Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 118 Array Completed

There are only the last three days left, and almost everyone has given up. Only Ike is still insisting. He holds the knife in his hand, but he has not done it for a long time.

How to draw? Ike kept asking himself that he had just decomposed the array. Although he had mastered the principle of each array, he had not yet seen through the whole array. At this time, it was really reluctant to depict the array, but it was only the last three days, and even if he was reluctant, he had to try it.

Ike's hand holding the knife slowly pressed down and drew a mark on the ground, which was not long, but very flat. Ike breathed a sigh of relief. This was a good start. After taking a breath, Ike continued to depict it.

At this last moment, time passed quickly. Except for Ike, seven people were waiting for death, but everyone had some regret in their hearts. Maybe they didn't want to die like this!

The eight beams of light begin to fade, and the space inside becomes more and more unstable. If they don't go out quickly, they will be directly crushed to death by the broken space, but what ability do they have to break through the space? He can only stay in it and wait to die. Even Caesar, who has five peaks, has no ability to get out.

"Finally, I'm going to die!" Some people sighed that he was about to collapse after being tortured in the past two days. At this time, he knew that he was about to die, but made him feel relieved.

"I'm so unwilling! There are still a lot of things that haven't been done!" Some people are unwilling to think.

Messi, the goddess of the Ice and Snow Temple, just sat on the ground, with two crystal little hands holding her chin and thinking quietly. She didn't know what she thought of, and a happy smile appeared on her face. If someone was next to her, she would be attracted by her smiling face at this moment. The original iceberg-like person suddenly bloomed. It's a strange thing to smile.

Chuck is still in his sleep. He is too tired and not good at thinking. He has studied the array knowledge for eight years. It is quite difficult to stick to this step. When he relaxes, he immediately falls into a deep sleep, and he is still consciously unwilling to wake up. If he wants to If he dies, he is willing to die in his dream like this.

Mary Kay took out a crystal stone, which reflected the figure of Ike. This kind of thing can perfectly copy the appearance of a person in it, just like a real person, but the production cost is not expensive. This is also what Ike made himself and gave Mary Kay one.

She held the crystal and looked at the familiar people inside. Her slender fingers slowly rubbed on the crystal, as if she could touch the skin of the people inside through the crystal. Her face was full of tenderness, and the changes in the surrounding space seemed to have nothing to do with her, and she didn't even look at it.

Caesar is still practicing cross-legged as before. Even if it is just this time, he will not waste time, and the continuous roar in the space will not wake him up.

Outside the whirlpool channel, although the three people still maintain the last glimmer of hope, no one knows that this hope is equal to none. A month has passed. If they could succeed, I'm afraid they would have succeeded long ago. How could they wait until the last few minutes, but none of them said it, maybe in their I still hope that this trace of hope can come true!

One of the eight light column space, Ike holds a carving knife and slowly depicts it. His forehead is full of sweat. Because he does not understand the final pattern thoroughly, he can only draw the gourd as it is, but in order to ensure the greatest success rate, he can only use divine control. Control your own movements and hope that you don't make any mistakes.

With a strong divine consciousness as an auxiliary, coupled with a previous understanding of the big array and a strong physique, his chances of success have greatly increased, but this final pattern is too sophisticated and complicated. Even with the help of Ike's divine consciousness, after more than a day, his consciousness He has reached the usual limit, but he can't use more, which will only make his energy overdrawn more serious.

"I can't rest. There are only two days left. I have to seize the time to portray it. This is the last hope," Ike shook his head.

Divine consciousness is actually a person's spirit. Using a lot of divine consciousness will certainly make him have no spirit. At this time, he needs to rest and let the spirit slowly recover, but Ike has no time and can only grit his teeth and persist.

"No, I really want to sleep. I'm so dizzy." Ike couldn't help but click on his head, and the carving knife in his hand was almost engraved wrongly, which scared him. He hurriedly took out some ice water from the space ring and poured some on his face and head. The cold feeling stimulated his nerves and woke him up.

Ike held a carving knife in his hand, stared at the ground without blinking, and began to continue to portray. This kind of work is a great test of a person's patience. If it is in normal times, Ike will naturally have no trouble. After eight years of training, his achievements in the array are extremely profound, and the portrayal of a pattern is not It can defeat him, but now these simple movements have become his obstacles. Because of mental fatigue, it directly leads to his physical deficiency, and his hands and feet began to tremble a little. Ike grabbed the right hand holding the knife with his left hand, and then stabilized his hand.

"It's almost ruined!" Ike breathed a sigh of relief. As time goes by, his physical condition is getting worse and worse. Both mentally and physically, it is not enough to afford this kind of work, but he has no choice but to have the last day, and this pattern has also completed three points and two points. Yes, you can't give up at this time.

"Use my consciousness!" Jorad's voice sounded.

Ike was stunned for a moment. Although one person and one beast had signed an equal treaty and shared vitality, he did not know that souls could also be shared. Can the souls of the two be exchanged?

"Spirit is also a kind of energy. I can restore my spiritual energy into the most essential energy and pass it on to you, which is equivalent to sending a subsidy to your spirit, not that you and my souls can be exchanged," Jorad explained.

"Okay, then help me quickly!" Ike was not pretentious and accepted Jorad's suggestion.

