Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 61 carrying trousers

Before, in order to fight against the extremely cold force on the sword, Ike almost drained all the energy in the Rubik's Cube, which drove away the cold air. This is just the remaining cold air on the sword. If the sword is caught in Unier's hand, the cold air will increase greatly. I'm afraid that he may not be able to withstand it.

No matter how afraid Unir was, he was destined to be his enemy, so Ike was not afraid of him and put his affairs aside, and Ike began to practice.

The Rubik's Cube began to rotate, and a trace of mixed energy was uploaded from the creation belt to the Rubik's Cube and was absorbed by the Rubik's Cube, but this energy did not stay in the Rubik's Cube and was extracted in one direction. Although Ike resisted the cold air on the sword, his body was pierced and the wound The surroundings have also been frozen, and now it needs to be slowly repaired with energy.

In this way, while practicing and repairing, Ike practiced all night and waited until dawn before giving up practicing. It was not that he didn't want to practice, but that the energy of the magic core in the belt had been drained. He needed to find a place to change a set of magic nuclei.

Ike struggled to get up, but his wound was a little above his abdomen. Ike wanted to get up. This place was bound to work hard. His struggle affected the wound. Suddenly, he grinned in pain. After a night of repair, the skin of the wound almost returned to function. This movement naturally hurt. Suffering.

Ike fell weakly**. If he really wants to get up, he can naturally endure great pain, but if he wants to find a secret place to exchange for the magic nucleus, his body must not be able to support him to wander around, so he can only fall back decadently**.

"You're awake, I brought you something to eat"

The curtain door of the tent was opened, and the girl in uniform came in with a bamboo basket on her arm.

Melunris lifted the lid of the bamboo basket, took out a bowl of white porridge, and took out all kinds of food, which attracted the envy of countless injured people around her.

"Gone some of these things!" Ike said to Melenris.

Although these things are not enough for those people, Ike just doesn't want them to look at him with different eyes.

Merenris smiled and didn't say anything. She walked to the wounded and took out the same kind of food from the space ring.

These wounded were used to eating coarse grains. When did they eat such exquisite food, they ate happily while flattering Melenris.

Melenris went back to Ike's side and sat down and took her bribe. The wounded were embarrassed to look at them again. Everyone turned their eyes away, and Ike was a little better.

"I'll feed you", Melenris picked up the white porridge, scooped up a spoonful with a spoon, opened her mouth gently, and blew a little breath, which was delivered to Ike's mouth.

Ike's mouth moved. No woman except Linda has been so kind to her. Ike wanted to tell her not to do this, but she still couldn't say it.

After eating, drinking and sleeping, people are particularly prone to feel sleepy or want to go to the toilet after eating. Ike lay in ** all night and naturally is not sleepy, so he wants to go to the toilet, but he can't think of it before. He can't help but feel difficult and can't pee in **.

"What's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong? Do you want me to call a doctor for you? Mellenis looked at Ike's painful look and thought he was in pain.

"No, I, I, I want to go to the hut," Ike thought for a moment. Anyway, it's not a shady thing, and he needed her help, so he stammered and told Melenris.

"Puff", Melenris covered her mouth and smiled. She didn't expect that his previous painful expression was because of this matter.

"I'll help you up", Melenris took one hand of Ike, and the other hand dragged Ike's back and slowly picked up Iketo.

"Hiss", with the help of Melenris, Ike still felt a pain, but for a man, some things are more important than pain, that is, face, so he broke his face, clenched his teeth, and didn't let himself hum.

Melenris moved out step by step with Ike. Inside and outside the tent are simply two worlds, constantly shouting, but the war situation does not seem to be as fierce as last night.

"The battle last night hasn't been finished yet?" Ike asked.

"Not yet, but I guess it's almost over, and many people have died on both sides," Melenris said casually.

Ike didn't say anything more. In fact, this war has little to do with him, and he has been injured. Naturally, he will not rush out and fight with the orcs until now.

There was a hut not far from the tent, and Melunris came to the outside of the hut with Ike.

"Wait for me here, I'll go in by myself!" Ike pushed Melenris's hand and said.

Melunris blushed and said angrily, "Of course I'm waiting for you outside. Do I go in with you to serve you!"

Ike smiled and held the wall and went in. Standing by the pit, Ike untied his belt and his trousers naturally slipped to his feet. Ike took out his baby and began to release the water. After releasing the water, he did not forget to shake it, but then he was dumbfounded.

Just now, I was careless and didn't grab my trousers and let it fall to my feet. If it was normal, it was nothing, but now I am seriously injured. Even if it is convenient to move here, I will endure great pain. If I bend down to pick up my trousers again, it will kill myself. Don't die in pain.

Ike thought of a way for a long time, put his legs together, and then began to rub each other, trying to squeeze his trousers up a little, as long as he could catch it, but this project was not small, laborious and laborious.


Ike was shocked to see the door of the hut being knocked open and a figure flashed in.

"Why did you come in?" Ike looked at Melenris, who broke into the hut.

"Let me see if you have fallen into the pit," Melenris rolled her eyes.

"Thank you, you saw it, I didn't fall in"

"Oh, stinky hooligan, don't wear pants," Melenris covered her beautiful face with her hands, but her eyes secretly observed something from the man through her fingers.

"Is this the man's one? Why is it so big? If it's, oh, I'm so ashamed." Melanris was ashamed. Fortunately, she had covered her face with her hand and was not afraid that Ike could see anything.

Ike really couldn't see anything. He was stunned when Melenris shouted. Why did he become a hooligan? After thinking about it, I understood that I hadn't worn my trousers yet. Put them on quickly. At this time, I didn't care so much. Ike bent down to pull his trousers without thinking about it, but as soon as he bent his waist, Ike knew it was wrong.

The wound was frozen, so there was no bleeding. After that, he was drugged. After repairing, the wound had recovered. He bent down and tore the wound that had just turned a little bright, and the blood stained the clothes on his chest red.

"Ah", Ike couldn't help shouting.

"What's wrong with you? Are you all right?" Mellenis asked strangely, why did she suddenly shout when she was fine just now?

Ike didn't have time to take care of her. He covered his abdomen with his hands and squeezed it slightly to prevent the blood from flowing out.

"Ah", Melenris also found his situation at this time and didn't care much. She squatted down, lifted Ike's trousers, tied them up with her belt, and then beat Ike horizontally and picked him up. Thanks to her strength, she was able to pick up Ike up. If it were a girl, there would definitely be no Have that strength.

Merenris rushed into the tent with Ike in her arms and put him flat on **. At this time, there happened to be a doctor in the tent. Without her, the doctor rushed over.

Ike saw that he was one of the four doctors last night, and Ike still remembers that he agreed to draw his sword at that time.

"What's going on?" the doctor asked.

"Nothing, I just went to the hut and touched the wound," Ike replied.

The doctor didn't think much about it. After all, everyone has to go to the hut. This is a thing that can't be done. Fortunately, the wound was treated yesterday. He cut the cloth, sprinkled some medicine, and then repackaged it. He told Ike to be careful in the future, so he turned to check the other wounded.