Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

30, Yang Xiaobai's mystery

30, the mystery of Yang Xiaobai's life

(By the way, what can I say? Anyway, occasionally there are a few people who are willing to bubble to encourage me, and I should be satisfied. Although I was depressed for a long time, even today, I am completely out of the interest to look at my own page and dare not face it. Just like what a sister said, I'll write to myself as a self-talk... Many years later, maybe I will admire myself very much and take care of the words for nearly half a year... I'm in tears.)

These strange stone buildings have nothing special, and there is no treasure as Yang Xiaobai expected. She went around the scene and found nothing at all. She returned to the front of the tallest stone building where she had originally started.

"Strange... Logically speaking, after passing, there can't be just a pile of rocks. There must be something, right? Otherwise, why do people fight monsters like this? This doesn't make sense..." Yang Xiaobai began to talk to himself there. Is there anything else that can't be done here?"

Someone completely forgot that he had just died, and Lin Zhen was still looking for her everywhere. Lin Zhen naturally understands her personality, but as spectators, we just want to touch her forehead and sigh, and we don't know whether her personality is good or not. Of course, we can say that Yang Xiaobai is just looking for bright gems. After all, the end of the world is coming soon.

Someone immersed in thought leaned against the big stone building behind him. In fact, why are these stone buildings called buildings? Because they are made of stone, like a building, but the doors and windows are just decorations and can't be entered at all. Yang Xiaobai now relies on the highest part of the whole audience. If there is anything different from other stone buildings, that is, its surface is particularly smooth and flat. It is slippery and smooth like polished jade.

"Huh...there is a strange groove here..." Yang Xiaobai has always had a bad habit of moving her hands and feet. No, she leaned against the stone and her hand was on the stone**. Of course, the main reason is that this stone is really smooth and easy to touch. Zi. So, while thinking, she suddenly touched a dent, which was strange... She turned around to look at a space, but found that there was a round groove on the smooth mirror stone behind her. The groove is very small, but it seems to be integrated like the surface of the stone, not like it was carved artificially. However, Yang Xiaobai always felt that the groove seemed to be able to put down something.

Habitually, Yang Xiaobai raised her left hand, touched the groove, and pressed it randomly. She is in a hurry to go to the hospital, hoping to press some kind of organ or something. Unfortunately, there was no reaction. The nerves that had just been excited slowly returned to normal. At this time, she felt a little tired. When she first saw these stone buildings, she rushed up and down for a while looking for treasure. Now, this original excited nerve slowly relaxes because there is no special discovery.

So, she hung against the stone and sat in mid-air. Her eyes stared at the stone. She didn't know what the reason was. She just wanted to look at it like this. Finally, her eyes were tired. She stared so much that she couldn't stare at anything.

"Alas... It's boring... Let's eat an apple first..." So a foodie took out an apple and began to eat it. Looking at the red apples, she remembered Lin Zhen's face, which is always easy to blush. Doesn't he look like this apple when he blushes? Ka, she took a bite hard and felt as if she was secretly kissing Lin Zhen. She seemed to hear him say: Xiaobai, after this is over, let's live a good life.

Alas, she wanted to go straight back to the capital to make a romantic wedding for herself, but why did she get to this damn place? It's all the man in black, I hate it! She took another bite of the apple, but this time, it was a hateful bite, as if the apple had become a hateful man in black.

Well, after eating this apple, if she finds nothing more, she will find a way to get out of here.

Her thinking is very jumping... This is not, "Ah..." Yang Xiaobai suddenly jumped up excitedly. Because she found one thing, that is, the groove she just saw, the shape, no matter how you look at it, she feels that it is the same shape as the bracelet given to her by his father Yang Bule. Maybe she can try it in? She remembered that her father Yang Fule once said that this is a lucky thing? At that time, before she went to the Death Desert, her father gave it to her because he was worried about her safety. Is there any mystery about this bracelet?

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobai nibbled out the remaining apples, washed his hands with a small skill, took off his bracelet and put them on the smooth stone wall.

The "ka" bracelet was just put in. However, except for the sound put in, nothing happened.

Yang Xiaobai was disappointed.

With a disappointed face, she reached out and took the bracelet back. She thought that she thought too much. How could there be so many stories or mysteries about anything?

However, the change was at the moment when she took down the bracelet, the stones in the audience began to combine freely around Yang Xiaobai, and there was a click sound everywhere. It's okay to combine freely, but the position of their free combination surrounds her in the middle.

Yes, Yang Xiaobai was trapped in the stone. Originally, at her speed, she should have had a way to escape at the beginning, but she hesitated. Just because this is the change brought by Yang Bule to her bracelet. Maybe this is not a bright gem. Maybe it's another secret here? Her curiosity broke out again.

Her thoughts are thousands of times. What she has been thinking about is not what she has done over the years. It seems that everything is like a dream, which is very unreal, but she clearly stays here, and those stones are still being combined. If the little white man Yang was outside, she would find that these strange stones formed a pyramid.


With this sound, all the movement disappeared.

Yang Xiaobai finally came to his senses.

In the space, it is not dark, and there is also a light in front of her, which seems to guide her forward. The light, very soft and warm, seems to tell its harmlessness. Yang Xiaobai involuntarily followed the light and walked slowly towards it.

I don't know how long it took. This light suddenly changed into a ball, a big ball, a little bigger than Yang Xiaobai's body. Moreover, it seems to be hooking its fingers at the archer Xiaobai: Xiaobai, come to mom.

Yang Xiaobai walked directly into the light without hesitation.

She felt as if she had returned to her mother's arms. It's very warm and reassuring. It seems that in my head, I don't have to think about anything or do anything, just like infancy. If you are sleepy, just go to bed. If you are hungry, just open your mouth for food. From beginning to end, there seemed to be a pair of gentle hands slowly stroking her. And she just lay down like this, thinking about nothing and not doing anything.

At this moment, above the location of Yang Xiaobai of the endless glacier, he stood leisurely with a children's rice with red clothes but white hair and beard, as well as Xiaozheng Tailin Zhen.

"Grandpa Tong, is Xiaobai really down there?"


"Then why don't you let me go down to find her?"

"Xiao Zhen, there are some things that only the parties can face by themselves. Others can't help much. All you have to do is stand here and wait for her to come out. Tongfan's tone is very helpless.

"Grandpa Tong, what the hell is going on?" Lin Zhen was very anxious. He and she have been separated for almost 20 days. For 20 days, he has been searching desperately day and night. However, just last night, suddenly, Tongfan appeared in front of him and told him that he knew where she was, and then brought him here and told him to wait here.

"When she comes out, let her tell you what happened." Tongfan didn't mention anything, but from his eyes that he had been paying attention to, it could be seen that he was also very concerned about Yang Xiaobai's safety.

"But, Grandpa Tong, I'm worried about her. She can come out by herself, right? This seems to be very complicated. I can only see the ice, and I can't see her at all. If it hadn't been because he had known Tongfan since he was a child and sincerely treated him like a grandfather, he wouldn't have believed that Yang Xiaobai was here. But now, there is no other way. He can only stay here and wait.

"It must be possible. Don't worry. It's just a matter of time. Although Tong Fanfan seemed to be answering Lin Zhen's question, more than affirming his own thoughts.

The two men, old and young, sat cross-legged in the air and looked down motionless. What Lin Zhen didn't know was that Tong Fanfan had been nagging in his heart: "Little doll... Think about it quickly... Hurry up and remember who you are..."