pitiful to leave the cat, but she was held down by the male cat Bai Xue!

You will be crazy. You will feel good in the future. Liu Baiyu can't help laughing and reminding the male cat Bai Xue that his reward has not been given yet. The male cat Bai Xue can't help it! I have to send Liu Baiyu's electric light bulb first!

System prompt, congratulations to players on working to make money and completing the entrustment of the hidden task male cat Bai Xue!

You gained 10,000 experience and rose to level 6!

Liu Baiyu won the task reward, but he didn't leave at all. The angry male cat Bai Xue had no choice but to give Liu Baiyu another thing: prop: the letter of the male cat Bai Xue - dear friend, you are so confident that you must completely eliminate the rat pest for me! Then go, friendly reminder, there are two super monsters that can drop a lot of good things, but because of the rules, I can only stand by! I'm optimistic about you!

System prompt, congratulations to players on working to make money, and completely eliminate the rat damage by touching the hidden task! This task is a mandatory task. If you do not complete the deduction of attribute points, please be sure to try it!

I'll go! It seems that high charm is not necessarily a good thing. Liu Baiyu wants to cry without tears, but there is no way out. This kind of task is not for him to do alone. At the same time, all players in the novice village have been prompted:

System prompts, congratulations to players who work to make money to trigger all the tasks and completely eliminate the pest. Please repel the mouse to attack the city under the leadership of working to make money, and count down to start! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!

Liu Baiyu rushed to the entrance of the village with the countdown and found that the torrent of gray-black mice was overwhelmingly pressed down, and even the color of the land was covered. Looking carefully, there were even some blue and white rats mixed with them, more old The mouse is a little bigger, obviously a small boss, and the most terrible thing is a super mouse, like the size of a giant elephant, walking and swaying on the mountain. Although the speed is extremely slow, it is obviously a super boss, which immediately makes the players despair!

"Let's team up to kill monsters. What are you afraid of? We have novice protection. This is the experience package! All back! High-physique stuck at the intersection, high-strength attack, long-range behind, team up to kill!"

Liu Baiyu knew that he needed to work together now and hurriedly command the formation to cheer everyone up. Moreover, Liu Baiyu found that because he seemed to have triggered all the tasks, he could ignore the unlimited number of people and form a team. In a short time, he formed hundreds of people and stabilized his position!

At this time, Liu Baiyu knew the power of the cursed golden crossbow, because the attack speed is extremely fast. Almost the mouse in front of him can attack, and the cursed golden crossbow can attack three times. Coupled with the nature of *, it is 15 points of damage. Kill one in almost an instant!

How is that possible? 15 points of damage? The newborn young mouse still has 20 blood!

Liu Baiyu used his talented eyes and found that it was really harmful! Adult mouse data level 3

Life: 50, 15 points of real life, the rest is bonus life

Defense: 12

physique: 5

Agility: 15


Intelligence: 3

Attack: 9-12

Deadly attack strength [C critical strike]: 13

Magic value: 0

Magic Attack: 0

Sp cast speed: 0

Recovery speed: 0

Special ability, plague, reduce a drop of blood per second!

Life bonus, 35 life

Comment: General monsters, first-class players can fight one-on-one, but once the number reaches a certain level...

The cursed golden crossbow, the real damage was really powerful, and it was a rapid attack. In an instant, the mouse was knocked down one after another. Liu Baiyu paid great attention to the position of the body when the mouse died. In a short time, two hills were piled up, forcing the mouse to attack from the front, and because Liu Baiyu commanded When, he fought and retreated and retreated to an alley in the village. As a result, in a positive situation, the two players only faced three mice. In addition, Liu Baiyu's cursed golden crossbow actually killed the mouse at 15 points. Even the first-class player can completely stop it! And if you dare to set the front, it is level 3 and 4. In theory, there is naturally no problem!

Of course, occasionally players are killed into white light, but they are greedy for half-blooded experience and do not retreat. This is not something that Liu Baiyu can restrain. After all, Liu Baiyu is just a temporary captain, and there is no high prestige!

But in fact, he doesn't covet experience points later, and he doesn't get a lot of experience points. With Liu Baiyu's rapid speed, those players who don't covet experience are also worth +3, +4 and so on. Liu Baiyu himself's experience value is the same as flying and killing the mouse at 15 o'clock with the real damage. Like opening a plug-in, he actually rose to level 7 and more than half in just 30 minutes!

It's so cool to brush experience points, but will online game civilization allow players to brush monsters very easily? Of course not! At this time, the giant mouse, which seemed to be the size of a domestic pig, suddenly went crazy and killed dozens of mice in the way, and then directly faced the players who were stuck!

With a roar, a large ice ray appeared. It turned out that this blue giant mouse was a magic type! Moreover, the magic launched is still a small range of group attacks. The number -102 appeared on the heads of the four players, but they were all killed in seconds. Although one of them was a blood cow, it was also killed because it resisted the mouse attack in front of it and was not full of blood!

This blue giant mouse magician showed a small range of group attack magic, and the players were immediately dumbfounded. After all, it was just a temporary team to enjoy happiness and adversity.

Liu Baiyu is experienced. The cursed golden crossbow continuously attacked the blue giant mouse with real damage at 15 o'clock and dodged, and there was no time to launch magic. Liu Baiyu took the opportunity to check the information of the blue giant mouse

Blue giant mouse level 13

Life: 500, 150 points of real life, the rest is bonus life

Defense: 70

physique: 32

Agility: 15

Strength: 16

Intelligence: 33

Attack: 19-32

Deadly attack strength [C critical strike]: 130

Magic value: 100

Magic Attack: 100

Spearing speed: 10

Recovery speed: 10

Special ability, plague, reduce a drop of blood per second!

Life bonus, 350 life

Magic attack can emit frozen rays of small-scale group attacks.

Ice expert, the freezing ray has an additional freezing effect, and the basic freezing time is 2.1 seconds. With the player's ice defense, there will be time fluctuations.

Comment: The mouse has no magical talent, but it is greedy and swallows a magic core of ice warcraft, you know.

Life: What's the use of 500? Like defense: 70, 15 points of real damage in the face of the cursed golden crossbow is the same. 150 points of real life, and dying 10 times is the essence!

Liu Baiyu thought for a moment and immediately settled down and shouted:

"Don't be afraid, the life of the French monster is not high. I'll suppress it. Work hard in the front row in close combat and continue to kill mice!" It should be said that Liu Baiyu was right and commanded correctly, but he forgot that this was a temporary team. He had no reputation to speak of, and he deliberately made trouble!

Chapter 7 The camp battle of the novice village, reverse!

"Working to make money, don't brag. Your crossbow is a good thing. The damage of hitting mice is 1. Even if the attack is high and fast, even if it is a legal system in the face of the boss, you can't bear it. When you kill it, everyone will die!"

Who started at the critical moment? Liu Baiyu looked up and saw that it was the peerless young master!

"Kid, don't be demagogic. Are you blind? The damage of the boss who works to make money is different from ours. Kill the mouse at 15 points. We have to hurt 50. Can't you see? I believe that the boss who works to make money can destroy the blue giant mouse boss, which is still easy!

"Peerless young master, shut up when you are blind. The golden crossbow of the boss who works to make money is definitely bright gold or even dark gold items. Do you have it? A loser dares to be named a peerless young master. Compared with us working to make money, go home and eat milk!"

