Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 10 Production

Outside the 37th tent in the barracks of Helanshan City, two pairs of men and women stood at the four corners of the tent and surrounded the tent tightly. Naturally, these four people are except for Ike's golden pipe members.

In the tent, a shadow sat in the middle, next to him was a large iron box. The mouth of the box was open. Looking in from the mouth of the box, it could be seen that it was full of black gunpowder. At the feet of the shadow, Lin San threw several medicine-like things, one of which was caught in the figure's hand, and his other hand was holding an alchemy. The knife frowned, as if thinking about how to cut the knife.

The production process of landmines has long been lost, and even Uncle Da doesn't know how to make them, but if he is given time, I believe he can definitely figure it out, but this kind of thing is not very useful. It can be used in war, but usually there is no opportunity to use it, so there is no alchemy. Teachers will waste time studying this, and it's better to practice if you have time.

Ike has only seen the introduction of landmines in a classic book given by Uncle Da. The book says: take a bottle, hang the mouth, engrave a fire array, put a magic core in the middle, bottled stone powder, wait for the mouth to hit the bottle, and the magic array meets powder, which can explode.

The method is to take a bottle, which is filled with gunpowder, engrave the life array on the mouth of the bottle, and put the magic core to start. As long as someone steps on it, the mouth of the bottle falls down and encounters gunpowder, it will naturally explode. Ike is naturally very familiar with the life array, but there is a problem in the middle, that is, how to keep the mouth of the bottle suspended on the bottle. This is the most difficult thing. As long as this problem is solved, landmines can be produced.

Ike has been thinking hard for half an hour, but there is no progress. The more anxious a person is, the more chaotic his brain is. He can't think about anything at all. Ike is in this situation now. The more he thinks about how to make it, the more he can't think of it.

Ike took out his pipe and began to smoke without a mouthful. He only had half a day to make it for himself. It had been a waste of half an hour. If it went on like this, I'm afraid he couldn't think of it. He had to force himself to calm down first.

"Sister Ya, why is there no sound in it? Go in and have a look," Birian said to Klee.

"Well, I'll go in and have a look," Cleya answered and got into the tent.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Kleeya entered the tent and saw that Ike had sat by the bed and smoked in a muffled voice, so she asked with concern.

"I can't think of it", Ike frowned.

Cliah sat by the bed, clinging to Ike, grabbed his right hand and comforted him, "Think slowly, you will come up with it. We believe in you!"

"Hmm," Ike nodded.

"Where are you in trouble? You might as well tell me. Maybe we can help you. More people are powerful!" Klee smiled.

Ike knew that she was helping him relieve stress. They were not alchemists. How could he think of a solution? However, he still told Kleeya his problem. The other party was also kind-hearted. If he didn't tell her, it would inevitably make her sad.

"Wait for me for a moment," Cleya said and walked out. Ike knew that she was out to brainstorm without thinking.

After another half an hour, Kleeya jumped in happily. When Ike looked at the other party, he was overjoyed. Did they think of a way? There is no reason. They are not alchemists. How can they come up with a solution? Ike couldn't figure out that this was a wrong understanding that he had made. Alchemists are also human beings, and the things they produced are also used for themselves or others. Although others are not alchemists, they have used alchemy products, so it is completely possible to think of how to solve this problem.

"Good news, after our discussion, we finally came up with a solution. Do you want to hear it?" Klee smiled skillfully. In fact, this method was only conceived by herself, but she said that everyone thought of it together, just for fear that Ike would feel inferior to others, even in this tone at this time. Talking to Ike also wants him to relax.

"Great, say it quickly," Ike couldn't wait to ask.

"There is no sincerity at all, but I'll tell you!" Cleya pouted and looked dissatisfied.

"Do you remember the suspended stone in the fire hole?" Celia was not in a hurry to answer, but asked a question first.

"Remember, do you mean to use that stone? I've also thought of this method, but the stone is in the dark forest, and it's too late to get it now!" Ike said dejectedly.

"Of course, it's not that piece. The heavy suspended stone is actually available in many places, even in every household."

"Does every family have it?" Ike asked doubtfully, after all, he had never seen it before.

"Well, it's the door lock. There are two such stones in it, which are placed at both ends of the lock," Cleya explained.

"I'll find a lock and have a look." Ike got up immediately. Whether this method is right or not, he has to hurry to get the lock and try it now.

"Don't go," Cleya called Ike, reached out and wiped his hand on the space ring, and a door lock that was unloaded from nowhere appeared in her hand.

"Great," Ike grabbed the door lock. Maybe he was too excited. Ike kissed Cleya's pretty face.

"Bang", both of them were stunned after the kiss. Ike just wanted to express his gratitude. It was a completely unconscious move, but obviously this action was a little inappropriate.

"Damn!" Cleya covered her face and rushed out. She didn't know whether she was angry or happy, and cried out, or both.

Ike doesn't know how to explain, but now he doesn't have time to explain. It's the most important thing to make a mine as soon as possible. As for Kelia's matter, put it aside for the time being and apologize slowly later.

After making up his mind, Ike began to remove the lock. The door lock was not complicated. Ike easily dismantled it and took out two round stones the size of soybeans, which were suspended stones.

The two stones together repel each other, which is this force. As long as one of them is placed in the bottle and the other is covered, the lid can be suspended on the bottle, and the problem can be solved.

The solution to the problem is to come up with, but it still needs a specific experiment to know whether it can be used. Ike's pen engraved the life array on the lid. This array is the first array he learned. Naturally, he is abnormally proficient. In just a moment, he completed the portrayal of the array. Ike took the suspended stone to In the middle of the bottle cap, then knock another first-level magic core into four parts, take one of them, and put it in the magic circle. The energy in these magic nuclei is enough to keep the magic circle running for seven or eight days.

When everything was ready, Ike walked out of the tent with the mine.

" boss, have you succeeded?" As soon as Birian saw Ike come out, he immediately asked. No one else said anything, but just stared at Ike quietly. Obviously, they also wanted to know whether he had succeeded or not.

"That's it, but I don't know if I can use it yet. I need to find a place to experiment with it," Ike said with the mine in his hand.

"Just on the campus. There is no one there now, and the place is big enough," Dolvia suggested.

"Okay, let's go to the school," everyone agreed.

Ike led the crowd to the center of the campus with mines. He also came with Hongtubar and all the members of the Iron Tooth team. Ike asked Bian to inform them. He had confidence in his work. Of course, he asked them to come to see it to give them more confidence to survive.

Ike buried the mine, and everyone stared nervously at the mined land, hoping that it could open the most beautiful fireworks.

Naturally, the experiment could not be done. Ike asked someone to take a stone ball, weighing more than 100 pounds, equivalent to the weight of an adult man, and then pushed the stone ball in the direction of the mine.

Countless pairs of eyes moved with the rolling of the stone ball. At the moment when the stone ball pressed the mine, a fire flashed in everyone's eyes, and then heard a "bang" sound. The stone ball was blown into pieces. Everyone marveled that the power of the mine was really powerful.