Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 01 Iron Tooth Team

Strawberry Town is a very small town. It is rare to see an outsider in a year. Today, this town has suddenly welcomed five young people. These men are handsome and beautiful women. The rural people who have never been out of the town stared at the two beautiful girls as if they saw the immortals, making the two girls They all lowered their heads with embarrassment.

"I told you two to buy a gauze hat. If you don't listen, how about it? Let's regret it!" Billian said to the two women, as if their misfortune could prove their foresight.

"Hum", both women snorted coldly. Even if they did regret it, they refused to admit defeat, which was related to face problems.

"Walk forward for another three days to get to Wutang City. There is a post station. As long as we get there, we can take Feiyao back." Dorvia looked at a map in her hand and pointed in one direction and said.

"Great", the two women finally smiled when they heard that they didn't need to walk anymore. They had been walking for more than half a month and were really tired of hiking. They didn't know how many blisters were worn out by their pink feet. As soon as they stopped, they felt painful and itchy. It was really uncomfortable.

At this time, it's almost dark. If you go on, you will have to sleep in the wild. Naturally, the three men are fine. However, considering that the two girls have indeed suffered a lot during this period, they decided to stay in Strawberry Town for a night and leave tomorrow morning.

Everyone spent ten gold coins to invite a family out of their own house and occupy all the rooms, but it was very happy for that family. It will take two months for their family to earn ten gold coins together. Now you just let these people stay for one night to get the money. , fools won't agree. As for his family, even if they just sit on the haystack and watch the stars for one night, they will be happy. Of course, Ike and others will not really let them see the stars for one night, but give them five more gold coins to go to other people's homes to make up for the night.

This family is naturally happier to get five more gold coins, but they are more determined to watch the stars all night. After all, if they go to sleep in other people's houses and let others know that they have taken the money but don't share it with them the next day, others will be unhappy, and they may even be scolded, so They didn't go to anyone's house, but they hid far away on the edge of the town for fear of disturbing Ike and others.

Other people naturally don't know about this matter, but Ike can guess. After all, he used to be a rural teenager who was reluctant to spend a silver coin. He knew the weight of gold coins too well. If he were himself, he would never sleep in other people's houses.

Ike didn't say it. It was their own choice. He had no right to interfere. After nightfall, everyone queued up to take a shower and found their own bed to sleep.

The house is not big, only two rooms. Needless to say, it is naturally two women and three men. In order to highlight Ike's leadership, he especially let him sleep in a single bed alone, while Dorvia and Billian rolled together.

Ike and others have not slept in ** for a long time. Naturally, they slept sweetly this night. If no one disturbs them, they will definitely sleep until three strokes in the sun to get up, but things often fail people's wishes. Just after the rooster crows, a burst of rapid horseshoe The sound woke everyone up.

When I got out of the house, I saw a neat team running this way, one wearing armor and steel, holding a cold iron gun. **'s horned horses were even more strong and energetic, and they felt a sense of murderousness coming from afar.

Ike frowned. This group of soldiers and horses look strong, looking powerful and with a large number of people. Of course, these are not the reasons why Ike frowns. No matter how strong the other party is, he and others will not fight with them. What worries him is that there is a group of unarmed people at the end of this group of soldiers. , running closely behind the horses, looking at them is not like criminals, but more like farmers.

"What's going on? What do those people do?" Women take time to dress or dress up. No matter how urgent the situation is, no man will move quickly. Ike has been watching for a minute or two, and the two women just got dressed and got out.

"I don't know what's going on, let's see," Ike replied.

After waiting for a while, the team of soldiers finally stepped into the village. First, a soldier stood in front of the team and shouted, "Who is responsible for this town? Come out quickly."

People in the countryside got up early. By this time, most people had already got up. The loud sound of this team of people along the way had already shocked everyone. At this time, everyone gathered in front of the town, and one of the elderly people stepped out of the crowd on a hundred-year-old tree.

"My name is Lai Yan, and I am the person in charge of this town. What's the matter with the military commander?" The old man said neither humble nor arrogantly. He is quite old and his actions are a little inconvenient. There were people who supported him before, but his words are quite clear.