Not good! Liu Baiyu knew that he was trapped. Aren't these two blood cattle hired by the peerless young master? Speaking of which, isn't it just to point out that your cursed golden crossbow is the best and intend everyone to take the opportunity of the mouse frenzy to let the mouse explode themselves! I had to grit my teeth!

"Hall, I know everyone wants the best, but please take a look. This cursed golden crossbow is locked with my soul, bound to my soul, non-trading, and can't fall! Let's complete the task together and don't do anything harmful to ourselves!"

Liu Baiyu had no choice but to reveal the attributes of the cursed golden crossbow, especially emphasizing soul binding, which is not tradeable and cannot fall! These attributes!

After all, experience is rare. Players who are incited by the peerless young master see that the cursed golden crossbow soul is bound, and the attributes that cannot be traded and cannot be dropped are gradually calmed down. After all, many people are willing to do things that are harmful to others and self-interest, things that are harmful to others, and even harmful to themselves...

But the peerless young master actually had a trick, and this guy sneered:

"The task is good, but you have it and I have it. Let's have a look!" All the players in the novice village received the task: change the camp and join the Rat King - join the team of the peerless young master as the captain! 30,000 mission reward experience!

[Here is the mechanism for the formation of civilized tasks. Theoretically, boos can also release tasks, but the prerequisite for the field boss to release tasks is that someone has a sworn enemy relationship with the captain of the task team! Of course, it costs a lot to die in the later stage, so this is not a bug, and there is nothing to drill into. Of course, small bugs are inevitable.]

After all, this is a temporary team, and many people are willing to do things that are harmful to others and self-interest. After all, 30,000 experience is a number that many ordinary players can't get in three days, and the result can naturally be imagined!

Liu Baiyu watched the number of people in his team drop from more than 300 to dozens, and immediately knew that it was irreparable. He immediately turned around and fled, ready to find a terrain of cellar or something to kill mice!

Liu Baiyu's hun is not wrong. He just broke away from these players, and the peerless young master released another task: all the players in the novice village received the task and gave the players to the Rat King to make money. He personally caught 50,000 rewards for working to make money, and the rest of the players rewarded 30,000!

That is, just throw the money from working in the pile of rats? Suddenly, almost all the players' eyes turned red, and Liu Baiyu's team was emptied in an instant. The players rushed to Liu Baiyu viciously. In Liu Baiyu's map, they also changed from harmless green dots to mouse-like red dots. In an instant, the mice all entered the village, and the players of the mouse camp were not attacked, and rushed to Liu Baiyu!

Liu Baiyu was chased by players and mice together. The npc in the village did not dare to pay attention to him. They all closed the door to avoid trouble and did not let him in. Although Liu Baiyu knew that with his super charm, he could definitely open the door, he had no time at all!

What's worse, because the peerless young master chased him too quickly, Liu Baiyu continuously beat him with a cursed golden crossbow, but only knocked off 45 drops of this guy's blood, but the details were seen by the peerless young master:

"Don't be afraid, it turns out that the golden crossbow that works to make money is easy to kill bosses and monsters, and it is not easy to use for players! Real damage is naked life without equipment!"

Grass and mud horse, is my master dream going to be lost in the hands of such a garbage as the peerless young master? Liu Baiyu gritted his teeth and was about to fight desperately when he heard a very good voice: Meow!

It turned out that Bai Yun and his wife came. Obviously, Bai Xue's color cat was squeezed badly. The whole cat lost a lot of weight. Looking at Bai Yun, he cringed, poor baby...

"The task has mutated. Let's balance it. Come with me. If no one helps you, you are pitiful! Meow!"

However, because the mission mutated, Liu Baiyu did not have any teammates, so Baiyun and his wife came to balance it. After all, the game of civilization is about balance. If Liu Baiyu is easily killed, then all the players in the novice village can easily get a large amount of experience, which is obviously not balanced!

Liu Baiyu followed Baiyun and his wife, turned left and right, and entered a small stone bunker, that is, one person came high, but it was chiseled out of a boulder with four characters of Blackstone Fortress. As soon as Liu Baiyu entered, he heard a loud noise. Obviously, his weight triggered the mechanism of the Blackstone Fortress, which weighed more than a thousand catties. The stone door automatically closed, and the Baiyun couple were too light, so there was no response!

The place where the card kills monsters! Liu Baiyu immediately understood. After all, Bai Yun and his wife's combat effectiveness? Forget Bai Xue's cat. Bai Yun mm took out his real skills. It is estimated that all the monsters and players in the novice village are not opponents together! Naturally, it will not fight directly. Naturally, it is unbalanced. However, it is estimated that the white cat will not fight directly, but it will use its special ability to help itself, which is equivalent to adding a super aura to itself!

Sure enough, there is a cat hole in this blackstone fortress. When he was young, a mouse could easily enter, and two mice could not get in. As soon as Liu Baiyu found here, countless mice in the cat hole came over. Liu Baiyu relied on the power of the golden crossbow, but the attack speed was extremely fast and almost did not withstand it. It was still the big cat Baixue. Meow, a yellow translucent halo was added to Liu Baiyu!

Big cat white snow talent skill attack! When the king of cats is present, rat creatures will trembling, and all values will be halved!

Liu Baiyu temporarily gained the ability to oppress the rats! Theoretically, after the real life of the mouse is halved, it is about 7-8 points, and the damage of Liu Baiyu's golden crossbow, because the attack speed is extremely fast, plus *, it is impossible to kill a mouse in an instant, but because when the king of cats is present, rat creatures will tremble, the rest 2-3 points of the real-life mouse was so scared that it immediately fled, interrupted the rats' charge and formation, and actually helped Liu Baiyu create a buffer zone!

Ha ha, it's absolutely safe! Liu Baiyu kept shooting, because of the counterattack of deserters and mice, the buffer zone that helped Liu Baiyu create was getting bigger and bigger! Liu Baiyu's experience value rose rapidly and soon approached the 8th level!

But it is very obvious that online game civilization will never allow you to simply get stuck. Liu Baiyu doesn't pay attention to a fat pig-sized yellow mouse, which is a lightning attack. Liu Baiyu's head is a big-105

Yellow Giant Mouse Level 13

Life: 500, 150 points of real life, the rest is bonus life

Defense: 70

physique: 32

Agility: 15

Strength: 16

Intelligence: 33

Attack: 19-32

Deadly attack strength [C critical strike]: 130

Magic value: 100

Magic Attack: 100

Spearing speed: 10

Recovery speed: 10

Special ability, plague, reduce a drop of blood per second!

Life bonus, 350 life

Magic attack can emit lightning in a small range of group attacks.

Electrical expert, lightning additional freezing effect, the basic freezing time is 2.1 seconds, with the player's electrical defense, there will be time fluctuations.

Comment: The mouse has no magical talent, but it is greedy and swallows the core of an electric warcraft, you know.

And Liu Baiyu's life foundation 50 points blood-stained Confucian clothes, life +50, and because of the real damage, the important upgrade of basic life 7 level 35 points are added to life, one point is life +10. There are 450 points of life, which is almost the same as the strongest blood cow. So there is nothing big, but I am still shocked, because I no longer have other players as a meat shield, and the damage is all suffered by myself, and this magic mouse is obviously very intelligent, standing far away from the aura of its own powerful rats, and no attributes are affected! You can kill yourself in 5 seconds, and it takes at least 10 rounds to kill it yourself!

