Through the Warring States

Chapter 137 Luo Tianbao

Originally, the Eight Demons did not want to send Li Tingting. First, they felt that there was some big trouble. Second, they were afraid that if there were any major changes in Beizhou, if Li Tingting was involved in something unexpected, it would be a major loss to the Eight Demons. Although the second point was a little impossible in their opinion, Li Tingting still insisted on it in the end. Come on, she has nothing to do in Dongzhou and is very interested in what happened in Beizhou, so she has the current scene.

Of course, Zhang Fenghuo did not know. At this time, he was standing at the window with Wuming in the ship and looking out. On the way, Zhang Fenghuo had not rested much. Several of them were looking at the sea, for fear of any changes in the sea.

He also told Wuming about some things about the ocean storm. After knowing it, he was very shocked. Finally, he always cut out with Zhang Fenghuo during this period of time. Fortunately, the sea was still relatively calm, and nothing big happened. However, the closer it is to Beizhou, people feel that the fog on the sea is. Heavy, when it was less than a hundred miles away from Beizhou, it could not be found ten meters, giving people a gloomy and strange feeling.

This phenomenon has never happened before, so everyone has been careful. Now no one can be optimistic that Beizhou is safe and sound. They all think that something important should have happened here.

As the ship docked, there was a faint smell of blood accompanied by the fog, which shocked Zhang Fenghuo. You should know that there is no city in Beizhou within 50 miles of the pass. If there is a smell of blood here, where did it come from?

Even if there were not many guards at the pass, even if all of them were killed, they could not spread so far. Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone broke their nerves and got off the ship and walked to the pass with a wary face. The guys left on the ship did not anchor and stop, but stopped 300 meters away from the dock. This part of the journey Zhang Fenghuo and others went there by boat. Before disembarking, they knew these people. If they didn't come back for a day, they would immediately rush back to Xizhou to inform Beizhou.

Of course, it also brought back the news of their murder. Although the guys on the ship were very scared, Wuming saved the lives of their family after all, and Zhang Fenghuo was also very respectful, so he stayed there and waited for these people to come back.

However, when Zhang Fenghuo and they first came ashore, they put on another boat and sailed straight to the dock. Needless to say, the people on this ship were Li Tingting and several children of Eight Demons.

After getting to the dock, Zhang Fenghuo and others found that it was quiet and had a very depressing atmosphere. After a little investigation, they went straight to the pass. They could not see any living things on the road, not even the shadow of seabirds. After walking for about half an hour, they saw the pass city standing there in the distance. At the same time, the bloody taste of the wall is also stronger.

However, this intensity is not as strong as the two cities killed in Beizhou that Zhang Fenghuo saw before. Compared with it, it is only stronger than what he just smelled at sea. The gate here opened, and no soldier guarding here was seen. Everyone carefully entered the pass and then explored it around. , I found that the soldiers' clothes and daily necessities were all here, not like fleeing, but where are the people? This doubt shrouded several people's heads.

"Brother Wuming, shall we go back to report to the sect?" A disciple of the Huo Sect suddenly said that this person's name is Huo Li. He is 25 years old this year. He is a junior martial arts saint. Seeing this strange phenomenon in Beizhou, he unexpectedly has a retreat. Not only him, but also the children of the other eight sects are the same. They are all the proud sons of heaven and have a good future. There is no need to come for this matter. In the end, he didn't even save his life.

Wu Ming shook his head and said, "We are here to find out what's going on here. If Beizhou is really attacked by unknown forces, then we must quickly report back to the sect to send reinforcements. If we go back like this, we haven't got any definite news. I don't know how many people in Beizhou will suffer. Slaughter." After Wuming finished speaking, everyone closed their mouths, which is indeed the case now.

They will definitely be laughed at by the disciples of the sect when they go back so rashly, but they are also really a little scrupulous when they continue to go deep into Beizhou under such strange circumstances.

"It's human's normal to be afraid of death. If anyone wants to go back to Zhang Fenghuo, please inform my wife and family members so that they can plan for themselves in the future." Zhang Fenghuo said that after saying this, the children of the Eight Sect were flushed except for the Buddha Sect. Naturally, they heard the meaning of Zhang Fenghuo's words, so the disciples of the Dongsheng Sect actually took the lead and walked to the city near the pass according to the map.

Wu Ming nodded to Zhang Fenghuo and didn't say anything, so the group continued to hurry.

Look at the map, the nearest city is called the Imperial City, which is a large city with millions of people. It is a little scary to walk quietly. Normally, it is normal for no one to speak quietly on this road, but if there is no birds and insects, it is a little unreasonable, and it is still more than ten miles after passing the pass. It's a fog that hasn't subsided at all. It's reasonable to have fog on the sea, but how to answer the fog on land?

