Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 20 The Mystery of Chaos

A thick fog rose in the dark forest, or the original fog became thicker. Somewhere in the dense forest, one animal sat quietly on the ground, regardless of the blood flowing under his buttocks wet his trousers. He was gradually surrounded by a group of scavengers, but most of them were just around and dared not approach. Occasionally, one or two hungry animals desperately grab a piece of flesh and blood from the periphery, and will immediately be taken away by stronger companions. The world is such a law of the jungle, and there is no cute place.

"It's time to wake up." Jorad arched Ike with his head. It also knew that everyone's endurance is different. After killing so many goblins, Ike really needs to think about it. After all, he is still just a child. If he kills so many goblins, he doesn't have any trouble, or he doesn't have a If you click on other ideas, that's really the first strange person in thousands of years.

Ike, like last time, is a little crazy. Fortunately, he hasn't been enchanted for a long time. After eliminating all the Goblins, he woke up, but his head will be a little funny, which can be regarded as the sequela of being enchanted. He was arched twice by Jorad and completely woke up.

After taking a look at his tragic condition, he was not interested in searching the body, so he took out the powder and applied it to himself. These powders were still sought by himself and Andrea. Naturally, the effect was very good. As soon as the powder was applied, it worked. After a crisp, itching and numbness, the wound was basically They are all scarred. As long as you don't exercise too much for a period of time, nothing will happen. This kind of powder is a good thing to save your life. Of course, it can't be wasted. Naturally, some minor injuries on your body will not use such advanced healing medicine, just spit and wipe it.

"Some people really guard a treasure mountain without knowing it. Do you have to use such an old-fashioned method?" Jorad looked at Ike and spit in the palm of his hand and couldn't help it. Of course, it did have important things to confess to Ike, otherwise it would not care how Ike used to give it. Treat the injury by yourself.

"What do you mean?" Ike stared at Jorad and asked. Of course, he heard something to tell himself, so he didn't bother to answer his questions and asked directly.

Joard's face twitched, but his face was also scales, so he couldn't see it at all. "Even if you want to know something, at least you have to respect me. Although I don't know your answer, at least you have to answer my question first. I will lose face if you do this."

Jorad complained, but Ike didn't give face at all and completely ignored it, because he knew that since it had opened its mouth, it meant to tell itself, so it didn't matter whether he answered its questions or not.

Jorad also knew his nature and no longer wanted him to give himself a step down, but his skin was as thick as the scales on his face. He laughed and came down by himself.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't tell me, but I don't want to know." Jorad looked at Ike's unswerving face and immediately stopped, and the conversation turned to what we were going to talk about before.

"Don't be angry with what I said before, but what I said is the truth. Do you understand the full attribute constitution?"

Although Ike knows that he is a full-attribute physique, he really doesn't know what's special about the full attribute. Even his teacher Uncle Da and Elon Soko, who created Chaos Creation, know it. After all, there has never been a full-attribute person in the world before, or no There was a full-attribute man who embarked on the road of the Rubik's Cube, so it was not surprising that no one knew it. Ike didn't make a sound, but just shook his head to show that he didn't know.

Jorad nodded. Of course, he knew that Ike didn't know. This question was just a sign of its erudite.

"I know you don't know, so I'll tell you," Jorad didn't forget to hit Ike, and then continued to say, "Time attributes are divided into six types: earth, water, fire, wind, light and darkness. Everyone will have one or more attributes, and you have all the attributes, which is also in the whole history of the world. It has only appeared three times. You are the fourth person I know to have this kind of physique."

"The standing position at a person's feet is not all determined by physique, but also depends on your efforts and opportunities, etc., but there is no doubt that the whole attribute is one of the strongest physique, and it is also called "chaotic attributes". It is said that the beginning of heaven and earth is a chaotic color. People with great perseverance split the world and transform In this world, since full attributes can be called chaotic attributes, it naturally has a special role. Although I am not clear about the specific role, I know that the three adults who also have this physique are almost immortal. On the road to their growth, no matter how many injuries they encounter, It can get better quickly"

"This is the secret of chaos. Of course, this is just a key. You are the only one who can open this treasure, so I said that you guard the treasure mountain without knowing it. As long as you can discover this secret, you will also stand on the altar in the future." Jorad fantasized about Ike standing on the altar, and it is in his At his feet, there were the immortals kneeling down all over the sky. How spectacular the scene was.

