Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

9, did we know each other in the last life?

9, did we know each other in our last life?

At that moment, there seemed to be a very distant memory, which came to my face. Some vague fragments were made up in an instant. Then, she felt that she had a subtle connection with the world, every bit of air, dust and trees in the world. And this connection made her know:

This world, even any world, cannot be destroyed.

No matter how much energy the goddess of light and the dark god have, they can't destroy the world even if they join hands.

She thought, maybe they should go back to Fengcheng to have a look, and there are also unparalleled factions.

Although her life seems to be simple and there is nothing special about intrigue since she became Yi Xiaoli, it doesn't mean that she is an idiot and a fool. She didn't understand why the person she made herself as a parent seemed to get something from her. But what exactly is it?

She doesn't understand a little. She really doesn't understand.

Well, maybe you can get the answer if you find the goddess of light and the dark god.

What did the dark god give up stopping her just now?

Or does he think he is not her opponent?

However, she hasn't got back all the yuan gods, and she may not be his opponent.

Wait a minute, maybe he was really not her opponent, because at that time, if he had joined hands with the goddess of light, he would not be her opponent. What's more, now, he is just a person? So, what exactly do they want to do? Forget it, Jiran promised him to resurrect the Goddess of Light, and then ask them.

Anyway, there should be nothing in the world that can make it difficult for her.

"Xiaobai...Xiaobai..." Lin Zhen has been calling her for a long time. He was really worried that as soon as she opened her eyes, he would not know who he was. In that case, what would he do? Does he want to kiss her? Will she shake him away?

Forget it, even if he dies, he will try.

With a generous and righteous expression on his face, Lin Zhen closed his eyes and pouted and kissed him.

Her lips, as sweet and sweet as ever, are his familiar taste - familiar... is a good thing. Wait a minute, she is responding to him... She is really responding to him, as enthusiastic and domineering as ever...

Lin opened her eyes in shock, but found that her round eyes were looking at him with a smile, as if laughing at him... She couldn't help blushing and she was stunned there, and didn't know how to express her feelings.

"Lin Zhen..." She shouted at him affectionately.

"Um..." He still lowered his head and dared not look at her.

"Do you know who you were in your last life?"

Ah? Who am I?" He finally raised his head.

"Guess... Let's go, I'll take you to a place first." She took his hand and another bubble, taking him to the original location of Fengcheng.

It's here. The city where they first met is still people coming and going. It seems that nothing has changed. It seems that it has always been there and nothing has changed. Xiaobai took Lin Zhen and entered Yang's mansion.

"Spring flowers... summer leaves... autumn chrysanthemums... winter grass..." Although I feel that they may still be in Yang's mansion, her heart can't fall to the ground without seeing them.

" the lady is back..." Xia Ye's loud voice is really kind...

"Miss...where have you been these days?"

"Miss...Where's the master? We are all about to become a pot of porridge..."


They were talking about something, but Xiaobai listened with a smile. They were still there. That's great. She doesn't need to make them again. After all, the remade must be different.

"My father will be back later. You can take care of the family first." Before Yang Xiaobai finished his words, he pulled Lin Zhen away, "We still have to go to a place and come back later..."

"Xiao Bai, what's going on?" Lin Zhen has been holding her in a daze. He looked at everything in front of him in surprise and unbelievablely, as if these were just a dream.

"Explain later. Guess who you were in your last life? Well, maybe we should change the question: Did we know each other in our last life?

"Ah?" Lin Zhen felt that from his real point of view, he could not see through all this...

"Lin Zhen, although you did that before, I think you are right. Thank you... Thank you. You have always been loyal to me, whether I am in a good mood or bad... I'm so happy that we can be together again. Xiaobai hugged him tightly.

"Xiao Bai... I love you..."

"I love you too..."

"Xiaobai...Xiaobai...what about us? Where did he go? Why have I been sending someone to look for him, but I haven't found him? It turned out that when they only cared about the past, the people of Yufu had informed Yu Wenbin, and Yu Wenbin stood by and watched them for a long time.

"Aren't Uncle Yu, the little master, right here?" Xiaobai blinked, smiled, and secretly brought out the four people in the space and stood behind Yu Wenbin. Of course, he scared the whole audience, but also made the whole audience happy.

Yang Xiaobai secretly pulled Lin Zhen away.

The Yang family and the Yu family are both good, and the Wushuang faction must be good. She believes that Lin Ruoshi and Lin Ruoyu must have guessed it, and they will definitely confirm it at the first time.

She and Lin Zhen are going to the silent sea to find the last treasure: the Ring of Light.

However, before that, she had to take the four treasures from Lin Zhen first.

She will never allow any mistakes in her Lin Zhen.

"Xiao Bai... Who do you think I would have in my last life?"

"I'll let you guess..."

"Well, have I been with you all the time?" Lin Zhen was very curious. Did they meet similarly in their last life?

"Yes..." She smiled beautifully, with beautiful teeth, very dazzling.

"It can't be a dog, can it?" He was joking, but as soon as he finished speaking, he opened his mouth wide and found Yang Xiaobai nodding fiercely.

Oh my God...

He was a dog in his last life? A dog that has been with her all the time?

Well... to be by her side, maybe, even a dog, he is willing to.

He clenched her hand hard. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Yang Xiaobai... I want to go out... I want to go out..." At this warm moment, someone suddenly kept shouting in the space. Yang Xiaobai smiled. Guang Xiaoyao, maybe she should come out to complete her mission.

Wrong, maybe not the mission.

Hehe...that's great...