Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 83 Awakening

Mary Kay left, and no one looked for her trouble anymore, leaving everyone to sigh. The illusionist who had disappeared in ancient times actually reappeared. He was still a few years old, but it was this child who easily defeated three adults, and these three were also a three-sided Rubikfang shi. , two double-sided magicians, this is simply a miracle! Is the illusionist going to rise again? People can't help thinking so.

On the 18th floor of the Tongtian Tower, a golden light ball and a colorful light ball emit a fascinating light at the same time, shining the whole world. The golden light ball is naturally Ike's body, but it has not been modified yet, but the colorful light ball is much smaller than the golden light ball, and In the midst of constantly becoming smaller.

In this colorful light ball, a soul body squats inside and blocks itself. This soul body is naturally Ike. His soul is trembling and roaring. He is unwilling. He wants to go against the sky, and he wants to break this cage.

The golden lion looked at the colorful light ball with a trace of anxiety in his eyes, but it could not help at this time. Everything could only depend on Ike's own efforts.

"Brother, do you think he can succeed?" The golden lion asked the people beside him.

"I don't know, I hope he can succeed!" said Ren Ma.

The two did nothing but stayed aside and watched the colorful light ball, as if they were protecting it.

At this time, Ike was in a coma. He didn't feel anything that happened outside. The severe pain almost crushed him. He could only keep thinking about something happy to relieve the pain. However, the pain was getting deeper and deeper. In the end, he directly fainted Ike's pain, but it was very It will soon wake him up again, faint again, wake up again, and again.

A dilapidated house with only two rooms, one is a kitchen and a bedroom. There is only one bed in the bedroom. ** lies a paralyzed old man, and a little boy stumbles with a bowl of black potion.

"Father, get the medicine ready, and you will get better after drinking the medicine," the little boy said.

The old man smiled and picked up the bowl, drank all the potion inside, and put the bowl by the bedside. The man's big hand stroked the little boy's forehead, and his eyes were full of guilt and pride. The little boy was full of happiness when he saw his father drinking the medicine. This was the picture that Ike thought about the most. Naturally, the little boy was himself. This is his childhood. Although it was miserable in the eyes of others, he was happy. After all, he had a father to accompany him.

On a boulevard, a red maple leaf fell. A girl and a boy walked one after another. The girl picked up the maple leaf, wrote her wish on it, and handed it to the boy, so that the boy could also write his wish. Then the two buried their wishes together, hoping that they could take root and germinate. Girl It's Celia, the boy is Ike, which is his first love and will never be forgotten.

There is a woman who has been gently accompanying her and is now waiting for herself. Such a good woman is really worth cherishing. This woman is Linda, an understanding and best wife.

There is also a girl who has been following herself for more than a year. Now I can't tell how she feels about her. This girl is still waiting for herself outside.

Ike kept thinking about these, which was also his only happiness. For him, cultivation was just to protect the people around him from harm, but when he really embarked on this road, he found that there was no end to it.

The picture flashed. The little boy sitting by the bed had grown up, and he lay on a low stone mountain, watching an iron-skinned rhinoceros and a fiery red armored man fighting in front of him. A strong wind swept by. When he woke up again, he had come to a strange place, a strange eagle hook. The old man with a nose was looking at himself. This person was Camair. Although he had not forced himself to do anything, Ike could feel a sense of disdain from him.

His father didn't know where he was and how he was doing, and he also lived under the supervision of others. The sense of powerlessness made him despair, so he embarked on the road of practice, hoping to change his life.

On a road, there were corpses everywhere. What he meant was to return to the time when the orcs attacked the city. On the corpse mountain, several people gathered to defend against the approaching enemy, and suddenly a dark green arrow flew over.

"Be careful," Mary Kay pushed Ike aside, shot her with an arrow, and shot her through.

A female doctor said to Ike, "She is the most poisonous in the world, drunk in the world."

Ike cried loudly. Although he knew that all this was a thing in the past, he couldn't help crying when he experienced it again. She was poisoned to save me. If his strength was a little higher, such a thing would not have happened. He must be able to find the arrow in advance and never let it shoot. Anyone in.

Many past events keep flashing, warm and sad, which makes him understand that only real strength can protect the people around him. Now he is still too weak. His father can't find it. Cleya can't save him. Now he is still trapped here and has become a tool for others. I am not reconciled. ! I'm not reconciled!

