Through the Warring States

Chapter 150 Evacuation

Several patriarchs looked at each other when they heard the words, and they all saw puzzled in each other's eyes. Their doubt is why Zhang Fenghuo has not invited reinforcements yet? However, this kind of thing cannot be asked explicitly. The reason is that they are afraid of weakening their momentum and being restrained by Zhang Fenghuo. No matter when the eight sects and eight demons have their bottom line and dignity.

However, Zhang Fenghuo's opinions are still worth persuading. At least now, these underworld forces have not shown the ability to fight in the sea. Maybe the soldiers can really escape the disaster in the deep sea in three ways.

Master Dongsheng said, "Does Commander Zhang have a detailed plan?"

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Yes, I have made a hypothetical allocation according to everyone. The three roads have also been planned and prepared in three different directions, supplies and food. I believe that it won't take long for the underworld to kill the heavenly world and the demon world. It's not certain who will kill the deer."

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at each other again. This sentence is worth considering. Who will kill the deer? Is it that the heavenly world and the demon world are ready to wait for the underworld to catch it all? In everyone's subconscious, Zhang Fenghuo has always been positioned as a person who can connect the heavenly world and the demon world. His master alone is worthy of their care, and the other party also knows a lot of things they don't know.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Zhang Fenghuo continued: "Among the elites of eight sects and eight sects are a team. These people went to the three most secret and farth sea area. The remaining eight sects and eight disciples were selecting some capable people to go to the sea area with the three continents of Xizhou, Beizhou and Zhongzhou, and the rest It is the patriarchs and some disciples who stick here, and we will go to another sea area.

After saying that, he looked at the eyes of the crowd, and the room was silent. Zhang Fenghuo knew that these people needed time to consider. After all, this was not a child's play, and his deployment was also exquisite. Elite disciples went to the farthest place to take special care of them. If they sent ordinary disciples to travel long distances, and there were also a lot at sea. What an unknown danger. Maybe the whole army was destroyed before he arrived at the place he chose.

And some disciples of the eight sects and the eight demons and the people of the five continents were selected to go there for these disciples to protect everyone. Even if they are not the elite disciples of the eight sects, many of them are much stronger than the five continents, and they are part of the final withdrawal, because suddenly all the underworld soldiers disappeared. It will definitely look around. At that time, it is not worth the loss to be caught up without waiting to get on the ship.

So he has thought about this deployment for a long time and has done a lot of erection. So far, he thinks the plan is relatively comprehensive.

The 16 suzerains thought about it for a long time. Finally, the Buddhazong first came out to speak and agreed. The other party had some connections with Zhang Fenghuo, and felt that Zhang Fenghuo was predestined with the Buddha. Such a person could not deliberately frame them, and he could dare to come forward to kill Wu Zun with the cultivation of Emperor Wu. The other party could sacrifice his life in the situation of nine deaths. In order to assist the other four martial arts, this heart, coupled with his recent excellent command performance, the Buddha is very firm in his idea.

Then came out to express the position of the blood sect, Taoism and the demon sect. With the increasing number of people, the final plan was finalized. Everyone agreed that this method was feasible. Next, Zhang Fenghuo began to deploy people, prepare supplies, and let the people from the five continents evacuate first, because these people's strength is uneven, and many of them are ordinary people. There is no cultivation, and it is also the slowest.

During this period, Zhang Fenghuo stopped all harassment and attacks on the underworld army, but closed the door, not even on guard. He was about to create an illusion for the generals of the underworld army to get in. The initial bluffs had not worked, but the other party had not reacted yet. Come on, if you continue to harass, I believe that the other party's generals will know their details in a few days.

Now the suspicion array will make the Ming army more vigilant. The disciples of the Eight Sects and the Eight Demons quickly picked out some. Although they are not elite disciples, there are still several martial saints, both of whom are very strong in leadership and adaptability. These people went to Nanzhou, Beizhou, Zhongzhou, and Xizhou respectively. Li was also divided into three parts and went to the three continents. These people will eventually go to the same destination to meet on different routes.

After dealing with these things, Zhang Fenghuo ordered everyone to be more careful in the city, because now there are only their disciples in the base camp of the Eight Sects and the Eight Demons, and there is no one in the five continents. They have no assistance except for a few people from the Yuanju family. They are completely isolated. If the underworld soldiers attack at this time , bound to die.

Calculated the time, and at the same time, the shadow guard also reported that Sanzhou is now successfully withdrawing, and many people have boarded the ship, so Zhang Fenghuo began to let the elite disciples of the Eight Sects and the Eight Demons move in another direction. These disciples were well trained. As soon as they were ordered to go down, everyone was ready to go. On the same day They all left at night. Now the eight sects and eight demons in Xizhou are completely empty shells, leaving 16 suzerains and hundreds of medium-level disciples. Although it is dangerous, they have some admiration for Zhang Fenghuo.

It can handle the thoughts of so many people, and all kinds of distributions are perfect. This person's leadership and commander-in-chief are extremely capable.

