Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 22 Tail

The dark forest is full of mountains, rocks and trees, and there are many natural caves, but there are not many places to hide people. The main reason is that there are too many goblins. This is simply a goblin farm, almost everywhere. Their noses are sensitive. Where can you hide?

Ike couldn't find a place to hide for a while. Finally, he had no way to climb the tree. It should be extremely unsafe. After all, the gap between the trees is quite large, and they are intertwined with some delicate new branches. Ike is good at it, but he can't run between the trees. Once given below When people make dumplings, he is still dangerous, but he can't care so much at this time. I believe that their energy must be on these goblins and may not be able to find themselves.

It didn't take long for Ike to hide his body. He saw that the Goblin group in the distance had come and "rumbling". The roar continued, and the sound was getting louder and louder. The sound of trees falling can still be clearly recognized in the noisy voice. Ike shook his head and smiled bitterly, and he still made a mistake. If it's just an ordinary herd, there is definitely no danger in a big tree like four or five people under his feet, but this is a goblin group. In front of them, I'm afraid that a collision can turn it into powder. It's a miscalculation.

However, it was too late to jump down at this time. Seeing that the goblin had reached the tree, Ike could only leave his fate. Even if the tree fell down, he would not have anything to do with him, but would expose himself, so although he was worried, he was not panicked.

The Goblin group is not particularly crazy at this moment. Although the people behind them are chasing closely, so many of their peers are very courageous. As long as one Goblin can stand up and fight back at this time, their spearhead will be thrown at the enemy behind.

However, they may not realize the strength of their group, so they have not been able to take the lead in fighting back. They just fled blindly. When they ran under the tree where Ike stayed, they divided into two groups, directly bypassed the big tree, then converged and continued to rush forward.

Ike was secretly relieved. Although he was not afraid, it was of course best not to expose himself. Listening to the sound of Goblin running, Ike was guessing the identity of the group of people behind him, thinking about whether to cooperate with them or something. After all, with so many Goblins, the opportunity to find the treasure map is great. Big increase.

The sound of explosion kept coming from the distance. Ike squinted and looked under the tree. The scene of thousands of goblins gathering and running was still very shocking. Even if he couldn't see it clearly, he could feel their majesty just by listening to the sound, but the great image they should have had at this moment. But it was fragmented by the continuous explosion and could only escape in confusion.

"This thing is so cool, Lucas, bring more. If my grandfather knows that I killed hundreds and thousands of goblins this time, he will definitely praise me." A man's voice floated in the distance.

"If your grandfather knows that you killed them with yellow wind and thunder, he will definitely not praise you well. Maybe he will reward your cousin until your legs are soft." Another person's voice sounded, obviously aimed at the first person to speak out.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Everyone laughed, and from the laughter, Ike judged that there should be five people below.

"I like my cousin. I just want to have sex with her. Her figure is so good, her face is so beautiful, and the well is like the wind. Not to mention that you don't want to do it, last time I saw you call Oriya, Oriya, that sound made me get goosebumps all over." The first speaker counterattacked.

"McCar, do you fucking want to fight one-on-one with me?" Inoue Rufeng said angrily, but he didn't expect his ugly behavior to be seen by McCar. "If there is a chance, you must be killed. At that time, I will love your cousin for you," Inoue Rufeng psychologically **.

"Come on, you think I'm afraid of you. If I'm angry, I'll blow you up with a thunderbolt you." Although McCa's strength is not good, his family power is much stronger than the windy family in Inoue, so he must not be afraid of him.

"Ok, Huang Fenglei is used to deal with Goblins, not let you two kill each other." Lucas couldn't help stopping it. He regretted taking these two people with him. At the beginning, he also wanted to have a relationship with these two guys. He didn't expect them to turn against each other. He had quarreled many times before. If it hadn't been for him and the other two, maybe one of them would have fallen down long ago. It's really a boring guy, but he can't leave him if he has taken it with him. Otherwise, he will offend people. If he dies in the dense forest, if he doesn't die by chance, he will be an enemy when he goes out.

