Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 25 vs. the King of Goblin

The King of Goblin was completely angry this time. He didn't pay attention to Lucas before, but he didn't expect that such a person would kill his two most loyal subordinates.

Although all this was his plan, the king of Goblin did not intend to let him go because of his wisdom. Instead, he would slowly torture him and torture him to death.

"Rang" swept out with one claw, with the sound of sword. At this time, Lucas used his old power to make a living with the old and new power. How could he avoid this blow? He could only have a long knife across his chest and make defense.

"Bang", the king of Goblin's claw is not light, but it has used enough strength to take this blow, and Lucas can't do it. The whole person flew out like a cannonball, but the direction he flew towards Ike, and I don't know if it is free will. In order to make Ike come forward, Lucas was bumping into the tree where Ike was hiding. With a roar, the tree that five people could hold was broken by him, and he himself fell aside and knew his life and death.

The upper half of the tree fell obliquely and hit the ground heavily. Ike could not hide. At this time, he could only appear in shape, holding a black " dagger" in his right hand, and Ike stepped out.

The King of Goblin was somewhat shocked. Such a person suddenly appeared on the scene. If Lucas hadn't hit the big tree, he would not have come out, and he would not have found the existence of such a person. This is too terrible. Is he a strong man among human beings?

It's not to blame it for thinking so. After all, no one has ever been able to hide its nose. Now Ike has hidden in its low eyelids and has not been found, which has to surprise it. In fact, it is also to blame it for being too angry. If you search calmly, you can still find the trace of Ike. After all, his "invisibility" It is not perfect. Andre is limited to the regulations within the organization and does not give him the real essence. Otherwise, I'm afraid that he will not find him if he stands there for ten days and a half months.

"Zila", a beam of "beast light" runs to Ike with its anger. Human beings are all hateful. In its eyes, there is no distinction between good and bad people, just like there is no difference between red warcraft and bad warcraft in the eyes of human beings. This human should be with Lucas and others, so he is going to die.

Ike always pays attention to the every move of the king of Goblin, and he will not explain anything to it. Even if he knows that its IQ is high, what can you, a human, a human, talk about Warcraft? Talk about feelings? Talk about cooperation? Talking about ideals? Isn't this all bullshit?

Seeing the red beast light coming, Ike was also ready for a long time. His footsteps were wrong. Due to the incisive performance of his body, he could avoid the beast light. However, even so, an opening was still drawn on his arm, which was abruptly cut by the air driven by the beast light. Think about such a "beast light" hit him. It can turn people into scum.

Ike frowned. The strength of the third-level warcraft is really not comparable to that of the second-level warcraft. Even if more than a dozen second-level warcrafts are stacked together, they will not be the opponent of a third-level warcraft. Ike can't help but pay more attention to three points.

"Kka! Ka! "Oh!" In three steps, Ike came to the king of Goblin. He was better at close combat. In other words, he grew up with a hooligan fights. Now even if he becomes a swordsman, he still has a kind of wildness in his bones. Moreover, he is still very afraid of the "beast light" of the king of Goblins. Even if he is hit by it, he will die. That was definitely uncomfortable, so he chose a close-fitting method of warfare.

Naturally, the King of Goblin will not be afraid of this tactic, and even likes it more. After all, Warcraft is beastly and prefers to tear up opponents alive. They can't even see a corpse with a bombardment. That's not what they like.

Ike's left hand was not idle. A long sword appeared, and the two swords danced together. The sound of "jingle" kept ringing. The king of Goblin was also shocked. He didn't expect that although the young swordsmanship was messy and disorderly, the swords were stabbed at the point, and it was fast and urgent. For a moment, he was forced to prevent it. Guard.

At this time, the king of Goblin also calmed down and was no longer controlled by hatred as he did at the beginning. He seized an opportunity. The king of Gobrins turned over and jumped behind Ike's back with his claws and hit Ike's waist and eyes. Of course, Ike could not let it succeed. He inserted two swords down and just blocked Gob. King Lin's claws, then raised his right foot and kicked back fiercely.

If you want to say that the king of Goblin also fought all the way, trampling on the corpses and blood of his fellow race and finally stood at the current height. Its fighting ability is naturally very rich. It has no attack and does not like to fight. His legs exerted strength and dodged Ike's foot attack with a jump, but it is not intended to do so. As soon as his feet landed, With a twist, he grabbed his left claw on the ground, and a 180-degree rollover plus 180-degree choice was completed. He exerted his strength again and rushed to Ike again with two "steel knives".

