Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 132 Reason

Ike did not pick up this stubble. Everyone will have their own dreams when they are young, and work hard for their dreams. Caesar is obviously such a person. He worked hard to become the strongest magic cube. In the past, Delin was still young and full of fighting spirit, so he agreed with his idea, but now Delin has come to the end of his life, so his thoughts will naturally change.

The two suddenly fell silent, and no one spoke. Finally, Delin broke the silence and asked, "Do you hate me?"

Ike shook his head before saying, "I just want to know why my mother left you at the beginning?"

"All this is my fault. Your mother was originally the daughter of a nobleman of the Lane Empire. Later, I fell in love with her and she married me, but I was not satisfied. My record is getting better and better, my credit is getting higher and higher, and the title is also higher and higher. At this time, another woman came into my life. She is Your brother's mother, who is gentle, kind and intelligent, is almost a perfect woman, but I didn't expect that all this was disguised by her.

"That year, when I returned from the border, I heard rumors from the neighbors that your mother had an affair with a servant and was pregnant with that person. I rushed into the house without saying a word and called everyone to the front. The servant admitted on the spot that your mother wanted to defend, but I didn't believe it. She also slapped her," Delin confessed and covered his head and sobbed.

Ike did not sympathize with him. After all, he was not investigated, but the servant believed him on one side. This is his own confusion, and now no one will sympathize with him with guilt.

"I executed the servant and looked at your mother. I asked her, as long as you kill the child, I can care about the past. How could I say such cruel words at that time?"

Drin complained again and cried for a long time before recovering.

"Your mother was desperate at that time, and then she proposed to leave the family. I was so angry that I agreed without thinking about it. Later, your mother didn't know where she had gone, and I didn't deliberately look for her whereabouts. Until one day, Caesar told me that she met a young man who looked exactly like him. I just ordered someone to investigate everything about you, but I didn't expect that your mother would die after giving birth to you. I can't make up for it!"

It turned out that all this was caused by his stepmother. Ike had an impulse to kill her. If it hadn't been for her, her mother would not have died, because she left here and had no corresponding conditions in that countryside, so she died. Therefore, all this crime requires that woman needs that woman. People are responsible for it.

As if seeing through what Ike was thinking, Delin said, "That woman is dead."

Ike's clenched fists were slightly loosened. It turned out that the woman had died. If she hadn't died, he would have killed her! Ike thought hard.

"The doctor said that I still have three days to live. Can you stay with me for the last time?" Delin said with a little pleading.

Is there only three days to live? Ike's heart moved slightly. After all, this is his father. It's not so easy to ignore it, and he only has three days to live well. Do you really want to abandon him so ruthlessly, just like he abandoned himself back then?

"Okay, I'll stay here for a few days", and Ike didn't make up his mind in the end.

"Okay, cough," Delin laughed and coughed. There was a spittoon beside the bed. He spit in it. Ike's eyes were sharp and saw that the sputum was full of black blood clots.

"Let me call a doctor for you!" Ike opened the door and went out.

"He coughs a lot. Please call him a doctor," Ike said to the oncoming Caesar.

Caesar nodded and clapped his hands. Suddenly, two doctors came in from outside the yard. Obviously, they had been waiting there for a long time.

Ike didn't continue to wait there and took Mary Kay to walk around the garden. The scenery here was still very good, but unfortunately he didn't want to appreciate it at all.

"Brother, are you pulling like this?" Mary Kay asked softly. She could feel Ike's different mood, but she didn't know why a fierce murder flashed in his eyes occasionally.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Ike touched Mary Kay's pretty face and looked at the little girl who was originally his sister and now became his own woman. Ike swore in his heart that he would not treat her like Delin. No matter what happens, he will believe her, and he will also believe in Clya and Lin. Da.

Mary Kay smiled and narrowed her eyes. She could feel Ike's doting for herself at this moment. She was very happy and rubbed his big palm happily.

