Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 86 The Imprisonment

Mary Kay wiped away her tears and snorted coldly. Ike turned his head and looked at a group of people lying on the ground. What he just meant was to make everyone come and apologize, not a thin bamboo pole alone.

The thin bamboo pole looked back at the crowd and immediately turned his head back in horror. Today, he encouraged them to come. Now they have all been beaten, and he has taken the initiative to beg for mercy. These people will definitely not let them go in the future, but he dares not beg for mercy. This man is so powerful that the sword can be cut on him. When Mars emerges, how thick is his skin to do it? Such a person is not an order of magnitude at all and can't be fought.

Ike looked at Abigel coldly. He could see that the other party was the head of this group of people. As long as he bowed his head, the rest of the people dared not apologize.

Abigel's face was gloomy and terrible. Originally, he just wanted to be an illusionist for a while today, but he didn't expect to be beaten up. He was really humiliated and lost to his grandma's house. Now he has to apologize to the other party. He even has the heart to die.

After a fierce struggle, reason overcame the impulse. He slowly got up, covered his bleeding nose, and said to Mary Kay, "Miss, I'm sorry."

He, the boss, has apologized, and the rest of the little brother dared to hold it and apologized one after another.

Ike took a cold look and said, "You can get out of here!"

Abigal's palms were torn by his nails and suppressed his anger. He left there with everyone. He was not the opponent of the other party. The impulsive result could only be beaten again. Today's face has been lost, and there is no need to throw in tomorrow's face.

"Brother, yes, I'm sorry", the thin bamboo pole carefully accompanied me.

"Go back and settle accounts with you!" Abigel said coldly and left without saying a word.

The thin bamboo pole came with a group of people and left in dismay, leaving only a classic battle. Although it showed a one-sided trend, it was a battle to defeat the strong with the weak.

"Are you all right?" Ike touched Mary Kay's hair and said lovingly.

"Well," Mary Kay nodded. As long as Ike came back, she would be happy, and her previous grievances had disappeared.

"Let's go back!" Ike took Mary Kay's little hand and walked to his mansion. As for the people behind him, he was not in the mood to greet them.

"The god is so strong that his body is at least comparable to the fourth-level Warcraft," some people exclaimed.

"I don't know how he cultivated, but his body can be cultivated to this extent," some people praised.

Ike returned to his mansion with Mary Kay. After more than a month, he returned here again. Ike did not feel like returning home. In the final analysis, he still did not have a sense of belonging here and did not regard himself as a person of the dark parliament.

"Brother, where have you been for more than a month?" Mary Kay entered the house and asked.

"I have been in a wonderful place for more than a month, where..." Ike told Mary Kay about Chuangjie Mountain. Of course, the danger was only vaguely brought over, focusing on the magic of Chuangjie Mountain.

"Main artifact, time accelerates", Mary Kay's face is full of disbelief, of course, she doesn't believe what Ike said, but it can't be accepted for a while, and time can also accelerate? Ten times, a hundred times, that means staying inside for ten days, and only one day has passed outside. How amazing it is!

Ike smiled and thought that he was not as curious as Mary Kay at the beginning. If he hadn't been in a hurry to come out to see Mary Kay, he would definitely have stayed in the Tongtian Tower for a longer time.

"Brother, let's go to the Tongtian Tower to have a look. I haven't felt the acceleration of time yet!" Mary Kay blinked and said,

Not to mention such a little girl as Mary Kay, even the old skeleton or Rasheedler would be surprised to know it. After all, it can change the means of time, even the legendary god can't do it. At least Jorad said that it was impossible to change even a second in its heyday, but this creation What a great thing it is that Jieshan can do it.

"Okay, let's go and have a look together," Ike said with a smile. He also wants to see what other secrets there are in Chuangjie Mountain, that is, Tongtian Tower. Although his strength can't take it away yet, maybe there is something good for him.

Ike took Mary Kay into his room, closed the door, scanned his consciousness, and confirmed that there was no one around him, and then spread out his hands. There was a soybean-sized bulge in his right palm, which was the original colorful light beads, that is, the core of Creation Mountain. Now the whole Creation Mountain is under the control of Ike. He has There is no need to enter through the gate, and it can be transmitted directly to the control center on the 18th floor anytime and anywhere.

"Close your eyes, we're leaving." The reason why Ike let Mary Kay close her eyes is that she will be more dazzling when she opens her eyes when transmitting.

Mary Kay obediently closed her eyes. Ike's right palm emitted a colored light. The color light rotated around and wrapped the two people. Then the light flashed, and both of them disappeared. When they opened their eyes again, the surroundings were gray.

"Is this the 18th floor of Tongtian Tower?" asked Mary Kay.

