Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 74 Three Breakthrough Sky Tower

Ike was not hit by Jorad. After all, his consciousness is so strong that he is at the level of abnormality. Naturally, he is a normal person. Of course, he is not so normal in front of others.

Jorad and Ike said a few words and then returned to the Rubik's Cube. Ike ignored it and continued his practice. Although the shaking magic has been practiced, he can't fully master it and needs more practice.

One fist is not enough, another one is still not enough. Ike kept splitting his consciousness, and when he split a hundred, he stopped.

It's so tired. This is not physical fatigue, but mental fatigue. After all, a hundred fists have been split, and the chaotic spirit has shrunk a large circle. Of course, they will not disappear. When a hundred fists fly back, they will be filled, but there will also be consumption in the middle, and there is still no other souls. In the event of a collision, if he uses the shaking magic to others, he will also consume part of his soul. For example, when fighting with Jorad, he obviously feels that his soul has disappeared, so the shaking magic cannot be used many times.

With Clyde's fist and shaking magic, Ike's self-confidence has greatly increased. I don't know if the shaking magic has any effect on the monsters of the Tongtian Tower. If it works, he may be able to cross the ninth level.

Ike beats the drum in his heart. After all, the monsters in the Tongtian Tower are formed by energy. Although they have wisdom, the magic is used by the soul. No one knows whether they have a soul or not. Only after trying can they know.

It was useless to continue to stay here. Ike opened the stone room and went out. The practice square was still very lively, but no one was waiting to challenge himself. Several people even greeted Ike. Ike naturally greeted each other with a smile. In the midst of laughter, Ike walked out of the practice square.

The boss of Xulou sent Ike out enthusiastically. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Ike to come again next time. Ike waved his hand and walked directly to the direction of the Sky Tower.

"God son!" These soldiers guarding the Tongtian Tower still respect Ike very much. After all, they are only the most ordinary soldiers. Their status is relatively low, so they naturally dare not offend Ike.

Ike nodded, gave them his elder token, and went straight into the Tongtian Tower.

No matter how many layers you passed, you have to start again from the first layer next time, so Ike naturally appeared in the first layer, and soon a huge red spot ant appeared in Ike's consciousness.


Ike directly performed the shaking technique, but the red spot ants did not stop and continued to attack him.

Useless? Does the Warcraft formed by these energies have no soul? But if there is really no soul, why do they have wisdom? Do you still know how to fight together?

Ike can't figure out that the Tongtian Tower is really too mysterious. That is to say, every time people who come in, they will enter different spaces, and there will never be a situation where two groups of people meet. What's more, these energy monsters that can never be defeated, who made this kind of thing are really great. It's big.

Ike wears Clyde's gloves. Since shaking magic doesn't work, try the power of Clyde's gloves! Just as he was wearing the gloves, the red spotted ant suddenly stopped and did not move.

Ike waited for a moment before the red spot ant continued to move, but the movement was obviously much slower. Did the shaking magic just now work?

"Shake the magic!"

Ike performed shaking magic again, which was very successful this time. The red spot ant stopped at that time and waited for a whole minute before it recovered.

is really useful. It should have worked for the first time, but it was moving at a high speed at that time. Although its soul fainted, its body continued to move forward because of inertia until it finally stopped, so it thought it was useless.

"Shake the magic!"

"Shake the magic!"

This red spot ant has completely become the object of Ike's experiment. Ike is constantly testing the effect of shaking magic on it. How much shaking magic has an effect on it, what will happen if it is increased by one point, and what will happen if it is reduced by one point? The red spot ant is the mouse that has been tested, and the accurate response is known to Ike.

After tossing for a whole hour, Ike finally understood that now it has been able to shock the red spot ant with just the right force.

The red spot ant has completed its mission, but its fate has not ended. Ike tested the effect of Clyde's boxing on it. From small to large, he combined with the use of shaking magic to achieve the best effect. The red spot ant has no power to fight back at all, until finally it loses all its price. At that time, Ike dispersed it and reduced it to a mass of energy, but Ike did not even let go of this mass of energy, and the evil halo directly absorbed it.

With the assistance of shaking magic, Ike did not know how easy it was to break through. As soon as shaking magic came out, all the monsters were shocked by their souls. No matter how many of them were, they became wheat to be cut, while Ike waved his sickle and easily harvested their "life".

All the way to the sixth floor, Ike encountered a new problem. One hundred saber-toothed fish swam in the water. Although he could perform shaking magic on them at the same time, his own soul was limited and could not aim at them at the same time. Moreover, these saber-tooth fish were extremely fast in the water, which added to the difficulty of shaking magic. It's good that he can hit 70 or 80 at most every time, and a small part of them are hit by luck.

