Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 40 Arguing

"Don't believe him, he lied to you!" Melenris said to Xiaoli.

Ike peeked at Xiaoli. The girl was not beautiful, but small and exquisite. No wonder someone was willing to take out Jingyuan Dan, just to sleep with her once. Jingyuan Dan was quite valuable, but the man didn't take it seriously. Ike had to admire the man's wealth.

George's face turned black. He is not the direct son of the family, but he has good qualifications and can become a student of the Elonso Academy of Sciences, which gives him a place in the family. However, since he reached the third grade, he has never been able to break through. Now he has stayed in the Three Cube for five years, and the family is becoming less and less Optimistic about him. If he can't break through, he will be sent to the cold palace. For so many years, he has been accustomed to living a young master's life. He can't go back. It happened that a disciple of the Ice Palace took a fancy to his little girlfriend. The other party promised to give him two Jingyuan Dan afterwards. As long as he had these two Jingyuan Dan, he believed in himself He must have been able to break through. Originally, the matter had been settled, but he didn't expect that a few people would suddenly jump out and want to disturb his good deeds. How could he tolerate it?

"You spies of the orc empire, I must expose your true faces today"

George knew that they could not go on. The woman's heart was soft. If she was persuaded by them, the matter would be ruined, so he set up the identity of a spy for Ike and others, so that Xiaoli would not believe their words and beat them away again. There was still a turning point.

"Nonsense, you are a spy. Your whole family is a spy!" Birian is not afraid of him.

"Well, since you dare to scold me, I'll teach you a lesson today." George was overjoyed. He wanted them to scold himself, so that he had a reason to fight. Private fights were not allowed in the barracks, not to mention that they were students of the college, so they had to find a reason.

"If you want to do it, just say it and make excuses." Birian is sometimes extremely smart and breaks his mind in one word.

"Looking for death", George was so angry that he dodged to Berian and punched him in the lower abdomen.

After all, he was a three-sided Rubik's Cube and started first. Even Ike didn't have time to stop it. He heard a "bang" sound, and Bilian was punched by George firmly.

"Damn it," Billian covered his stomach and squatted down.

"Ha", just as George started, Ike also acted. He knew that he couldn't stop George, so he punched directly and hit George in the stomach.

George punched, and before he could be proud, he heard the sound of the wind. It was too late to avoid it. Ike was already standing next to Birian. If George had avoided such a short distance, Ike would be too useless.

"bang", the same sound sounded, and Ike's punch hit George in the stomach.

"Oh, disgusting"

Ike's body is equivalent to the physique of a second-level warcraft, with great strength. He used seven points of strength in this punch. George, who received this punch, felt that his body was as painful and painful. With one mouth, he spit it out.

"The boss is powerful", as soon as Birian saw George's miserable appearance, he forgot the pain on his body and jumped up and applauded.

"I fought with you!" George suddenly stood up, and a long knife appeared with a flash of light in his hand. He was a three-sided swordsman. He didn't expect to be hit by a double-sided swordsman. Coupled with Birian's encouragement, he went crazy.

"Wang", a long knife stroked, and a white light lit up.

Ike has been staring at George. Seeing that he took out a long knife, he naturally did not dare to neglect it. The other party is a three-sided swordsman. How could he underestimate the enemy? A black light flashed in his hand, and the Xianglong dagger appeared in the world. It was also cut out with a knife, but a black sword spirit rushed out.

The two swords collided with each other almost as soon as they appeared. With a loud noise, the huge energy wave pushed Ike and others back four or five steps before barely standing still.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

Now, during the war, all aspects are very tense. Almost as soon as the explosion sounded, countless people turned their eyes here.

"Sum, Sum, Sum"

Several figures flashed, and when the dust of the explosion fell, there were more than a dozen more figures in the field.

Except for the five teachers of the college, the rest of them are all in military uniforms, obviously soldiers in the army, and their status is not low.

"What the hell is going on?" A teacher asked.

When these people came to the scene, they saw that both sides were students of the Elonsoco Combat Academy, so it was naturally better to let their teachers solve it.

"Teacher, Xiaoli and I were discussing the problem, and they rushed to scold me, and then we fought," George said first.

"You said nonsense. Obviously, you were going to give her to another man. We were angry, so we just said a few words. We didn't expect you to say that we were a spy, so we scolded you, and you still wanted to kill me first. The boss just wanted to save me." Billian didn't care whether he wanted to kill himself or not. Anyway, portray yourself as a victim.

"Is that so?" Brazil Mu asked Xiaoli.

Brazilmu is the teacher who opened his mouth before, and he is also George's teacher. Although this disciple's qualifications are not good and he doesn't like it very much, after all, he is his apprentice and can't be wronged. He still believes in George's character and will never do such a thing. Instead of asking George, he asked Xiao Li directly.

"No, no, George didn't want to give me away," Xiaoli said weakly.

"Why are you lying with your eyes open? He is going to give you away, and you still speak for him," Bileyan accused angrily.

"Second, stop talking," Ike stopped Birian from talking. He knew that Xiaoli would help George speak. She was just a poor woman who was carried away by love. There was no need to embarrass her.

"Since she said no, that is to say that George did it after you scolded first," Brazil made a conclusion.

"No, he did it first," Ike said, pointing to George.

"Do you have any evidence?" Brazil frowned. He didn't expect that he would come forward. Since Caesar didn't give himself any face, he still didn't admit it.

"We have no evidence, but what he said has evidence?" Ike asked rhetorically.

"That's right, that's right, he doesn't have the same evidence," Bian said for help.

How can only the parties know the truth of this matter, but how can they judge who is right and who is wrong with just a few mouths? For a moment, everyone fell into meditation.