But Zhang Fenghuo is now in his throat. He is afraid that the underworld will suddenly attack. Although they can also evacuate immediately, they can't leave in order to buy some time for everyone! Even if the underworld soldiers find their purpose now, they must stick to it. If they can delay some time for the large army, they are like abandoned children.

In fact, when this plan was just said, the suzerains knew the meaning of Zhang Fenghuo, but everyone agreed. The reason is to agree with his decision. As long as the foundation of the eight sects and the eight demons are still there, there will be better people leading the eight sects and eight demons without them, and if these people survive As soon as the underworld soldiers retreat and immediately return to the five continents, they will definitely create a stronger horizontal force.

In the end, they agreed with this decision and were very grateful to Zhang Fenghuo. It is very difficult for such a young person to make a choice in the overall situation. Just like two people are having a life-and-death duel. One person has two choices. The first is to die together, and the second is to become disabled and die. A person who is more energetic will choose the first one to live a small death, survive, and be a useless person to live.

If he chooses the second one, he will have a chance to live, and he will not have a chance to grow a broken arm in the future. Even if he doesn't, he will live longer than the enemy, and he may not live longer than the enemy is a victory.

And Zhang Fenghuo can sacrifice his life to guard with them, and it is also reasonable to be appreciated by everyone. He can leave with the people of the five continents. He only needs to give it to the suzerains, but he chooses to stay.

Zhang Fenghuo originally intended to let the Yuanju family and others leave together, but when the big ships in Sanzhou were pulled out, these people actually killed a horse gun. He did not blame or show any expression. The Yuanju family and others were also as busy as they were at the beginning. This is a kind of love, honor and disgrace. What's more, there are wolf smoke unaccounted for in Xizhou.

Through the investigation these days, Yingwei concluded that the wolf smoke was still in Xizhou and was not far away, and it can't be said that the other party was in the camp of the underworld army not far away. No matter what happened to the wolf smoke, Zhang Fenghuo believed that he was still alive, and the fate of the family and others also believed, so they had to stay Here, look for an opportunity to save the wolf smoke.

In the morning of the second day, Zhang Fenghuo agreed with the suzerains that they had insisted on leaving for five days, but at this time, the shadow guard suddenly reported that the underworld army had made a movement. Zhang Fenghuo and others were shocked and hurriedly stood at the head of the city to investigate. There was indeed a small group of troops in the underworld army camp in the distance. I don't know whether it was patrolling or harassment. But even so, it is fatal. As long as they deal with each other, they will definitely find that their camp is empty.

After several thoughts, Zhang Fenghuo came up with a way. He let the suzerain stand at the wall, and then the gate opened. The disciples in the city stood on both sides of the gate as usual, without any precautions or doing anything, just standing like this.

He believes that this group of troops of the Ming army should inquire about the news. If they behave abnormally, they will definitely cause suspicion from the other party. It's better to open the city gate like this and not worry about the other party's sneak attack at all. The impression on the underworld army is that they have enough strength to eat each other and are not afraid at all.

Sure enough, these soldiers of the underworld army went back to report after a long distance. The following day, there were still patrolling underworld soldiers to inquire about the news, but no underworld soldiers came out to harass them, or the camp of the underworld army had made a big move.

Zhang Fenghuo is waiting for time, and Moore is also waiting for time, because the large army of the underworld army will arrive three days later. At that time, it was the moment of fighting to fight to the death with the other party. He had to wash away his shame with his hands and damage a general. The criminal responsibility of several leaders undoubtedly left a stain on his way to promotion. To be punished by the Pluto.

Now Moore has concluded that the heaven and the demon world must be guarded in the city. There are two speculations about why the other party did not attack. One is to wait for them to throw themselves into the net, and the second is that the other party is also the leading force, waiting for the arrival of the large army and then launching a general attack.

So he chose not to defend it, but just asked the underworld soldiers to inquire about the news and check the other party's movements. He learned that the gate was open at this time, and the defenders in the city were a little lazy. Those ants-like beings in front of the underworld dared to stand on both sides of the gate and were not afraid of the underworld attack or launch an attack, which laid the foundation for Moore. Thoughts in my heart.

The next two days were very calm, and there was no conflict between the two sides. However, when Zhang Fenghuo saw the frequent patrols of the underworld army, he suddenly had a bad feeling, so he discussed with the suzerains and decided that they would leave early.

Because no one knows when the army of the Pluto army will arrive, and Zhang Fenghuo, as a Apocalypse, is more accurate than ordinary people's premonition.

The 16 suzerains have no objection, but if they suddenly leave, they will definitely be found by the other party, so they must leave a few abandoned children so that they can still stand at the gate so that they will not be found by the other party. Naturally, this task was handed over to Zhang Fenghuo. He gathered all the remaining eight sects and eight demon disciples together and began a In his speech, Zhang Fenghuo wore strong clothes and often made his skin dark. Because of cultivation, his body was also very familiar with him. Now he doesn't look as weak as before. Instead, he stands in front of the crowd with a heroic feeling.