After walking for more than 50 miles, everyone slowed down at the signal of Wuming and Zhang Fenghuo, because they all asked about the stronger smell of blood. The smell became stronger as it got closer to the imperial city. Like Zhang Fenghuo saw the two towns attacked by beasts in the north before, he was also a little nervous. Is it the beast of the fog forest that came out again?

However, the following situation surprised Zhang Fenghuo, because after everyone walked for another half an hour, they came to a grassland, which was not on the map, and there was no grassland on the imperial city road closest to the Pass in Beizhou.

But what is this surprise? The surprise is that Zhang Fenghuo came to this grassland! His black sword was obtained here, and this place is a fog forest! So he quickly stopped everyone. The disciples of Dongshengzong were a little dissatisfied and didn't like him giving orders. At this time, Wuming asked, "Brother Zhang, what did you find?" Along the way, the relationship between Zhang Fenghuo and Wuming has greatly increased, and he has also changed from Zhang Shizhu to Zhang's younger brother. This kind of treatment has not even been given by many children of eight sects.

"I have been to this grassland. If I expected it, this is not Beizhou at all. We have entered the fog forest!" Zhang Fenghuo said in a low voice. Everyone was shocked when he heard the words. Huo Li asked in a panic, "We, shouldn't we be in Beizhou? And that was the pass just now. Maybe this grassland is not marked on the map." His reasons are a little pale. You should know that if Zhang Fenghuo is not determined, it is impossible to say it.

Zhang Fenghuo said, "I can be sure that as long as we walk for a while, we can see a grass house. After crossing this grassland, we will enter the forest. There is a grotto where the bones of the Buddha and the Eastern Holy Emperor are buried."

When he said so, everyone hurried to see if there would really be a thatched hut, as no wonder! An hour after everyone walked, a thatched hut appeared, which was no different from Zhang Fenghuo's description.

Now everyone can't stand it. The scene in front of them has exceeded their prediction. Originally, they were going to Beizhou, but they never thought that they would enter the fog forest that had disappeared for a long time. How horrible this forest is. They have heard of it in rumors and books, and the beasts of the fog forest have attacked some time ago. Several cities in Beizhou, such as the above points, are uneasy.

Only Wuming asked calmly, "Brother Zhang, how did you leave this forest last time?" With Wu Ming's question, everyone's eyes looked at Zhang Feng Donghuo. At this moment, even the two disciples of Dongshengzong abandoned their disgust with Zhang Fenghuo and turned into hope.

Zhang Fenghuo shook his head and said, "If I guess correctly, we can't get out. The misty forest appeared in Beizhou, and we walked according to the map and entered without prediction, then the manipulating behind us could not let us go out."

When everyone heard the words, they looked back and found that there was no way out! Behind him also turned into a forest. If everyone had any hope just now, then the last hope has been completely erased. Everyone's eyes are all afraid. They are the proud sons of heaven. They also have extremely strong cultivation, but the current situation is beyond prediction.

If you can't turn back, you can only continue to move forward, and Wuming also wants to see the bones of the Buddha and Emperor. It would be best if he could take it out, but at present, the situation is a little slim.

After another journey, a dense forest appeared, which was no different from Zhang Fenghuo's description. Everyone walked in and finally came down to the cave under the guidance of Zhang Fenghuo, but the cave disappeared inexplicably!

This was a little unexpected by Zhang Fenghuo. He and Wuming and others searched around and did not see the entrance of the cave. Finally, Huo Li suddenly said with a frightened face, "Look." Following the direction of his fingers, everyone looked up, and the cave was just floating in the air!

And the next thing was even more unreasonable. I saw two people walking out of the cave. It was the Eastern Holy Emperor and the Buddha Enlighten Emperor. These two were not a pile of white bones, but real people. Then several people came out, all of whom were the ancestors of the eight sects. These eight people walked in the air, but their eyes looked into the depths of the fog forest, and finally Kneeling there, he looked very religious, and then he saw that the eight people rotten at a speed that was visible to the naked eye and turned into a pile of white bones. At this moment! The forest has disappeared! Everyone looked around and found that they had returned to the imperial city.

Everyone looked at each other and found shock in their respective looks. It's so unusual! Was it just a dream or just an illusion? But why is it so real and leaves no trace, not even the fluctuation of the skill!

No matter how some people retreat and some people want to continue to move forward, of course, there are only three people who insist on going on, Wu Ming, Zhang Fenghuo and another disciple of the Buddha Sect, Wuzhi, while the children of the other seven sects are completely united at this moment and stick to go back with the same goal.

But the imperial city was close at hand, and Zhang Fenghuo didn't want to retreat, so he said, "You wait here for two hours. How about I go back after I go to the front to investigate?"

After saying that, Wuming said, "I'll go with you."

In the end, everyone stayed in the distance, and Zhang Fenghuo and Wuming continued to move forward. Although some people thought they were crazy, the two crazy people still had something they admired, that is, courage.