This is simply a dead end! No, online game civilization is definitely not that kind of garbage online game, and there is no dead end! Isn't the big cat Bai Xue a simple npc to impose a halo?

Chapter 8 Skill Secret Merchant

Sure enough, Liu Baiyu turned around and found that the big cat Bai Xue smiled strangely at him. He looked at the big cat Bai Xue and an option appeared:

Boy, do you need supplies? But I don't open a store! So you must know the secret merchant skill, so you must give me 10 mouse meat, 10 mouse tails, 10 mouse beards, and 10 mouse internal organs!

Liu Baiyu clicked and reminded that he did not have enough mouse internal organs. He ignored this obscene cat. Liu Baiyu decisively found Baixue's wife. Sure enough, the female cat was easy to talk, as long as 8 mouse meat, 8 mouse tails, 8 mouse beards and 8 mouse internal organs were enough! The big cat Bai Xue is a profiteer!

System prompts, congratulations to players who work to earn money to obtain secret skills and secret merchants. After their favorability meets the requirements of the boss, they can trade with any boss with contribution!

Liu Baiyu saw that his contribution was more than 3,000. He thought he was very rich, but when he saw the project that the mythical beast Baiyun could exchange, he took a breath of cold air. The first item was 9 7 contributions, but it was really worth it!

White tiger's teeth, fake! Item type Two-handed sword damage 1600-1900 real damage 100-200, increased by 50 points of strength. 20 points of agility, 30 points of intelligence! Level pseudo-magic artifact

attribute 1,40% chance of ignoring defense, 30% chance of direct shock, 30% chance of opening the wound, and losing life at a rate of 5% per second.

Attribute 2 attack speed up, fast

Att 3 can summon two young white tigers to fight every day, but if two young white tigers die, all values will be reduced by 20%

Attribute 4 attached skill white tiger smiles arrogantly, causing damage within 1000*1000 meters, and the damage per second is 100-200. This damage is real damage, with a duration of 10 minutes and a cooling time of 24 hours

Equipment requires strength 120, intelligence level 70 95, white tiger blood endurance 3000.

It explains that there are too few good things, but there are too few white tiger blood!

I'm going. This is still an imitation injury. What if the real product is awesome? It seems that the bloodline of the so-called mythical beast is also very awesome. Pay attention to it in the future, and this equipment also requires intelligence, so if there is no professional requirement, equipment that greatly increases various values will also be valuable!

There are still a lot of things, and the attributes are dazzling, but some of the exchange values are higher than the teeth of the white tiger, fake! Liu Baiyu looked down and finally found something that was reasonably priced and had no special requirements:

Cat's Claw Item Type Long Dagger Damage 25-35 Real Damage 10-12 Increase 2 Points of Power. 6 points of agility, 3 points of intelligence! Level dark gold, this equipment is unique

attribute has a 110% chance to ignore defense, 5% chance to directly faint, 3% chance to open the wound, and lose life at a rate of 1% per second.

Attribute 2 attack speed up, fast

Attribute 3 can summon two young cats to fight every day, but if two young cats die, all the player's values will be reduced by 1%

Attribute 4 is accompanied by the skill Cat's Wrath, causing damage within 10*10 meters. The damage per second is 5-10. This damage is the real damage, with a duration of 10 minutes, and 3 times the damage to rats is 2 hours

Equip requires strength 12, agility 13 level 9, durability 30

Description, white tiger white cloud ** big cat white snow things, the specific content is harmonious...

Exchange points are 2000 points

Liu Baiyu glanced at it. Obviously, this thing is the key to passing the test, but now the contribution is not enough, so he has to continue to watch it. I finally found a medicine that I can afford!

The best dried rat meat food, quality blue

Add 10 points of blood per second after taking it, and a total of 100 points of blood will be added! Cooling time 4 hours, take it again during the cooling time, and the effect will be halved! Take it again, and the effect will be halved! The rest of the effects and so on!

Exchange points are 200 points

Excellent rat meat dry food, quality blue

Add 8 points of blood per second after taking it, and add a total of 80 points of blood! The cooling time is 5 hours, and if you take it again during the cooling time, the effect will be halved! Take it again, and the effect will be halved! The rest of the effects and so on!

Exchange points are 150 points

Rat meat dry food, white quality

Add 5 points of blood per second after taking it, and add a total of 50 points of blood! The cooling time is 6 hours. Take it again during the cooling time, and the effect will be halved! Take it again, and the effect will be halved! The rest of the effects and so on!

Exchange points are 100 points

expired rat meat dry food, quality black

Add 3 points of blood per second after taking it, and add a total of 30 points of blood! The cooling time is 7 hours. Take it again during the cooling time, and the effect will be halved! Take it again, and the effect will be halved! The rest of the effects and so on! Half of the possible blood can only add half, and you must gamble by luck!

Exchange points to contribute 20 points

Corrupt rat meat dry food, quality black

Add 1 point of blood per second after taking it, and add a total of 10 points of blood! There is no cooling time. Half of it is possible to add blood and get the plague effect. It's up to you whether you eat it or not

Exchange points to contribute 2 points

I understand that this corrupt rat meat dry food has no cooling time, so I'm afraid it's the main point of the task. It's just that it's all shot in one go, and there are only 99, which are still limited! As for the fine rat meat dry food, the best rat meat dry food can only be exchanged for three parts, and the rat meat dry food can only be exchanged for ten parts, which is not enough! After the exchange is completed, the refresh time of the new rat meat and dried food is 1 hour.

It seems that there is also a key task on the big cat Baixue. Liu Baiyu looked at the exchange menu of the big cat Baixue, which is much less than the mythical beast Baiyun, but there is also a mythical beast Baiyun!

Rat meat dry food manufacturing formula, white quality

Description, 1 automatically learn to dispense

2 General skills of cats - but cats do not use fire, so it is not necessary to refine rat meat dry food, but it is obvious that high-quality refined stoves can obviously increase the success rate and quality of rat meat dry food.

3 The quality of rat meat dry food basically depends on the freshness and quality of rat meat.

Exchange points are 2000 points

Liu Baiyu exchanged the recipe for the rat meat dry food manufacturing formula. After clicking to learn, he desperately clicked on the manufacturing option. At the same time, he ate a piece of the best rat meat dry food with a total of 100 points of blood, and then kept swallowing the corrupt rat meat dry food. After the plague, the big cat Baixue was relieved. Because he was too busy, Liu Baiyu didn't even look at the attributes of the drugs he made!

It was not easy to recover his life to about 400. Liu Baiyu looked out of the cat hole again and found that it was only these 10 seconds, and the mice rushed up again. The "safety zone" without mice narrowed again. Liu Baiyu sighed and could only shoot mice first. If he defended or dodge a little higher, no If you are afraid of mice approaching, you dare to carry ordinary mice, and it will be safe to attack and attack magic mice!

Sure enough, when Liu Baiyu shot dozens of mice and his life was almost full, the yellow giant mouse appeared again, giving Liu Baiyu two lightnings in a row, and even hit a paralysis effect, fixing Liu Baiyu for two seconds. Of course, Liu Baiyu counterattacked violently at the same time. Because the attack speed of the attack speed was extremely fast, he was hit twice and counterattacked five times at the same time. With *, he killed the real life of 25 points of the yellow giant mouse in one breath!

