Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 27 Someone Tracking

Boss Gu has escaped. As for where he fled, Ike and others don't know. Snakes have snake paths and rats have rat paths. It's not easy to find him again. It's useless to stay, so Ike plans to leave.

"Are you really not going to go with us?"

At the end of a path in the eastern part of Hart City, Ike looked at Cherry and asked. The two already had a relationship, saying that it was impossible not to have a strange tie in his heart, so Ike couldn't help but want to keep her.

Cherry shook her head. She was a smart woman. She knew that if she followed Ike, it would be a spacious road for her, but her heart did not allow her to embark on this road. She also knew that she and Ike were not from the same world, so she never thought of following him. Road.

"Let's break up here!" Cherry smiled lightly.

"Well, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can contact me"

Ike can only leave the number of her communication disk in the end, hoping that she can contact her when she thinks of herself. Even if she can't meet, it's good to hear her voice. This is her first woman.

Mary Kay looked at the two questions. She didn't know what happened last night, but she could feel that there was definitely a problem between the two people, as if they were much closer all of a sudden. She shook her head. She couldn't figure out what was going on. She could only suppress the problem and wait for the opportunity. Ask Ike again.

"Where are we going now?" When the cherry disappeared, Mary Kay asked when she saw that Ike hadn't moved.

"Go to the old temple," Ike replied.

"Where are you going?" Mary Kay asked doubtfully.

The old temple is not far from the ancient boss's residence. People in the slums have little money. Except for a few truly devout people, almost no one will go to the temple to worship, so the temple here is gradually deserted, overgrown with weeds. The old temple is an abandoned temple, but what gods are worshipped in it? No one knows.

"Someone is following, we'll go there to get rid of them," Ike explained softly in Mary Kay's ear.

It turned out that when the cherry left, Ike found that several of the "ordinary people" around him had followed, which made Ike suspicious, so he did not move, his consciousness let go, and slowly observed these "ordinary people", and they naturally could not find Ike's consciousness, so they still don't know He said that he had been exposed and was still discussing with each other. When Ike found that several people who followed Cherry had returned and seemed to have given up following her, he also breathed a sigh of heart. Cherry did not want to be with him, so he did not force her. Since these people did not hurt her, he did not If you want to pay attention to them and lead them to the desolate old temple, it will be more convenient to do it.

"They're gone, boss, what should I do?"

Just as Ike raised his feet and walked out of the path, a group of businessmen gathered in the distance, and one of the thin men asked the gorgeously dressed man.

"Keep up", the person's hand pointed, and everyone moved. Maybe their tracking skills are not good, but the number of people is large, so they are not afraid of losing it.

"They followed"

Mary Kay was a little nervous. She stayed in the college for more than half a year and was with the gentle Linda, which melted her lonely personality, so she now has a little more woman's delicateness and the other party is full of people, so she begins to be a little scared.

"Just let him follow, don't look back, let's continue to move forward," Ike touched Mary Kay's head, and then smiled. From a distance, the two seemed to be telling jokes just now, without making people feel that they would have any bad ideas from the people who followed.

" boss, they went in, there are only two people"

A thin man with thieves and mouse eyes watched Ike and Mary Kay enter a dilapidated temple, and quickly slipped out and found his boss to report, who was the leader of the group of people who had followed Ike before.

"Are you sure there are only two of them?" The boss in white confirmed again.

"I'm sure that I saw the two of them go in with my own eyes, and then I slipped in and didn't find anyone else." The thin man rarely asked for credit in front of his boss. Hearing that the boss was not similar, he patted his chest and promised.

The boss in white also doesn't believe that there can be other's helpers hidden in this broken temple. More importantly, he feels that Ike can't know that he is following him at all. He is still very confident in his and his tracking skills.

"Brothers, rush in"

The old man in white waved his arm, and his younger brother naturally rushed forward bravely, pushed open the door of the temple and rushed in.

