Through the Warring States

Chapter 183 Ice City 1

Soon it was the next morning. That night, Zhang Fenghuo slept very comfortably. Even the cotton-padded coat on his body was kicked aside by him, and there were hidden sweat stains on his forehead. In the morning, he got up and stretched out and looked at the sleeping ancient butterfly Zhang Fenghuo with a smile.

The rest of the villagers have been awake for a long time. They gathered in a pile. Occasionally, they looked at the night wolf at the door with fear. In their hearts, they were not afraid of Zhang Fenghuo, but the person sitting at the door. This person did not sleep all night. The villagers slept very unsteadfastly and felt that they turned slightly and exuded a chill. His eyes will look at himself.

Zhang Fenghuo looked at the night wolf with red eyes and said, "You should sleep for a while."

The night wolf nodded and did not refuse. I don't know when the tornado will stop. If he continues to be in the cave, he will be responsible for the vigilance at night. If he is depressed at that time and there is anything wrong, the night wolf can't afford it. Although these villagers are ordinary people who have no power to tie chickens in their eyes. People, but who knows what amazing things these people will do.

Zhang Fenghuo opened the ice sealed at the door of the cave and saw the situation outside through the cracks. Now the snowflakes outside are blowing by the wind, mixed with thin ice, which is very painful to hit people's faces. Although the tornado has passed, the storm is not over, and we still need to rely on this A stone cave resists the severe cold outside.

Zhang Fenghuo pulled away the ice quickly and walked out of the cave. At the same time, he applied a skill on the night wolf's body. If someone suddenly attacked, Zhang Fenghuo would know it as soon as possible, and this skill would automatically form a short shield to resist any attack of any nature.

Zhang Fenghuo couldn't help shivering outside. He was still not suitable for this cold weather. No matter how hot it was, he could accept it. He was afraid of the cold. After running his power, he felt a trace of warmth. Instead of walking away, he looked around the village. The tornado destroyed most of the houses in the village. The rest of the house can't be lived like that, but I don't know how these villagers know that there will be a tornado.

Back in the cave, Zhang Fenghuo looked at the villagers sitting together and called an elderly man and asked, "How did you know there was a tornado?"

The elder's name is Sike. He is a native of the extremely cold land. His ancestors have lived here for generations. Now he is 70 years old. He looks very healthy and full of red faces. Obviously, it is related to living in such a harsh environment for a long time. The more you are, the weaker the human body will be. On the contrary, in such a place, You can exercise a good body.

Sek walked to Zhang Fenghuo, bent slightly and said, "Powerful existence, what can I do for you?"

Zhang Fenghuo will not be confused by the humble behavior of this old man. He and the Night Wolf almost died in the hands of these people. If it hadn't been for the conspiracy, I'm afraid they would have been different from these people now.

"Didn't you hear my question?" Zhang Fenghuo said in a serious tone. He knew that the more politely he treated these people, the opposite would be.

Sure enough, Sek's face changed and his attitude became more humble. He said, "These are all told us by the Snow God Messenger." After saying that, Sek took a look at the sleeping ancient butterfly.

Zhang Feng frowned. It seems that this woman is not simple. She not only has a different physique than ordinary people, but also can feel the wind and snow. This kind of unpredictable thing can't be done by everyone.

Even people who have lived in extremely cold places for a long time may not be able to feel it. Nature is ever-changing, and its mind will not be easily seen through. Then there must be some secrets hidden in this ancient butterfly. Zhang Fenghuo suddenly felt that purple jade was like this, and so is the ancient butterfly he met now. I don't know how to look for it in the future. Will Fengming bone and ten-thousand-year-old turtle encounter this situation, but in any case, Zhang Fenghuo will have to be more energetic and vigilant in the future, otherwise he will die confusedly at any time.

"When did she come here? Who are her parents?" Zhang Feng's fire path.

Sek hesitated a little. Seeing Zhang Fenghuo's cold eyes, he slowly said, "The messenger of the Snow God was found by our villagers during a hunt. At that time, she was still a baby with no clothes on her body. She lay on the snow. After the villagers took her back and found that she had no trace of frostbite. Instead, she keeps warm. We believe that this is the child of Snow God, and only she has the ability not to be eroded by the cold.

Zhang Fenghuo picked up the corners of his mouth. He didn't know whether Seike's words were true or not. Now he doesn't have any sense of trust in these villagers, but Secker's words are still a little trustworthy, that is, Gu Die is definitely not a woman from an ordinary family, otherwise it would be impossible, but she was just a baby at that time. How could her son appear in an extremely cold place? Did her parents kill or abandon her? However, either statement is a little unfounded. Seck said that she didn't have any clothes when she picked up Gudie.

Zhang Fenghuo fell into meditation, and Seike stood there respectfully and motionless. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out. It seemed that a big secret was around his head and threw out doubts that he could not think of one after another. Zhang Fenghuo waved his hand and let Seike retreat. If he continued to ask, he would not ask anything. It seems that some things still need to be answered by Gu Die.