No matter how smart the giant mouse is, it is also the courage of the mouse. It dares not exchange the injury for injury. It was so scared that it mourned and retreated to the mouse group, which made the paralyzed Liu Baiyu have time to recover his blood!

Two and a half tubes of blood again, Liu Baiyu was scared half to death. Just now, there was a paralysis effect. If this guy doesn't shrink, I'm afraid it will be more and less lucky! He hurriedly flashed and left the cat hole. At the same time, he swallowed the rat meat and dried rat food. At the same time, take this opportunity to see if you have any equipment and how much rat meat you have obtained to synthesize rat meat dry food. Have you synthesized any good quality dried rat food from the recipe of rat dried food?

There is indeed a little gain! Just now, I was focusing on killing mice, and I really didn't pay attention to the treasure. Now I find that there is a gray boot like mouse skin lying there quietly!

Mouse boots, item types, shoes. Quality blue suit.

Defense 10 adds 2 points of strength. 1 point of agility, 1 point of intelligence, 1 point of physical strength, 1 point of strength. 10 points of life!

Attribute 1, reduce damage by 1 point

2 Mouse damage reduced by 1 point

Equip requires strength 4, agility 2 level 6, durability 130

Note: It's a very practical blue suit, killing more mice, it should not be difficult to put together!

is very practical. Although Liu Baiyu's strength and agility are not very useful because of the damage of the golden crossbow, 1 point of physical strength is equal to 10 lives, and 10 points of life is 20 lives, but it is very useful!

Chapter 9 Variant Drugs

And the rat meat dried food made by Liu Baiyu has also changed!

Rat Neidan Quality Gold

Add 30 points of life limit after taking it, and a player can only take it once in his life!

It shows that it should be something that can only be exploded by a thousand-year-old rat demon, but the player's ability to work to make money has mutated, so you don't need to understand it.

Unique super rat meat dry food quality artifact!

Add 50 points of blood per second after taking it until the end of the rat elimination mission! Adverse reactions, the player's attributes are reduced by 20% within three days. Please consider carefully and make a choice!

It shows that although it is an artifact, the effect of reducing attributes in the later stage is too scary, so let's eat it in the early stage!

Good thing, it seems that this is also one of the keys to passing the test. Liu Baiyu swallowed it without hesitation. Suddenly, the powerful characteristics of adding 50 blood in a second take effect, and life keeps rising!

Of course, Liu Baiyu also made relatively normal dried rat meat, but it was useless.

Rat meat dry food tonic pills, white quality

Add 8 points of blood per second after taking it, and add a total of 80 points of blood! The cooling time is 5 hours, and if you take it again during the cooling time, the effect will be halved! Take it again, and the effect will be halved! The rest of the effects and so on!

Please note that this item must be used out of combat, otherwise the recovery effect will be interrupted. It is not a blood elixirs, but safe food!

With the unique super rat meat dry food, the guarantee of adding 50 points of blood per second after taking it, Liu Baiyu suddenly became strong and kept shooting with the yellow giant mouse. As a result, it was only half a minute, and the yellow giant mouse screamed, turning into 20,000 experience points and a lot of things.

Fortunately, Liu Baiyu's transferred treasure hunter has an automatic pick-up function, otherwise he dares not pick up his defense at all. Even if he adds all blood, he dares to go, but he is a little disappointed that a big push is basically full of money, a total of 675 gold coins. Only a few pieces of equipment were exposed, and it was not very good

Mouse gloves, item types, gloves. Quality blue suit.

Defense 10 adds 1 point of strength. 1 point of agility, 1 point of intelligence, 1 point of physical strength, 1 point of strength, 10 points of life!

Attribute 1, reduce damage by 1 point

2 Reduce the damage to rats by 1 point

Equip requires strength 4, agility 2 level 5, durability 130

Note: It's a very practical blue suit, killing more mice, it should not be difficult to put together!

The basic attributes are the same as the mouse boots, *?

Mouse's tooth, item type, dagger. Quality blue weapon.

Damage 5-9 real damage 1-2, increasing 1 point of strength. 1 point of agility, 1 point of intelligence! 1 point of strength

attribute 11% chance of ignoring defense, 1% chance to open the wound, and lose life at a rate of 1% per second.

Attribute 2 attack speed up, fast

Attribute 3 The probability of causing plague per hit is 1%

Equip requires strength 3, agility 2 level 5, durability 120.

Note: If you can't afford a knife, you can use it, but don't cut yourself.

The inside of the mouse is dirty, the type of item, and throwing weapons. Quality blue throwing weapon.

Injury 15-19 Real Damage 11-12,

Att 1 attack speeds up, the speed is fast

Attribute 2 The probability of causing plague per hit is 100%

Equipment requires strength 3, agility 3 level 6, durability 1

Note: In fact, it's something that explodes when you throw it. It smells bad. You'd better use it as soon as possible! Of course, if you build a high enough skill level, you can also integrate it into the weapon, and the weapon will have a chance to trigger the state of plague.

What kind of smell is very bad, is it? If it is not 100% possible to cause plague with every blow

This attribute is very useful, and Liu Baiyu has all the heart thrown away. But obviously this thing is very useful, so I pinched my nose and included it in the inventory! There is also a skill book for treasure hunters

Put on the mouse's gloves and mouse's boots, which triggers the effect of the mouse suit. The mouse reduces the damage to the player by 2 points and 2 points. Liu Baiyu's current attribute is

Name: Working to Make Money Race: Human Level: 7 Legend 12

Real life: 400+30 mouse boots, mouse gloves add life +20, add 2 points of physical strength add 20 points of blood-stained Confucian clothes, life +50! The total life is 400+30+90=520

Defense: 10 constitution 41 additional defense 41 points, blood-stained Confucian defense: +20 mouse gloves +10 mouse boots +10

Total Defense 91

physique: 5+35+2-1=41

Agility: 5+2-1=6

Strength: 5+2-1=6

Intelligence: 5+2-1=6

Charm 10 blood-stained Confucian clothing +10 promotion treasure hunter, your charm will permanently increase by 5 points for a total of 25

Attack: 1-1 constant, never make mistakes, maximum speed, real damage

Dead attack strength: max

Magic value: 10+10 [intelligence plus 1] effect

Magic Attack: 2-6 [Intelligence Plus 1] Effect

Spearing speed: 20 [intelligence plus 1] effect

Recovery speed: 10+4 effect of physique 41

Real life: 430 total life 520 total defense 91 This is almost the data of the top blood cow. Coupled with the mouse's boots, the mouse's gloves have the attribute of reducing damage by 1 point, and the damage to rats is additionally reduced to 2 points. After the mouse suit is added, the mouse reduces the damage to the player by 2 points, and the player is injured. The damage has been reduced by 2 points, and the total damage has been reduced by 4 points, and the damage of rats has been reduced to 8! The adult mouse attack: 9-12, and then 1-4, which is almost negligible! As for the problem of plague damage, as long as you are hit by the plague, the big cat Bai Xue will be treated immediately, which is almost immune!

Liu Baiyu just needs to consider the attack of the mouse boss! This made Liu Baiyu see the hope of completing the task. It seems that this task is not so difficult!

