The beauty of the agent

Chapter 183 The Fourth

Tang Yun still glanced at him indifferently.

"This matter left a great shadow on the queen, causing her to guard against other maids of honor all day long. She suspected that they would steal the prince, which was hot and cold to me. For a period of time, I didn't feel it at all when I saw her." The emperor glanced at her and couldn't help but regret his helplessness.

Tang Yun's sudden mention of this incident reminded him of the trauma of the queen and the loss of his own emotions. In the end, who can be to blame? He hasn't come to an end yet. Why does the queen who has the longest and deepest relationship with him have such a strange feeling?

Is it because of the birth of the prince that she diluted her love for him?

At this time, the prince also seemed to turn his head in fear because of the roar just now. He stared at him confusedly with the elf's big eyes, and tears rolled straight in his eyes.

Tang Yun rushed forward with an arrow step to gently support him and comfort him. Seeing that the wound on his forehead oozed blood stains, he quickly took it down and put it on his right mirror and replaced him with a new one.

"It doesn't hurt at all, does it?" She gently coaxed the prince, and the prince nodded slightly, and then continued to play with his toys.

When she removed the trauma sticker and was ready to recycle and clean it up, her watch showed that the prince's blood type was O-type, and Tang Yuyun was slightly stunned.

Dare that the blood stain touched the physical fitness detector of the watch.

"What's wrong?" The emperor also came over apologetically and couldn't help asking curiously when he saw her staring at the watch motionless.

"Oh, it's okay. I just hurried and touched the function on the watch..." Tang Yun said, his eyes turned on the emperor's face and couldn't help smiling. "Didn't the emperor also want to paste this?"

The emperor was slightly stunned and didn't understand what she meant.

"This function can test the blood type. Look, the prince's type is O," Tang Yun quickly told him what she meant. "The blood type of father and son is the same. Do you want to test it, is it the same as the prince?"

"Isn't this 'blood recognition'?" Now, the emperor understood what she meant by saying that she wanted to put a trauma sticker on him. Although he didn't know what the blood type was, Tang Yun asked him to compare it with the prince's blood, but he heard it clearly, which was similar to 'blood recognition'.

However, it is much simpler and more strange than 'blood recognition'; given that Tang Yun's last lie test was also effective, he also wanted to play with the strange thing in her hand this time.

"Come on, bring me a knife!"

He took the melon-cutting knife from the maid and gently pulled it on his finger. Tang Yun quickly took a drop of blood from the mirror of the watch, and the function suddenly appeared as B. Is your blood type B?

"This seems to be different?" Although the emperor doesn't know what O and B are, he also knows the difference when the two sounds are different.

"Yes." Tang Yun couldn't help smiling. Just now, she said that the blood type of father and son was the same. Now the fact of the son immediately exposed her fallacy. She quickly defended to the doubtful emperor, "Hey, father and son are different. Mother and son must be the same."

After saying that, he quickly tore off a small piece of trauma patch and wrapped his fingers around him. At this time, the emperor also felt the refreshing and cool feeling from the trauma sticker, which suddenly eliminated the displeasure with different blood types.

"It's really refreshing and cool. It's really much better than the medicinal wine." The emperor also praised it after using it.

Tang Yuyun returned to the treasure chair and sat down, glanced at him, and said with a smile, "I can tell you that there is no medicine for emotional injury in my backpack. Don't think that you can coax me out any magic medicine."

"Why not?" The emperor also sat down next to her and stared at her with a solemn face. His dark brown eyes were full of desire/fire, which made people unconsciously catch fire, and it was difficult to extricate themselves.

"You are not the medicine for my emotional gap." The emperor's lips squeaked gently and spit out a series of affectionate notes, but Tang Jinyun secretly cried bitterly.

The emperor said that he also gently held her jade hand, raised his eyes affectionately in a blink of an eye, and looked straight at her affectionately. It's like a stray dog begging for a meal, which is looming.

"No!" Tang Yuyun felt that her heart was about to fall and fall in his eyes. She suddenly remembered something. A light flashed through her mind. She quickly withdrew her hand like an electric shock and stood up. The flame in the emperor's eyes suddenly stopped and became cold ashes.

"Why not?" The vigorous charcoal section in his heart was also quenched by the cold of his heart, but he still had to ask tenaciously.

Tang Yuyun glanced at him, sighed, and then turned around and jumped out of the royal garden with light skills.

"I've made you a noble concubine. Don't you understand my heart?" The emperor looked at her figure that was about to disappear at the garden gate and asked affectionately.

The hoarse sound kept stirring in the air, turning back to the ear, and the heartache was difficult to express. Isn't this sentence sentimental enough? Or can't she feel her love yet?

"I've made you a noble concubine. Don't you understand my heart?"