At noon, Gu Die woke up and looked at Zhang Fenghuo standing at the door. Her heart was full of shame, anger and a trace of shyness. Although she didn't know what a man and woman were, she was hugged by a strange man all night. For Gu Die, she was his woman in the village. This is true for both men and women, and only husband and wife can sleep together.

Although Gudie looks good and dresses hot, none of the men in the village has thought about her, because they all believe that Gudie is the child of the Snow God and ordinary people are not allowed to desphem, which will only suffer the anger of the Snow God.

A bonfire has been lit in the cave, and the firewood here is still very sufficient. Although there are few forests in the extremely cold places, these villagers who have lived here for a long time can always find cedar that can survive in the extremely cold place, cut it down and transport it back to the village little by little, leaving the branches and leaves. Building a house.

Several pieces of barbecue have exuded a strong smell of meat, and Zhang Fenghuo was also a little hungry. He picked up a piece and ate it. At this time, he found that all the villagers did not do anything, but looked at him eagerly. Zhang Fenghuo smiled and said, "Let's see what I do, eat it."

These villagers seemed to have been granted amnesty. They grabbed the barbecue and swallowed it, and their nervous expression gradually relaxed, but no one dared to talk nonsense, just chewing the barbecue very quietly.

Zhang Fenghuo threw it to Gu Die and felt a little funny when he saw him eating meat. He asked, "When will you take me to that town?"

Gu Die looked at Zhang Fenghuo with her flexible eyes. After chewing the barbecue in her mouth and swallowing it, she said, "This storm will stop in three days. At that time, I will take you there, but please don't hurt the villagers here. It was my plan to let you stay in the village."

Zhang Fenghuo smiled and didn't say anything. Naturally, he knew that what Gu Die said was not true. Although the woman hated outsiders, she betrayed her as a kind-hearted person by looking at the other party's behavior of giving her silver bear skin. How could such a person watch Zhang Fenghuo and Night Wolf buried in the storm? If it is the meaning of Sek, then Zhang Fenghuo will definitely believe it.

However, Gu Die wanted to exter the villagers, and Zhang Fenghuo would naturally not expose it. Those things had nothing to do with him. His purpose was just to leave here immediately after getting it. The coldness in the extremely cold place made Zhang Fenghuo unable to stand it. Fortunately, in these days, he can openly hold Gu Die and sleep. Who let the other party If you admit that you want to harm them, you have to give some compensation.

"Don't worry, I'm not a murderous person. My purpose is just to leave here as soon as I get it, but the things you framed us can't be like this. You have to be my guide and you can keep me warm every day." After saying that, Zhang Fenghuo looked at Gu Die's reaction.

Knowing that Zhang Fenghuo would not hurt the villagers, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, but their hearts were still in their throats. They were really on guard against outsiders. These people came to the extremely cold place to explore treasures. Such people are generally outlaws or people with very high status, such as If you get the treasure, you will definitely kill all the people you know. That's what Gu Die's adoptive parents were at the beginning.

Gudie's pretty face turned red and flashed a blush on her wheat-colored skin. She looked charming. Zhang Fenghuo couldn't help trembling, but that's all. He didn't have any idea about Gu Die, just like purple jade taking care of him in every way. For Zhang Fenghuo, he was moved and had no feelings for men and women, but Yanran's Phantom is different from Lian Qi. In his heart, she is already his wife.

"I hope you don't lie to me. I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. Maybe I look very kind, but it doesn't mean that I'm a person who doesn't have bloody means. If you anger me, I will retaliate against those who try to provoke my bottom line with ten times more cruel methods than you think." Zhang Fenghuo said viciously that it was useless to reason with these people, so he had to scare them.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Fenghuo said this, everyone's faces changed, and their behavior became more cautious. They didn't even dare to make a sound when they moved their bodies, for fear that the kind-faced person in front of him would show his fangs and turn into a demon.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm only talking about those who are not friendly to me. If you can treat me as friends, I will treat you as friends." Zhang Fenghuo continued to say.

However, the villagers obviously did not take this sentence seriously.

Soon it was night again, and the strong wind outside did not ease. According to Gu Die said, it would take about three days to stop. Zhang Fenghuo was very curious and asked Gu Die how he felt it. The other party's answer was that there was a wind and snow suddenly appeared in the distance in his mind. There was no other feeling, but Every time the ancient butterfly has this idea, the wind and snow will really come.

At this time, the night wolf woke up and sat motionless at the door. Zhang Fenghuo also lay down. Gu Die was a little hesitant, but finally lay beside Zhang Fenghuo. He seemed to feel that his hand was a little cold. Zhang Fenghuo put his hand on Gu Die's body. Although the other party's skin was not very white, it was wheat. The color looks very healthy, but it is very delicate and smooth. No one can figure out why the snowy skin in such a place can still be maintained like this.

