Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 28 Xianglong

No matter what he does, the first step is always the most difficult. As long as he takes the first step, it is equivalent to starting a road to success. With unremitting efforts, Ike finally successfully took the first step, but this also exhausts his spiritual strength.

"You want to take a break, but don't go up. It's good for you to practice here. When you have finished practicing, you can exercise your dagger with the method I taught you. I'll go down for a swim first." After Jorad said, he jumped off the magma.

Ike was shocked. This is fire magma. Even ordinary magma can't be bathed in it. He looked worriedly and saw Jorad's head emerge, and then his body floated up, but he posed pleasantly. Ike saw a layer of red light around its body and thought It should be the same as his magic golden body. Seeing that it would not be dangerous, Ike was relieved and focused on practicing.

Spiritual power cannot be cultivated, or there is no practice of spiritual power in this world. It grows naturally. With the growth of everyone and the improvement of the level of the Rubik's Cube, spiritual power will also increase slightly, and the loss of mental power can be recovered by sleeping, just like some people's spirit. When the loss is serious, he directly becomes a vegetable and will never wake up.

Ike has cultivated a skill for a long time, that is, he will not forget to practice when he sleeps. This is also his unique secret skill, because the creation belt can independently input energy into the Rubik's Cube, so he does not need to draw energy from the air like ordinary people, so even if he falls asleep, as long as Just like some people don't rest in some parts of the body even when they sleep, such as the stomach and kidneys.

Ike slept, but he didn't sleep well this time, because this is a new challenge. He not only needs to practice while sleeping, but also needs to maintain the operation of the magic golden body. Otherwise, he will become a person and do it all at once, which is not a simple thing.

Ike opened his eyes and didn't know how long he had slept, but he was not in the mood to take care of it and continue to exercise his mental control. This is a super skill that has not even been introduced in the library of Elonso's Combat Academy. He must master it.

Ike exercised day and night. When he was tired, he rested and continued to exercise. Finally, seven days later, he successfully let the " dagger" float on the magma without any support, completely relying on spiritual control.

Unfortunately, his mental strength is limited, and the suspension time is not long. He can only stay for about a minute at a time, and he will be exhausted. Then he will sit down and rest and continue to burn. In this way, it took another three days intermittently, and finally burned the dagger.

The snow is like a dragon singing, and the broken soul weeping and cutting the underworld. After the scum on the broken sword is completely refined, it is black and shiny, and there is a cold light on the surface. If it blows gently, it will make the sound of dragon singing. If it is a complete sword, it is really a wonderful treasure.

Each artifact has its unique performance, just like his creation belt can fuse all elements together. Ike can't judge whether this energy is strong or weak, but it does exist. If the broken sword in his hand is complete, it should also have some functions, but unfortunately it is incomplete. Ike took out some metal materials from the space ring. Although it is not a special material, it is enough to create a sword hilt.

Unfortunately, the fire at present is really fierce enough. Ike took out some metal and burned it on the magma before it was turned into iron water. In the end, there was nothing he could do but to shovel down the boulder under his feet and cut it out with the tip of the sword. A handle.

Ike took out a few space rings he picked up before. Although this kind of space rings is not large and are inferior, the material itself is mithril-grade and relatively precious. He turned them all into silver water as an adhesive between the tip of the sword and the stone handle. In this way, a handle will shine brilliantly in the future. The dagger was born, and Ike gave it a name, Xianglong. It means that Long Xiang is free in the sky, which is also his desire for his father.

"Lao De, come out, I'm going out." Ike contacted Jorad in his mind. After practicing for so many days, Ike hasn't seen Jorad's figure. Since it came out, he has plunged into the magma. I don't know why it is so big. Even if it is a fire warcraft, it is obviously just a first-class. Warcraft, how can you swim in this fire magma? I really can't figure it out.

"Wait for me for a day, and you can practice first." Jorad just replied with such a sentence and cut off contact.

Ike heard that there should be something urgent. Anyway, he is not in a hurry, and I don't know what's going on outside the hole. Isn't there thousands of goblins surrounding him? He was a little weak. He also learned to look spiritually, but his mental strength was limited, and he could only scan things within five meters around him. If he exceeded this range, he could only wait for Jorad to come out so that he could help him see the situation outside. If he rushed up, he would be made dumplings. Of.