Ike also turned around at this time, threw the long sword in his left hand, and used it as a dart. Of course, he had the same intention as before. He never expected to poke anyone to death, which was an obstacle.

This move is quite useful. Even if the king of Goblin knew that this sword could not cause any harm to himself, he subconsciously regarded it as a threat, and his claws involuntarily stretched out and pushed the sword aside.

Ike was waiting for this moment. He grabbed the black dagger with both hands and injected the energy from his body into the dagger crazily. This is a fateful move. He bet all the energy. If this move doesn't work, he can only let Jorad out, hoping that it can save his life.

The middle door of the king of Goblin opened, and it also felt a huge momentum suddenly rise in Ike's body. This momentum made it a little frightened and dangerous. This was the first reaction in its heart, but it was immediately rejected by it. The joke, I am the king of Goblin, and I can be tested by a little man who came to trial. Is it defeated?

The red light gathered in his mouth. Although it doesn't pay much attention to Ike, it doesn't underestimate him. It is said that the energy gathered is still huge, much more than the ordinary second-level Rubik's Cube.

Ike's eyes flashed, and all the energy in his body rushed into the dagger. The black dagger capital was dyed gold. "Oh" Ike shouted loudly, and his hands were finally cut down heavily. A golden sword was pressed down.

The King of Goblin has a trace of panic. This golden sword actually brings it a huge sense of oppression. In fact, this is the characteristic of mixed element energy. Just like Jorad, it is the king of Warcraft. All Warcrafts will be afraid of it. Mixed element energy is It is the king in the element. Even if there is a level difference, it will make the other party feel a sense of oppression.

The king of Goblin has a mouth. Although the beast light has not yet gathered completely, it can't care so much at this time. It feels that if it is cut by this sword spirit, its body can never resist, so it simply releases the incomplete beast light.

"Boom", like a thunder on a sunny day, exploded between one person and one beast. Ike was thrown out by the air waves and turned over several heel on the ground before stopping. The king of Goblins is not much better, and he also turned over a lot of fights, but it is a little better than Ike. After all, it can still stand up. But Ike didn't even have the strength to move.

"Bang" "Bang", the king of Goblin stepped on his steps and walked to Ike. His body was still a little shaken, but his eyes were abnormally firm. He had to kill the boy first, and then kill the previous person.

Ike's head just turned to this side. Looking at the king of Goblins walking towards him, he sighed in his heart. Do you want Jorad to come out? Level 3 Warcraft is really not what you can fight against now. Even if you use the means, you still can't kill it. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy and tricks are floating clouds.

Ike sighed again. Maybe he felt a little ashamed and didn't want to ask Jorad out, but in the face of life and death, he really had no choice but to call.

Just as he was ready to contact Jorad, a loud noise interrupted him, followed by a continuous explosion. Ike narrowed his eyes and looked around. Unfortunately, the yellow sand rolled up by the explosion blocked his sight and could not see anything clearly, but he knew that he should not be called Jorad for the time being, but it was his own. A card can't be unveiled so early.

The explosion continued and exploded for ten minutes. When the yellow sand dispersed, the king of Goblin had already died on the spot, and the bones were blown up in pieces, and there was no complete place.

Ike took a closer look, and a figure stood in the distance, with his hand still holding the posture of throwing things. He fixed his eyes. It turned out to be Lucas who thought he was dead, but he was not dead. At the end, there was a shocking reversal.

Lucas didn't even look at the King of Goblin. It can't die anymore. What's so beautiful? In addition to him, there is a living person in the field. Naturally, it's up to him.

Lucas stretched out his neck. The previous blow almost killed him, but his physique was not very poor. Even such an impact failed to get his name, but his spine seemed to be injured and not straight, but he didn't care much about these. With a heavy pace, Lucas walked By Ike's side.

Looking at Ike lying on the ground, there was a trace of madness in his heart. If it hadn't been for his obstruction when he formed the team, he would have been able to form a group with Kelia. By the way, as long as he had a relationship with the vice dean's daughter, would he still have to worry about his future in the future? But everything was ruined by him. With so many students present before, he didn't dare to do anything about Caesar. Now there are only two of them left. Do you want to kill him here? Anyway, no one knows that a bold idea is entangled in his heart like a ghost of ** and lingering.