Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 111 Difficult Victory

The battle between Ike and Mirror Ike showed a one-sided posture at the beginning, but as time goes by, although Ike's injury is getting worse and heavier, he can occasionally fight back. From the beginning, he will be beaten to vomit blood, and now he has made great progress after dozens of moves. .

"The most difficult person to defeat in the world is himself. He didn't think that he could create another self. Even the mountain of creation is really powerful!" Ike was blown away again and touched the blood. He can't remember how many times he was beaten away and how much blood he vomited. But every time he can stand up and fight with the other party again.

"You are very strong. You can do everything I know, and it's better than what I use," Ike was blown away again, covering his mouth and coughing.

Mirror Ike just looked at him quietly, without affirming or denying him.

"But there is one thing you don't have, that is, feelings. I have the persistence in my heart, and I can defeat you," Ike said with great certainty.

Mirror Ike didn't speak. He didn't know where he got his confidence. Although he did have no feelings, as Ike himself said, he knew what he could do, and he used better than him. Even if he created a trick temporarily, he would know it at that moment, so he didn't have a Silk's chance of winning.

"Kill!", Ekton paused, clenched his fists, and rushed straight towards the mirror Ike. Although his whole body was scarred, his momentum was constantly rising and getting stronger. This is an invincible belief. Originally dormant in his heart, now it is like a compressed spring, and finally It broke out, and it was moving forward bravely, and nothing could stop it.

"Bang!" The two's fists collided, as if two iron fists had hit each other, and there were sparks. This time, Ike was not blown away, but retreated three steps to stabilize his body.

"Come again!" Ike shouted, and his fists expanded again.

"Bang!", another clean and neat collision, but this time Ike miraculously did not take a step back, but the occasional blood dripping on the ground showed that he was still slightly worse.

"Come again!" Ike was crazy and didn't care about his injury at all, as if he didn't know what the injury was. This is his invincible belief that he would not waver even if he was injured.

"Kick!" A slight sounded, and Ike's face changed. He felt that the bone of his right hand seemed to be broken.

"Come again!" Ike used his left hand this time. His eyes were blood red and the blood aura on his body flashed. I don't know when the evil spirit came out by himself.

Mirror Ike's eyes are not red, but his body is the same as Ike's. The blood-colored halo flashes and can even release evil spirits. He also changed his left hand to attack.

"Bang!" The two fists collided fiercely. This time, no one moved a minute, and they stuck together so quietly.

"Hiss!" After a short confrontation, it was Ike who finally won the final victory. His left fist broke the mirror Ike's arm, and then bombarded him on his chest, directly smashing him.

"Wow, hoo, hoo", Ike breathed heavily. Although he won, he also paid a great price. His right arm was broken, seven ribs were broken, and his internal organs were injured. It can be said that his body was full of scars, but fortunately, he finally gave the mirrored himself. Defeated.

"Although you know a lot and your realm is much higher than me, you have no heart. No matter how powerful you are, you are just a puppet. Nothing can stop my footsteps, and you can't do it." Ike clenched his left hand and secretly swore that this battle made him more firm. The heart of cultivation recognizes its own heart, which can also be said to be blessed by misfortune.

"Why is there no ladder?" Ike looked around and didn't find the stone ladder leading to the next floor. He couldn't help wondering.

At the beginning, he saw clearly that this light tower has six floors. He has experienced the first three floors, all of which are tests for himself. In this way, there should be three levels waiting for him, but there is no movement. He is still trapped here, even if he can't get out or get there. To the next floor, what's going on?

The world is not big. Ike quickly looked everywhere, and there was indeed no access to the next floor, so he had to give up. His injuries were very serious. Since he couldn't find a way out, it would be better to sit down to heal his wounds. He didn't want to waste time looking for the way.

"Gollum!" Ike swallowed an elixir. Most of his body were some wounds he had bought before. Although the healing effect was not ideal, it was better than nothing. After taking the elixir, he took out some powder, sprinkled some on his wound, and found a white cloth to wrap himself.

Maybe he has suffered enough injuries. His dressing skills are very good, and he quickly cleans up the injuries on his body. Then he continues to sit down cross-legged and practice. The external injury is well handled, but the internal injury is difficult to cure. Although he has taken the wound medicine, it is absolutely impossible to be completely cured without a month of cultivation. This is also the reason why his body is naturally powerful. If a mage suffered such a serious injury, he might have died on the spot.

In another world, Caesar sneered and looked at the mirror himself on the opposite side. The tip of the sword in his hand was facing the ground, and the blood stains on it gathered together to form a drop of blood and fell to the ground. These blood stains were not his own, but mirrored on the opposite side.

