Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

29, strange eyes

29, strange eyes

Yang Xiaobai was just looking at this box, but found that the legendary hero in black was coming this way. His pace was very slow but very imposing. She suddenly remembered that he had said that no matter what he found in the former residence, he had to show him first. My heart is cold. I don't know why I don't want this strong man in black to know the existence of Xiaohua.

"Mom, you can take me into the former residence." Xiaohua didn't seem to want to face it. She immediately asked Xiaobai to put her away, but this thing was put into the former residence, which was like a storage bag. As soon as she moved her mind, Xiaohua disappeared. Xiaobai couldn't help but stay. This former residence is no better than a storage bag. How big is it? How can I find Xiaohua then? Feeling again, she suddenly found that the flowers, plants, trees and drops of water in the former residence were all in her head. As long as she wanted, she could immediately get out the rabbit in the water, but now she also knows the role of the rabbit - to maintain the circulation of the water from the rabbit mountain to the rabbit lake.

The hero in black seemed to walk very slowly, but it didn't take long to get to everyone in front of everyone. Xiaobai's location happens to be far away. But I don't know why, although she was separated by the heavy veil, she always felt that the man in black had a good look.

"Ah, we're all out?"

"How did we get out? What about that well?"

"Yes, what about the well? I haven't found anything yet. I still want to go in!"

It seems that the people around him have only realized that they have come out. There was a noise, and Yu Yingmu seemed to react. He approached her a little, trying to hold her hand and comfort her. Xiaolin Zhen also approached her nervously. Only Yan Xu looked at the direction of the well with a dull face - his dream of treasure hunting was so broken. Ah, it's broken all over the ground!

Although Yang Xiaobai didn't understand why the well disappeared inexplicably, after all, she was the new owner of the former residence and she wanted to collect it. After all, in the situation just now, the two big men rolled around and fought like that, and the turf broke more than N holes. Ah, yes, what about the two men? How dare you hit so far away? She looked about 50 steps away on the left. The grass had been completely crushed. In fact, she couldn't find the two people. It was just that the pile of crushed grass really showed that this was the place where they rolled.

"Is it all out? Please go to the original meeting place and meet again. The voice of the hero in black was still so peaceful and powerful, and accurately reached everyone's ears. The two big men in the grass also seemed to stop suddenly. Both of them were stunned. First, they looked around. Because the perspective turned around and fell on each other, they actually opened their faces together. , with a stubborn face, and uncomfortable.

"Hmm!" With another sound, both of them slowly stood up, and their respective attendants also quickly came forward to help them up.

The whole audience was silent, and everyone silently walked to the gathering place just now. Xiaobai's attention was also attracted by the two fighting men. She just thought it was funny. These two men seemed to be in power, right? Why does it still seem like a child? Maybe she was too focused, and the two men looked at her together, with the corners of their mouths curled again.

Why are there so many things in their eyes? She is inexplicable.

Inexplicably, of course, not only her, but also the whole audience did not find that the grass on the cattle mountain seemed to lose a lot of vitality in an instant and began to shrug. Many years later, this mountain is no longer called Sheniu Mountain. Because of this mountain, it has completely lost its original lush appearance. The grass only grows like other mountains, and its growth has become much slower. In addition, cattle and sheep often come to eat. In the end, it is completely bald. Of course, Yang Xiaobai at this time will not know what will happen many years later. Now, she just can't figure out why Prince Thunderbolt and Prince Nayu are looking at her with a strange look? It seems that they fought because of her? How is it possible? It must be an illusion. Didn't I hear Uncle Chen say that they are for a woman?

She can be sure that Yang Xiaobai must have never been to the capital before. Therefore, it was definitely the first time she met the two of them. However, their eyes were really terrible. Yang Xiaobai touched his nose and looked at Uncle Chen. Uncle Chen and she have also known each other for several years. She knows how her conduct is, and she should not lie to her. It's just that why do they look at her like this? Ah, yes, she suddenly remembered the little man in fiery red, who once told her mother. Forget it, they beat them. What does it have to do with her? Forget it. She has to think about when to go straight back to Fengcheng!

Well, of course, we should first explore the top woman in the flower picking building named Black Rose. If the realm is higher than her, she will go back to Fengcheng to continue to practice. If it is lower than her, well, let's fight! She still remembers the promise to the mysterious woman. Besides, she said that she was really a person who didn't want to owe others a favor.

"What have you found?" Suddenly, the sound that seemed to ring in her ear scared her. It turned out that when she was thinking, she had been held by Yu Yingmu and had already gathered with the crowd. Reflexively, she looked at the hero in black who spoke. She didn't know what secret skills he used. How could he make such a neutral and peaceful voice and accurately deliver it directly to everyone's ears? Or should I say? Is that the only voice she heard? It's better to ask everyone later.

The hero in black was still wrapped in black, through a thick veil, but there seemed to be two beams of light shooting directly, and everyone on the field lowered their heads. Yang Xiaobai just remembered the content of the question he just asked. Well, didn't everyone find anything? She couldn't help but feel happy and lowered her head. Xiaohua has been put into the small stone by her. He shouldn't be able to see it, right? The small stone is hanging on the chest and through the clothes. You shouldn't know. But the more she thought about it, the more her heart kept pounding. What if he knew and she didn't show it to him?

The hero's eyes in black glanced back and forth about three times. I don't know if it was her illusion. He seemed to have stayed on her for quite a long time! What should I do? Say it or not?

(Sorry, I suddenly didn't have time to update it in the afternoon, and I didn't have time to send it until now. Let's update it as usual in the evening, because there is nothing to do now, so we should be able to type well. However, it may be later next time, and you can wait to see it tomorrow.)