Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 108 Temptation

"Shake the magic!"

Ike directly launched this secret skill to deal with the soul, and it was fully exerted without any reservation.

"Ah!" The black grimace screamed and was directly shaken to death. The black body was evaporated in the air like water vapor.

"Brother, you finally woke up!" Mary Kay was relieved. Just now, she didn't know how many swords she had stabbed and how many times she cut them, but the grimace had no entity. Her attack was useless, which made her worried to death. Now it seems that Ike finally broke away from the fantasy and killed the grimace with one move. Naturally, I am very happy.

"I've always been awake, but there's something wrong. You did a good job before," Ike patted Mary Kay's head and said. He likes to pat Mary Kay's head very much, but Mary Kay has only reached his waist, but now she has grown to his shoulder position, so he rarely acts so intimately .

Mary Kay's face turned red, but it soon returned to normal. This is just a habit of her brother, Mary Kay comforted herself.

"When I go out, I will teach you the magic of shaking, and you must study hard," Ike thought for a moment.

Although Mary Kay's illusion is powerful, if the enemy is immune to illusion, she will lose her combat effectiveness. If she can learn to shake magic, there will be one more means against the enemy. She was not taught before because the Dark Council had not relaxed his discipline at that time, and every secret book needs to be used. The contribution value is exchanged, even Ike is no exception, so if Mary Kay wants to learn, she also needs to exchange the contribution value, but she has no contribution value at all, so she can't learn, but now it's different. Since the old skeleton is willing to open all the secrets of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to him, it must have been a big deal, and occasionally spread one or two secrets. It doesn't matter much.

"Really? Thank you, brother!" Mary Kay smiled happily. She knew the power of shaking the magic, and she had always wanted to learn this secret skill. Unfortunately, she also knew that the Dark Council could not teach other people's secret skills casually, and it must be exchanged with the contribution value, so she did not ask Ike for advice.

Ike smiled and touched Mary Kay's head again, messing up her bangs.

The little girl pouted her mouth dissatisfiedly and stretched out her hand to flatten her bangs. Then she asked worriedly, "Isn't there a rule that the parliament is not allowed to pass on secret skills to others? Will my brother give it to me?•••••”

"Don't worry! It's okay!" Ike said.

Mary Kay looked at his confident appearance, so she was relieved and cheered that she could learn such a powerful move.

"Let's go, let's go up and have a look!" Ike has seen the stairs. Since he has determined that this tower is the way out, he can only go up and have a look.

The stairs are not long, only dozens of steps. You can't see any scene upstairs downstairs. The two stepped up the steps and didn't come to the second floor.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Mary Kay couldn't help admiring.

The whole second floor is a sea of flowers, and they are all red flowers. Ike can't recognize the name of the flower, but it is very beautiful, especially the whole floor is this kind of flower. There is a shocking visual feeling that Ike has to admit that it is very beautiful, and even smells sweet silk in the air. The fragrance is refreshing.

"Welcome to the Garden of Love!" A charming voice sounded. Even if you don't see her, just listening to her voice can make people intoxicated, as if drinking a jar of old wine, full of fragrance.

The two looked forward at the same time and saw a woman coming from the sea of flowers. Ike's head exploded suddenly. There was such a beautiful woman in the world. Yes, the only noun that Ike could think of could describe her was beauty, which was too beautiful in words.

A light green sand skirt covers the body, embroidered with green leaves on the edge of the skirt, and a huge red rose embroidered on the chest, which almost occupies the front of the whole dress. The luxurious skirt is dotted with more than a few red flowers, which turned out to be real flowers, and I don't know how to embroider it.

A head of green silk is tied into a beautiful bun, and gently inserting the tail of the hair with a peony with beads and two-color glazed treasure hairpin. Without powder on the face of the country, 3,000 beautiful women have lost their color. A pair of bright black eyes just blinked gently, with a trace of naughty in the nobleness, which makes people feel itchy.

"What a beautiful sister!" Even Mary Kay couldn't help admiring.

The woman waved her willow waist gently and walked towards Ike step by step. The air around her seemed to have risen several temperatures.

"Hello, I'm the guardian of this layer. My name is Xiulian." The green woman opened her mouth gently, and her voice was like an empty valley orchid, which was very pleasant.

