The beauty of the agent

Chapter 225 Wind and Rain

Tang Yuyun understood that he had experienced the pain of two years of emotional deception, and tried not to disturb him, but to comfort the prince for him.

In a blink of an eye, the eunuchs who came with the emperor had left, leaving only Tang Jinyun's own eunuchs and the "Kunning Palace" maids and eunuchs.

She wanted to tell Brother Ma to take her master back to the house to rest, but suddenly remembered that at this time, there was no one in the house, and the two went back just to feel sad and lonely.

Then the maid sent them silver and stayed in the restaurant for one night. The emperor took care of other things, and their affairs will be talked about tomorrow.

And she had to hold the prince and return to her own bedroom, where the maid of honor slept with him; she slept in **, sighing that tonight's suddenness, her soldiers quickly exposed the queen's conspiracy all the way.

Originally, she also collected similar information and was going to find a pair of certificates from Sister Xiang Miao. But the queen was also quite fast. As soon as she thought of the queen being the most suspicious, she immediately came out to intercept and kill her. Now, as she said, the person involved is not only Xiang Miao, so she has to question your queen first.

As a result, she tried to find out whether the queen's blood was the same as the blood on the bloody clothes, but she accidentally found that she was incompatible with the blood type of the emperor and the prince! Although the blood on the bloody clothes may actually be the prince's, not all of Sister Xiangmiao's, the queen and the emperor's BO blood indeed cannot give birth to a prince with type A blood. Just because the prince and the emperor's queen have different blood types, it can also be inferred that Sister Xiang Miao's blood type must also be type A.

In fact, she should have immediately concluded that Sister Xiangmiao and the prince were mother-child relationship when she tested the blood type on the bleeding clothes. Although it is not as appropriate as after the queen's blood type was tested later, if it had been proposed earlier, it could have saved the lives of 40 or 50 people in the Chu family.

Thinking of the family maids and daughters in the Chu family, she was also taken care of and respected by them. She always felt that they were all poor people and asked for three meals without the power of binding chickens. Unexpectedly, they lost their souls here at a young age. I don't know if this was their fate, her involvement, or the queen's viciousness?

For a long time, she may be a murderous female demon, but she is facing people who are heinous and holding murder weapons. She hasn't killed an unarmed person yet! Now, she doesn't kill those families, but they die because of her!

With full of guilt, she finally fell asleep with fatigue.

When she woke up the next day, she finished grooming and walked outside the hall and found that other maids and eunuchs were also busy running around in front of their eyes. Asked about their situation, the maids said that some of them were to count the queen's things, some were to grab the queen's confidants, and some were to clean up last night's Kunning Palace. .

When they walked to the gate of the palace, a group of large and small officials were also arrested and escorted them out of the palace. The accompanying guards said that they were all relatives and officials who had contact with Liu Chenglin's family, and the emperor asked them to be brought to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for trial registration.

Walking on the streets of Beijing, the most endless stream of officers and soldiers were also. They also constantly escorted Lin officials outside the city, and expatriate officials also went straight to all ethnic groups of the Lin family in Liucheng to be executed.

"Don't you want to kill the nine clans?" Although Tang Yun doesn't believe that there are several good people in the world, wouldn't it be a pity if there are indeed some good people in the Lin family?

"This is an agreement, but if there are hundreds of foreigners asking for mercy, but it is reasonable, the emperor will be particularly kind." The bodyguard said that Tang Yuyun unexpectedly felt that the punishment was still a little humane.

Entering the alley of Nancheng Street, the alley in front of her was depressed and the door was closed, but it was a different lonely atmosphere; when she pushed the door, the sound of opening the door spread all over the empty Chu mansion for a long time; her steel boots stepped on those smooth river pebbles, sounded all over the corners, but However, the water does not flow, the birds do not sing, the wind does not move, the flowers are still, and everything is reflected under the eyes, but it is so endless sadness!

Looking at this place where she used to laugh, it suddenly became such a deserted and strange place overnight, and she didn't feel lonely. Originally, Chu Wentian, Bai Zhaonan, Ma Chengxuan, brother and her, and the disgusting Feihongxue lived here. Now, except for Brother Ma, everyone else went to the building and had no message. She thought that staying here would have no original meaning, and she would only apologize again and again for the tragedy in front of her.

Just as she was about to withdraw, there was a voice from outside that the emperor had arrived. Looking back in astonishment, the emperor had walked behind her in awe.

"If you still like it, I can ask the Ministry of Industry to repair it as your palace, how about it?"

At this time, the emperor seemed to have been sleepless all night, and his eyes were still full of blood and his eye bags were swollen. After returning to the palace last night, he was afraid that he didn't know how many tears he had shed for regretting the past. He sighed many times for the resentment of the queen, and his face was full of sad wrinkles.

"No, just confised it. I think many people don't want to touch the scene." She shook her head lovingly, and her loneliness was nothing compared with his inner pain.

The emperor couldn't help sighing silently.

