Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 33 Force

Mary Kay heard the sound outside the courtyard and jumped to the roof. She saw that a vast group of people outside had surrounded the yard. There was a fragrance in the middle of the path outside the main door, and there was a slight smoke.

Eike naturally doesn't have to go to the roof like Mary Kay. As soon as he scans his consciousness, he knows that there are about five or 600 people outside. Now Hart City is still in the closed stage, and he can find so many people to find his own trouble. It can be seen that the man behind the incident really has unusual energy. I'm afraid the whole Hart City In, all the forces of the underworld were gathered by him.

He is not afraid of those people outside, but he really can't kill them. Even if all of them are Rubik's Cubes, it is an absolutely powerful force. If he fights hard with them, he may not be able to beat them, not to mention that there are several tall people. The hands are all three-level magic cubes. Originally, they were not sure of victory. Coupled with these people, the chance of winning is even smaller.

"Brother, do you want to kill it?" Mary Kay asked in a low voice. Although she asked Ike, she had already held her sword in her hand.

Ike shook his head. If he was alone, he might be able to rush out with speed, but with a Mary Kay, he would never rush out.

"No hurry, let's see!" Anyway, there is still time, and he will see if he can come up with a solution.

Ike and Mary Kay are thinking about the response plan in the yard, and people outside are also discussing that these people are not a gang. Although they have come together because of common interests, they are not a piece of iron plate. Everyone must hope to get the biggest cake.

" boss, if the people inside really refuse to hand it over, we really have to take the lead in rushing in?" A thin man in the crowd leaned next to the middle-aged man in a blue swordsman suit. Obviously, he was the role of a military engineer.

"We pretend to attack and let the other two guys go, but we must pretend to be realistic and don't let them find out," the middle-aged man in a blue swordsman's suit whispered to the people next to him.

"Ha ha, wise, if the people inside are really as powerful as the legend, they must be unlucky. At that time, the two families are finished, and only our axe will help the family be the dominant one. At that time, the money was not rolling in," the military master next to him said flatteringly.

The boss in blue didn't expect so much. He was just afraid of death, so he didn't want to rush forward. However, when he heard his most trusted subordinates say this, he also felt that it was indeed reasonable. Of course, he would not say that he didn't think so, so he smiled.

His soldier smiled more proudly, but the eyes of his boss revealed a look of contempt.

Similar dialogues are also staged in other parts of the crowd. Basically, few of these people are fools, and their information is even more well-informed. The two largest gangs in the city, the White Tiger Gang and the Black Shackle have disintegrated. Although I don't know if it is related to the people in the yard, judging from the news, The people are definitely not so easy to provoke. Who wants to go up and die first? They just rely on the number of people and shout outside.

Time passed quickly, and a bunch of incense burned out quickly, but there was no movement in the yard. Everyone saw the little girl who flew to the roof before, so they all knew that there was someone inside. Now it seems that the other party is not going to hand over the things.

"Big Ji, it seems that the people inside are unwilling to hand in things. Do you think we will rush in together and arrest him?" One of several three-faced magic cubes asked Boss Ji in a blue swordsman's uniform.

Boss Ji touched his bearded chin and said, "We are here for that. Since they don't want to hand it over, there is nothing to say. Let's do it together!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

"Let's go together!"

Several three-sided magicians responded one after another. If anyone is asked to go alone, no one is willing to go. Since everyone goes together, they are much more bolder. Even if there is danger, there are people around them who can carry the bag, and everyone becomes bold.

"Brothers, step down this yard!"

"Brothers, it's time to work. Let's rush in. Whoever gets something, I'll give him a deputy master!"

"Let's go! Go! Grab it!"

Several three-sided magicians are all masters, and there are a group of brothers under them. With a wave of arms, their men naturally respond, shouting and rushing to the cherry family.


At this time, the originally closed courtyard door unexpectedly opened, and a teenager in a white robe and a girl in a colorful skirt came out.

The girls have seen it, the one who jumped on the roof before, but the white-robed teenager has never seen it. Only a few three-faced Rubik's Cubes were slightly stunned and then recognized that this person was the person in the portrait, that is, their target character this time.