"Hello, Miss Xiulian, my name is Ike, this is my sister, my name is Mary Kay," Ike said dryly.

"If you want to go up, you only need to stay here for a day, and the channel will naturally open." Xiulian covered her mouth and smiled, as if she were laughing at Ike's stupid appearance.

"Thank you for reminding me," Ek Xie said.

"Anyway, it's very boring. Why don't you talk to me!" Xiulian said.

"Good", Ike naturally refused to invite the beautiful woman.

The three sat down directly in the sea of flowers. Xiulian was not very good at talking, but she always found the topic and let Ike and Mary Kay talk for a while, but she didn't feel bored.

It's always a very pleasant thing to chat with beautiful women. Although Ike seems to pass this test quickly, he doesn't want to surprise the beauty. After all, Xiulian is really beautiful, especially when she smiles, she shows a snow-white under her neck, like a snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, which is crystal clear, which makes Ike want to go Go to kiss Fangze. He is also a man who has tasted the taste of meat, if he can stand it.

Gradually, the red light in Ike's eyes became more and more red, but this red light was different from the red eyes formed by evil spirit, as if a fire was burning, which made him panic.

"It's so hot," Ike muttered and took off his coat, but he still felt hot, so he could only keep scratching with his hands.

"Well", Mary Kay also let out a whisper, and her eyes changed and became very anxious, as if there was a wolf hidden in her heart. She wanted to rush out, so she could only keep patting her head.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiulian rushed forward and fell into Ike's arms. She grabbed Ike's hands and rubbed them gently on her face, but a trace of pride flashed in her eyes.

This sound was like pouring a bucket of oil on the brazier. Ike's inner desire broke through the shackles of reason in an instant. He pushed Xiulian down and didn't have time to speak. His head went directly to Xiulian's seal. His four lips were handed over. A feeling of comfort exploded in Ike's mind, which made his head dizzy. He didn't know it anymore. Where are you?

"Gig, grunt, itchy, don't make trouble." Xiulian refused to welcome him, and the act of refusing to flirtat him made Ike suffer a lot. He has now lost his mind. His mind is to jump on it and then do a primitive sport.

"Why is every man the same and useless?" Xiulian thought with disgust in her heart. Suddenly, she saw Mary Kay "touching" next to her and smiled, as if she had thought of something interesting, and a trace of cunning flashed in her eyes.

Xiulian pushed Ike away and was about to get up and was knocked down by Ike again. She could only push her away again. This time, her movements were so fast that even Ike couldn't catch her. If Ike was still awake at this moment, he would be surprised. Xiulian, who seemed to be weak and had no strength, was so good.

Xiulian pushed Ike away, then grabbed Mary Kay, threw it to him, and then stood aside and coldly watched the two of them roll together.

Ike took over Mary Kay and did not realize that he had changed, or at this time he could not tell who the person in front of him was. Only the most primitive desire dominated him. He pressed Mary Kay's head and pressed his mouth hard.

"Well!" Mary Kay wanted to say something, but she was suffothed back.

Ike put out his tongue, pried open Mary Kay's teeth, and then put his tongue in. This was a wet place that made Ike's mind slightly awake, but it was just that. His tongue stirred in Mary Kay's mouth, and then grabbed her lilac tongue, which was fierce. Suck.

"pain, pain", even if she was confused, Mary Kay still felt a pain in her tongue.

Ike was no longer satisfied after taking a few breaths. He held Mary Kay's chest with his right hand and rubbed it twice, but Mary Kay's chest had only just developed, which was basically nothing, so after rubbing it twice, Ike gave up and turned down.

"Ha ha, is it easier for brothers and sisters to do this kind of thing?" Xiulian's eyes are like knives at this moment, staring at their movements without blinking, as if she were watching the best movie.

"Wake up, what are you doing? She is your sister." With a roar, Ike felt a pain in his soul, but it was this pain that brought him back to reality.

He pushed Mary Kay away, and Ike was so angry that he actually said that he had awakened this woman. If it hadn't been for Jorad's secret method to wake him up, I'm afraid that something would have happened that he would regret for a lifetime.