At this time, some bodyguards came in from behind and saluted them. However, they also ran straight into the tent, took the account book and wanted to leave. She intercepted them and asked, only to know that they had found the bodies of their family and maids on the wasteland outside the city! Originally, the assassins were ready to burn the corpses, but somehow, the firewood that had been set up was not lit, and all the bodies were scattered around. This morning, they were transported to Yizhuang outside the city for worship and their families to claim it. They came on the order of Lord Ma Chengxuan Ma. Take the list from the account book to label the body.

She was also very comforted to learn that Ma Chengxuan and his master had presided over the aftermath for them in Yizhuang outside the city; in any case, the dead are gone, and all they can do now is to compensate the living people as much as possible so that they can be comforted after the death of their relatives.

"I'm also going to Yizhuang outside the city to see their last time. Will you go?" She asked softly.

"No!" But he looked ahead and said resolutely angrily, "I have brought the assassins and Lin Tianye back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and I'm going to ask them to pay their blood and repay them justice to the people!" The sky is still clear!"

At the end of Nancheng Street, she was speechless with the emperor. But they all mourned for the bloody case caused last night.

When I came to Yizhuang outside the city, it was another scene of a prosperous and lively market. The carriages that came and went were not carrying goods, but cold corpses; the people who came and went not to the market, but came to cook, worship or claim... Tang Yuyun believed that this was originally gloomy Yizhuang. Suddenly it became lively, which was really an inexplicable irony of the world!

She also put on a plain sackcloth and entered the mourning hall. When she saw Master and Ma Chengxuan, the two men were also red-eyed and guilty for not being able to save them. They were commanding Mafu Minfu to unload the body, clean it up, whitewashed it and covered it with white cloth, and didn't have time to say a few more to Tang Yuyun. Tang Yuyun also, together with many people and citizens, respectfully burned paper on the ground and sacrificed to them, and shed two lines of tears of guilt.

She presided over the whole ceremony with her master Ma Chengxuan until noon. The citizens left one after another, and the groom also took a rest and ate on the spot. She also took the opportunity to propose to go to the eastern city in the afternoon to find Sister Xiangmiao as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, Sun Bai said that some bodies had not been brought back. According to the common example, they also He wanted to spend three days for those maidservant, but although he also wanted to find the fragrant seedlings as soon as possible, the matter happened in front of him, and he and Ma Chengxuan presided over them inextricably. Until those maidservant were claimed by their families, he also distributed the pension they deserved, so that they could feel at ease.

Master's feelings have been discussed so far, and she is not able to object, so she happily promised them that she had to put Sister Xiang Miao's matter on hold for the time being. In the next few days, she will also come to distribute it with them.

After returning to the palace, it was already noon, and the summer heat was exposed in the middle of the sky. Fortunately, she was a noble concubine, and there was a flower shade along the way.

However, when I walked to the tortuous gallery, the same canopy suddenly came to my face.

"'Shunhe Palace' Concubine Shun said good to the noble concubine!" With a sudden sound, Feihongxiu took the lead in front of her and knelt down to her.

"Please get up." She didn't expect to meet flying red sleeves here.

However, the flying red sleeve still couldn't kneel on the ground as if she hadn't heard it. For a long time, a mosquito-like sobs came from her body.

"Slee, what's wrong with you?" Tang Yun couldn't help asking in surprise, "Who bullied you?"

"Your concubine, I didn't know he was a daughter. Please forgive her once." The maid next to her came forward to gently wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and the flying red sleeves choked and reported to Tang Yun.

"Well, your brother, have you come to see you?" She thought, since Fei Hongxue is a catcher disguised as a man, will Fei Hongxiu be as despicable as her and pretend to greet her?

"It's not my brother, it turned out to be my sister..." Feihongxiu saw that she mentioned Feihongxue, and she couldn't help pouted and said quietly, "The day before yesterday that she openly admitted that she was a woman in the Qinzheng Hall, and I was also surprised all afternoon..."

Tang Yun carefully paid attention to her imitation of the incredible expression of surprise at that time, which was very naturally attractive and without any trace of pretentiousness.

"Have you really heard from your father that you have a sister?" She half cares and half questions.

The head of the flying red sleeve suddenly shook like a rattle.

Obviously, only Fei Hongye may know about the matter of Feihongxue disguised as a man. He not only deceived the emperor, but also concealed his daughter.

"I pleaded with you for what she said she liked you before. Please don't blame her for her troublemakers, okay?" Feihongxiu pleaded with her sadly, and the pitiful look and the domineering attitude of Feihongxue were one hundred and eight thousand miles away. Tang Yun is very curious. How can such two become sisters?

Flying red sleeves begging for mercy obviously doesn't know what happened between them.

"Well, get up and talk first." Tang Yun finished identifying her and came forward to help her up.

"No! If the noble concubine refuses to forgive her, Xiuer would rather kneel down!" Unexpectedly, Feihongxiu stubbornly threw her hand and refused to accept her delay, so she must agree to her face to face.