The beauty of the agent

Chapter 157 Love Master

The next day, he didn't wait for Yunting to deliberately avoid Tang Yunyun. Fei Hongxue came early in the morning to continue to help. Yunting knew that he came here to stare at him. The two had to call their brothers happily in front of Tang Yun and talk about the mountains.

However, once there was a chance to be alone with Tang Yuyun, Fei Hongxue couldn't help sending a great good news back to his parents, so that they could have a good year with a smile when he was not around, and begged Tang Yuyun to accept his bride price and make a marriage first.

At this time, Tang Yunyun is very upset. I wanted not to go to the palace for a few days, so I stayed by my brother's side, to accompany him around and protect his safety. But it's okay if she is not idle. As soon as she is idle, Fei Hongxue is also idle. She also runs to the Chu mansion every day and keeps wandering around her, so that she can't always get close to her brother.

Brother doesn't know what to do. He always tells her to do this and that. Although it's not polite to get close to him, there is always a kind of dead cow and horse without reward.

It's okay for the three of them to work silently. Fei Hongxue still proposed marriage to her from time to time. She couldn't figure it out. If he was so sure that he could convince the emperor, why couldn't he delay it for a few days and settle the matter immediately?

Will this marriage be as virtual and deceitful as the defense mechanism of those research institutes? Isn't it just to get married and get married? Don't you need such secrets and rigorous?

In addition, she always feels some kind of uncomfortable in her heart, but she can't find the reason. Seeing that Fei Hongxue annoyed her, she was also willing to go to the palace and quickly find out her master's medical book.

So in the afternoon, she handed over the safety of Yunting to Bai Zhaonan, and she went to the palace by herself. Occasionally, she looked back and caught a glimpse of Fei Hongxue's blank face and the comfortable smile of Yunting. She couldn't help but be confused: She understood Fei Hongxue's disappointment, but why did her brother laugh so easily? Do you really dislike her getting in the way?

With the "purple dragon jade pendant", she went straight to the imperial study depressedly, but the emperor was not in it, but the stewards and eunuchs did not stop her. She took this opportunity to look for the classification positions asked by the eunuch the day before yesterday.

In the most likely "other" category, she has carefully searched for it, but there is still no book called "Medical Monsters". She also asked her brother for advice yesterday, and she has already remembered them.

This book was stolen by the ancestors, and it will never exist in the "Tai Hospital" as an ordinary medical book. It describes some strange things. Will the previous emperor classify it as a "Travelogue"?

After analyzing it, I went to the "Heavenly River" classification to look for it. On this day, there was no eunuch to hold the lamp for her. She wanted to hold the lamp by herself, but also to turn it one by one, until her eyes were dizzy and the sky was dark.

If these books are human and let her find people among these millions, maybe she has a way. But she can't do anything about these books. First, they have no thermal energy and can't be detected by reconnaissance scanners. Second, no matter how powerful her agent's mobile phone is, she can't translate those traditional seal books immediately.

"Why didn't you come yesterday?" Suddenly, the emperor quietly said softly behind her, and a pair of bright black eyes were particularly sharp in the dark.

It scared her that she was concentrating on looking for a book. I, I'm a little uncomfortable..."

Is that right? What's wrong? Come on, I'll take a look for you..." The emperor listened and couldn't help dragging her to the imperial desk, sitting on the treasure chair, forced his fingers on her wrist, and seriously closing his eyes to help her check her pulse.

Tang Yun was very surprised that the emperor still knew the art of Qihuang?

For a long time, the emperor slowly opened his eyes and said in surprise, "No, your pulse seems to move slowly like a turtle, like a person who is about to die. Hurry up and call the royal doctor to see..."

"No..." Tang Yuyun pulled back her hand, laughed, and explained to him, "I have been exercising for many years, and my heartbeat and pulse will be half slower than ordinary people. This is normal. If you don't believe it, you can find a guard to look at it."

After saying that, Tang Yunyun turned back to the classified bookshelf of "Heavenly River" and continued to look for it.

"Is there such a thing?" The emperor couldn't help thinking about it, as if he was reflecting on his medical skills.

After searching for a long time, I finally finished reading the two large shelves of books, and there is still no shadow of Medical Strange News. It seems that this classification is not the same.

"You have been looking for two days and looking for so many categories. Have you found the books you like?" The emperor suddenly opened the confused face behind her and said playfully, "No eunuch, you have slapped out all the dust of the book."

She couldn't help sighing helplessly, presumably letting the late emperor or emperor lock it in a more secret place. He asked, "There don't seem to be any good books here."

"Ha ha," the emperor couldn't help raising his neck and smiling, and said boldly, "The world is so big that this palace has the most complete books! You said, I can find out whatever book you want for you.

