Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 03 Weed Army

The tents in the army are directly distinguished by numbers. The curtains of the tent are embroidered with digital numbers, which are very convenient to find. Ike and others are light. Hongtubal naturally knew that they lacked some daily necessities, so he directly took them to the quartermaster's office and received five military uniforms, including quilts and military uniforms. , armor, weapons, etc., everyone holds a bunch of things.

"Bang" entered his tent, and everyone threw things on the bunk one after another. Hongtubal had left. He didn't waste much time, but when he left, he said that he would come back later.

Now it is afternoon. The soldiers are either patrolling the city walls or training in other places. There are few people in the barracks. Ike and others have nothing to do. They have picked up their armor and put them on, not for freshness, but to adapt in advance. Otherwise, it will be too late to find some drawbacks when they go to the battlefield.

Cliah and Dolvia are mages and receive the same leather armor as the archer of the barracks, while Ike, Billian and Melenlis are the warrior armor, all made of which are made of metal, such as heart, joints and other places with thickened steel plates, and the rest are iron lock links, which combines lock armor and A kind of armor armor, which can move flexibly and has excellent defense ability, but it naturally has shortcomings, that is, it is heavy, and it is sultry and hot, but in order to survive, no one will care about such a small shortcoming.

Ike and others wore armor and moved around in the tent for an afternoon. From the beginning of the discomfort, to the end, they were able to stay the same as usual and sweated a lot.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't let me down. Now I'm practicing hard," Hongtubal broke in with a laugh.

"Please inform me before you come in next time that there are two women here," Ike said dissatisfiedly.

"Ha ha, this time I was wrong. I didn't react for a while, and I won't do it next time." Hongtubar scratched his head awkwardly. This was his unique way to resolve the embarrassment. With his rough face, it was really funny.

Of course, no one will laugh at him at this time. In the future, he will be his own officer. Everyone should obey his orders and ask who dares to laugh at his immediate superiors.

Hongtubal laughed a few times. Seeing that no one echoed him, he directly said his purpose: "I'm here to take you to dinner."

"Then let's go, I'm hungry." Birian threw his armor aside. An afternoon of exercise was enough to drain their strength and needed to be replenished.

This is just a temporary barracks. There is no canteen. The food has been prepared. Everyone has a bowl, as long as they line up to take it. Of course, someone is watching next to it to prevent someone in front of them from eating and taking another one.

The bowl is a large earthenware bowl full of white rice, with several slices of green vegetables on it, and two slices of braised pork on top. Each bowl is the same. This is the soldier's dinner.

Although Kelia and others do not specifically ask for good food, their identity is not too bad. Even if they eat dry food in the dark forest, it is carefully prepared food. Such a large bowl in their hands is really too heavy, and their eyebrows are lowered. Two.

There is no oil on the vegetables. Obviously, they are cooked directly with water. The braised pork is also basically fat, and it is difficult to find a little lean meat. How can they eat it? Several people frowned and looked at Hongtubal not far away. They were eating with relish. Originally, they wanted to go and talk to see if they could go out and spend some money to buy something to eat, but they gave up the idea after seeing a "traitor" on their side.

Ike picked up rice in his mouth with a big bowl. His life for more than a year is the most enjoyable life he has ever lived. He wears luxurious clothes and eats delicious food, but he is not addicted to such days. Today's food reminds him of the past days, but at that time Few people can eat meat, and only when he hunts some animals that can't be sold in the forest will he take them home and share them with his father. Now the bowl of rice in his hand is much better than he used to eat.

Ike ate, and tears couldn't stop falling down. He turned his back, wiped his sleeves, and continued to eat, but this scene did not escape everyone's eyes. Everyone admired it. The boss was the boss. Even if he cried unpalatable, he still insisted on eating, and I couldn't admit defeat. Everyone else I can eat it, too. Ike didn't expect that his temporary feelings would bring such an effect, which made everyone start to work hard.

Although the food was difficult to swallow, with the example of Ike, everyone still tried to eat a large bowl of food. When they put the bowl back on the table, Hongtubal came over with a smile.