Sure enough, Liu Baiyu continuously killed the blue giant mouse [ice system] red giant mouse [fire system] green giant mouse poison system, and the earth-colored giant mouse [earth system], which has been upgraded to level 9. Although all kinds of rat food has been exchanged for by Liu Baiyu, there are still dozens of homemade rat meat and dried food, all There is no cooling time. With the bug effect of adding 50 points of blood per second after taking the super mouse meat dry food of the quality artifact, Liu Baiyu's blood quickly approached the full value.

Chapter 10 Skill Provocation

And killed three mouse magicians in a row, bursting out thousands of gold coins, although only one piece of equipment and several sundries came out. There is also a skill book called suicide by Liu Baiyu

Skills, provocation, type active, mana consumption 1,

Improv the boss monster to drop treasure +1 and make the boss monster fall into a crazy state, regardless of enemy and attack, but the monster's values are increased by 20% and 20% of blood is restored!

Comment: The boss monster is also dignified. If you seize his hidden treasure, you will naturally fall into a crazy state. Before the boy is greedy, calculate whether you can deal with the counterattack of the crazy monster!

Liu Baiyu is ashamed. The monster boss in civilization is difficult enough to kill, and the monsters' values are increased by 20% and 20% blood is restored? This is for brushing the little boss, right? The big boss doesn't dare to use it!

For good, Liu Baiyu got one of the underwear in the mouse suit again

Mouse underwear, item type, underwear. Quality blue suit.

Defense 10 adds 2 points of strength. 1 point of agility, 1 point of intelligence, 1 point of physical strength, 1 point of strength. 10 points of life!

Attribute 1, reduce damage by 1 point

2 Mouse damage reduced by 1 point

Equip requires strength 4, agility 2 level 6, durability 130

Note: It's a very practical blue suit, killing more mice, it should not be difficult to put together!

Congratulations on working to make money. All the attributes of the blue mouse set are complete, and the attributes of the set are fully opened

Attribute 1, reduce damage by 10 points

2 rats reduce the damage to players by another 10 points

3 Immune to plague

4 Mouse attacks halve the damage to players, and this attribute is calculated after attribute 1,2!

5 player's life plus 100

That is to say, for Liu Baiyu, the mouse has nothing but forced damage. Liu Baiyu's 2 pole is still full of physical strength, real life: 420+30=450

The total life is 420+30+90+100=640, so I'm not afraid of mouse siege at all!

But online game civilization will not give you impossible tasks, nor can it give you easy tasks to complete. Sure enough, there are variables again!

Rumble, Rumble! As if there was an earthquake, Liu Baiyu was shaken and his health fell wildly. The system prompted that players work to make money. You were attacked by the earthquake of the mouse emperor. You were immune to the shock damage, and your health value was reduced by 150!

No way! Liu Baiyu took a deep breath. After all, he has made up the blue mouse suit. After the attributes of the suit are fully opened, the damage is reduced by 10 points, and the damage of rats to players is reduced by 10 points. The damage to players by mouse attacks are halved. After 3 attributes, the health value can be reduced by 150. If you don't make up the blue Isn't the colored mouse suit on the verge of death after 2 times!?

Fortunately, Liu Baiyu glanced at the mouse emperor and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. This guy's earthquake attack is also very limited. After all, the mouse emperor is also a super boss monster in the novice village, and due to racial problems, he will not be stronger than the big cat Bai Xue. At first glance, it is true!

Name: Mouse Emperor Race: Mouse Level 20

Life: 2000 Real Life 1600

Defense: 100

physique: 35

Agility: 20

Strength: 20

Intelligence: 25

Attack: 60-80

Dead attack strength: 8

Magic value: 200

Magic Attack: 100-200

Spearing speed: 60

Recovery speed: 10

Skill: Earthquake attack, each blow has 3% of the attributes to open the wound. The cooling time of this skill is 1 hour

Title, legendary life in rats +600, magic value +10

Rat King's Life +600, Magic Value +20

Fat as a mountain life +600, agile-30

Special ability: 1 Natural plague, every close attack can 100% impose a negative state of natural plague on all non-rats! Natural plague is an evolutionary version of plague, with 5% health every second!

2 The king of rats can be guided by pressure on rat monsters and triple the damage to rats!

3 The wind of the king subdues all rat creatures and doubles the effect on female mice!

4 oppress the rats. When the king of cats is present, the rat creatures will trembling, and all values will be halved!

5 Absorb life, automatically launch once when the life drops to half, and absorb life 30% of your total health value

6 crushing strike, causing a deceleration state of 5 seconds and 240% ordinary damage. Unless you are fatter than him, you will not be immune.

Comment: One of the bosses at the end of the novice village is irresistible, but it is good that nothing will fall after death below level 10, so die at ease!

Indeed, with the cooperation of the mouse emperor's earthquake attack and natural disaster plague, he could not withstand the 30th level of melee, but Liu Baiyu soon found that because there were too many mice around him, the heavy mouse emperor could not approach him at all. It seemed that the mouse emperor could not slaughter himself. The people were messed around by these running mice. It seemed that they were getting farther and farther away from Liu Baiyu, while Liu Baiyu gathered together the blue mouse suit. Generally, the mouse damage was 1, so he simply didn't kill ordinary mice at all. The golden crossbow * attack stared at the mouse emperor and beat him fiercely. In a short time, he killed 400 real life, and the old Because the rat emperor was in the way, he did not take a step forward at all, but turned around!

Is the boss so simple in the end? Liu Baiyu couldn't help but feel that the cursed golden crossbow was indeed an artifact. At this time, the mouse emperor had killed more than 800 real lives, and still did not take a step forward!

But Liu Baiyu was misled by ordinary online games. Don't forget that there are also players on the mouse side, and they will naturally not watch their tasks complete and accept the punishment of reducing attribute points!

"Go, make a shield for the mouse emperor. The golden crossbow that works to make money can't kill him and kill him!" It was the voice of the peerless young master. This guy was very commanding. Under an order, more than a dozen players who were obviously blood cattle stood in front of the mouse emperor and strictly blocked the attack of Liu Baiyu's golden crossbow.

"A few more people, throw out the ordinary mice, and block both sides to form a fast channel!" The peerless young master's next step was even more vicious. More than a dozen players were obviously agile, throwing out ordinary mice and clearing a road. Then more than a dozen obviously high-power players were extremely skilled in blocking the chaotic string of ordinary mice and clearing a road out!

"A few more people will use their bodies to block the attack of working to make money, and completely block his firepower output. Don't be afraid of death. After this mission is successful, each of us will get plague skills, and it's worth dying a few times!" No one listened to what the peerless young master said this time. After all, it was just to enhance his chances of winning. Why should I die? The benefits are for everyone. I'm the only one to pay. Who will do it?

"The mob!" The peerless young master muttered, but it was too bad. After all, in his opinion, working to make money has been forced into a desperate situation, and he does not need to be perfect by himself, but he did not expect that because he did not achieve perfection, he completely blocked the firepower output of working to make money, resulting in a loss!

It should be said that the peerless young master did hit Liu Baiyu's weakness for killing, but he never thought that Liu Baiyu still had the skill of provoking!

After all, Liu Baiyu can't kill, but the mouse emperor can just kill! Players work to make money to provoke the mouse emperor, skill failure, skill failure... Players work to make money to provoke the mouse emperor's skills and succeed in skills!

