Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 18 Stacked Arhat

"You come down," Ike grabbed Goblin's legs and pulled them out fiercely, but the goblin did not let go even if he died, and his mouth seemed to be sewn up. Ike couldn't pull it down, but let himself die in pain. In the end, there was nothing he could do. Ike could only break the sword short and then use a broken sword. He pried open his mouth and freed his arm.

The blood stain on his chest seemed to have opened a hole in the embankment, and the blood kept coming out. Ike pulled out his left hand and quickly took out the ointment to attach it. This time, he did not tear off his clothes, but took out the prepared bandage from the ring and bandaged himself. He checked it again to make sure whether it was He would bleed again, and then he stopped and searched these goblins one by one. Sure enough, he still got nothing, but he was not discouraged. He believed that as long as he persisted, he would get it one day. However, it was just a secret silver-level knife. Although it was good, he didn't care much. Bi Unexpectedly, he has an artifact, and he wants it because Biyan in the golden pipe is very suitable to use such a weapon.

"Oh", a frightening cry came from the distance, interrupting Ike's thoughts. He stood up and took a look. Ike's eyes narrowed. This place was still some distance from the hill. Although the previous fight was fierce, it did not make a huge movement, and it ended very quickly. Ike did not Thinking that the goblins in the mountain pass seemed to know that there was an accident here, a group of goblins came together to kill this way.

Ike's heart was tight, but his footsteps were not slow. He made a short attack in three steps and two steps. He reached the bottom of the boulder within three breaths. Without saying a word, he grabbed the rope and said "so! Miso! Miso!" He climbed up and waited until he climbed to the top of the boulder and pulled up the rope again, which made up his mind. However, the strenuous exercise just cracked the wound in his chest and sprinkled blood all over the ground.

I was eager to escape but didn't feel it. Now I relaxed and looked at the injury, and I felt heartbroken. I almost cried. I took off the bandage, took medicine, and bandaged it again. Then I stopped the blood.

Ike peeked down, but although the fog in the dark forest is thin, it can effectively isolate people's sight. It's really not easy to stand on the top of the stone to see the situation below. Fortunately, he can see a general idea. At least Ike can see a group of goblins gathering together and shouting at each other. Maybe Maybe it's a family meeting.

A group of Goblins were so angry that their people were killed at their doorstep, which was simply an insult to them. Of course, they did not know the meaning of the word insult, but some people dared to provoke in front of them, and they did not mind tearing each other to pieces to defend their dignity, but that The murderers actually hid, which made them even more angry.

Their wisdom is limited and they won't think about why the other party killed these goblins. They just need to find Ike and kill it. They won't guess where he is hiding, because they can't figure out the answer, but they have their own way, whether it's Warcraft or beasts, in Smell, vision and hearing are always superior to human beings. The blood shed by Ike at the "crime scene" was quickly discovered by them. Its special taste is like meat hidden in a pile of vegetables, which can be found in front of these goblins without careful search.

"chirp", several goblins surrounded the boulder and kept shouting. Although Ike didn't know what they were talking about, he could guess that they had found their hiding place, but he was not in a hurry. Even if they found it, it was useless. They went up again. If you don't come, it's better for you to recover from your injuries. When you recover, you can go down and care about them.

Ike sat down cross-legged and mobilized the Rubik's Cube to start practicing. Many injuries made him discover a secret that when practicing, his injuries would heal quickly. Although he didn't know if everyone was like this, at least he didn't have to worry about the goblin under the boulder. He would rush up and kill himself, so he was assured to practice boldly.

The Rubik's Cube turns faster and faster. When it reaches the highest speed, even its entire outline can no longer be seen in the inner vision. It's like reaching a critical point. After exceeding this speed, Ike no longer allows it to move and mobilizes energy in the opposite direction to force it to keep running at this speed, not Ike. I don't want it to rotate faster, but his current level can only maintain this speed. If it is faster, the energy absorbed will be in danger of bursting away. At that time, he will be uncontrollable and go crazy.

