Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 28 Rewards

The martial arts competition is an opportunity for every student. Family conditions in general can take this opportunity to achieve a good future, and the children of the big family attach more importance to this martial arts competition, because the family population is generally large, there will always be many excellent qualifications, and everyone's status in the family is different. If you want to have good treatment, you must get a good ranking in the competition, especially for some students who are expected to compete in the heirs of the family. They regard the annual martial arts competition as a top priority and want to take the lead in the competition. Ike didn't have these ideas. He didn't know what would happen in the future. He only thought that if he went to the martial arts competition, his strength would be exposed. He didn't care about his false reputation. Even if others said he was a waste or a coward, he decided not to participate and didn't need to prove anything for himself. Just for my father's safety.

The development of events is always unexpected. That afternoon, Camair, who had left the college for a week, actually returned to the college. He already knew about the grade competition and left only one sentence to Ike: "If you go to participate in the grade competition, you must win the top three in the grade, otherwise... ”

Maybe he is for the honor of the Lane family or to test his own details. In short, he is so tough to ask Ike to participate in the competition. Ike did not dare to object. No matter what his purpose was, his father's life was in the hands of the other party, and he had to follow this road. However, how difficult it is to get the top three of the grade. Although it has only been less than a year since the beginning of school, several people have reached the level of double-sided magic cubes in the first grade. It is really difficult for Ike to get the top three with one side. Fortunately, there is still more than half a month before the martial arts competition, although it is impossible. It hits the double-sided realm, but you can learn a few more sets of martial arts, so that the odds of winning will be a little higher.

During this period, Ike only sleeps four hours a day, and the rest of the time is practice and occasionally practicing alchemy. Since Camaire asked him to participate in the martial arts competition, he has reason to practice hard. Otherwise, how can he get the top three good results?

After more than half a month of preparation, although Ike's strength has not been greatly enhanced, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved by one step. In half a month, he has learned a set of "Yuyu Body Method" and a set of "Qingfeng Swordsmanship", which are all general martial arts carefully selected from the library, plus the previous "Big Li Niu Magic Fist, Ike already has three sets of martial arts. Although the power of general martial arts is only average, the three unique skills that Ike has trained since childhood are fast, accurate and ruthless, which are enough to help him make up for the shortcomings in martial arts.

"Dong•dong•dong•••••••" The magic clock struck twelve times at midnight. The college, which should have been silent, is still floating everywhere at this moment. No one is in the mood to sleep. When the sun rises, it is when the martial arts competition is held. Everyone's heart What are you thinking about? The ideas may be the same or different, but most of them are related to the conference. Ike sat on the roof and smoked. Camer strictly forbade him to smoke in front of people. Ike had to smoke when he was alone, with his left hand against his chin and his right hand holding his golden pipe, just like an old man recalling something and missing something. The longer I am away from home, the more I miss it, and the more I miss it.

Although many students didn't sleep well, the college doesn't care about your spirit. The next morning, the 1032th college competition of Elonsoco Combat Academy officially kicked off.

"Classmates, please be quiet. I am the host and referee of this competition. My name is "Mark". Before the start of the competition, I would like to say that our Alonsoco Combat Academy has been established for more than 3,000 years. Every three years, we recruit the best students. They have made great contributions to this empire. They are the pillars of the country. , it was once glorious. And you are the hope, the hope of the country, the hope of the famous clan, and the hope of defeating the Warcraft Empire. You are all excellent children, but who is the best among you? The face can't be seen, so a martial arts competition is held every three years. So far, 1031 sessions have been held, and a group of truly excellent talents will emerge at each conference. The college has always been generous in training talents. As long as you can get the top three in the grade, you can get to go to the Treasure Pavilion. The opportunity to hunt for treasure

Mark, a man in his forties, is well-proportioned, handsome, and speaks powerfully, but when it comes to the Treasure Pavilion, he has to pause because the crowd below has exploded.

"Can the first three go to the Treasure Pavilion? Did I hear it right?"

"In the past, didn't only the first place have the opportunity to go? Why can I go to the first three this year?

"You don't care about it. It's not better. I didn't dare to think about it. Now that the opportunity comes, I have to seize it well. At that time, I will get rich by choosing a six-grade weapon in the Treasure Pavilion."