"I've been talking for a long time, but you only know that my constitution can heal my wounds?" Ike despised it. He thought he could know how much, but he didn't expect to just give himself a direction. Even if it doesn't say it today, he will find this secret sooner or later.

Jorad blushed rarely, but he was unconvinced and almost quarreled with Ike.

"Well, I'll tell you another secret. I'm the only one who knows this secret at present," Jorad added in his heart, "There is another person who can know, but he should have died a long time ago, so only I know and didn't talk nonsense."

"Oh, what's the secret?" Ike is interested. Although he just called it fierce, his words are still very helpful to him. Some guidance is very important. Otherwise, although he will slowly find out in the future, I don't know how much time it will be wasted. What Ike lacks now is time, so he has this behind Jorad. There is still a certain expectation for a secret.

"There is a treasure here," Jorad said mysteriously, but there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. Although it felt that there was a treasure somewhere in this dense forest, it was not eye-catching. It was just a pseudo-god-level staff wreck, and I don't know if it was a god in those years. The legacy of the war is buried deep in the ground, but ordinary people can't detect it, even if it's cheap.

"Here? Do you have a baby?" Ike pointed to his feet. He didn't believe that he could step on the baby with a random step.

"Of course it's not here, but it's not too far from here, just dozens of miles away." Jorad smiled and continued, "As for what kind of baby, I think you will be moved."

Ike curled his lips. There are really not many things he can use. What he lacks now should be the advanced magic core. Although he scratched many magic nuclei last time, there are very few magic nuclei without five-level magic nuclei, which makes him worry about his cultivation in the future. This is a problem that must be solved by finding a way.

"I said you must be moved." Of course, Jorad knew that Ike didn't believe that there was a good baby here and said, "A pseudo-god-level staff is just right for your little lover Mary Kay."

"Hist", Ike took a breath of cold air. This is really a good treasure. Of course, the most precious artifact in the world is an artifact, but the artifact is not so easy to get. Secondly, it is a slightly inferior pseudo-god weapon. This is also extremely precious and rare. Even some six-sided magic cubes may not have one. Take pseudo-god weapons.

"This won't be the treasure on the treasure map." Thinking about it, Ike shook his head again. It's ridiculous. Even if Elonsoke is the first college in the whole continent, he can't show such courage. No matter, get it first.

However, Ike is not in a hurry. He believes that he is the only one who knows the news at present, and it is better to recover his injury first. Didn't Jorad say that chaotic attributes have a miraculous healing effect before, so let's dig out this secret first.

"Thank you for telling me this secret. Baby, I will go and get it, but I have to recover from my injury first. Please help me protect the law!" Although one person and one beast have signed an equal contract, it does not mean that they can share each other's secrets. Ike is very grateful that Chorad can tell himself these two things.

"Okay, don't worry about practicing. I promise that no Warcraft will disturb you, but if someone comes over, I will wake you up." The two also coexisted, so Jorad consciously became a protector.

It's not a big secret to talk about the benefits of this chaotic constitution. As long as you reach that level, you will understand it. Ike began to pay attention to this aspect during his practice and desperately dig into the mystery.

The mixed energy works all over the body. One week later, Ike frowned, tasted it carefully, and finally found the mystery. As long as the energy passes through the location of the wound, part of it will be lost. This energy plays a repair role, but because the energy lost is too little, Ike used to I didn't notice.

The secret has been revealed, and the rest is how to use it. Ike tried to deliver energy to the wound on his chest. Maybe there was too much energy at a time. The wound didn't have time to digest the energy, so he broke the skin.

After that, Ike tried again, and slowly mastered the amount of transportation, and there would be no previous problems. This time, it only took him more than an hour to magically "resurrect". The wounds on his body healed without even scars. This magical curative effect is afraid I'm afraid it will make some beautiful women crazy.