The beauty of the agent

Chapter 33 Fengluan Fights Again

Red-headed Luan made a sharp turn, leaving behind everyone's worries and irresponsibly turning away.

Tang Yuyun was turned over by its phoenix tail in the air and almost fainted - but the more critical it was, the more it stimulated her potential, and the more it reflected her usual effect under the instructor devil training.

At the moment when she was swept by the phoenix tail, she immediately knew that she was on the verge of danger. At this moment, her body was not controlled by herself. She had to take advantage of the gap between flying in the air and force herself to swing other parts of her body - until she felt that her right wrist regained her feeling.

At the moment she fell, she immediately put her left hand on her right wristwatch and was ready to fire the rifle wire for her mountaineering. However, the problem came - the chaotic and blurred scenery in front of her made her unable to aim at the target, and the consequences of losing the target shooting were very serious.

At this time, people had seen the red-headed Luan roaring away, and she also turned several times in the air and began to fall straight down. Many people exclaimed desperately and turned their heads sadly, unbearable to witness the next moment of flesh and blood.

The departure of Hongtou Luan is actually a good thing. Although her body began to fall, at least she has regained control of her limbs. Although her feet can't focus, she can still bend to achieve instantaneous balance.

As long as she can identify the goal in front of her, she can turn the world around and turn danger into avert!

In the mountain wind, but after listening to the violent rain, a slight launch sound also broke the wind and shot to the top of the cliff at this time -

Just after opening his hands in the wild rain, the "Twelve Envoys of Yunshangchuan" spread out the fish net below. When people had high hopes for them, Tang Jinyun's figure was also like a red head, suddenly turning 90 degrees in the air and hitting the cliff wall vertically!

At this moment, Tang Yun immediately stood on his feet side, maintained a slightly curved posture, and decided to compete with the hard cliff with his heel.

The master of the seventy-centimeter boots custom-made for her once explained to her the functions of various parts of the boots: the heel is made of refined solid heavy metal, and it is difficult for the ordinary cutter to separate them, which is the best weapon to break the opponent's bones.

But I don't know if it can be enough to break rocks? Tang Yun suddenly had such a curious idea at this moment, and was even more determined to step on the cliff head-on, maintain his figure, and reduce the wear and tear of clues.

Sultan, there was a loud "boom" between heaven and earth, and the cliff seemed to be shaken a few times. As several huge cracks cracked from the heels to the surroundings, some gravel bursting down one after another.

The wild rain, which had already been preparing to pick up people, fell down some gravel. He couldn't help but shrink his hands in a hurry, put his body close to the cliff wall, and avoided the fierce killing of the gravel. The "Twelve Envoys of Yunshangchuan" under the cliff also quickly withdrew the fishing net, and people avoided the falling gravel one after another.

In a trance, a golden light flashed in front of the morning sun. The storm was stunned. Suddenly, a hand was so fast that I couldn't help reaching forward and grabbing a strange scarf.

"What is this?" Holding it in his hand, he didn't know what the scarf was for, but when he thought of such a strange thing, it must be owned by Tang Jinyun, and he couldn't help glancing at her back suspiciously.

Because of the slenderness of the fish wire and arrows, people saw Tang Jinyun drifting like floating clouds at that moment, walking in the air like a fairy down the earth, floating and fing and finging people's hearts.

How have people ever seen such a brave girl? I can't help changing from exclamation to exclamation, "God, God! It's amazing..."

"Is she a fairy sent by God?"

"I think it must be. It's here to save us."

"Fairy, fairy..." Suddenly, some unsuspecting mountain people knelt down and excitedly worshipped the direction of Tang Jinyun.

Looking at Yunting and Xiaoyan, they couldn't help but be stunned. Although they know that Tang Yun is also a mortal woman, it is also the first time they have seen Tang Yun complete such a difficult action in the air. If they hadn't got along with her, it would not be difficult for them to mistakenly think that she was also a fairy.

"Are you all right?" The crazy rain even forgot to inform the "Twelve Envoys of Yunshangchuan" below, but did not forget to shout loudly to Tang Jinyun above.

Tang Yun's feet hit the cliff. According to the falling gravel and the big cracks, it shows that her heel is indeed harder than the rock; the inlaid heel also quickly stabilized her figure and reduces the force of the fishing line and arrows.

At the collision, he finally succeeded. Tang Yuyun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to be idle. He quickly started the first-level magnetic suction function on his boots, and then pulled out the heel. He didn't care about counting the things in the backpack. He climbed to the top of the cliff step by step, as if he didn't seem to hear the care of the rain.

This made the people under the cliff more impressed, so they also worshipped the special service.

"She went up?" Xiaoyan was surprised.