Under a gazebo, Mary Kay sat on a stone chair, and Ike lay there, with her head resting on her thighs, her eyes slightly closed, not knowing whether she was sleeping or thinking.

"You're here!" Ike suddenly sat up and said.


A figure appeared in front of the two, which was Caesar. His face was a little haggard, and I don't know if he has been thinking too much recently.

"What did you say?" Caesar sat opposite Ike and asked.

"Nothing, tell me about my mother!" Ike replied truthfully.

Caesar's movements were stiff. Ike's mother was also his mother, but he was five or six years old at that time, so he knew the reason why his mother left. When he was a child, he was ignorant and thought that his mother had done something wrong and was punished. When he grew up, he knew that it was not what he had imagined. The moment he knew the truth, he rushed to the evil woman and killed her.

"How will he become like this?" This time, Ike asked first.

"Do you want to hear it?" Caesar asked.

Ike frowned slightly, but he did not refute and nodded generously to show that he was really interested.

"This matter starts with our betrayal of the Lane Empire, because I am the Son of the Holy See of Light, so our family has the opportunity to meet the Holy See of Light"

"Later, the family and the Holy See agreed that we would help the Warcraft Empire against the Lane Empire. After the matter was successful, we would give us half of the territory of the Lane Empire, which was a huge **

Ike nodded and agreed with him. No family would let go of this opportunity, because the Warcraft Empire was already extremely powerful. With the help of the Hart family, it was indeed very promising to quickly annex the entire Lane Empire and split it in half. With land, a country can be established. In the face of such a huge cake, no one will be unmoved.

"Originally, things were going smoothly, but one day I knew that it was the woman who framed my mother, so I rushed to kill her. Guess what happened?" Caesar asked sarically.

Ike shook his head and listened to his tone because something bad had happened, but he couldn't guess.

"Just when I killed her, a big housekeeper of our family rushed up to fight with me. At that time, I didn't understand, but later I knew that the two of them had an affair and had a child, which was our brother." Caesar bit his brother very hard, and his eyes flashed with disgust. The look of hate and hatred.

Ike opened his mouth. It turned out that the woman had framed her mother by herself, but his father was also stupid enough to be cheated by her and helped others raise his son for so many years.

"I also killed the housekeeper at that time, but when our battle reached the most critical moment, the woman's son defected and led a group of relatives to kill us unprepared, and my father was also poisoned that day."

"We lost that battle and had no choice but to retreat. Later, we retreated all the way here, and our troops were almost dead and injured, leaving only a few people as you saw. Now that the jihad is over, we have no place to go, so we have to stay here," Caesar breathed and said.

"Poisoned, what poison is?" Ike asked. At the beginning, Klee was poisoned by the drunken world. Later, Caesar gave him a divine stone to save Kleeya. He didn't expect that Delin was also poisoned.

"I don't know, no one can detect this toxin," Caesar said.

Ike was stunned. Is there any poison that can't be detected in this world?

"Is there no way to cure it?" Ike asked. He knew that Caesar was the son of the Holy See of Light. If the Holy See came out, there should be a glimmer of life.

"There used to be, but now it's gone!" Caesar stared at Ike and said.

Ike's heart twitched violently. Originally, it was there, but now it's gone. Is he talking about the divine stone? He immediately thought of a situation. If he used the divine stone, he should be able to cure him, but why did he give himself?

"It was my father who insisted on using it for you. He said that no one could find out his cause, and even if he used the divine stone, it might not be cured. He said he was sorry for you, so I asked me to give you the divine stone and let you save your girlfriend," Caesar said silently.

Ike suddenly was like a thunderbolt. He didn't think that Delin would make such a choice. Even if the divine stone might not be able to cure him, it was also a hope, and it was still a great hope, but he gave up just to complete himself. At this moment, his various resentments suddenly turned into With gratitude, his tears fell quietly at this moment.

"Father, you are my father," Ike shouted in his heart.