At the same time, these people did not notice that several people had been following them and never leaving. While they stopped in place, these people walked from the side and went straight to the imperial city.

Although it was very quiet on the road, Wuming and Zhang Fenghuo asked that the strong bloody smell was getting heavier and heavier. Both of them did not speak, and their mood was also extremely heavy at this moment. The unknown danger ahead made them very cautious, and even every step was careful for fear of falling into the fog forest just now. General.

Finally, half an hour later, the two came to the edge of the imperial city. The thick fog here became a little lighter, and the eyes were wider. There were no soldiers walking on the wall, and the gate was also open. The whole city was very quiet. This quietness made Zhang Fenghuo seem to have known each other. The two cities he saw before in Beizhou Similarly, after entering with Wuming, no residents were found, and the scene was basically the same as what he had seen before.

After searching, they found nothing and were ready to leave. At this time, a sudden sound came from a residential room. The two approached carefully along the sound. In a room, a figure was looking at them through the window. Zhang Fenghuo quickly waved the infinitely and directly stunned the man, if he It is a survivor. When the two are found, they will definitely scream. At that time, it may cause great trouble. If it is not a survivor, it is better to do so first. The moves used by Zhang Fenghuo are also a little particular. The stronger the opponent resists, the more fierce his attack will be. Relatively speaking, if the other party does not resist or Resistance is very slight and will only cause little damage.

The figure fainted directly after being in a hurry. Zhang Fenghuo and Wuming entered it after exploring that there was no one in the house. This was just an ordinary resident. He was more than 40 years old. He was a middle-aged man. Zhang Fenghuo did not talk much. He took this person and left with Wuming. The man who was caught under his arm suddenly opened his mouth. The horn provoked a strange arc. Of course, Zhang Fenghuo and Wuming did not know.

"What do you think is wrong with that man?" Li Tingting suddenly asked on the ship. Zhang Fenghuo and Wuming did not see the man's expression, but Li Tingting was the intermediate peak Wudi, and the stable peak Wudi was only one step away. I don't know how much higher than Zhang Fenghuo and Wuming, so she saw it, including the strange smile of the man.

"I don't know, but this man is definitely not a simple person. As long as we can get him, we will definitely know what happened in Beizhou, and even ask what kind of disaster the five continents is about to come." The speaker is a middle-aged man and a man among the eight demons.

Soon returned to the place where he was separated from the disciples of the Eight Sects. Wu Ming asked everyone to leave quickly, and everyone did not delay and walked directly to the dock. Li Tingting and others also took a step ahead and arrived at the ship before Zhang Fenghuo returned to the ship.

After the group got on the boat, the man also woke up and saw Zhang Fenghuo and others shouting first, and finally gradually calmed down under the comfort of Wu Ming. Through the dialogue, he learned that this person's name was Luo Tianbao, an ordinary resident of the imperial city.

"Do you ever know what happened to the empty imperial city?" When the man completely calmed down, Wuming asked, and everyone's eyes looked

Luo Tianbao made him feel a little cramped and said, "I don't know what happened. Two days ago, I went home to rest as usual. In the middle of the night, I was suddenly woken up by the noise. I saw a fire on the street through the window, and all kinds of horrible beasts were biting pedestrians on the street. I was so scared that I quickly hid in the cellar of my home. After staying for two days, I just climbed out of the cellar and planned to see the situation outside, but you brought me here.

"It seems that the beasts in the fog forest should do evil." Wu Ming frowned when he heard the words.

The disciples of the eight sects did not speak, but thought about what Luo Tianbao said. Only Zhang Fenghuo had been staring at Luo Tianbao. He always felt that this person was a little different. When talking about these memories, his expression did not change. You should know that ordinary people will be afraid even when they get out of danger and recall. How can the look of fear be as plain as water?

"Maybe I think too much." After several explorations of the man and finding that he had no cultivation, Zhang Fenghuo comforted himself.

At this time, the disciples of the Eight Sect also came out of Luo Tianbao's room and let him rest. Wuming called everyone together and said, "We have learned that the beasts in the fog forest are doing evil, but we don't know what the rest of the towns are doing. This time, please inform the sect immediately and let them send elites."

After saying that, everyone nodded, but they all thought of one thing in their hearts, that is, they would definitely not follow when the sect came. What happened in Beizhou made them nervous, which was really uncomfortable! Even if someone takes his head with a knife, it's better than that.

When they went back, everyone rested in the house and rarely talked. Even Wuming stayed in the house and did not go out for a walk. Although Beizhou's party did not last long, they were exhausted.

At the same time, what they didn't know was that when it was close to the Nanzhou dock, Li Tingting suddenly took Luo Tianbao with the eight demon disciples to faint and secretly take it away. While Luo Tianbao was stunned, Li Tingting took a lot of effort because Luo Tianbao resisted! Resist with the cultivation of a junior Wudi! It's not as cowardly as Zhang Fenghuo and others have seen before.