The mouse emperor was hit by provocation, his eyes were blood red, and his whole body seemed to be big. He hit more than a dozen players who were obviously blood cows to protect him, and ordinary mice. Originally, the mouse emperor's attack was extremely high. It was normal to kill ordinary mice in seconds. Most of the dozens of players who were obviously blood cows were rich. Naturally, there is no strong armor on the body of the meat shield. Although the blood is long, there is no defensive props, and it can't hold up a few times. Suddenly, the layout of the peerless young master was completely broken, and his body blocked the players of the mouse emperor. Liu Baiyu's golden crossbow continued to output strongly to the mouse emperor!

"Don't panic, continue to be a meat shield for the mouse emperor. Working to make money is just using props or powerful skills. Don't panic!"

But who can pay attention to him at this time? As the mouse emperor continued to go crazy, the players who formed a fast lane were also beaten up. Generally, rats stringed around and completely messed up!

Chapter 11 is still the most dangerous

"Five me! Listen to me, I'll give 1000 rmb alone, don't mess up!" The peerless young master had no choice but to sacrifice the rmb big 1 method, which also stabilized the players. Just as he was about to continue to command!

"Goodbye, your mission failed!" Liu Baiyu sneered at the peerless young master. The peerless young master was puzzled. Although he could not see the specific life of the mouse emperor, it was obvious that the mouse emperor still had at least half of his life. Where did Liu Baiyu get that kind of confidence?

"I trust the Mouse Emperor, not self-confidence." Liu Baiyu smiled strangely, and the golden crossbow continued to perform provocative skills against the mouse emperor who had calmed down!

Players work to make money to provoke the mouse emperor, and their skills are successful! The mouse emperor used his skills to absorb life! The mouse emperor entered a crazy state!

The player's peerless young master was attacked by the crazy mouse emperor with his skills to absorb life. The player's peerless young master's life was reduced by 420, and the player's peerless young master died!

The player's peerless young master guard No. 1's life was reduced by 420, and the player's peerless young master guard No. 1 died!

The player's peerless young master guard No. 2's life was reduced by 420, and the player's peerless young master guard No. 2 died!

The life of the player's peerless young master guard No. 3 was reduced by 420, and the player's peerless young master guard No. 3 died!

The player's peerless young master guard No. 4's life was reduced by 420, and the player's peerless young master guard No. 4 died!

The four bloody cow guards of the peerless young master also died at the same time. The peerless young master team lost their backbone, and the rest of the people panicked to attack the mouse emperor. As a result, they were judged to be malicious pk, and the few lives left came to the bottom in an instant. All the people in the peerless young master's team were in a pk state with the mouse emperor, and the protection failed, making the resurrected peerless young master half angry. They can no longer use the player's meat shield 1 method to protect the mouse emperor. Isn't it only to watch the mission fail?

In fact, this is not surprising. The most exquisite thing in online game civilization is balance. There are many players in this field, and even with the help of a top novice village boss such as the mouse emperor, it is strange that it is not deliberately restricted!

Although the mouse emperor is still full of blood and its attributes are increased to 120% when it is attacked by provocative skills, but without the player's meat shield, the general mouse continues to be chaotic. Naturally, you can imagine the ending of the mouse emperor!

Sure enough, in less than 4 hours, the mouse emperor screamed, shaking the earth as if the earthquake kept swinging. With the death of the mouse emperor, the rats generally fled. Obviously, the mouse emperor is dead.

The peerless young master's face is ashes, because the punishment is too heavy! Game tips, the player's peerless young master, your forced task, help the mouse emperor fail, the mouse emperor was killed by the player to work to make money, and all your attributes were forcibly deducted 2 points!

The blood drips in the heart of the peerless young master! I am a heavenly talent. Except for the charm of 8, everything is 9! If you complete this task and gain plague skills, it is possible to become a strong man in China, but now all attributes are forced to deduct 2 points! It's just a garbage number. How can he not be angry? Compared with this, the 100,000 rmb he spent is a small matter!

"Grass mud horse! Working to make money, you sinister guy, I and you are endless!" The peerless young master howled like a wild wolf!

"This... You have many players in this field, and even have the help of a top novice village boss like the Mouse Emperor. Don't you allow me to use strategy?" Liu Baiyu was speechless. People like the peerless young master belong to the kind with high IQ and low emotional intelligence. He saw his hard work and did not allow others to disobey him. If you didn't maliciously frame me, how could this happen?

However, Liu Baiyu can't care about the mourning of a peerless young master. This time, it is almost impossible to complete the task, and the reward is also unexpectedly great!

Congratulations on making money from the player's work. You killed the legendary mouse emperor in the mouse, got the epic degree +1 you killed the king mouse emperor in the mouse, got the epic degree +2, you got the cursed snowy dagger of the black item, got the bright gold item mouse emperor leather armor, and got the bright gold item mouse emperor leather hat. Get the bright gold item mouse emperor's treasure ring, get the bright gold item mouse emperor's skin - leather armor material, get 2000 gold coins, and get a mysterious skill book! Get a treasure map of the mouse emperor.

Congratulations on working to make money. You have completed 3s-level tasks and ended the novice village rat plague. You have gained 150,000 experience points, and you have received 4 points of improvement in all attributes! Liu Baiyu laughed and improved the reward by 4 points with all the attributes. I am the best number born with 9, and I am no longer disabled. With hidden skills and hidden professions, if I don't come out, I'm really a pig! Congratulations to players for working to make money. You have been promoted to level 11!

Congratulations on players working to make money. You have been promoted to level 10. Game Bank, World Channel and Trading Channel have been opened. Welcome to use it, but you need to pay a handling fee!

Liu Baiyu doesn't want to be extremely happy and sad. He is besieged by all angry players. Although his victory is dignified, after all, the interests of all players are damaged. There is no reason to say that the group in this red-eyed state. Liu Baiyu hurriedly exchanged his contribution for the dark gold-level cat claws to the mythical beast Baiyun!

Then go offline immediately!

This time, Liu Baiyu felt that his experience was too legendary. He simply opened a novel online game treasure hunter at the starting point, wrote his experience as a novel and pasted it, and then went to the official forum of online game civilization!

Originally, Liu Baiyu felt that his affairs were strange enough and he was ready to be scolded. Unexpectedly, although several players complained, there were few replies, and few people paid attention to it at all. The most popular thing was a top post, with tens of thousands of clicks and thousands of replies!

What post is so hot? Liu Baiyu was also shocked when he read the title of the post - shockingly, is online game civilization inclined to be rich or foreigners!?

The content is very simple. A player with an id named Hantang Xiongfeng scolded and worked hard. Last night, the hidden task at the 3s level was only upgraded to level 11. The German server of the European server has actually been upgraded to level 15. May I ask if the server is 6 hours, and the game time is 3 6 hours, this master has been promoted so much? Are we all fools? Did you spend money to buy experience and even adjust information?

Chapter 12 First Master

And the customer service answer of the online game civilization is on the first floor, which is very brief: this player is normal and has no data errors. He is just in an epic-level task about the main process of the game. It is not a bug. Thank you for your love for the civilization of online games. Please rest assured!

Reply to the father who is rich on the second floor. All games are the same. Don't you realize it?

Reply, the 3rd floor is on an epic-level mission, about the main process of the game? Just say it's okay to save the end of the world. Don't insult our IQ.