"They are about to run away. Let's catch up quickly. As long as we are sure that this news is true, then we will be developed in the future. Inoue is like the right wing defense, McCar's left wing defense, and you two are in charge of the middle." Lucas deliberately separated the two so that they won't quarrel again.

They all know that this is the secret message purchased by Lucas and a teacher in the college. If they can get the treasure map according to the information provided by the other party, they can get better things in the future, so they attach great importance to this action, and their personal grudges can be temporarily put aside.

Ike listened to their conversation and frowned. From their conversation, he could tell that they should have a secret news channel. Although Ike also wanted to get this channel, he knew that it was unrealistic. If he could buy it with money, Lucas would never be the only one who could get it. Yes, so it should be other means, so if it is his own, it may not achieve his effect, so he doesn't want to.

However, there is one thing he is very interested in, that is, the yellow wind thunder they used. As an alchemist, although he does not know how to make yellow wind thunder now, the principle is very clear. The production of this kind of thing is not difficult, but the materials are relatively rare, so the price for sale is not low. One piece also requires hundreds of gold coins. Their violent bombing is simply smashing with gold coins. Ike still admires these people or Lucas' financial resources.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the explosion gradually faded away. Ike climbed down from the tree. Fortunately, without being discovered by the other party, Ike could carry out his plan and follow them.

The pseudo-god staff can be picked up at any time. Ike believes that no one can find it except Jorad, otherwise no one will take it away for so many years, so he is not in a hurry, but the treasure map is more urgent, and Lucas and the others can't get it. Well, the mithril-level knife is very suitable for Birian, so he can't give up such a treasure.

Looking at the ground, the Goblin group was in a mess. Even an ordinary person could follow it. What's more, he, an old jungle hunter, was too simple to find Lucas's group of people by relying on the traces on the ground.

After a while, Ike hung tightly behind the five of them. With the stealth technique he learned from Andre, no one could find him. Of course, stealth was a little exaggerated, but he just used the refraction of light, reflection and the surrounding environment to make it difficult to be found, but this technology is right. Fu Lucas's group is more than enough.

" boss, how long do we have to catch up? I can't hold it anymore," one of the two people in charge of the middle road retreated, waited for half a step, and stopped Lucas from asking.

"Come on, wait for you and A Si to know, and when the matter is done, I will do these two guys." The two people in charge of the middle road are his domestic slaves, and it is impossible to betray him, so he told him the plan he just thought of. Seeing him nodded to show his understanding, he said loudly, "You go and solve it anywhere first. , I'll do it for you for a while."

After saying that, Lucas rushed up. Originally, he was just pressing the array to solve the sudden situation, so it had nothing to do with him replacing him, and he could still drive Goblin to the expected place.

Ah, after releasing the water, Lucas replaced Lucas. Several people bombed it with yellow wind and thunder. Finally, the frightened Goblin felt a hill. When he arrived here, Goblin refused to leave. They all stood there fixedly. Even if the yellow wind and thunder exploded at their feet, they would not take any further. This For a moment, they seem to have gained a magical power, or something in front of them that makes them feel more horrible, so that they are unwilling to take a step.

"McCar, Inoue is like the wind, stop it, we have arrived." Lucas looked at the hill in front of him, and there was a light in his eyes.

"Is this it? There is nothing strange about it." McCa curled her lips and didn't care. Is the treasure map hidden here?

Inoue Rufeng has the same idea as him, but he won't say it behind McCar, otherwise he doesn't seem to be inferior to him? So he just took a cold look and didn't say much.

He is also observing the hill and Ike hiding behind him. Unlike McCa and Inoue, he observed a trace of unusual place, that is, there are two goblins standing under the hill. They are at the front of the Goblin group, but they are not with the Goblin group and are distinct from each other. Obviously, obviously They are not a team, and the two goblins are holding something in their hands. When they look at it, they feel more and more different. They actually hold two "long guns" in their hands.

The body of the "long gun" is a piece of wood tied to a gun head. It should have been picked up somewhere, but it is still sharp. I didn't expect that these two Goblins would learn to use weapons. It seems that there is an article on this hill.