In this way, Ike practiced for another day. On this day, he was a real practice. He didn't think anything else, but just practiced the Rubik's Cube. He also found that after staying in this fire hole for half a month, his physique had improved again, and he was about to catch up with the third-level warcraft, which made him extremely excited. Even the second side of the Rubik's Cube is about to be completed, and it is about to enter the realm of three-sided swordsmen.

It has only been half a year since he was promoted to double-sided swordsman, and the double-sided realm has been completed. If this news is released, I'm afraid that others will be scared to death. Of course, this also has something to do with Ike's physique. Can there be nothing special about the whole physique? Besides, there is also the cooperation of the Genesis belt. You just need to put the magic cores of different systems in, and there is no need to absorb energy at all. When you practice, the speed is more than twice as fast as ordinary people. In this way, you won't be surprised if you complete the two sides in half a year.

"Bang", a flame flower suddenly exploded on the surface of the magma lake, and a figure rushed out. Ike fixed his eyes and saw that it was indeed Jorad, but its image was a little different. The whole body was twice as big as before, and two claws grew under his abdomen, and even the breath was much stronger than before.

"You're not going to become a second-level warcraft, are you?" Ike asked in surprise.

"Can't you? I think you are about to break through to three swordsmen, so I can't break through?" Jorad just broke through and was in a good mood. He made fun of Ike.

Ike rolled his eyes. He has worked hard to practice. Up to now, he has grown up step by step, but Jorad hides in his Rubik's Cube every day. He doesn't do anything, doesn't care about anything, and even breaks through, which is somewhat enviable. Jealous.

However, Ike is really happy for Jorad. The two signed an equal contract. In addition to his concern for his father, even if he is the closest "person" to him, the stronger his ability, the higher his strength.

"Please help me take a look at the situation outside quickly. If there are a bunch of goblins, you can let them leave quickly. I don't want to kill thousands of goblins until the end of time," Ike ordered.

Jorad seemed to know that it was very difficult to hear a word of appreciation from Ike, and now he launched a spiritual search.

"There's nothing going on outside. We can go up," Jorad smiled.

Ike moved his joints and sat like this for more than ten days. He really couldn't stand it without the perseverance of ordinary people. He looked up and saw that the iron cable he had put down earlier had been melted by the high temperature. Now Ike is also not wearing an inch. Although he was blocked by the magic gold body, his clothes were still burned by the high temperature. Jing, he doesn't want to change his clothes here. He's afraid that the clothes will be burned out as soon as they are taken out. Let's wait until they go up.

It's not difficult to beat Ike without the iron cable. This crater is small and big, but it's not much bigger. It's basically vertical. Ike glanced at Jorad and motioned whether it should get into his magic cube first, but his eyes leaked entanglement. Now Jorad's body is one year taller than Ike. Can you get into the Rubik's Cube like this? How to get in? It won't squeeze my stomach, will it?

The two figured out, and Jorad naturally knew what Ike was thinking. He curled his lips and looked down at me. His body was shocked and suddenly shrank. After a moment of being stunned, it returned to its original size, but the feet under his abdomen were still real. It seemed that the thing was real. He didn't expect Warcraft and so on. It's incredible that the promotion of the level can grow more. In fact, this is also Ike's less knowledge. Even Hu Die is still changed from a small bug, not to mention Warcraft, so it's not surprising.

Ike looked at Jorad dodging and disappeared, knowing that it had penetrated into his Rubik's Cube. Then he took out the Xianglong dagger, which had just been used for the first time.

aimed at a position, bent his legs and squatted, accumulated a certain amount of strength, and then suddenly rushed out. Just when the power was exhausted, his feet kicked in mid-air, and a stream of energy was thrown out. With the recoil, Ike rose to a height again. At this time, he jumped more than half of the distance, as long as he jumped again. You can rush out.

Ike held the Xianglong dagger and stabbed it into the rock fiercely. Like a tofu, the whole sword body easily went in. When his legs were higher than the hilt, he bent up, put his toes on the hilt of the sword, took a force, and kicked up again, and the man rushed up again. When his hand left his body, he left the Xianglong by the way. The dagger was pulled out.