"Dream, the highest five-grade weapons have been issued in the Treasure Pavilion, or more than a thousand years ago, six-grades don't even think about it."

"If people like to dream, just let him do it. Anyway, he has no chance."

"Uh-huh", the host Mark coughed and wanted to calm the sound waves, but obviously no one was willing to give him face. The sound of the waves was still the same. Suddenly, a hot momentum surged out, and everyone fell down and got up. Mark still looked smiling, but now everyone dared not disobey his words.

"Everyone's mood is a little excited. This is a good thing. Who doesn't want good things? I also want to, but unfortunately there is no chance." The joke was super cold, and no one dared to laugh. Mark continued: "The top three can get the opportunity to enter the Treasure Pavilion, so what about the first place?"

A question has successfully aroused people's appetite. Yes, the reward of the top three this year is the reward of the first place before, so what better reward can the first place get? Everyone thinks like this in their hearts.

"The first place in each grade will receive a "breaking elixir".

" hiss", a sound of inhaling cold air sounded. Even if the man in front of him was a great demon king, he could not suppress the excitement of everyone at this moment.

The elixir is divided into six-parts, and the six-part elixir is called the divine elixir, the "life-breaking elixir", the five-grade elixir. In the case of not seen a six-grade elixir for tens of thousands of years, the five-pin has been the highest quality elixir, and the "life-breaking elixir" is still one of the most difficult to refine among the five-parts elixir. Even if you spend more money you spend, you will never buy it. On the contrary, if you take a "life-breaking elixir" to the auction house, you will immediately become a rich country. Of course, this country refers to a vassal state.

When taking this elixir at a low level, it can directly upgrade one level. After eating it, it will immediately become a three-sided Rubik's Cube. Even if it is a high-level Rubik's Cube, eating a "life-breaking elixir" at the time of breakthrough can greatly increase the probability of breakthrough, such as this can help The value of the elixir that people break through the realm is only under the artifact. Ike can't help but want to get one, and his mood, which he just wanted to fool, also became serious.

This noise seems to be deliberately done by Mark, and he did not stop it. He waited until the voice subsided before he waved his big hand with a smile: "No more nonsense, the 1032th martial arts competition begins now."

Ike signed up two days ago and was assigned to No. 1301, that is, the 301st person who signed up in the first grade. After Mark finished speaking, he began to draw lots. There are all the numbers of the grade in the box. The work of drawing numbers is handled by the college teacher. Two students are drawn at a time, and the two students will fight against each other and win. The beneficial person enters the next round. More than ten minutes later, he finally drew Ike's number. He fought against No. 1246. The two came forward and handed over the previous number plate respectively. After the teacher registered, he dismissed them and continued to draw the next group of players, drawing numbers in the morning and playing in the afternoon.

When Ike turned around, he carefully looked at his opponent. It seemed to be called "Birian". He was a native student who was tall and at least a head taller than Ike. He was a more eye-catching figure among the freshmen. As for his strength, there was no way to know. After all, Ike was not really After several classes in the college, when he was looking at Birian, Biian was also looking at him. Obviously, he was very impressed by the infamous "Caesar" and snorted coldly, and Birian left with disdain.

At this time, it was almost noon. Ike went straight to the canteen and had a good meal. Then he found an empty tree shade and smoked an old dry smoke.

"Why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time." Linda was almost pissed off by him. Others were nervous before the game. Fortunately, he leaned against the tree to smoke and looked comfortable.

"What are you looking for?" Ike asked curiously. He knew that Linda had also signed up for the third grade competition. How could she still find herself at this time?

"I asked you if you would participate in the competition, but you said you would not participate, so I didn't help you with the investigation. I just learned that you were going to participate again, so I helped you find the information of Birian."

Ike was deeply moved. Linda will always be such a careful little woman, but his face is silent.

"Birian, 18 years old, is a Turkish fighter. The characteristics of the Turkish system are: great strength and high defense. Don't fight hard when you fight with him in the afternoon. His action ability should not be high. As long as you harass him from time to time, he will lose his combat effectiveness and lose defeat in the end." Linda doesn't know. The secret of Daouick's whole physique is that he still has the same fire attributes and high explosive characteristics as before. Every attack consumes a lot of the other party's ability to defend. In the end, the competition is who has more energy, which is the combat policy she specially formulated.