"What on earth are you who dare to break into my mansion!" Ike asked loudly with a bright tongue.

Those little brothers who were about to rush out couldn't help stopping, and some even retreated.

"What is breaking into your mansion? This is not your home. What's the matter with us standing here?" A three-sided Rubik's Cube was the fastest and immediately jumped out and said.

"That's right, that's right, we are on the street. This is a public place, not your family's."

Boss Ji also wanted to go up and say a few words to show his identity, but asked the military division next to him to stop him and couldn't help saying angrily, "Rabu, why are you pulling me!"

If others go up, you have to follow them. You can't even see the form clearly. It's really mud that can't hold the wall. If you hadn't saved my life back then, I would have ignored you.

Although he had a lot of dissatisfaction with Boss Ji, Rabo still spoke in his ear and said that Boss Ji's eyes were shining.

Boss Ji first praised Rabu, but obviously he was not too dedicated to his men. He paid more attention to his glorious image and immediately left him and rushed to the front.

"Well, don't scare us. I'm telling you, we're here to ask you for something. I don't need me to teach you the ideal of innocence. You still hand over things obediently, and I'll make the decision and let you live!"

Boss Ji**'s generous speech was still very effective. He not only his own men, but also the younger brothers of other gangs looked at him with new eyes. That kind of appreciation made him feel very comfortable.

"Gun over the things!"

"Gun over the things!"

The people below also reacted that they came to grab things, not to quarrel.

Ike glanced at Boss Ji and didn't expect that this man was quite provocative and immediately incited the crowd.

"You keep saying that you should hand over things, but you don't even say anything. How do I know what you want!"

Ike spread out his hands and shrugged his shoulders, expressing his helplessness.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, what do you want?" Someone answered immediately.

"I really don't know, or you can tell me that as long as I have it, I will definitely hand it over," Ike said sincerely.

Several three-faced magic cubes looked at each other. Although they felt something was wrong, they couldn't figure it out, so they all nodded.

Boss Ji thought he was the largest of these people, so he took another step and said, "Six-level magic core, hand over the six-level magic core on your body!"

"Level 6 magic core?" Ike shrank as if his secret had been exposed.

When everyone looked at him like this, they felt that he must have a six-level magic core, so their eyes turned red one after another. As long as they get the six-level magic core, they won't worry about it for a lifetime.

"Since you all know, I'll give you something, but I hope you can spare our lives!" Ike pretended to be pitiful.

"Don't worry, as long as you hand over things, we won't embarrass you!" Boss Ji can't wait to get the six-level magic core now. Everything else is thrown aside. It's the right thing to get the magic core first. As for the life and death of Ike and the little girl next to him, he will not be alone at that time. It has the final say.

Others also echoed. No matter what they think, they will not expose the sharpest fangs until they get the sixth-level magic core.

Ake's hand flashed light, and the six-level magic core appeared in his hand. Now that the news has been leaked, there is no need to keep it secret.

"Wow", everyone's eyes are attracted by the magic core in Ike's hand. Although they have never seen the magic nucleus, the strong energy fluctuation makes them feel infinite power. This power affects their hearts, their blood, and makes them almost lose their minds.

"This big brother, I saw that you are the leader of this group of people. Why don't I give you the magic core!"

Ike and Boss Ji were the closest, and he thought that Boss Ji was also the best to cheat among several three-sided Rubik's Cubes, so he chose to give him the magic core.

As soon as Ji Lao's big head was hot, he stretched his hand forward. This is a six-level magic core, which means endless finance and means that his future cultivation path will be wider. As long as he gets it, the underworld of the whole Hart City will be his world alone in the future. Maybe he can also rely on it to become a six-sided magic cube and become The greatest existence in the world.

The faces of the next three-sided Rubik's Cube changed their faces. They agreed to fight against Ike together, but they didn't expect that he would hand over the things so easily. If Boss Ji got it, would there be some of them? Everyone can't help thinking about it.