"Guys, doesn't the food suit your taste? There is no way. Life in the barracks is like this. Only after we destroy the Warcraft Empire in the future, we no longer have to fight. When the country is rich and strong, we can also enjoy happiness at home."

After listening to the previous paragraph, everyone thought that he was deliberately laughing at themselves, but after listening to the last sentence, they couldn't pull down their face as soon as they wanted to pull up. Yes, every soldier defended the country with their own lives, but as a Rubik's Cube, they hid in the academy, and they were ashamed.

"It's time for training. You just joined, and there is no training task today, but I will tell you about your future tasks later."

Ike didn't ask, and the other members of the golden pipe didn't ask. Since he said he would tell him later, it seemed that he didn't understand the rules, and the five people stood quietly beside Hongtubal, looking like his bodyguard from afar.

On the way, Klia and Melensi officially joined the golden pipe organization, but the two of them would not take a pipe to smoke the choking dry smoke, but Fortunately, Billian, a good man, had already prepared and took out five badges, which were exactly the gold in Ike's hand. The big pipe has since become a symbol of the golden pipe.

"Bang! Bang! "Oh!" Three slow and low drums sounded, and everyone, whether they ate well or not, moved and ran to the east. Of course, those who didn't eat well were the newcomers who had just reported today. They didn't know that there was a time limit for eating in the barracks. Seeing everyone running there, they put down their bowls and chopsticks and wanted to follow them.

"The weed army heard the order", Hongtubal shouted, which was shouting with energy, and the sound shook the sky and spread four miles.

The Weed Army is the title given to the soldiers recruited by Hongtubal when he was on the road. At that time, there were also people who were unconvinced, but they couldn't even catch a move of his soldiers. Even if they were unconvinced, they could only acquiesce to this name. The five people in the golden pipe did not have much reaction to such appellation and unanimously recognized it. Because it was not worth worrying about such a thing with them, it made Hongtubal want to try their actions without success.

His roar could be heard in the whole barracks, but none of the veterans stopped. Since they didn't call themselves, it had nothing to do with themselves. They still had to rush to train. At this time, they could reflect the quality of these soldiers. On the contrary, even if the weed army heard his roar, there were still people. For some reason, he continued to follow the soldiers. Fortunately, someone pulled them, which kept everyone.

There are not many people gathered together, but if these people are full of miscellaneous pestles, there will be a lot of people standing there, and they are discussing separately. The sound can simply shock people's eardrums. Even if it is compared with the previous roar, it is not inferior.

Hongtubal frowned. He also came to his current position step by step from a recruit. He knew the various problems of the recruits. It would not take a year to train them into qualified soldiers, but what he lacked now was time. The army of the Warcraft Empire was stationed outside the city. I don't know when he will come to attack the city again, and then he will send these people to the battlefield. I don't know how many of them can survive. Thinking of this, he has no intention of punishing them.

"Quiet", Hongtubal shouted, and the sound broke, and the scene immediately calmed down. These people were still afraid of the fierce appearance of Hongtubal.

"You should remember that from this moment on, you are a soldier, and you are no longer your former self. Soldiers will abide by the discipline of soldiers. From tomorrow, except for sleeping at night, you must wear your military uniforms at any time. If you are caught by me again, you will be dealt with according to the military law. As for the army What rules and military laws are clearly written on the wooden card. You can go and have a look by yourself later," Hongtubal said, pointing to a large wooden sign erected not far away.

"Don't watch it now, listen to me"

A few people who were moving their feet stopped and continued to listen to his instructions.

"In addition to memorize the military rules, you also need to know what tasks you have every day, because you have not participated in the army, so I will tell you now."

Hongtubal told everyone about their responsibilities every day. Of course, they are not yet soldiers, so they are only responsible for some vigilance without fighting in the end.

Hearing that their task is only to patrol, some people are relieved and are afraid that they will let themselves go to the battlefield as soon as they come. No one here has ever fought a war. If you send yourself up, you will die.