"Well, this is the 18th floor. It's too dark. I'll make it brighter." Ike said and spread out his right hand. Now this creation mountain is his own. Naturally, there is no problem to make this floor brighter. His palm lit up with a light, and the surroundings suddenly lit up.

There are patterns of sun, moon and stars in the sky, and each star emits light, especially the red sun in the middle, emitting endless heat, and the moon next to it emits a faint cold, and the heat is just neutral.

"Wow, how can the sun and the moon appear together?" Mary Kay looked up at the sky and asked curiously.

Ike doesn't know how to explain it, and even he himself can't understand it. Maybe this is a star map of a mysterious universe. Now Ike's knowledge is not lower than that of ordinary magic cubes. At least he has seen two of the twelve golden saints, and even one of them has blood flowing in his body. However, he already knows that he lives in a small universe, and there are many such universes and countless strange creatures outside, so the coexistence of the sun and the moon is not so strange.

"From now on, you will practice here, and I will keep the time accelerated twice, so that your cultivation speed can be improved a lot." As soon as Ike moved, two stone piers suddenly appeared, just enough for one person to sit on it to practice.

Mary Kay was very sensible. She saw that Ike had something to do and promised to sit on the stone pier to practice.

Jorad can practice in his own Rubik's Cube. There is no need to release it for the time being, and it absorbs energy too quickly when practicing. If it is next to Mary Kay, it will also drive her cultivation speed. This is a very dangerous thing. If not, it will explode and die, so Ike did not take Joe Rad released it.

He disappeared from the 18th floor with a flash. Now the whole creation mountain is under his control. On the 18th floor, he can go anywhere. He first came to the 13th floor. This is the world of ice and snow. Ike stepped on the ice and snow and sighed in his heart.

Now he knows that there are 18 floors in Chuangjie Mountain. The first to 12th floors are not only built to select suitable successors, but also to kill the soul of the demon god.

The 18th floor of Chuangjie Mountain is actually a huge cage, in which there are several huge demon gods. The demon gods are actually the gods, but they are all cruel and kill innocent people indiscriminately, causing huge blood abuse. These demon gods are all powerful, and even the owners of Chuangjie Mountain can't kill them, so they are all created. The owner of Jieshan suppressed here with great power, but they are too powerful. Even if the soul leaks out, it can kill countless people on the planets, so there are the first twelve layers of the Tongtian Tower. In fact, the monsters in these twelve layers are condensed by the souls leaked by these demon gods, so they can have some wisdom. .

So that's it! Ike knew these things through colorful light beads, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that there would be some treasures or something in the Mountain of Creation. He didn't expect that there was nothing. This was just a prison, a place to hold prisoners. Of course, the people imprisoned here* were very big, and they could release one of them out. There will be a big earthquake in the universe.

Ike squatted down and touched the ice and snow on the ground. Who would have thought that a frightening demon god would be suppressed in this world of ice and snow, and the cage in such a small world actually has five layers, that is to say, there are five demon gods imprisoned. These are five gods. Although they are very sinful, they can't do otherwise Their strength is also extremely powerful, but they have been suppressed by the owner of Chuangjie Mountain. It can be imagined that he is powerful.

The thirteenth floor is a world of ice and snow, suppressing a fire demon god. Ike came to the fourteenth floor again. This is a sea of flames, and there are flames everywhere, burning the whole world. Needless to say, it must be a water demon god suppressed here. Looking back to the fact that he encountered 100 flames on the ninth floor. At that time, I was forced to be embarrassed, but now I am standing at another starting point. Although it is flaming, I can't hurt myself at all.

Ike came to the fifteenth floor again. This is the world of mountains. All kinds of mountains are straight into the sky and can't be seen at all. What is suppressed here is a wind-based demon god.

16 layers, this is the sea of wind, the void is cut open, the stars are swept away, nothing can exist in such a wind, only the center of the world, where there is a planet, to be precise, it is a demon god, it has fallen into permanent sleep, perhaps You will wake up in a moment, maybe forever.

17th floor, this layer is empty and there is nothing. Whether it is divine scanning or the naked eye, you can't see anything. Is there no suppression of demons on this floor? Ike connected the colorful beads and immediately knew the answer from it. This layer suppresses the void demon god, which can turn anything into void, so this layer has become like this, and the void demon god himself has also turned into a part of here. It can be said that this layer is the void demon god, and the void demon god is the 17th level. .

With a flash of light, Ike also returned to the 18th floor, fire demon god, water demon god, wind demon god, earth demon god, plus a void demon god. Ike smashed his mouth. Originally, he thought he had inherited a great main artifact, but he didn't expect that it was the prison of five demon gods.