Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 34 Retreat

Ike didn't know that he had been targeted by George, but even if he knew it, he didn't have time to pay attention to them now. He took Melenris, Billian and Dolvia all the way through the barrier and rushed into the enemy's camp. Now they are all orcs, whether they want to move forward or retreat. It all became a problem.

Ike laughed. He thought too naively before. He thought that it was very simple to get out of trouble smoothly with the skills of himself and the other three people. He didn't expect that there were also Rubik's Cubes in the orc army, and there were many of them. In fact, he was right to think about it. How could the Warcraft Empire be the most powerful empire in the world? Without the Rubik's Cube, even the Rubik's Cube of the Warcraft Empire should be the most among all countries. Since its own country can send students from the Elonsoco Combat Academy, the Warcraft Empire can naturally do the same.

There are not many Rubik's Cubes who intercept them, more than a dozen people, but their strength is not bad. They are all three-sided Rubik's Cubes. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many soldiers from their own country around them, they would be afraid that they would have been caught by Ike and others.

"I'll shout and rush forward later, but we must all retreat together, okay?" Ike quietly told the three of them his plan while fighting.

Three people either nodded or blinked, indicating that they knew.

Ike took a deep breath, spit out a lotus flower, and shouted, "Zha."

The sound was like thunder, and the waves rolled, and the soldiers in front of him fell down in a row. They were all shocked by his sudden loud voice, and this voice was actually mixed with energy, which was quite effective as a Buddha lion roar. Of course, there is no Buddha in this world, but Ike's pirated lion roar is very authentic.

"Fight forward!" Ike shouted.

As soon as all the orc soldiers heard him shouting, they reacted as soon as possible. Their bodies couldn't help rushing forward and wanted to stop them. Ike had already paid attention to them and seized this opportunity, but retreated with the three people.

The soldiers of the Warcraft Empire were shocked and did not expect that these four people would not rush forward, but retreated. They did not react for a moment. Even the more than a dozen three-sided magic cubes said, and they couldn't help scolding Ike for being shameless.

"Where to go!" A tiger-headed man reacted and scolded angrily. He felt very angry. He didn't expect that he had always felt that he was very smart and had been fooled by these people, so he couldn't control so much. He wanted to catch Ike and tear it apart to eliminate his hatred.

Ike looked up and saw a tiger's head magnifying. He didn't have time to think about it. The long sword in his hand cut out a dazzling golden light. The golden pipe team now has a tacit understanding. Otherwise, it is impossible to persist for such a long time under the siege of the army. Just after he cut out a sword spirit, the same two The sword spirit attacked both sides of the visitors, merged with the previous sword spirit of Ike, and attacked in a zigzag shape.

This is not over. After the three swords, two black fireballs flew in the same direction. Of course, this fireball was released by Dolvia. The other party's tiger-headed man is a three-sided magic cube and feels that he can't be careless. With two fireballs, he can be safer.

The tiger-headed man just jumped up on impulse. Now he is in mid-air and has nowhere to borrow power. Looking at his sword spirit, he can't help regretting his big, but it's too late to regret. He can only clenching his teeth and hold it. He mobilized the magic power of his whole body, and a layer of golden light appeared on his body. .

"The magic gold body?" Ike was shocked. The magic gold is his unique skill. Is the person in front of him, like himself, also a full-attribute constitution, so he will also do magic gold body?

"Shit, you think the whole body is cabbage on the street, and any little magic cube can have this constitution."

The long-lost voice sounded in Ike's mind, and then Ike thought of Jorad. He hadn't heard it since he came out of the dark forest. Now he hears it again and feels very kind.

Ike was relieved. As long as the other party was not a whole physique, it would not be so easy for him to take over these three swords. However, in return, he would not wait there to see the result. While everyone's attention was focused on the man, they would have to run away.

"Bang", the first sword spirit hit the golden light, and everyone saw that the golden light on the man was actually a circle wrapping themselves in an all-round way. The first sword spirit hit the golden light, and the circle fluctuated for a while, but it was not broken.

"Bang", and then the second and third swords hit the circle at the same time. The golden light trembled, and even the sound of "Kaz, Kaz" could be heard, but it survived tenaciously again and was still not broken.

Seeing this, the people of the golden pipe team couldn't help sinking from the bottom of their hearts. Although the three-sided magic cube were powerful, they could catch these three swords. It seemed that they might really stay here forever.

Ike couldn't help regretting and blaming himself. If he hadn't insisted on seeing that person, he wouldn't have fallen into such a situation.

Regardless of how much Ike regrets, some people are also regretting at this moment. That is, the tiger head man in the air. He knows that the golden aperture is his talent secret method, which can block a certain attack, but the consumption is huge. This time, he bet all his energy on it to catch the three swords, but Before he could rest, the two black fireballs behind him had already hit him, and he could only continue to grit his teeth.

"Bang", a cracking sounded, and a black fireball accurately hit the golden aperture. The originally shattered aperture was finally blown up by the black fireball. If it was just like this, the tiger-headed man would not feel sad. The fireball that really scared him was followed by another one, the tiger At this time, the head man had no energy on his body, and his body began to fall from the air. He closed his eyes and cried sadly, "I'm going to die!"

In the imagination, someone will save people at this moment, but the reality is not like this. No one will save him, even those who have the ability to save him. Of course, no one knows what these people think. In short, the tiger-headed man died under the last fireball.

The golden pipe team breathed a sigh of relief and finally killed one. One has two. Even if it is a three-sided magic cube, combined with the power of four people, it can be defeated.

The tiger-headed man was not burned to death at once, but fell to the ground and howled, but the black fireball cooked his chest. How could he live? After rolling for a long time, he finally had no strength and lay there motionless.

Such a way of death makes the soldiers around them can't help taking a cold breath. Usually, they are used to being cut with knives, stabbed with swords, and shot with arrows. Now they see someone burned alive, which makes the orc soldiers who are used to life and death afraid. This timidity makes them have no morale, and no one dares to go up to intercept them. .

But if they think they can escape, it's a mistake. Ordinary soldiers don't go up, just making room for those Rubik's Cubes. Previously, they were worried about hurting the innocent, so they didn't dare to do a heavy move, but now it's just right.

More than a dozen magic cubes rushed up. For a moment, they didn't care about the life or death of Ike and others. On the battlefield, as long as there was no order to capture them alive, they had to kill each other. Some cautious soldiers even had to stab the dead to prevent those people from cheating to death.

Ike smiled bitterly. Originally, he thought that it was a good thing that the person was burned to death just now, which could deter the other party. He didn't expect that it would make it difficult for him to escape.

"Lao San, protect Lao Er", Ike shouted when he saw the sword coming.

The second is Dolvia. He is a magician. With so much sword spirit, he can't protect himself at all. Birian is a native physique and has the highest defense, so he asked Biyan to protect him.


A cloud of smoke exploded, and more than a dozen orc magic cubes stopped attacking. They could feel that the level of Ike and others was not as high as themselves. Even they themselves could not survive such an attack, not to mention these people, so they would no longer waste energy. As long as the smoke dissipated, they believed that they could I saw the bodies of these four people.