Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 46 Seizing Power

Ike was not very talkative. After a few words of greeting with Rashidler, he stopped talking, but quietly listened to the other party.

"Our dark parliament consists of a total of 12 elders and one president. Although I am the president, all major events must go through a joint vote with the twelve elders and more or less obey the principle of the minority, so the power of my president is not as big as I thought." Dele didn't know whether he was self-deprecating or sentimental.

Ike didn't talk. This is a matter within the dark parliament. Although he has joined the organization, he doesn't want to care about these things.

"You are the son of our dark parliament. Your rights are equivalent to an elder. I called you today to introduce you to all the elders. It's embarrassing that they don't know their son when they see their gods in the future," Rashidler said with a smile.

"All the elders have arrived. Let's go. I'll take you there!" Rashidler waved his hand.

Ike followed him. Mary Kay and Lao Liu were obviously not qualified to attend such a meeting, so Ike did not propose to let Mary Kay follow him. What made him understand was the old skeleton. Not to mention his strength, even the current president's teacher, he should be qualified to join, but he He didn't come and stayed in the hall.

Rashidler pushed open a secret door, and Ike found that there were not only two doors in this hall, the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion and the Tibetan arsenal, but the two doors were obvious, while the others were quite hidden and could not be easily found. Even if they were found, they could not be opened. The door must be opened accordingly. Can be opened.

This is a small conference room with bookshelves on both sides and many books on them. Looking at the old appearance of the books above, you can see that these books have been around for some years. In the middle is a long table with a total of 12 people, no less. I think this is the twelve elders mentioned by Rashidler.

"Guys, let me introduce this grandly, this is the future of our dark parliament, our Son of God"

Rahidler turned his body and gave up Ike. Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Ike. After such a long period of practice and the study of the Elonsoko Combat Academy, he was no longer an ignorant teenager who came out of the deep mountains, but was the twelve chiefs of the highest power of the Dark Parliament. Keep staring at it, the pressure is not ordinary.

Ike felt that his forehead should be sweating, but he didn't dare to wipe it, so he could only let them drip down.

"They are the twelve parliamentary elders of our dark parliament, who have the rights of finance, finance, cultivation, intelligence, training and fighting respectively. You have to ask them more questions in the future!" Rahidler said with a smile.

Rahidler had blocked Eke with his body when he spoke. He could feel the pressure like the top of Mount Tai suddenly disappeared. He knew that this was the reason why Rahidler helped him block him. Then he looked at him gratefully and nodded.

"Let me introduce to you. This is the Duke of Dracula," Rahidler began to introduce from the elder at the top.

"Hello, Duke Drac!" Although Ike hated this group of people, he also knew that he could not offend them, so he still said "Okay."

"Well!" Dracula just answered faintly. He has his own arrogance. Although Ike is the son of the dark parliament, he is a great elder. Now Ike has not grown up and does not have the strength to compete with him, so he doesn't need to care about Ike's opinion. He feels that he didn't deliberately go there. It's already good for Ike.

Although he thought he was already very kind, Ike didn't think so. He kindly greeted him, but in exchange for the other party's love, he was naturally angry, but he also knew that his current situation was not suitable for erecting such a powerful enemy, so he chose to swallow it.

"This is Duke Markman," Rahidler continued to introduce the next one.

"Hello, Duke Markman!" Ike also said hello.

"Well, hello, welcome to our big family!" Markman said with a smile.

"Thank you!" said Ike.

Although he doesn't know how Markman is, he doesn't embarrass himself now, and Ike is still a little grateful.

Next, Rahidler introduced Ike one by one. Some of these elders' eyes are higher than the top, some are shameless, and their performances are different. Ike has roughly judged from the performance of these people that these people do not deal with each other, at least they are divided into two or three factions. Ike has a little headaches. Originally, he was old with these people. Dealing with elite characters is already annoying, not to mention being dragged into their factional battle. Ike suddenly regretted his reckless promise to join.

Rahidler not only did not feel Ike's mood, but added a fire. After introducing all the elders, he clapped his hands and a servant came outside.

"President, what can I do for you?" The servant asked respectfully.

"Go and bring me the stool and put it there," Rashidler said, pointing to the last position of the long table.

The servant was slightly surprised. Only the elders and the president are qualified to sit at this table, but the twelve elders at the scene have arrived, and the president's own stool has also been reserved. Now it is necessary to add a stool for this teenager? Who is he and how can he be on an equal footing with these elders? The servant was quite surprised, but he did not dare to disobey the president's order. He promised and went out to move the stool in and put it in the last position.

All the elders didn't say anything. They all knew in their hearts that Ike's identity had been affirmed by that person. Since he was naturally qualified to sit with them, if he objected at this time, he could only be regarded as a laughing stock by their competitors, but they were not idle and watched while watching. , I am also thinking about what kind of power changes will be brought about by Ike's joining.

"That's your future position, you can sit there," Rashidler said to Ike.

Ike knew that he had put himself on a stove. Each of these twelve people seemed to be a cheetah. As long as there was a chance, he would rush up and tear himself up, but he had offended them. At this time, he could not admit his cowardice and beat his heart. At worst, he would fight with them. Once he could control his heart. When he came down, he would be fearless. Even if he stared at the attention of the twelve dark council elders, Ike still swaggered to his seat.

"When we heard the gang of the Holy See boasting about their gods, I really couldn't wait to rush to give them a mouth. At that time, I was wondering why God was so unfair to our dark parliament. The hypocritical guys of the Holy See have been doing it for thousands of years. There was a son of God, but we didn't have it once. Finally, today, we also have a son of God, and he is the son of the gods as never before. He is still a full attribute physique. I think everyone knows what it means," Rahidler said excitedly.

"Well", everyone made a suspicious voice. These elders knew that they had found a son of God, but they did not know about the son of the gods and the full physique. Rashidler chose to say it at this time to deter them. His effect was very good. These old guys were indeed shocked by his words. When it comes to this, if it is just a son of God, it will not attract their attention.

Although the Son of God is destined to become a god, there is no rule that only they can become a god. Even ordinary people have the possibility of becoming a god, but there is no high probability of the Son of God, but the Son of the gods are different. This is a constitution that only appears in legend. It is said that people with such a constitution can It is enough to grow to the realm of the Lord God. It is said that such a person is a real priceless treasure and a real symbol of revival.

Maybe these elders have their own interests, but they are still extremely concerned about the dark parliament itself. At this moment, they also feel very happy to hear that Ike is the son of the gods.

"Since the son of Eike joined our dark parliament and will naturally be one of us in the future, he should enjoy our same treatment. Elders, don't you think so?" Rashedler still asked with a smile.

All the elders were stunned. They wanted to seize power. No wonder they gathered so many people together. It turned out that they wanted to help this god seize power.

Every elder's heart has moved. There have been a rule in history that the status of the Son of God is equivalent to that of an elder, so they did not embarrasike and admit his status. However, now they want to steal power from them, and no one is willing to hand over the fat in their hands.

"What, do you think what I said is wrong?" Rashidler asked when he saw that no one spoke.

"Of course you are right. Since the Son of God has joined us, we naturally need to find something for him to do, but each of our departments has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is not easy to change for a while. The Son of God is still young and is not suitable for managing these trivial things. The most important thing is to practice seriously. When he understands it After each department, which department do you want to manage? Then we will discuss it. What do you think?" After waiting for a while, someone finally spoke.

His words won the approval of all the elders. They couldn't think of any good excuse for a moment. This trick was perfect, saying that it was enough for them to take action after Ike learned about various departments.