Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

18, Goal 2

18, Goal 2

(Sorry, there was only one update today. I'm really upset when I think of removing the stitches or something tomorrow...)

"Can I go back too?" At this moment, she seems to be stunned. Her mind was full of pictures she had just seen: the precarious building, the hurricanes running around the streets. How to face such a doomsday, her dear mother? The house they used to live in is still a high-risk house. I don't know if it will collapse. The more I think about it, the more worrying it is.

"Of course. You two need to practice now! When it comes to my realm, it will be easy to do." Yang Xiaobai, who has a long heart and is thinking far away, is a little confused.

"Master..." Yang Xiaobai knelt down. Just like the first time, she knelt in front of Tongfan, but for the first time, she wanted to learn the Taoism she dreamed of. This time, of course, is for her mother.

"What are you doing?" Children's rice pretends to be puzzled. Get up quickly."

"Master, please. Help my mother. She is alone, alone, and must be at a loss. I'm sure... How can I sit back and watch? No, Master, how can you sit back and watch? Master, I watched the spring flowers, summer leaves, autumn chrysanthemums, winter grass... I watched them disappear like this... How could... How could she be my mother who gave birth to me and raised me... Master... Please..."

Lin Zhen also followed her, knelt down and supported her. I'm afraid that she will kowtow or something.

"Alas, you two silly children... get up quickly!" Tongfan shook his head and sighed, but he seemed to think of something happy and smiled, "Get up quickly." Baby, your mother is fine. The city she is in will be fine for the time being.

"Really?" I don't know why, although it's a little strange for him to say so, Yang Xiaobai would rather believe it.

"Master, when did I lie to you? Get up quickly." After saying that, the two stood up and looked much better than just now.

"Grandpa Tong, what's going on? What is the relationship between the goddess of light and the god of darkness? Can we change the current situation only by resurrecting the goddess of light? Or, what should we do?" Xiaobai really couldn't wait. She wanted to ask all the questions clearly, but Tongfan didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, so she had to order them directly.

"Yes, Grandpa Tong, please tell us quickly what we are going to do?" These are things related to life and death. How can Grandpa Tong be so calm? The main reason is that this is not only the death of one person or two people. At this time, it is related to the people of a whole city, the animals of a world, no, it is the survival of two worlds, perhaps, or the survival of many worlds.

"What did the old monk and you say?" The two juniors were very anxious, but the Santa Claus in front of them was still talking slowly.

"He said that the goddess of light and the dark god are lovers. In case the goddess of light is resurrected, it will trigger the disaster that almost destroyed the world." When Tongfan asked this question, Xiaobai was moved and felt that this Tongfan may not be the same as that Fa Wubai.

"What do you think?" Tongfan continued to speak again.

"I..." His question is strange. What does she think? It doesn't matter. It should be this matter. Is it true or false? The resurrection of the goddess of light was imminent, and he asked her what she thought. What can she think - ah, no. She suddenly remembered the most important point: the legend has it that the goddess of light has been with the dark god, and the world triggered the great disaster, right? It is said that it was the goddess of light who stood up and saved the world.

It's time for the little detective.

Well, she has to take good care of these clues. Suppose that the goddess of light is resurrected, and that Yang Xiaobai is the goddess of light. After being with her loved one, she causes such a disaster, and then sacrifices herself. After saving the world, will she continue to make the same mistake? Ah, pooh, it can't be said that she made the same mistake. It should be that under such circumstances, will she make the same choice after knowing that it is impossible for two people to be together?

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly tightened.

She looked up at Lin Zhen, but found that he was also looking at her. This face, which looks at every day, seems to be engraved in my mind. If one day, she and the goddess of light are in the same position, it is impossible to be with Lin Zhen, then what will she do?

Two choices, one, together, the world dies? If one is not together, does the world exist?

It's getting more and more outrageous.

"Grandpa Tong, my idea doesn't matter. What about you? What do you think?" I don't know how long it has been, but it seems that the thoughts have just changed a thousand times, just for a moment. Xiao Baifu looked at Tongfan again and continued to ask him.

"Little doll, do you understand the powerful relationship?" Tongfan seemed to have something to mean, but he didn't make it clear directly.

"What kind of powerful relationship? Grandpa Tong, please make it clear to us." She didn't understand what he meant. If she didn't make it clear, he didn't want to leave today.

"Little doll, there are two solutions to this. First, let yourself cultivate more than the goddess of light. Second, find her and let her solve this matter. The tone of Tongfan seems to be joking as usual.

"Isn't it? Master, at least you can help me... At last time, you told us a way to go to the death desert and gave us a magic elixir. This time, you actually shook a few words inexplicably and wanted to send us away?

"Some things can only be done by yourself until now. Little doll, come on, don't waste it. Many people want to work hard, but they don't have a chance to work hard. Tongfan said with a beard and a smile.

"Isn't it useless for you to say this?" Lin Zhen was angry. Last time, this master gave him a smart elixir, but he couldn't take it. That spiritual elixir will also have a great impact on the future disaster. This time, he has been worrying one after another, but he doesn't give people a solution. Such a master really makes him angry. He has always regarded him as his grandfather.

He still remembers that he was so hungry that he lay by the river called the north, and even wanted to jump down directly to end his life. It was he who gave him food, told him the direction of his life, and that he would have someone he wanted to protect in the future. Well, the person he wants to protect is here. As a grandfather and a master, he can't provide anything, not only help, but also a matter of attitude.

Their attitude is really annoying.

You know, on the other side of the world, Yang Xiaobai's most concerned mother and her dear friends live. At this end of the world, it is her father and her dear friends. No matter who, even a stranger who doesn't know at all, will care about it and help figure it out. However, as their master and grandfather-like person, is just like this, and he is still in the mood to take his beard and laugh there! It's too much.

"How can you say it in vain? Xiaozhen, calm down and think about it. No matter which choice you make, it will be fast. Time is running out. Tongfan's face turned straight, and it seemed that he had finally become a little normal.

"Don't have much time? How much time do we have?" This directly touched the hearts of the two of them. Yes, this black hole has begun to devour, that is to say, the disaster has begun. Similarly, such a black hole may be more and more - until it completely devours all... everything?