Shut up on the 4th floor. They may be the boss of online game civilization, and then jjyy will block the game id

Reply to the 5th floor to ask for support, please, please, can you pull my little brother? My little brother is only 5, and I am willing to be a cow and a horse for the first master!

Reply to the 6th floor red eye disease, get out! The name of this union is Juyitang. It is led by 12 game-level masters who have been promoted to level 11. Welcome all kinds of heroes to join us. If you are below level 10, you are not welcome to be a loser!

Reply to 2b gathered on the 7th floor, online game civilization does not rely on the level. Your alliance leader who has been promoted to level 11 has not been killed by the alliance leader of our world association! The leader of our world is only 9 poles!

Reply to the 8th floor, let me make it clear. The so-called mysterious master is in an epic-level task. The process of the game is actually frozen. If the level does not rise for a period of time, it will calm the people's anger. If you don't believe it, it will be posted immediately!

And Boss Lv, who is familiar with, left a game ID for himself to serve you and told Liu Baiyu that if he rises to level 10 or above, he will have money to earn!

Liu Baiyu didn't say anything. There is nothing wrong with the game. Just don't delay me from making money. I ran downstairs in one breath, ordered a large bowl of beef ramen, and a small bowl of beef. I had a delicious meal, and then returned home and slept again! At about 5 a.m., when the player has the least, enter the game!

Sure enough, as Liu Baiyu expected, there was no one in the game at this time. After going online to Blackstone Castle, the two cats disappeared. The door opened. Liu Baiyu first became familiar with the game bank, the world channel, and what the trading channel is. It turned out that the game bank can be traded with the real rmb, the world The channel is the place where friends contact each other. After all, the civilized map of online games is too big, and it is also very difficult to find friends. It really can't be done without this. The trading channel is the so-called world-class auction house, a small auction once a day, which can be traded at any time, and a big auction from time! However, online game civilization charges a 5% handling fee, while the future rmb exchange for game gold coins is 1% handling fee, which seems to be one of the ways to make money!

Liu Baiyu looked at it a few times and wanted to learn more, but he didn't see clearly what it was and someone made a deal. It seems that there are less and more money here! Let's take a look at the ranking list again! I found that I rose to level 11 and 18% before ranking 42nd. It seems that China really hides dragons and crouching tigers. After all, it is said that 400 million people have entered a day, which is a series of adventures, but others also have adventures!

Originally, Liu Baiyu did not want to make it public, but after learning that after making it public, he could get 4200 gold coins every day, and 4200 experience chose to make it public. After all, the initial money was not enough, and the number of gold coins in his adventure was only 7699, and the gold coins were required!

Looking at the people on the top 100 list, they all seem to be rich and have chosen to hide ids. Looking at the world rankings, the far ahead is still the one in the European server. Level 15 game id Haina actually chose public or Chinese id? International students? However, Liu Baiyu doesn't care. Although he ranks 42nd at the Chinese level, he will not intersect with this far-leading world number one. It's serious to take care of yourself and make money happily. I still have to pay the mortgage, and there are still 80,000!

Thinking of this, Liu Baiyu immediately killed the mouse emperor and obtained the items to identify!

Black item cursed snow bright dagger item type long dagger

damage 20-30 real damage 6-8 increased by 2 points of strength. 6 points of agility, 3 points of intelligence! Cursed dark gold at the level, this equipment is unique

attribute has a 1,6% chance of ignoring defense, 3% chance of directly fainting, and 2% chance of opening the wound and losing 1% of life per second.

Attribute 2 attack speed up, fast

Attribute 32% chance of double damage

Attribute 4 comes with a skill curse, weakening the enemy's damage by 10%

The duration is 10 minutes, which is ineffective against inanimate enemies such as machinery and undead

Curse: After the equipment, one drop of blood per second is less, and if the blood is not enough, it is possible to die!

Equip requires strength 12, agility 35 level 9, durability 120

It shows that it was originally a love token given by the husband to his wife, but in the end, the wife stabbed her husband to death with it, so her husband's resentment lasted for a long time...

Bright gold item mouse emperor leather armor

Type of item, leather armor. High-quality gold items.

Defense 100 adds 9 points of strength. 9 points of agility, 9 points of intelligence, 9 points of physical strength, 9 points of strength. 100 lives!

Attribute 1, reduce damage by 3 points

2 Mouse damage reduced by 3 points

Equip requires strength 4, agility 2 level 12, durability 200

Additional characteristics to command rat creatures, currently this level is 1

Note: The leather armor made of mouse emperor's skin is not inferior to ordinary steel armor.

Get the bright gold item mouse emperor leather hat, item type, hat. High-quality gold items.

Defense 50 adds 9 points of strength. 9 points of agility, 9 points of intelligence, 9 points of physical strength, 9 points of strength. 50 points of life!

Attribute 1, reduce damage by 2 points

2 mouse damage reduced by 2 points

Equip requires strength 4, agility 2 level 12, durability 200

Additional characteristics to command rodent organisms, currently this level is 2

Note: The leather hat made of mouse emperor's skin is as defensive as ordinary steel helmets.

Get the bright gold item Mouse Emperor's treasure hunt ring item type ring

Defense 5 adds 9 points of strength. 9 points of agility, 9 points of intelligence, 9 points of physical strength, 9 points of strength. 50 points of life!

Add 5% to valuable debris

Equip requires strength 4, agility 2 level 12

Explanation: One of the mouse emperor's caret's skills, no matter how strange it is, just put it away, it's absolutely valuable!

Get a piece of bright gold item mouse emperor's skin - leather armor material

Get a skill book! After identification, Liu Baiyu couldn't help but be overjoyed and actually burst it out. The skill book is natural plague, and every close attack of 10% can impose a negative state of natural plague on all non-rat creatures! Natural plague is an evolutionary version of plague, with 2% health per second!

This is a reassurance pill for Liu Baiyu, who can't kill monsters and can't kill. The powerful attack power of natural plague is definitely a sharp weapon of pk. Far away, you will be shot to death by me with a golden crossbow. If you are close, you will be infected with plague by me. It has nothing to do with defense. Blood cows should also be afraid!

A treasure map of the mouse emperor, a treasure map of item type

It shows the treasure map of the mouse emperor, but how can mice have treasures? Of course, it was taken from human beings! If you want to get the best treasure, please use it in copies of thieves, mausoleums, secret rooms and so on!

However, Liu Baiyu's surprise had not ended here, and he suddenly found that another message had been ignored by himself!

Congratulations to players, work to make money, and your cursed golden crossbow has been lifted from the first layer of curse, get attributes, and repel!

Congratulations on players, working to make money. You have completed the first task of Emperor Yan, guarding human beings, killing monsters, and killing a monster boss and thousands of monsters of the corresponding race!

Congratulations to players, work to make money, you get 200,000 experience value, congratulations to players, work to make money, you have risen to level 12! Liu Baiyu looked at the ranking list excitedly! I found that I was promoted to level 128% and ranked 23rd!

Although he was disappointed that he did not enter the top ten, Liu Baiyu had no time to be sad. He secretly left a game ID for himself to serve you, added him as a friend, and was ready to make money!

"Idol! Idol! What are you looking for me for? You are the 23rd person in the national ranking, I..."

Old Lu doesn't seem to be mentally normal!

