Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 58 Backstab

"Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding" The Xianglong dagger in Ike's hand seemed to have eyes, cutting down all the arrows that flew around. Not only was he himself unharmed, but the remaining three people did not have to worry about flying arrows.

As Ike has more and more combat experience, there are more and more things he can do. Just like the first time in the Green Hat Valley, he will never be able to cut down all the arrows.

With the guarantee of Ike, the four were more confident and bold to kill, but the orc soldiers around them suffered greatly. They not only had to resist the attack of the four of them, but also guarded against the dark arrows behind them. If they were not careful, they would be shot to death.

The battle is getting longer and longer. Although Ike can intercept all the arrows, it is extremely exhausting. After several rounds of arrow rain, Ike's arm has begun to numb. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it is to him. However, it is impossible for him to go up the wall again at this time. None of them has He has the ability to jump seven or eight feet.

"Kka, Ka, Ka"

Just when Ike was playing a little drums in his heart, the gate behind him slowly opened, and countless soldiers poured out, and the pressure on Ike and others suddenly decreased.

A teenager rushed out quickly and came to Ike's side, but his words were inversely proportional to his speed and stammered.

"Why are you here?" Ike asked. He didn't expect Unier to take the lead in rushing out.

That day, he observed him on the wall for a while. At the beginning, when he saw his cowardly appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head. Such a teenager on the battlefield was easy to be killed, but in the end, he didn't know what stimulated or stimulated the most primitive impulse in his heart. With a long sword, he was hard He was afraid to kill the enemies around him. Every sword he cut out, an ice sword would be born on the tip of the sword, which could be used as a long sword or as a hidden weapon. Even Ike was amazed.

"I think, I want to help the big brother," Unir lowered her head, as if she were a child who did something wrong.

"Wh" a cold arrow shot at the back of Ike's head.

Ike had just found that before he could react, he saw a flower in front of him. Unier had rushed out. The sword in his hand was thrown, and an ice sword flew out. He just hit the flying arrow. He heard the crisp sound of "ding", and the arrow was knocked down and flew back.

"Thank you". Although he could avoid the arrow or cut it down, Unier helped herself after all, so he still thanked him.

"No, you're welcome," Unier replied shyly.

"Let's go, let's rush out together." Birian also took time to come over and hooked Unier's shoulder. He really liked this shy teenager. Of course, it was not an alternative **, but just an appreciation.

"Well," Unier buried her head lower and said weakly.

Birian laughed and rushed out with a long knife in his hand. Before leaving, he did not forget to look back and give Unier an encouraging smile.

Ike patted him on the shoulder, said nothing, and rushed out.

There was a trace of hesitation in Unier's eyes, but it soon returned to Qingming. The sword was held more tightly, and there was a sense of firmness in his eyes. He looked at Ike's back and rushed over without saying a word.

Constant explosions and deaths on the battlefield. Ike led a golden pipe to rush into the enemy. Although it seemed to be reckless, it was actually safer to go deep into the enemy. After all, those black iron balls and huge crossbows would not fire at his own team, and these soldiers For the colored pipe team, the threat is much smaller.

The battle at night is naturally much more difficult than during the day. The people of the Warcraft Empire can attack regardless of the enemy and me. After all, there are too many people. They fight to consume the population, but the human empire can't do this. Originally, only the golden pipe team was under the city, and they could kill without consideration, such as Nowadays, with the addition of human soldiers, although the pressure is much less, it is also necessary to defend whether they are orcs when killing people, so as not to kill the wrong person.

Ike met a tall orc. As soon as he was ready to act, he heard a voice shouting, "Let me do it."

Just listening to the sound, I knew that it was Unier who rushed up, and Ike turned slightly and gave him a way.

Unier sprinted quickly and missed Ike's side. The long sword in her hand turned around and split from the back to the front. There was a little cold light on the tip of the sword, which was as bright as the bright moon in the night. The big man could not dodge and was hit in the chest. Ike saw it clearly. A long wound was cut out of his chest and the edge of the wound. Unexpectedly, there was not a drop of blood.

Ike was slightly surprised. He knew that even if it was his Xianglong dagger and blew his hair, but if he had killed someone, it was impossible for the wound not to bleed. The only explanation was that the man's wound was frozen when it was split and the blood coagulated, so there was no blood flowing out.

"It's so powerful," Ike sighed. He couldn't help thinking that if this sword stabbed him, he could resist the cold air. He shook his head in his heart, and he was not sure that he could withstand such a extreme cold.

Unier killed the big man with a sword, and then returned behind Ike and made it back to back.

The surrounding orc soldiers saw that the two of them were extremely fierce and did not dare to approach them, but surrounded them.

Ike slowly moved to the other people in the golden pipe. After all, they have been very tired since the battle. Ike wanted to take them back to the city first, have a rest, and then make plans.

"I'll find them, you come with me," Ike ordered.

Unier naturally knew who he was referring to. With a promise, the two slowly moved back to back to the nearest Melenris.

Although his back was handed over to Unier, Ike still released his consciousness. He was not worried about Unier, but he was afraid that if someone attacked, Unir would not be able to resist it. As long as he found it in time, he could stop those people from taking action.

The divine consciousness is not omnipotent, just like an infrared detector. It can scan all the surrounding situations and see everyone's movements, but it can't see some subtle things. For example, Eike's consciousness can't scan the look on Unier's face at this moment.

The shy expression on Unier's face had long disappeared, and she changed into a vicious look.

Ike didn't notice Unier's abnormality and was still moving slowly to Melenris. Suddenly, he felt a cold breath coming from behind. Before he could figure out what the breath was, he felt a chill in his chest. Looking down, Ike was shocked and angry.

I saw a piece of sword tip coming out of his chest, and there was still a chill on the tip of the sword. Ike could feel the great pain and cold from his chest. At this moment, he finally understood what had happened.

The always shy Unier actually wanted to kill himself. Fortunately, Eric's consciousness has been released. Just when Unir wanted to draw his sword, Ike finally reacted and stabbed the Xianglong dagger in his hand directly back. He didn't think that he could stab Unier with a sword. He just wanted to force him back. If this time If he pulls out the long sword, he is likely to bleed to death.

Unier's hand holding the sword pulled back and couldn't pull it out, because Ike had been firmly grasping the tip of the sword. Unir still wanted to move, but saw that Ike's dagger had been stabbed. There was no time to do anything else. He could only retreat. He didn't want to die with Ike.

As soon as Unir's hand was loosened, Ike couldn't help rushing forward. Because the incident was so sudden, neither the orc soldier nor Melenris noticed the situation here. When Ike rushed over, Melenris saw the long sword on his chest at a glance.

Melunris's beautiful eyes were tearful and stared at Unier fiercely. She knew the sword, which was Unir's. Looking at Unir, a long sword appeared in her hand and killed them.