When Zhang Fenghuo's hand touched Gu Die, he suddenly felt a warm feeling, as if he had put it on the warm jade, which made people reluctant to take his hand down. Gu Die seemed to see that Zhang Fenghuo was afraid of the cold, and he was already guilty about him, so he also let Zhang Fenghuo hold him.

This night, Gudie was not as sleepless as last night, but quickly entered a state of deep sleep. She suddenly felt very comfortable to be held by this man, and also felt safe. After living alone for a long time, suddenly a man hugged her. The feeling was wonderful, as if she had found Yi Generally, Gu Die slept very sweetly, and her sexy lips were slightly picked up in her sleep, as if she had dreamed of something interesting.

Soon three days passed. As Gu Die said, the wind and snow really stopped disappearing. Zhang Fenghuo, Night Wolf and Gu Die also packed their bags and prepared to set off. The villagers also came out of the cave and went to the village to rebuild their houses. This kind of wind and snow only come once or twice a year. Usually there is no small wind and snow. They need to come to the cave to hide, and their house is enough to resist.

Under the guidance of Gu Die, the three quickly stepped into the road to the extremely cold land. Gu Die still did not wear any cotton clothes. Although he knew that the other party was not cold, Zhang Fenghuo still gave the silver bear skin he got a few days ago to Zidie and let her put it on her. Originally, Gu Die finally He took it over and put it on his own body.

The silver bear skin suddenly changed her temperament, like a beautiful woman. In this silver world, it looked very charming, and Zhang Fenghuo couldn't help looking at it a few more times.

There is no road to the city in the extremely cold land, but there seems to be a map in the mind of the ancient butterfly. According to a designated route, they will look for a place with a mountain at night and build a temporary residence with snow on the back of the mountain. Naturally, Zhang Beacon sleeps with the ancient butterfly in their arms.

I don't know whether it's cold or not. I haven't seen him say anything, but Zhang Fenghuo still released some shields against the cold on his body. After half a month, he came to the city mentioned by Gu Die.

Zhang Fenghuo stood on a mountain in the distance and looked at a large city in front of him. The way this city was built was different from any city in the five continents, but Zhang Fenghuo felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere. It was not that he couldn't remember it for a moment.

You can clearly see the houses in the city and a palace in the middle of the city. The city is surrounded by ice and there is no snow. It can be seen that it is very cold around the city.

The three went down the mountain and walked directly to the city. Every time they approached, Zhang Fenghuo felt that the temperature was several degrees different. It was very strange. Gu Die did not change, but the night wolf couldn't stand it. Finally, Zhang Fenghuo decided to let the Night Wolf wait on the periphery. He and Gu Die went into the city.

When it was 100 meters away from the city, Zhang Fenghuo seemed to feel that the shields he released around his body showed signs of freezing. If these shields were broken, I was afraid that Zhang Fenghuo would immediately become an ice man. Although Gu Die's little face was a little white, there was no cold expression.

In the end, Zhang Fenghuo decided to walk with Gu Die on his back, so that he could not only keep warm, but also resist some cold for Gu Die. Although Gu Die had been outside the city and lived unharmed until now, Zhang Fenghuo always let a woman wear so little and go to such a cold place with him. Unbearable, Gu Die naturally did not object. Now she will not refuse any request from Zhang Fenghuo. In this woman's eyes, she has been hugged by a strange man for so many days. Although there is no emotion, Gu Die has regarded Zhang Fenghuo as his own man.

When he arrived at the gate, Zhang Fenghuo clearly saw the big character on the gate. The font was written in a book he didn't recognize, so Zhang Fenghuo naturally didn't know how to pronounce these three words, thinking it was the name of the city.

According to Gu Die, she was sent to the periphery by a strange force before entering the city gate, but now Zhang Fenghuo, standing under the city gate, did not feel any power.

So he entered the city with the ancient butterfly on his back and received many pedestrians in the city, but these pedestrians have been frozen into ice people. I don't know what happened in this city before and will suddenly become like this. There are indeed the ice plums mentioned by Gudie on both sides of the street, but these ice plums are just trees. If there is no flower, what he wants to get is flowers, but it seems that if he keeps walking along the street, he can find the blooming ice plums.

Because Zhang Fenghuo found that there is a big difference between the ice plum trees around the city and the inside the city. For example, the trees received at the city gate seem to be autumn, and the leaves are yellow, but the more you look inside, the more vitality it is. Even not far away, Zhang Fenghuo can see the existence of leaves on a cold plum tree.

The city revealed strangeness everywhere, which made Zhang Fenghuo dare not take it lightly, and the trees of cold plums also had such a strange phenomenon, which puzzled him, but in order to get the cold plum blossoms, he had to come forward.