"Does she still want to go up again?" Yunting's eyebrows have been frowned and have never been stretched. In the thrilling scene just now, he was also scared to death by her, and his hands and feet were frozen. This has not yet recovered, and Tang Yuyun is going to risk alone...

He looked left and right, hoping to find a flat path for him to run up to stop her, but he couldn't help the knife-like cliff without the convenience of a scholar like him.

"Why hasn't she come down yet?" He was so angry that his tears almost fell down. What else does she want to do?

This problem also arises in the heart of the storm.

For a moment, Tang Yun returned to the top of the cliff in their worries, facing the breeze, and took a long breath, but cold eyes searched for the whereabouts of the "red-headed Luan" in the air.

"She, does she want to try again?" When Kuang Tianyu saw her resolute appearance, he couldn't help admiring her bravery and suddenly seemed to understand her thoughts. He quickly jumped down from the cliff several times.

"Let's go, we must kill this bad bird this time!" As he said fiercely to the "Twelve Envoys of Yunshangchuan", he ran wildly towards the lake of "Red Head Luan".

"Do you have a new method?" Lu Chao asked next to him.

The wild rain overlooked the whole "Yunshang River" and suddenly looked back at the 'skybird' that was still hovering in panic on the lake. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he couldn't help nodding slightly, "Well, there is."

Running to the lake, he suddenly announced, "Go to the warehouse and get some rose petals."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be stunned, but they also quickly found some cloth bags from the warehouses of other cottages, which were full of rose petals.

Rose petals are their important dye and their favorite food. Every time in the rose harvest season, they have to compete with the 'skybird' and quickly pick rose petals, and the reason why the 'skybird' can't hover in this river for many years is to produce roses somewhere by the lake.

Everyone doesn't understand why the crazy rain uses their precious dyes to feed the 'skybird' at this critical moment when dealing with the 'red-headed'?

The wild rain grabbed a handful of hand and suddenly sprinkled it into the air. Suddenly, the purple and red petals fluttered with the wind. The 'skybird' not far away smelled its smell. Sure enough, it abandoned the long-circling lake and flew towards this side with wisps of fragrance.

As long as a bird has a target, other birds will follow, not to mention their air, which is the food they dream of. Therefore, in an instant, they all changed their direction, and a large number of rut left the lake, so that the 'red head' who turned back in the distance could not find the target at once.

"Run towards the cliff!"

Several masters followed the instructions of the wild rain and quickly pulled the rose cloth bag and cast rose petals while running. The group of 'skybirds' are not stupid, spreading over people's heads like a white net.

The 'Red-headed Luan' really chased them and landed brazenly, leaving a large body on their heads in the wild rain. Other masters had already put on good crossbows in front of the crossbows on the roof of the village, looking forward to the best time to hunt it.

The top of the head was dark, and the red head flew by. Several bamboo arrows, which were about ten feet long, rose from the string one after another and shot into the huge shadow in the air.

As soon as the 'red-headed Luan' passed, there were still long bamboo knots on his body, and before they fell, some masters cheered in surprise: "I hit it, I hit it..."

Crazy Tianyu stared at the 'red-headed Luan' for hunting 'skybird', and bravely flew to the cliff wall again - his face also had a proud smile. Now, the injured 'red-headed Luan' should have stopped flying, right?

Tang Yun, standing on the top of the cliff, couldn't help sinking when he saw the wild rain taking advantage of the delicious food of the 'sky bird' and attracted the 'red-headed Luan' to this side again.

The rose petals flew in front of their eyes, and the 'skybirds' ate happily; however, the 'red-headed Luan' caught up behind them, and swallowed dozens of white and lovely 'skybirds' at once. Tangjinyun's blood was full of blood. Is this the sadness of the 'skybird' gluttony or the cruelty of the wild rain?

The red-headed Luan attacked again, bringing a devastating hurricane, and people once again experienced lying on their backs with rocks or trees.

The phoenix tail was pasted. This time, it was found by Yunting. He hugged Xiaoyan and forcibly pushed her to the ground. People also pressed it up to prevent the wind from hurting half of her hair.

Xiaoyan also blushed, but she also held his waist tightly in one hand, pulled the turf next to him in the other hand, and bit her silver teeth to fight against the strong wind.

It was not until the 'red-headed Luan' brushed by brazenly like a Boeing 707 that she let go of her hand and breathed comfortably on Yunting's face. Yunting suddenly stared at her in a daze. She looked at the man who was pressing her body in consterred, and her heart like a deer and didn't know what to do.

"Well, it's all right now." Yunting smiled at her gently and then turned down from her body. Xiaoyan's body was light, but it was empty as if she had been taken away.