"All the eight remaining disciples and eight disciples, you are all warriors! You bet your lives and bought a lot of time for our large army. Now we are also going to withdraw, but we have to stay some people to stay here. I believe you should also understand the reason. Twenty people are needed. I hope that those who volunteer to continue to stay here will stand up. Zhang Fenghuo spoke loudly and was heard clearly by everyone.

No one said anything. They knew that those who stayed here must be abandoned. After five minutes, they would be the first to stand up! His name is Wang Bao, a disciple of the Eight Demons. Now he is a junior general. He has never been known among the Eight Demons. However, the moment he stood up, he became the focus. Everyone's eyes looked at his back, and even the 16 suzerains nodded slightly.

Whether the battlefield can survive depends on luck and strength, but what you need is not luck and strength, but courage! There is also a belief that you will die.

Seeing that the Eight Demons stood out, a disciple of the Eight Sect followed him. Wang Bao looked at the man and did not know him, but he smiled. Wang Bao smiled very simplely. If from the outside, he was not a competent disciple of the Eight Demons, he did not have that evil spirit.

The eight disciples are in the same situation as Wang Bao. His name is Liu Yuan. This person is an intermediate general and has never changed his name. Liu Yuan also nodded in response to Wang Bao's signal. Now there is no religious hatred in the eyes of them. They are now on the same front and are on the road to death.

After the two stood up, several people came out one after another and stood neatly in a row. These people were not famous, but today Zhang Fenghuo would not let them sacrifice so obscurely. After seeing that the number of people was enough, Zhang Fenghuo bowed deeply to the 20 people and said, "You may have been silent before. Unknown, you may be ordinary, and you may not change your name, but standing here today, you are destined to be famous and respected by people, because your sacrifices have been exchanged for the safe evacuation of most people. You are not only worthy of my worship, but also the worship of the people of the five continents.

After saying that, the Yuanju family and others bowed deeply to these 20 people. There was no exception for the remaining eight sects and eight demon disciples. All of them bowed. Twenty people were young and old. There is no doubt that they are very excited now. They just feel that they have plain cultivation. Even if they don't stand up now, they are being screened. It must be picked out, and it's better to be happy, but Zhang Fenghuo, who killed Wu Zun with his own hands and commanded the Eight Sects and Eight Zun, bowed and saluted in front of everyone, still felt a stream of blood in his heart.

But as everyone bowed to them, these people did not feel the blood, but felt extremely excited. There was no noise in the whole square, and they saw the backs of more than 300 people bent over.

But it didn't end like this. When the sixteen patriarchs also bent down, they were shocked! It's boiling! Who is that? Those are the people who usually kneel on the ground and dare not look up, but now they bow to them. Who are they? They are just ordinary disciples with low cultivation, and there is no reluctance or fear in the hearts of the twenty people! They feel honored and feel that being able to stand up is the most perfect decision of their lives.

When Zhang Fenghuo asked them to report their names one by one, these 20 people felt that they had a bottom line for the first time and said their names in the loudest voice. This day will be recorded in the annals of the five continents, and their names will also be recorded.

"Wang Bao"

"Liu Yuan"

"Mo Yuan"

"Zhang Sheng."


After making final preparations, Zhang Fenghuo decided to evacuate all the staff after the nightfall. At the same time, he asked the four martial arts to set up a ban, and the 20 disciples of the eight demons also stood in their posts step by step.

Soon into the night, although the underworld always sent soldiers to patrol, but at night, because their eyes could see through the night, they only need to stand in their camp and look far away to see the movement in the opposite city. As for the ambush or the sneak attack of a large of soldiers, they can't escape. Their blood-red eyes.

Zhang Fenghuo made the twenty soldiers stand six at the gate, and 14 stood on the wall. All the soldiers at the gate dozed off on the wall. The more relaxed they were, the safer they became. If they showed a nervous look or changed to the past, they would definitely be suspected by the other party.

The city is indeed in full swing. After packing up, everyone quietly left the city from the back door. These more than 300 people were divided into several teams. Even if they were seen by the underworld soldiers, it was impossible to suspect that the other party was out of the golden cicada. Moreover, before the battle, the underworld soldiers knew that there were a large number of ants in Xizhou, let alone more than a dozen teams. Wu, even a large team of more than 100 people will not attract their attention.

This is Zhang Fenghuo's caution. Now there is no room for any mistake. Once the other party finds that they will definitely stay here, there is no second way out. Coupled with his long-term accumulation, no one doubts any of his decisions.

Soon these people came out of the city and went straight to the waiting boat. When they left, Zhang Fenghuo stood on the mountain in the distance and looked at the city. He felt a little depressed and felt sorry to let these 20 people stay here, but he was the commander and must start with the overall situation. Although it was still a little sad, everyone saw For a moment, he only felt that it was their honor to have such a commander, and the commander who was willing to work hard for the soldiers was worthy of respect!

PS: It's almost 500,000 words. The book is not far from the end. The current plan is to close next month and update 10,000 words next month. Thank you for your rewarding friends.