Ike shouted that he was really unwilling. Why did he live under the manipulation of others? Why couldn't he protect the people around him because he didn't have strength? So everyone can force themselves. I don't want to live such a life. This pain is nothing. I want to resist. I want to break the shackles. I don't want the people around me to be hurt again. Come on, I'm not afraid of you.

From escaping the soul attack at the beginning to taking the initiative to meet, Ike has produced an incredible change. The original painful feeling is gone forever. Although it is still painful, he believes that he can resist it.

Time passed day by day, but no change could be seen on this floor. A golden ball of light and a colorful ball of light were shining, while a golden lion and a monster with a horse head watched quietly.

"It's been a year, and he should be about to succeed. By the way, his soul was getting weaker and weaker at the beginning. I was worried that he would be annihilated like this. I didn't expect that he could break out in the end, and it was getting stronger and stronger. According to this trend, I'm afraid it won't be long before our brother can get out of here, God Lord! I have been waiting for this day for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is finally coming," the Golden Lion said excitedly.

"Yes, soon, everything will be revealed." Iolos couldn't help clenching his fist. They have been waiting for too long on this day. Even God will feel lonely in one place for hundreds of thousands of years.

The colorful light ball of light kept circulating. Suddenly, a light disappeared and the colorful light turned into six colors.

"It's starting, it's about to start. This is the last inheritance. You must succeed, you must succeed!" The golden lion Ioria shouted excitedly.

Iolos is much calmer, but from his clenched fists, it can be seen that his heart is far from as calm as the surface.

"It's less, it's less, big brother, look, there are only five left," the golden lion shouted.

"Shut up, you don't need to say, I saw it!" Aolos said angrily.

The golden lion closed his mouth, but soon he shouted again, and every time the brilliance disappeared made him very excited.

"There is still the last one left, quickly, quickly, disappear!" The golden lion kept saying.

The last color can't be eliminated. It always rises and makes the final struggle.

"Hurry up, hurry up", the golden lion's mouth bit blood. He is really nervous to the extreme. This is not only related to Ike's life, but also to the future of him and Iolos. How can he not be nervous?

The last red light refused to dissipate for a long time, but it has shown its fatigue and has been eaten little by little. The original colorful light ball now has only one kind left, becoming a bloody light ball, and this light ball is constantly shrinking, from the size of a person to the size of a fist. At this time, it seems to meet When there is any obstacle, the blood cells are big and small, rising and shrinking.

In the interior of the blood cell, Ike is struggling to absorb the last inheritance. His spirit has reached the extreme, and all the divine consciousness has burned up. This is the last struggle. If he does not succeed, he will become benevolent.

"Go to hell!" Ike roared, and a bloody light was finally sucked over by him.

The blood cell shrank again and finally turned into a soybean-sized bead, but it turned into a seven-color, just like when the golden lion first gave it to him.

The colorful beads suddenly changed, and a seven-foot man appeared, which was the soul of Ike.

"You finally succeeded, great, we can go out," the golden lion jumped up happily like a child who had not grown up.

"Congratulations!" Although Iolos is also happy, he is not as public as his younger brother. Now Ike has mastered Chuangjie Mountain and is qualified to stand in the same position as them, so his speech is much more polite.

"Thank you!" Ike thanked. Although the two forced themselves to accept this inheritance, they did save themselves, so anyway, he still wanted to thank each other.

"Quickly, what are the words left by the Lord?" The Golden Lion quickly asked. He really wanted to leave this place. As long as he knew the content of that sentence, they could leave and waited for the eternal years to finally end.

Iolos did not stop his brother this time, and he also looked at Ike expectantly to know what that sentence was.

"The sky is dead, and the Lord of God has returned to the throne, which is the content of that sentence," Ike said slowly.

"What", Aeolia and Iolos Qiqi for a while, didn't expect to wait for hundreds of thousands of years, but they waited for such a sentence.

"Heaven is dead, and the Lord of God has returned to his throne, ha, ha, what a heaven is dead, and the Lord of God has returned to his throne, God, is this your arrangement? Let our brothers hide here and face everything alone," Iolos smiled sadly.

"It turns out that all this is a scam. Lord, why did you lie to us?" The golden lion roared.

Ike doesn't know what this sentence means. Literally, it's easy to understand that heaven and God are dead, but who is this heaven? Who is God? He didn't know at all. He refined the colorful beads, and there was only one sentence in it except for the control method of the Creation Mountain, so he didn't know what that sentence meant.