"Unfortunately, these books are ordinary, and there is no amazing book that can be called unique."

"Ha ha, are you here to steal the secrets of martial arts?"

"Of course not. I didn't look at the 'martial arts' category."

"It's a pity that you can't steal," the emperor couldn't see anything on her calm face, and couldn't help sighing slightly, "It's been locked by the previous emperor, and I don't even know where to put the key."

Listening to his words, Tang Yunyun seemed to have dark compartments or dark boxes in the imperial study, but the emperor couldn't open them?

She couldn't help looking up and smiling at the emperor, which means, have you forgotten the wonderful girl in front of you? It's just unlocking. Will it be difficult to get her as a modern agent?

"No," the emperor seemed to read her ability in her eyes, and he couldn't help shaking his head. "You can't destroy them. They are all the treasure of my father..."

With that, he suddenly walked back to the imperial desk with infinite sadness. As he walked, he sighed how prosperous and safe the dynasties were when his father was alive, and how safe the thieves were. But in his hands, there were several major cases, both flying thieves and robbers, who handed over the former emperor to his country and made them full of holes.

Only sighed that the former emperor did not leave a sentence or two of philosophy to protect the country, which made him less worried...

When Tang Yun saw that he mistakenly thought that she was going to open it violently, but he could not say that he would unlock it to reveal his real purpose, he had to look around the imperial study and write down the places that were most likely to hide dark grids, and wait to find a chance to steal it again.

She didn't want to hear half a word about the emperor's complaint. She quietly slipped to the door, hurriedly said back to him, and ran away quickly, leaving the emperor's stunned eyes, showing the deep loneliness and remained motionless for a long time.

She wanted to leave the palace, but when she thought of the Chu mansion, Yuan Yunting was deliberately far away from her, and Fei Hongxue might still stay away. She couldn't help but be annoyed and walked to the palace with flying red sleeves.

This brother really doesn't know what's good or bad. He deliberately didn't go to the palace to accompany him, but he became pedantic again. It must be some old dogma taught by men and women who are not close to each other. Alas, other things in this era are okay, and this one always makes her unhappy.

On the contrary, Fei Hongxue is not shy enough to be shameless. She always gets married and doesn't respect her wishes at all. Well, she is an old leftover woman and can't get married. Are you the only one who can fly Hongxue in this era? If she is really capable, don't be afraid to wait a few more days and beg the emperor to let her completely leave the palace.

But it's too early to leave the palace. She hasn't stolen Master's Medical Strange News. Then come tonight, steal the book, and find Sister Xiang Miao, and then you can leave Beijing.

When she came to the flying red sleeve palace, she almost laughed at this idea. How long has it been since she galloped outside?

It's a pity that it's not the time for her to come this time. The bodyguard said that Fei Hongxiu had left the palace and went to Linghuyan.

Are the two of them so close? Do you run together every day? Is there any Du Yueer in here? Tang Yuyun also came to Linghuyan's palace with a lot of questions.

It was a pleasure to see the two of them pointing to the eunuch maids how to hang lanterns, colored lights and so on in the pavilion. There was no Du Yueer. They were especially happy to see Tang Yun.

"Oh, sister, why are you here?" Feihongxiu couldn't help smiling and shaking her arm gently.

"Then why are you here?" Tang Yun glanced at Ling Huyan and asked Fei Hongxiu.

Fly Hongxiu said excitedly, "It's almost the Spring Festival. I don't know how to decorate my own palace, so I came to ask Concubine Ning for advice..."

Following her again, Ling Huyan saw her, but she was slightly blessed and saluted her.

Tang Yun was also too lazy to argue with her. He sat down and said nothing. He just held his cheeks, listened to the complaints of flying red sleeves, looked at Ling Huyan's instructions, and thought about his own distress. He sat in this palace for an afternoon.

It really bored her to death.

"I heard that the emperor has also made you a noble concubine?" After pointing, Linghuyan also sat down gracefully, slowly brought a cup of black tea just made by the maid of honor to Tang Yun and asked softly.

"Who said that?" Tang Yuyun couldn't help but be stunned. The emperor has said, but she and Feihongxiu disagree. Why, didn't he cancel it?

Ling Huyan glanced at the flying red sleeve slightly. She immediately knew that the flying red sleeve must have shaken her out and couldn't help staring at her fiercely, "Nothing."

It's even more sad. If so, does Fei Hongxue dare to rob her from the emperor? Can't she see her brother in the future? She is not willing to be on these two issues.

Think again, this is the State of Tang, which is the world of people surnamed Tang. That generation seems to be her ancestors. How can she marry her ancestors?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel cold on my spine, cold sweat, and my hair bones were stunned.

What a horrible thing this should be!