Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

8, spoof ring recruitment 1

8, spoof ring recruitment (1)

This year, Lin Zhen's life was very boring.

Yan Xu is not at home, and Yu Ying Wu and Qin Yueya have been in frequent contact recently.

Yu Yingwu seemed to have begun to slowly take over the affairs of Yu's martial arts school. The two always appeared hand in hand. Ha, in fact, Qin Yueya always held his hand. His expression at the beginning was a little awkward and became a habit and calm later.

During the Spring Festival, the streets are always very lively, with all kinds of jugglers and all kinds of people. Except for Lin Zhen, the rest of the people watched it with relish. He looked at Yang Xiaobai from time to time, but found that her face was no different from Qin Yueya's face. That is to say, this cruel man is really going to marry! Does he still have any status in her mind? The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"My father said that he would get a recruitment ring on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Please give me some advice. What should I do to be more distinctive?" Sitting in the teahouse, Yang Xiaobai was very interested in chatting.

"Really? Is it fun?" Qin Yueya opened two big eyes, as if I also wanted to participate.

"Well, let the people who come to participate come to have a martial arts competition." Yu Yingmu doesn't think there is anything to think about.

"Wow... I have a solution. Let's go shopping later. I'm going to buy a lot of clothes. Xiaobai suddenly became happy. This world is her new life, and she wants to repeat all the lives she has never tried.

"Cough... Go ahead. I'm not feeling well. I'll go back first." Lin Zhen deliberately sat opposite her, but she also saw her, which was particularly calm. His heart was broken. Let's go back and see what to do first. If it really doesn't work, I guess he will also participate in that competition?

Ah? What's wrong with you?" Although Xiaobai guessed that Lin Zhen had something to be careful about, in fact, in her small heart, she still hoped that he could jump out and tell everyone, don't move. Yang Xiaobai is mine, and no one wants to grab it. However, Lin Zhen's personality always seems to be like this. Now he is so forced, and he still behaves like this. In fact, she is still a little angry. Can he win more for himself?

"Nothing, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, so I'll go back first." After Lin Zhen finished speaking, he stood up and walked away. That*, indescribable loneliness.

"Xiaobai, what do you really want your father to do?" Yu Ying looked at her meaningfully and saw her nodding, but deliberately said, "I think Lin Zhen is very good!"

"Yes, yes, Sister Xiaobai, how beautiful Lin Zhen is!" Qin Yueya also followed, "However, it's a pity to miss the ring or something. Oh, yes, let Lin Zhen also participate in the ring!"

"Moon..." Yu Yingmu shook his head, but found that he could not stop the two people's thoughts. Sometimes, he feels that he really doesn't know women.

In the early morning of the fifteenth of the first lunar month, it was cloudless and sunny. It was a good day. Yang Baiwan's recruitment ring has been set up for a long time. It's just that this ring, according to Yang Xiaobai's idea, anyone feels a little incomprehensible when they see it. How to use such a ring? It turns out that this ring is very long, about 15 meters long, but only about two meters wide. Behind this ring, there is a small room. I don't know what this room is for. Is it used to save the injured?

The news that Yang million's 20-year-old daughter is going to get married has long been circulating in Fengcheng. Near the runway, it has been full of all kinds of lively people, but there is a long queue at the registration table. After all, the three words Yang million are attractive enough. Who dares to say that he does not cove Yang million's property?

The four maids are very excited, because the four of them are also going to play today. The young lady said that the four of them played first, and she was the finale. The four changed their clothes, stood on the curtain and looked out, reporting to Yang Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai is not in a particularly good mood. Lin Zhen didn't know where he went early this morning. In her heart, she felt that she was blocked. Now that she has done this ring, she will make a sound and color. Humph, let's see how long he can hold back.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, today is the big day for my Yang million daughter to recruit relatives, but the content of this test was conceived by the little girl. Just do it later." Yang Bai is still very happy today. Although Yang Xiaobai's these things are a little strange, they have convinced him. He is recruited by his son-in-law, and he is not particularly worried. He is still young and can watch.

"For the first content, please appreciate the beauty of the little girl." These words were all drawn up by Yang Xiaobai. Although Yang Baiwan's old face was very red, he still said it. In fact, it can be seen how much Yang Bule spoils his only daughter Yang Xiaobai.

What he said was the strong music - this band is still the best harvest band in Fengcheng that Yang Xiaobai personally found.

With the music, spring flowers appear. The size of spring flowers' breasts are the first in Fengcheng, and no one dares to be second. The clothes Yang Xiaobai chose for her were all deep V and all black skirts - while walking, the ups and down ripples almost blinded everyone present.

"This is Yang Chunhua, one of the little girl's followers. Spring flowers are 20 years old this year, which is the age of flowers and jade. Yang Bule is in charge of explaining. He soon saw that there was another queue at the registration office. It seems that Xiaobai is right. He is rich and colored, and no man is unmoved.

The spring flowers walked very slowly, singing a very high song as they walked, and the two meat balls on their chest fluctuated with the sound. On the 15-meter runway, it took her about half an hour. Just as she got into the curtain, Xia Ye appeared - Xia Ye's clothes were white, and her coat was very short, revealing a small waist and loose trousers underneath. Yes, Xia Ye has to dance all the way, all of which was taught by Yang Xiaobai. The thin willow waist seems to fold as much as you want - "This is also one of the little girl's attendants. Xia Ye, she is good at singing and dancing, and she is also very fast. She runs errands and so on, which is very sharp."

(I didn't lose too much blood yesterday, so I didn't update it. Today, I'm still dizzy. I type with three fingers. I often delete it by mistake and type it again. It's very hard, but I'm not very embarrassed not to update it. Xiao Zhengtai's book is my baby. I hope it grows every day.)