The time passed very quickly when practicing. Unconsciously, more than an hour had passed. There was no difference between day and night in the dark forest, so Ike didn't know what time it was now. According to the estimate, it should be night. Ike ended the day's practice and then took out food to eat. When he was full, he walked to the edge of the boulder and looked down.

The Goblin group that surrounded the boulder earlier disappeared. I think they should have found that they could not climb the boulder, so they gave up.

The slight night wind rolled up a coolness. Ike rubbed his head. Since he entered this dark forest, he had not rested. In addition, his body was injured and bled a lot. He also insisted on practicing a cycle. At this time, he was blown by the wind, which made him sleepy hit his head. He thought that he was hiding here. There should be no danger on the stone, but just in case, he still called out Jorad. Only with it on his side can he really sleep peacefully.

"Please take a look at it for me. I'm too sleepy to get some sleep," Ike ordered after calling Jorad out.

"Why should I watch for you? Hey, don't sleep! I said•••••”, Jorad closed his mouth before he said what he wanted to say, because Ike had fallen to the ground and fell asleep. The top of the stone was just as big as a bed, and one person and one beast lay down and occupied the place.

Ike sleeps honestly. If he keeps a move, he will sleep until dawn and won't turn over again, so he dares to sleep like this. I'm afraid he doesn't have the courage. If he moves casually, he will fall to death and be disabled if he doesn't die. However, although Ike is bold, he is shocked by an ominous foreboding. Wake up.

"Ah!" Ike screamed and stood up straight.

"Call the soul? I was almost scared to death. I was woken up by you as soon as I had a good dream." Jorad rubbed his head on the ground, his eyelids were shrugged, and he spoke feebly. Obviously, it has also slept until now.

"Why are you asleep? Didn't I ask you to watch it for me?" Ike was a little angry and felt that Jorad was a little unreliable. When did he not sleep well? Why did he have to be with himself? It's like listening to your own words.

"I'm watching for you. I'll tell you a secret. The Goblin army below will soon rush up, so you'd better get ready quickly," Jorad said.

"Ah", Ike screamed again and leaned his head at the edge of the boulder. He was shocked, and a pair of round scarlet eyes just looked over.

"My God!" Ike shouted strangely and took two steps back. Fortunately, the step was small, otherwise he would fall directly.

"Song", Ike pulled out his long sword and stared at Jorad. Fortunately, he woke up early, otherwise he would really die, but Jorad's eyes flashed and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but he soon returned to his original state and did not let Ike find anything. Then he bent and bounced and naturally penetrated in. In Ike's Rubik's Cube.

Ike didn't care about it. Anyway, he didn't expect it to help. All this is his own trial. If he let it help himself everywhere, how can he improve it?

These thoughts were ruthlessly abandoned as soon as they turned, because the first Goblin had rushed up.

"Smile", the Goblin shouted strangely and waved his paws and rushed to Ike. Ike's left foot was slightly behind him and tipped. He felt that there was no room behind him. This Goblin's momentum was too great. If he hit it hard, he would definitely be taken down. He fell down in such a high place. Why Besides, he must be surrounded by Goblins, and he must have died without a whole body, so he must not fight with it.

"Wang" and "Wang", Ike was about to approach Goblin. He suddenly used the fish method and translated three steps. These three steps just let the Goblin pass by him, and then he heard the sad cry of the Goblin and fell from the 20 to 30 meters high boulder.

Before Ike came out happily, he saw another goblin climbing up. This time, Ike didn't wait any longer. The fish swimming method just now was clever, but with a certain element of luck, Ike could not guarantee that he would be so perfect every time. He couldn't take this risk, so he took advantage of the brother who climbed up. Before Brin stood firmly, he rushed up and picked it off the boulder with a sword.

Ike looked down and found something strange. It turned out that these goblins actually learned to stack arhats, one on the other, so he folded more than 20 meters tall arhats, which forced Goblin to rush up.

Seeing another goblin rushing up, how could Ike tolerate it? He cut it directly with a sword spirit. The goblins were lying on the boulders and folded together. This sword made them unable to avoid it. In an instant, they were mourning all over the wild, and they were killed and injured, just like dumplings. One by one Goblin fell from the sky. Come on, a piece of earth flower fell on the ground.