Liu Baiyu has no time to pay attention to him and is still busy making money!

"I, Liu Baiyu, Boss Lu, didn't you say that the 10 poles gave me the task? What's the task? How much is it?"

"Xiao Yu? Unexpectedly, it was you? The 23rd person in the national ranking can't be the price of 3,000 gold coins! Wait, brother, I'll contact you. I must make them bleed!"

Liu Baiyu nodded, but finally understood why the figures in the ranking list were anonymous. In an instant, there were tens of thousands of text messages. If you are a teacher, please help, hug your thighs, and then recommend your girlfriend. The angry Liu Baiyu group replied:

I just work to make money and afford the employment price, otherwise please don't bother me!

It's just that many people are very thick-skinned and want to talk to Liu Baiyu. The more you reply, the more energetic they become. In the end, they burst Liu Baiyu's 50,000 text messages alive, so that Liu Baiyu's information set as non-friends will be automatically deleted, so that it will be cleaner! Fortunately, Boss Lu finished talking at this time

"Xiao Yu, I know you are worth it now. Lv Ge Temple is small, can you only get the price of 30,000 gold coins? It's old friendship. Can you give Brother Lu a face?"

"Of course!" Liu Baiyu did not feel that he had become a big shot. After all, he rose to 23rd place in the national ranking by chance. You can't always be so lucky. In the future, it should still be the world of rmb players. Boss Lv is a good person, and alienated is a fool!

"Thank you, Xiaoyu, for giving me this face. I have added your friends, transmitted them to me with my friends, and then settled in Dingyuan City. Let's fight the world together in the future!"

Liu Baiyu nodded, sent it to serve you with his friends, and then settled in Dingyuan City. Looking up, his face changed. It turned out that among Boss Lv's group of customers, there was a peerless young master!

The peerless young master is also tenacious enough. After the failure of the Rat King mission, the level has still reached level 10, but Liu Baiyu has also seen from the task rewards he received. The peerless young master must have greatly reduced his attributes and is already a garbage number, and the peerless young master is sinister and cunning, and himself We have a death grudge again, and we must find a way to suppress it!

The peerless young master coaxed in the novice village, but he lowered his eyebrows here. Brother Tian opened his mouth and closed the cat sister. He was just perfunctory, ah and so on, obviously perfunctory, but the peerless young master still smiled and patted the horse as if he didn't care at all!

The peerless young master is a person who can bend and stretch. Liu Baiyu took a breath of cold air in his heart and determined to continue to suppress the peerless young master! At a glance, in the group of peerless young master, his body was full of blue and bright gold objects, which formed a distinct contrast with ordinary players who were not glorious or even poorly equipped. In contrast, especially the tall leader, there is still the brilliance of dark gold items!

In online game civilization, the equipment level can be open and unopened. If it is not open, just like Liu Baiyu, the bright gold is also whiteboard equipment, which is not glorious. If it is open, it is like this group of people, the golden light shines on people's eyes. And there are only two kinds of people who like to display equipment now. One is the super main force of the studio, who advertises. The second is the so-called rich second generation! Judging from the fact that these people paid to hire helpers to produce copies, it is obvious that they are the rich second generation!

Since the peerless young master is also a marginal figure among these arrogant rich second generations, Liu Baiyu also has a plan and shows an extremely arrogant look:

"Please give me a copy of the price of 30,000 gold coins? It's okay. I took it for Lao Lu's face, but in the front, first, I have the first bid for the equipment, and second, I don't like this person. Don't let him go this copy!" After saying that, Liu Baiyu made a rolling pronunciation by pointing to the mouth shape of the peerless young master!

"Grass mud horse! You boy! I..." Before the peerless young master finished speaking, he was hit hard on the mouth by the leading brother Tian!

"Do you dare to grass in front of me? You dare to call me in front of me, right? For the sake of Uncle 16's sake, I allow you to go. Brother Tian snorted coldly and looked at the peerless young master as if he were rubbish!

The peerless young master was aggressive in front of ordinary players, but in the face of Brother Tian, the mouse saw the cat. When he saw Brother Tian angry, he dared not say anything, and he actually went offline honestly!

Brother Tian's id name is Xiongba Jiutian. His name is very bold, but he is extremely handsome. If he is not muscular, he may be able to pretend to be a beautiful woman with a wig! However, this man is not sissy at all, but extremely cheerful:

"Working to make money, right? I've been looking forward to it for a long time! The 23rd person in the national ranking list, I think I am a game master, and even hired auxiliary players, and I am 33rd in the national ranking list. It's really embarrassing!"

Is this person also a person on the national ranking list? Unexpectedly, he admitted that he had hired an auxiliary player. It seems that the rich second generation is not so annoying. People like the peerless young master should be upstarts and so on. Liu Baiyu also smiled shyly:

"Brother Tian laughed. I'm not a person who is looking for trouble. It's just that the peerless young master and I have a big conflict because of the hidden task. If everyone's copy is unsuccessful because of personal resentment, everyone is unhappy, don't you think so?" What the working-making brother said makes sense. This little guy is too arrogant. I didn't like him. I would have been driven out early to worry. My sister is also ignorant and bargains for everything. Why is the working-making brother worth 30,000 gold coins, even if he is ranked 100 in the national ranking, he can't be hired? But now there are too few gold coins in the game. Can 100,000 rmb? Xiongba Jiutian spoke moderately and made Liu Baiyu's favorable impression of him very high in a few seconds! The two exchanged friends with each other!

"It's just working to make money. You also know that there are basically few better equipment now. There are replacement equipment. Can you sell us some medicine? Sorry, we look bright now. In fact, there are not many gold coins. Can rmb pay the bill?

"Of course, but I don't have any extra equipment now, just a little blood tonic. If you are interested, buy it. If you are not interested, just don't force it!"

"Then please take it out and have a look!" Xiongba Jiutian also knows that no one is fully equipped with the initial equipment, and it is normal to sell no equipment. Because all drugs in the game have a cooling time, it is not enough for ordinary Korean kimchi online games to carry a large package of the largest blood medicine, and the number of red medicine purchased per person per day is fixed, 1 bottle per hour. So any red medicine is priceless!

"This, working to make money, brother, can I pay 30,000 yuan?" Xiongba Jiutian was stunned first, and then decisively all-inclusive! Because the red medicine attribute taken out by Liu Baiyu is really good:

Super enhanced version of rat meat dry food, quality dark gold

Add 18 points of blood per second after taking it, and a total of 180 points of blood will be replenished! Immunization against plague within 1 hour. The cooling time is 1 hour, and if you take it again during the cooling time, the effect will be halved! Take it again, and the effect will be halved! The rest of the effects and so on!

The high-quality products made by players who work to make money are unique. Unless they lose this skill, even if there is a chance that someone will synthesize it, it is just ordinary rat meat dry food!

The highlight of this super-enhanced version of rat meat dry food is the super effect of replenishing a total of 180 points of blood, and the ultra-short cooling time of 1 hour. Especially for players with anemia, it is basically about half a life!

And there are 13 super-enhanced versions of this rat meat dry food. Anyway, Liu Baiyu feels that with his highest-speed cursed dark gold crossbow and the blood volume of his super blood cow, he basically doesn't take medicine at all, leaving a few ordinary blood medicine emergency

Li Xiaoyao and Du Kang's wine pot