Although Jorad only explained it briefly, Ike can also hear from it that doing so will be a great loss to Jorad. Passing the energy of spiritual restoration to himself is equivalent to digging a piece of meat from his own body and giving it to himself, but it will be supplemented, but it will be hurt. Moreover, this kind of energy transfer is definitely not equivalent. I don't know how much energy to consume in the middle. Even if it can have a 50% utilization rate, it is quite high, so this is also the reason why Jorad did not propose it at the beginning. It was not until Ike unswervingly completed this portrayal that it finally came up.

"Spiritual Transfer", Jorad did not procrastinate and directly performed a secret method to transmit his spiritual energy.

Ike felt a stream of energy transmitted to his mind, as if the lake that was about to dry up was suddenly injected into a torrent. The original feeling of fatigue suddenly swept away, moved his hands and feet, and Ike immediately began to portray it.

Ike's spirit recovered, and the speed naturally accelerated a little, but the later it is, the more things need to be portrayed, and the more complex it is, which reduces his speed again, and such a complicated project is also a great consumption of spirit, but half a day has made his spirit depressed again. .

Without Ike's words, Jorad directly launched a spiritual transmission technique and once again transmitted a clear spring to Ike, but it itself had no sound after transmitting this energy. Ike could feel its life fluctuations, and he and he signed an equal treaty with it. If it died, he would not It will be better, so it is obvious that it is just falling into a deep sleep.

Although Ike is worried, it is not the time to care about it. There is only half a day left. This array has not been completed yet. He must finish the pattern as soon as possible.


The surrounding space is unstable. This is a precursor that the space is about to collapse, but Ike can't care so much. He is single-mindedly depicting the array, which is almost the last bit.

I feel dizzy. This is Ike's feeling. Up to now, he has caused great pressure on his spirit every moment, just like a person. His weight limit is 100 catties. When he holds something ten catties, he will feel very relaxed. There is no burden to add ten catties to it, but if he He has already lifted 100 catties. At this time, let alone add ten catties, even if only one catty is added, it will definitely crush that person.

"I can't sleep, I can't sleep!" Ike clenched his teeth and shook his head. The method of using ice water stimulation was useless, and a trace of firm persistence flashed in Ike's eyes.

"I'm not for lofty ideals, and I'm not to open the door to the world for them. I just want to see you again, even if it's just the last time, my love!" Ike muttered, then raised the knife high and slammed it on his thigh.

The carving knife directly penetrated the thigh, and the sharp tip of the knife stabbed out from the other side. Blood suddenly spilled down. The severe pain restored Ike's spirit a little. He ignored the wound, pulled out the carving knife, and continued to depict it.

"Puff!", stabbed again, and then drew two more strokes.

"Oh!", add another knife and portray it again.

In this way, every time he was about to hold on, he would prick himself fiercely with a carving knife. Soon one of his thighs was punctured, but he did not stop and raised his knife again to stab another intact leg.




Ike's thighs were stabbed, and now he couldn't even walk, but there was a smile on his face. He drew the last knife fiercely and connected all the lines. Then his hand fell down, and the fatigue like a frenzy instantly swallowed him, and his body fell straight. Go down.

"Kax!" A crack appeared in the sky, as if the glass had broken, and then the silk lines began to spread, like spider webs, and dense cracks appeared in the sky.

Outside the whirlpool space, Burtan, Raschdler and Sauron desperately glanced at the whirlpool of the space in front of them.

Failed, and all efforts were in vain. Three thousand years of waiting, three thousand years of persistence, and the results of three thousand years were completely destroyed at this moment, and hundreds of elites lost their lives in it and could never come back.

"Hahaha! This moment is finally coming. I have been here for eight years and four months, but what I have been waiting for is such an ending, hahaha!" In the space of the eight pillars of light, a person in the Ice and Snow Temple laughed loudly at this moment, but his tears were like a broken kite, and he could not be stopped.

"I will never see my brother again. I miss him so much! And grandma, I'm going to see you. I don't know if you will blame me?" Mary Kay looked blankly at the crystal in her hand, but the other hand rubbed unconsciously.

"Good brothers, I originally thought that I could spread my fists and break into a sky that belongs to us this time, but I didn't expect that this would be a scam. This place has become our buried bones. It's really sad and ridiculous." Chuck turned over and said in his sleep.

"It's really unwilling that she hasn't fallen in love since she grew up!" Messi, the goddess of the Ice and Snow Temple, made such an emotion at the moment of death, which shocked her herself, but soon she restrained her mind. At this moment, she finally realized her heart and realized herself. What do you really want?

Caesar still practiced as usual, as if the space collapsed and had nothing to do with him, and he didn't even open his eyes.

All people are either afraid, unwilling, lonely, or choose to escape. Only Ike lies unconscious on the ground, next to him is a huge array, and there is a pool of bright red blood flowing to this array.

There was a burst of white light, first a trace of wandering in the lines, and then when these white lights swim through the place covered by Ike's blood, they will grow one point. After a tour, they will be moistened by his blood again and grow again. In this way, the white light is getting stronger and stronger, and the lines are getting brighter and brighter, as if the whole The large array is generally activated.

"Buzz!", the ripples trembled, as if they were about to live. A domineering air machine rose to the sky and directly hit a big hole in the broken space, but the strange thing was that this small space did not collapse because of it.

"What's going on?"

"What just happened?"

"What happened?"

The lords of the three holy places couldn't help looking into the sky at the same time.