The temple should worship a great god, so it covers a large area. Although it is dilapidated, there are still many rooms. When these people rushed in, they did not react for a while.

"This way, everyone, come with me!"

In the end, the thin man came forward to lead the way and led a group of people to get in aggressively.

The man in white walked slowly at the end. He was the boss of this group of people. Naturally, he did not need him to rush to the front line. Accompanying him was his second general, who was also the two people with the highest force in the whole gang.

The man in white has no expression on his face, but his heart is happy. He is still fantasizing about the huge wealth that he can get later. As long as he has this wealth, he will immediately leave the gang, find a place to live in seclusion for a period of time, and then change his face to live a rich life.

Just as he fantasized about the most wonderful place, he followed everyone to a hall, but the hall was dilapidated and didn't even have a roof. Of course, these were not what he cared about. When he saw the scene in front of him, his mouth opened to the maximum, which was no exaggeration. It is said that an egg can be swallowed whole.

I saw a group of people lying in the hall, either lying on their backs, lying on their stomachs, or kneelings in various forms. Looking carefully, these people were not their own men, and the sweat on the white man's face suddenly came down. Just now, he came in from the outside without any sound. He didn't care about it before, but now he thinks It was extremely horrible. If the other party wants to knock down all these people without making a sound, it can only be done in an instant. This strength is simply unimaginable. He turned his two men and looked at the same expression as himself. He knew that he had kicked the iron plate this time.

"Why are you following me?" Ike asked coldly. In fact, he had guessed the reason more or less, but he still wanted to ask for confirmation.

"I, I•••••"


The man in white swallowed a mouthful of foam and knelt down as soon as his legs were soft. He worked in the White Tiger Gang for many years. The brothers around him died one after another, but he never died. Even his status was getting higher and higher. The credit was getting bigger and bigger because he could see the form clearly. How could the person in front of him provoke him? Now he has scolded the 18 generations of the ancestors of the people who spread the rumor. If he had known that Ike was so dangerous, he would not have come to kill him. No matter how much wealth he is, he still has to live to spend.

"Quickly, why are you following us!"

Ike looked at his cowardly and didn't expect him to know more information. He raised his foot and kicked the man in the chest.


The man in white opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, but he did not dare to wipe it. His two men also knew that he had met a master, and he knelt down with two voices.

"Last night, there was a rumor that you had a six-level magic core, and the whole force in Hart City took action. All the brothers of our White Tiger helped me find you first, so, so•••••" The man in white may have been kicked and spoke crisply.

He didn't go on, but Ike also knew what he was going to say. The rest was nothing more than grabbing the treasure. What he really wanted to know was who released the news. Naturally, the biggest suspect was the ancient boss, but he felt something wrong in his heart. That guy shouldn't have been like this. Great energy is right. It spreads the news all over the city in just one night. This kind of ability is not what ordinary people can have.

"Who let the wind out?" Ike stepped on his thigh again and could only "cick", and the man in white's right leg was broken.


The man in white screamed, but he didn't dare to put down his harsh words. He was already soft and could only soften to the end.

"I really don't know this. I only know that it's a big man. The whole underground forces of Hart received this news almost at the same time," the man in white said pitifully.

Ike thought about it seriously, but he never thought of who would have such a great ability to know that he had got a six-level magic core and could release the wind.

Suddenly he thought of a person, that is Caesar. This is Hart City, which is his base camp. Only he can make all the dark forces receive news at the same time, and only he can follow him without letting himself know, but he still can't figure out why he did this, such as If he wants to get the six-level magic core, he can't keep it at all. If he is not interested in the six-level magic core, then why let the wind go and let others cove it.

"What else do you know? Tell me everything," Eike raised his foot and didn't step on it in the end.

The man in white was shocked and felt a little relieved to see that he did not come to step on himself.

"Master, I really don't know anything. Everyone gets the same information, just a portrait of you and a sentence that you have a six-level magic core on your body." The man in white quickly said what he knew.