Ike did not break through the barrier blindly. The last time he was able to break through this barrier with his body and evil spirit. This time, with the assistance of shaking magic, he could naturally break through easily, but he was not in a hurry to achieve it. Instead, he stayed at the sixth level, took a hundred sabre-toothed fish as the goal of practice, and constantly trained himself. With many uses, he set a goal for himself. He must reach the level of hitting 100 saber-toothed fish at the same time to go to the next level, otherwise he will always practice here.

"Shake the magic!" This time, it has reached 80, continue.

"Shake the magic!" This time, it reached 82, but 13 of them were blindly touched. Continue.

When Ike was constantly practicing shaking magic, on the 18th floor of the Tongtian Tower, Iolos and the golden lion Aeolia were also observing him.

"I didn't expect him to practice the art of divine attack so quickly. Although it's a little rough, it's okay to break through the first twelve layers. Brother, it seems that he is the person in the prophecy!" The golden lion said to Iolos.

Iolos shook his head slightly and said, "It's too early to confirm. Only when he really breaks through the twelve floors will he be eligible for the test. Only those who pass the test are the real person in the prophecy."

The Golden Lion stopped talking when he heard what he said and looked at the picture quietly. In fact, how much he hoped that Ike could break through quickly. He and his brother had been waiting here for hundreds of thousands of years. They had been tired of it for a long time. If it weren't for the task, he really wanted to escape from here. Now he finally saw There is a glimmer of hope, that's why they pay so much attention to Ike.







"One Hundred"

Ike exhaled a turbid breath. From the beginning, he hit more than 80 at the same time, and now he can hit 100. Although he has only increased by more than a dozen, it is extremely difficult enough to make Ike practice for ten days to achieve this step.

Finally, Ike was full of joy. What is happier than his hard work and success in the end?

"Shake the magic!"

Ike used it again. This time, a full hundred fists flew out, all of which hit the saber-tooth fish without missing a single one, and all the sabre-toothed fish seemed to be fixed at once.

"The fourth type of thunder ape boxing, the birth of thunder ape"

Aike's fists moved together, and a virtual shadow appeared behind him, as if an evil ape came. One punch was smashed out, and pieces of saber-toothed fish were directly bombarded into scum. After three punches went down, a hundred sabre-toothed fish were all wiped out.

Ike clapped his hands with satisfaction. There are only five types of thunder ape boxing. The first type, thunder strike is a punch that gathers the energy of the whole body, one punch, which is unmatched; the second type, thunder ape asks the sky, this move is a move to deal with the enemy in the air, focusing on the stability of the next plate, grasping the ground with both feet, and standing undefeated; the third move, thunder The ape turned around and stroked his hands as infinitely, which can resolve the enemy's attack; the fourth type is the birth of the thunder ape, which can condense the shadow of a thunder ape with energy, which has great lethality; the last move of thunder ape to destroy the world is a self-harm. Although it is powerful, it also needs to pay a heavy price.

Three moves to destroy all 100 saber-toothed fish, which cannot be said to be the fastest record, but it is enough for others to be proud of.

Ike stood on the transmission array and teleported directly to the seventh floor, which was the flame pawn. This time, Ike was no longer like last time. He didn't take action until the last moment. When it fell to the middle, he directly shook the magic. The flame fell was undoubtedly stunned. Ike hit it with one punch until he was in front of it. Explosion.

Ike, who has the secret skill of divine attack, is like hanging up. These monsters are not opponents at all. The eighth layer of Ike's same shaking magic stunned all ten flames and then blew them up one by one.

On the ninth floor, Ike stood on the Flame Mountain and looked at the dense flame colt in the magma below, all of which were 100, and all of them were more powerful than the eighth floor. Last time it was them, and he almost burned himself with a joint attack. Today, he stood here again. Ike sighed in his heart that he came again!

Ike didn't think much about it anymore. He jumped directly from the flame mountain and fell head down, which was basically the same as the last time. When he jumped down, he was found by these flames.

"Wow! Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew!"

Each flame spewed out a flame, a hundred flames, which gathered together to form a long dragon of flames. Last time Ike broke the halberd and sank into the sand. This time, this will never happen again, Ike said to himself.

"Shake the magic!"

In mid-air, Ike performed a magic shaking technique, and all 100 flames were shocked, but the flame dragon did not disappear and continued to pounce on Ike.

"Oh, my God!" Ike shouted strangely. He thought that these flames were the magic released by these flames. The master was stunned and the magic would naturally disappear, but they did not disappear. Obviously, they were not as simple as magic. Looking carefully, Ike found that the long dragon composed of flames was constantly flying. Drop down.

It turns out that they are all made of magma! Ike suddenly realized, but the most important thing at this time is to think about how to avoid it. As for its composition, it doesn't matter.