In the side hall of Chu Mansion, Fei Hongxue was reaching over the coffee table and grabming Yunting's hands, simulating the emperor's affectionate shouting.

According to Tang Yunyun's will, Gu Yunting took Chu Wentian's 500 taels as a gift to Ma Chengxuan. He was about to go outside to buy an office, but unexpectedly, he met Fei Hongxue in the alley and was dragged back to the side hall by her.

Sure enough, she followed the flying red snow into the palace and learned everything she saw secretly. Speaking of the last sentence of the emperor, Yunting couldn't sit still any longer. He couldn't help standing up and blushed with anger: even if he believed that Tang Qinyun would not empathize so easily, he was jealous that the emperor would love her so intimately, and he was even more afraid that the emperor would not let her go because of this.

"I don't know what happened next. Why don't you go to the palace and have a look?" His impulse coincided with Fei Hongxue's kindness, and Fei Hongxue did not forget to continue to stir up trouble and say it.

He suddenly turned around and glanced back at her. I thought that although she wanted to intervene between him and Tang Yun, how immoral it was to peep at them in this way, the information she got was so realistic and true. Generally speaking, it is not to deceive him, but it breaks his heart and corrupts his inner wall of love.

Fei Hongxue suddenly saw his cold eyes, and her face smiled more and more brightly. "Don't look at me like this. I told the truth. Don't believe me. When she comes, you can ask her directly."

In fact, there is no need to ask, he should have known early. This noble concubine is not really as a smokescreen for eradicating spies. There must be the emperor's ulterior motives and other conspiracies, but Tang Yun is still stunned and doesn't know it at all, right?

At this time, in addition to guarding against Feihongxue, he also has to be afraid of the supreme emperor and compete with the emperor for the concubine? Does he lack courage or a reason?

He turned and fell back into the chair, stared blankly at the light leaking on the open tiles in the dome of the room, and his mind became blank in a blink of an eye - robbing women from the emperor. This is something he has never thought of in his life. What should he do?

Do you just watched the emperor gently hug Tang Yun in front of him, allowing the crying Tang Yun to struggle and not save him?

In a daze, I couldn't find a suitable reason in other corners. I was already shocked by the fight with the emperor. For a while, I couldn't think of anything and couldn't say anything.

If there is no Tangjinyun's days and the days with her, how can he spend it? Are you studying hard under the cold window as before? He is in high school and can stay away from such boring days, but just as the wonderful and happy days are coming, his fake little sister is tightly in his hands, and he wants to save her...

At the same time, Tang Yun was also in the palace, refusing anyone to visit, and ordering the maid to be vigilant to come. If the emperor dared to come, she would immediately escape from behind.

You said how warm and longing the emperor's words were, especially the last sentence that revealed his heart, which made people blush.

Why not? How should she answer his question? How can it work? His bloodline is not only Tang, but also his name is exactly the same as her own brother.

Tang Jinxi. You know how noble and pure she is when she looks up to Tangjinxi with piety! How can she cover Tangjinxi with vulgar lust? Even if it's homophonic, it won't work.

What's more, she already has a high school brother.

Brother has always performed very well. When he was not in high school, he has always defended and protected her. Now, he has lived up to high school. Is she going to be responsible for him in this joint?

It's just that Brother Yan hasn't said anything similar like the emperor, indicating his heart. This has to be a little lacking for her.


Seriously recalling the past, there is not only the experience of landing on the mountain and going to the evening valley with my brother, but also the scene of taking medicine with the flying red snow and volcanoes, dealing with masked people with the emperor... However, is this friendship or love?

She hasn't had a chance to define them yet. At first, I felt that the conditions of Fei Hongxue were okay, even if I became his daughter-in-law like this, for the lonely person who often licked blood on the tip of the knife and wandered in his life for the rest of his life. It's a kind of blind marriage.

However, as she ignored the safety of her subordinates and shamelessly took away the merits of Fei Hongxue, who was only competing for her achievements, and her originally supported heart gradually became confused.

Until she learned the news of the abduction of Yunting in Beijing, she boldly took the emperor and exchanged it with her brother? Does this mean that the life of the brother is not even as good as that of the emperor of a country? Or has she determined that her brother is the destination of her emotions and will not allow others to get involved.

And in fact, she always does this. Even he went to the north to hunt down Zhuge Bensheng and took him. Even if he entered the palace, he let Bai Chu protect him. In fact, it was really hard to lose him again.

In order to be afraid that the emperor would come to harass her at night, she simply took the maid of honor out of the palace after dinner and went to sleep in Chu's house for a night.

No matter what, she can't accept the emperor's frank love and can't replace the queen as a medicine for the emperor's emotions.

And when she met Yuan Yunting's strange eyes in the hall of Chufu, the air in the hall suddenly condensed into ice, which was stuck in their throats and could no longer greet them as happily as before.