Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 58 Weakness

Ike didn't expect that the strength of the red spot ant would be so strong. He not only had strong defense, but also strong spells. As soon as his palm was released, Ike threw away the broken sword and replaced it with a Xianglong dagger.

"I don't believe you can harden my sword!"

Ike jumped up gently and dodged the stone sword. He rotated in the air and turned his head downward. The Xianglong dagger in his hand poked fiercely towards the ground. The golden sword spirit condensed together, like a golden needle. Before it touched the ground, the ground was poked out with a small hole, and the golden sword spirit was stimulated. Get out.

The red spot ant seemed to know the power of the golden sword spirit and did not dare to take it. It moved to the side and dodged over. Then a yellow light lit up its body and saw three stone swords emerging from the ground.

Ike was in the air and was about to fall, but he saw three stone swords stabbed over. His body had an incredible angle. He abruptly folded himself into a "V" shape and escaped the attack of the stone sword. Then he waved the dagger in his hand and cut off the stone sword in the middle. At this time, he fell to the ground.

"It can't go on like this. It hides underground. I can only attack it with sword spirit, but its speed is too fast to avoid my sword spirit attack. How can I fight it?" Ike was not in a hurry to attack, but thought carefully.

"Bang! Bang! "Oh!"

The battle on the other side was much bigger than the movement on Ike's side. Chuck's hands were cool and there was a yellow light. His feet stood on the ground, his body was bent 90 degrees, and his fists were smashed hard on the ground. Every punch could make a big earthquake move. Ike saw his fist attack through his consciousness, a wave The movement was transmitted along the land, and the red spotted ant was like a flat boat in the surging waves, which would collapse at any time.

"So he used this method!" Ike thought to him.

Although this method is very stupid, it is very effective. As long as the red spot ant enters his attack range, it can no longer escape. The only disadvantage is that it consumes too much energy. If another person comes, maybe dozens of punches will knock down, and the energy in the body will be consumed. How can it be as unknown as Chuck? Tired bombardment.

At this time, Ike regretted why he didn't learn some magic at the beginning. He has a whole physique and is very strong in spirit, which is more suitable for being a magician, but he chose the path of swordsman. It can't be said that this road is wrong, but if he had learned magic at the beginning, he can use a dungeon now. He could trap the red spotted ants, but he didn't learn magic, so he could only attack with sword spirit.

"We must find a way to attract it!" Ike thought.

Although the Xianglong dagger is sharp, the red spot ant is very cautious, just hiding in the ground to release magic. Unless Ike can also go down to the ground, it will always be invincible.

Of course, Ike can't go down. He is not a magician. He can cast spells to soften the surrounding soil and then sink down, but even if he can, this spell is useless. The speed is too slow to catch up with the speed of the red spot ant in the ground.

The originally dark and quiet forest suddenly became lively. A man who took off his coat and showed strong muscles kept pounding the ground, while another man kept jumping up and down to avoid the stone swords that kept appearing around him.

"Isn't this red spotted ant formed by energy? Why hasn't it run out of energy yet?" Ike asked as he jumped.

Chuck didn't have time to pay attention to him, and he was also surprised. As usual, he could disperse the red spotted ant after such a bombardment of more than ten minutes, but today it has been almost half an hour, and the red spot ant underground is still intact. He can't figure it, but he can't stop under his hand. Once the red spot ant is allowed After running, it will learn well, and it is not so easy to let it enter its own attack range.

Ike didn't expect Chuck to answer himself. He has been thinking about how to deal with it. If it goes on like this, he can only try his own idea. Whether he succeeds or not, he must try it.

If what Chuck said is true, then no matter how high the IQ of the red spot ant is, it is formed by energy, that is to say, it itself is a mass of energy. If it can disperse this mass of energy, then it will disappear.

Thinking of a solution, Ike took action. He had an alchemy pen and a bowl of mercury in his hand, both of which were necessary for alchemy.


A stone sword stabbed out of the ground and almost knocked over the bowl in Ike's hand. A 360-degree turn, Ike stood firmly, holding a pen in his right hand and a bowl full of mercury in his left hand. The alchemy pen stained the bowl and filled the mercury in an instant.

Ike bent down and put the tip of the pen on the ground, and then ran quickly. He ran a wide range and included Chuck. Finally, he returned to the origin and drew a huge circle on the ground. He did not stop, stained a little mercury, and then drew various lines in the circle, and soon a formation Formed.

"Is this a scattering array?" Chuck noticed it when Ike was in action. It was not until he finished the characterting of the array that he could see that it was a scattering array.

Ike nodded. The Dark Parliament is an organization that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Although Chuck is not an alchemist, it is not strange to be able to recognize the scattered array.

Chuck is a little curious. The scattered energy array is a array used to dissipate energy. The energy in the middle of the array will be emptied and arranged outside. This kind of array is only a secondary array, which is of little use. Generally, the rich businessman's house will depict this array around his house, so that it can play a cool role. This kind of formation is useless in battle. Why does he portray such a formation?