"I am Hongtubal, the captain of the iron tooth team under the command of Zoro, the god of war. Just a few days ago, the Warcraft empire suddenly attacked our Helanshan City, and most of the border soldiers were killed and injured, and finally protected the city. Now many troops have been pulled out and rushed to Helanshan City, but there is at least half a month left. Only then can we get there, so, I will recruit soldiers nearby with the intention of the god of war. Each of you will send an adult man to join the army, and I will lead you to Helanshan City," the soldier sat on the horned horse and said coldly.

"Ah, have you fought at the border? What should I do? I'm going to die!"

"Mom, I don't want to go"

"How can this be good"

"Great, I can finally go to the battlefield"

After Hongtubal announced his intention, the scene exploded. Some were worried, some were afraid, and of course, some were committed to serve the country.

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me," Lai Yan knocked on the crutch and pressed down the sound with one hand.

His prestige in Strawberry Town was still very heavy. Hearing what he had to say, everyone calmed down.

"It's an honor for us men to be selected by the troops of Lord God of War. If I am a few years younger, I must join the army. At present, the front line is the time when I need you to cheer me up and let those cubs of the Warcraft Empire see the skills of our strawberry town men." The old man is a fanatical admirer of the God of War. Hearing that it is the will of the God of War, he can also join a team such as Tieya, and naturally work hard to help them encourage everyone to join the army.

Zoro, the god of war, is the pride of the heavenly empire. He has fought countless battles in his life and has never lost once, so he is known as the god of war and is loved by all the people in the empire.

The appeal of the idol is huge. After the wordy rendering, someone shouted on the spot that they wanted to join the Iron Tooth Team. Hongtubal nodded and allowed them to join, but still let them go home and say goodbye to their families first. Of course, there are also those who insist on not wanting to go, but it is not their turn to do it at this time. Lord, the Iron Tooth team showed a long gun, and you have to go if you don't go.

Ike and others finally understood what these people did. They originally came to recruit, but they did not plan to join the army. Although he also has patriotic sentiments, what is more important for him now is to practice. There is not much time left before Caesar's one-year appointment. He must seize the time to practice.

Ike winked at the crowd and was about to retreat, but he was stopped. Hongtubal had already noticed these people. Although their clothes were not gorgeous and their faces looked like they had just woken up, he could feel the unique temperament of these people, which was the breath of the Rubik's Cube. As a three-sided swordsman, you can naturally clearly feel the existence of the same kind.

"Where are you going?" Hongtubar asked.

"Are you talking about us?" Ike pretended to be stupid.

"Exactly, are you ready to escape?" Hongtubar's eyes changed, and a breath blew across Ike's cheek like a substantial wind.

Everyone changed color, and Ike was no exception, but his reaction was very fast. The Rubik's Cube turned and easily resolved the breath, but his face was not good, because the other party released a murderous atmosphere. Although it was not much, if he was just an ordinary person, he would be deeply affected by this murderous spirit. If you are drowsy, it is possible to be delirious from now on.

"Well," Hongtubal said softly. He just wanted to give the other party a push, which would also facilitate his later conversation, but he did not expect that the other party could resolve his murderous spirit so easily. It seems that these people are not ordinary, which is more determined to leave their ideas, as long as there are their If you join, your team may be able to strengthen again, and the chance of surviving will be greater.

"What do you mean?" Ike asked angrily. He knew that the other party's murderous spirit was weak enough to hurt Klee and others, so he did not do it directly.

"Ha ha, I just want to test your skills. It's very good. Join our iron tooth team. We are a special action team directly under the God of War and are not commanded by others." Hongtubal immediately won after confirming that these people were strong.

"I'm not interested. We are students of the Elonsoke Combat Academy. We have to rush back to the college. Goodbye." Ike waved his hand and was about to leave.

"Toon", a neat and uniform movement, nearly 100 soldiers of the Iron Tooth team pulled out long guns one after another and pointed straight at Ike. As long as he dared to move, maybe they would poke him all over with holes.