"You are just a body, and you don't even have the least soul. How can you fight with me!" The invincible momentum shown by Caesar when he said this is not available to anyone, which only shows that he has an invincible belief in his heart, more mature than Ike. If Ike is a newly born baby In his words, he is an adult who has grown up, and the gap between the two is not a star.

"Go to hell!" Caesar's wings flashed, and he flashed to the mirror Caesar, and the sword in his hand cut down without hesitation.

Mirror Caesar also cut Caesar with a sword, but he himself did not dodge at all. This is the way to die together.

Caesar raised his eyebrows, but he also did not change his trajectory. What if the other party's sword was cut over? I will never be afraid! This is Caesar's belief.

"Puff!" Caesar's sword was one point faster than Caesar's sword, directly splitting him in half, while the other party's sword automatically collapsed at that moment.

Caesar didn't look at the body that had been cut in half. With a glance, there was no passage around Fajue. After thinking for a moment, he sat down.

Messi, the goddess of the Ice and Snow Temple, obviously did not have the strength of Caesar. She fought with the mirror self until her blood boiled, and the world around her had long been covered by ice and snow. Every move of the two exuded a strong chill, causing some stalemate in each other's movements, but Fortunately, this effect was the same. It is bearable, so it will not have any decisive effect on the competition between the two.

"Flying, burying the wind and snow in the troubled world," Messi shouted.

Her hands raised slightly, and a pair of white hands were exposed to the air. Her palms slowly became transparent, and then turned into a crystal-like shape. When the mirror Messi rushed over, she deliberately took the other party's palm, but her palms were also attached to the mirror Messi's body at the same time.

"K!" The mirror Messi was frozen into an ice sculpture before he could react, and then shattered and was directly frozen to death.

The color of Messi's hands slowly receded. She put her hands behind her back and stood in the ice and snow, as if thinking about something.

Ike's battle can be said to be a kind of persistence and never giving up. Caesar is a kind of hegemony between heaven and earth, with an invincible temperament, but Messi is tenacious in his intelligence. Compared with the three of them, Chuck's battle is a boring feeling.

The two people squatted on the ground as if they were watching the ants move, and then kept bombarding the ground with their fists. At the same time, they had to withstand the other party's attack. There was nothing new, simple and boring, but there was no lack of blood.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

The diamond star fist keeps hitting the ground, while the stone sword is constantly stabbing the body. Both of them bear it silently. This is a kind of endurance competition, depending on who can't hold on first.

"Bang", a stone sword pierced the mirror Chuck and stabbed it into pieces.

"Hahaha, I finally won, finally won"

Chuck laughed, but he was about to spit blood outside without laughing. Although the battle between the two was boring, it was a competition of strength, and there was no room for any fraud.

"Bong!" Chuck fell directly to the ground, and his eyelids slowly put on.

I'm so tired. I can finally take a break. I don't know if the boy has broken through! Chuck's last thought ended here, and he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

In another space, Mary Kay is experiencing various encounters in the fantasy. She is the youngest breaker among the three holy places, but she also has an unyielding heart.

This time, Mary Kay experienced a fantasy on an ancient battlefield. A man led a little girl to the top of the city. When he took a closer look, they turned out to be Ike and Mary Kay.

"Brother, don't go, don't leave me alone," Mary Kay said crying.

"Don't worry! I'll be back soon. Stay at home and wait for me to come back!" Ike patted her forehead and said with a smile.

Mary Kay finally failed to stop him from leaving. She saw him put a sword on his back and set foot on the battlefield. One day passed, he did not come back. Ten days passed, but he did not return. A year passed, he still did not come back. The leaves of the maple tree in front of the dilapidated house were red and green. Green and red, so alternately, the little girl has grown into a handsome big girl, but the man has never come back.

"Brother, you asked me to wait for you to come back, ten years, but you still haven't come back. Aren't you going to want me?" Mary Kay muttered in a sad whisper.

Although she has been waiting here, Ike still shows no sign of coming back.

"No, all this is fake. It's all fake. My brother won't want me, and he won't want me." Mary Kay finally went crazy.

Ten years of waiting, ten years of expectation, ten years of disappointment, broke out at this moment, and she finally understood her feelings for Ike. At this moment, she was no longer confused, and she finally recognized her original intention.


The fantasy suddenly broke, and Mary Kay came out of the fantasy. The corners of her mouth smiled and slowly walked to the mirror herself. At this time, the mirrored herself also woke up. Ike stretched out a hand, and the other party also stretched out a hand and held the two hands together.

"Thank you!" said Mary Kay.

The mirror Mary Kay just smiled and didn't say anything, and then she suddenly broke, leaving no trace, as if she had never appeared.