"Is it?••••, why didn't I think of it!" Chuck quickly figured out the key. It's not that he is stupid, but he is not an alchemist. Naturally, he won't think of using the alchemist's means to solve the problem.

Ike ignored Chuck's surprise. He dodged a stone sword and quickly threw out a few second-level magic nuclei. There are too many magic nuclei in his space. He doesn't need to care about using a few at will. The magic nuclei accurately fall to the key point of the array. As soon as they fall, these magic cores are released. A burst of light has been activated.

What Ike has to do is to delay the red spotted ants for a while and not let them escape before the formation exerts its power.

"Squeak! "Squeak!" The red spotted ant seemed to have a sense and let out a shout.

Ike couldn't understand what it was saying, but even if he understood it, he wouldn't let them go. The alchemy pen and mercury were put away, and he clenched the Xianglong dagger in his hand again. Without saying a word, the two swords were wildly cut off at the red spot ants.

"Dang! "Sang!"

Ike's consciousness felt that the sword hit the back of the red spot ant, but it did not cause much damage to it, but aroused its anger.

"It's coming!" Ike felt that the red spot ant seemed to know that it would be dispersed if it was hiding underground again, so he came to the ground. He couldn't help clenching the dagger in his hand and waiting for the arrival of the other party.

"Kang!" The soil in the middle of the array was stretched out, and a pair of huge red pliers exposed the ground, followed by a head half smaller than the pliers. Under the head was a round body. There were no legs on the body, and there were actually six tentacles. The front ends of these tentacles were like drills. No wonder it The rapid underground operation may have a lot to do with these tentacles.

This is the first time Ike has seen a red spotted ant. Although its name is "red spotted ant", it is not an ant. Its body is huge. If it is erected, at least three Ike are as big together, especially a pair of pliers on its head, which are not only long, but also extremely hard. It is very powerful. If it is cut by it, it will definitely be cut into two sections.

"Since you dare to come up, let me show you how powerful I am!" Ike roared.

The Xianglong dagger was put away and replaced with an ordinary sword. Now that the red spotted ant has come out, it is a little useful to use the Xianglong dagger. No matter how hard its skin is, it is absolutely not as hard as the divine sword.

Ike killed the red spot ant with a long sword. The red spot ant was not willing to show weakness, and also hit Ike, and the big pliers on his head "cicked!" " click!" Keep cutting.

The pliers of the red-spotted ant are too long, longer than Ike's sword. Naturally, Ike can't touch its true face. When the two met, Ike God turned slightly and easily bypassed the cutting of its pliers, and then stabbed the eyes of the red-spotted ant. No matter what kind of warcraft it is, its eyes will not be very hard. Generally speaking, It will be their flaws.

"Puff!" The red spot ant obviously did not move as fast as underground on the land. It could not escape Ike's sword, and one eye was blinded by him.

"Squeak!" A loud cry sounded! Even people who can't understand the animal language know that this is a scream.

Ike did not stop, pulled out his sword, and then flew up. He flipped in the air and crossed the head of the red spot ant. The sword stabbed out again. This time, the target was its other eye.

One eye of the red spot ant was stabbed. Before it could react, it saw that the human had reached the top of its head and wanted to stab its other eye. How could it stand it? Its body shrank back and the pliers above its head cut towards Ike.

Ike couldn't change the direction in the air, so he could only use a long sword to plutter its scissors. As Ike expected, the pair of pliers was extremely powerful. As soon as he cut it, he cut his sword without any hesitation, but he also accelerated to fall to the ground with this force.

There was only one piece of sword left in his hand, which was useless. When Ike was still in the air, he shot at the eye of the red spotted ant and used it as a dart.

Ike's strength was also not small. This move was exhausted, and the broken sword flashed and shot the red ant's eyes.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The red spot ant's eyes were damaged, and it was naturally painful. It hit randomly in place for a while.

Ike always noticed that this was the action of the red spot ant. Just as it raised its neck, Ike saw a white place under its neck. Its whole body was fiery red, only such a white place, and it looked very soft. Is that its weakness?

Ike decided to try. He took out a long sword. When the red spot ant raised its neck again, he rushed up at full speed, and a golden light burst out of the long sword in his hand, pointing straight to the white place.


Ike suddenly had an extremely dangerous feeling when he was halfway, and then he saw the red spot ant's head lowered, as if staring at himself coldly, which made him feel incredible. How could he stare at himself when his eyes were blind? But he had this feeling, and he also saw the huge pliers of the red spot ant cut accurately towards him.

"It can see me!" Ike confirmed this fact. At this time, he thought of the possibility that the red spot ant also has divine consciousness, or it has something similar to the divine consciousness, so it was able to avoid the scanning of its own divine consciousness before, and now it can see itself when it is blind.

or not? If you continue to rush up, you will definitely be able to stab it, but its pliers may also cut you to death. If you retreat, you may never have such a chance again.

It is his nature to face difficulties, and Ike made up his mind in an instant.