Through the Warring States

Chapter 204 Promote the Divine Soldier

Although Mu Ke was shocked by the last time the Apocalypse Venerable gave Zhang Fenghuo, he also took it for granted. I believe that the apocalyptic Vener's door can definitely be greatly improved after Zhang Fenghuo's joining, and even being proud of the rest of the door is not a fool's dream.

The most powerful in the apocalypse vein is naturally the patriarch of the Apocalypse clan. Both his personal qualifications and cultivation belong to the strongest existence in the apocalypse vein, but if you take them and Zhang Fenghuo, it will be much inferior. The cultivation in the apocalypse vein does not represent anything. The level of apocalypse cultivation It can explain everything. After all, this family has established its position with apocalypse.

"Let Mu Ke find a room for you and accompany me to see the patriarch tomorrow." After saying that, the Venerable Apocalypse actually got up and sent Zhang Fenghuo to the door. This courtesy was only received by the patriarch of the Apocalypse. Zhang Fenghuo didn't feel anything, but felt that the old man was very kind and polite.

And Mu Ke was stormy all the way, and his mood could not calm down for a long time. After he arranged Zhang Fenghuo's residence, he was summoned by the Apocalypse and gave him a bottle of elixir. Although Zhang Fenghuo was not as valuable, he could not find anywhere. At the same time, it also means that Apocalypse could attract Zhang for Mu Ke. The vision of beacon is very recognized, and its own meaning is more important than the elixir.

Looking at the strange things in front of him, Zhang Fenghuo sighed slightly. Now that even if he really entered the divine world, he can breathe the same air as the phantom of Yanran, and the distance between them is closer to each other. Now he has taken a big step towards the divine vow he once made, depending on how Zhang Fenghuo can develop in the future. .

The Venerable Apocalypse did not sit in the dojo to practice, but got up and went out and went straight to the Wang family. His purpose was very simple, which was to get a gift for Zhang Fenghuo. This time, the Venerable Apocalypse's practice was well thought out. If he wanted to leave Zhang Fenghuo completely by his side, or completely stay in the apocalypse, then Apocalypse The pulse must be bloody, and you will not hesitate to offend the heavenly family.

The relationship between the Tianjia family and the apocalypse itself is not good, and it's nothing to do so. It's just humiliating the Tianjia. More importantly, Zhang Fenghuo will definitely be grateful to the apocalypse, or to the apocalypse, so no matter what level he cultivates in the future, he will not forget his original.

On Zhang Fenghuo's body, the apocalypse seems to see the signs of the rise of the apocalypse. This person actually cultivated to Tianjue at such a young age. If it is enough, the face of the Tian family must be thrown up by him. It is also selfish for the Apocalypse to do so. If he informs the apocalypse in advance, the patriarch will also be the same. The meaning of the Apocalypse, but Zhang Fenghuo will be much less grateful to him.

Only when he goes first and tells the patriarch, so that Zhang Fenghuo can completely become his door.

At this time, in the Wang family, Wang Yinger, the phantom of Yanran, is talking with her father. For the Wang family, Wang Yinger's cultivation is absolutely not low, and even belongs to the peak in the younger generation. Even the woman's reputation in the Wang family is very high, and the name of the Wang Tianyue, is the peak of the divine general. He and My daughter's conversation is nothing more than discussing marriage with the Tian family.

"Sir, the Apocalypse comes to visit."

At this moment, the servants suddenly came to report that the Apocalypse came.

Wang Tianyue was a little surprised to hear that the reputation of the Apocalypse has always been good in the divine world. Whether it is cultivation or apocalypse, he is well-known, but he has never walked with the Wang family. How could he suddenly come to the door in person today?

Although he was puzzled, Wang Tianyue hurriedly greeted him. Although the other party's cultivation was much worse than his, he was also a figure, and he would definitely not support him.

"Pear Wang, please take the liberty to visit today." The Apocalypse was very polite and said to Wang Tianyue.

Where did Wang Tianyue even go, he welcomed the Apocalypse.

After entering the living room, Wang Yinger was about to get up and leave. When she left, she made a late salute to the Apocalypse.

At this time, the apocalypse said, "You must be Wang Yinger. As rumored, your cultivation and appearance are the best among the younger generation in the divine world. What I came to say today is also related to you. I don't know if Miss Wang can stay here."

After saying that Wang Tianyue and Wang Yinger were a little confused. In their impression, Tianqi Vener was an unsmiling person, how could he make jokes about the younger generation? What's more bluntly, he came to have something to do with Wang Yinger, and Wang Tianyue naturally let his daughter stay.

After the two sat down, Wang Yinger stood aside. At this time, the apocalypse said, "Patrimon, this time I came to propose marriage for my disciple Zhang Fenghuo. The two of them are talented and beautiful, and there was a period of marriage in the five continents. Please consider it." After saying that, the Venerable Apocalypse looked at the father and daughter. Hearing this, Wang Tianyue and Wang Yinger both changed their faces.

Naturally, they all know the name Zhang Fenghuo. They had almost forgotten it, but it was suddenly proposed by the Apocalypse Venerable, which still had some influence. However, the Apocalypse Vener's personal visit today actually proposed marriage for the younger generation. Behind this is worth the Wang family's reverie. If a person is unlearned, or The person who died a hundred years later is definitely not worthy of the apocalypse.

But this Zhang Fenghuo is just a very ordinary practicer in five continents. Why is it worthy of such a great effort?

"I'm a little presumptuous this time. Maybe the patriarch of the royal family doesn't know Zhang Fenghuo under my family. He has just entered the divine world today, and now he is in the realm of divine soldiers, and he is not equal to me in heaven. Although the Wang family and the Tian family have been married for a long time, Miss Wang in Wuzhou has been married with my disciples. He It was also because of my obsession with Miss Wang that I entered the divine world and once made a divine oath. Such affectionateness is worthy of my face to propose marriage to the younger generation. I believe that the patriarch knows and will definitely support my approach. I also asked the patriarch Wang and Miss Wang to think about it. I have something else to leave first. As for the cultivation of my disciple Zhang Fenghuo, pleases, please the king. The patriarch should not reveal it. After saying that, the apocalypse got up and left. His last words were also very necessary. He also believed that it was impossible for the head of the Wang family to tell others about this matter. If Zhang Fenghuo was known to be so against the sky by the divine world, the enemies of the apocalypse would not be red-eyed and want to get rid of it soon.

Only the stunned father and daughter are left. The purpose of the Apocalypse's trip has been achieved, and naturally he will not stay. Some things are still left to be thought about and discussed. Even if he stays for a while, there will be no result.

However, the words of the Apocalypse Venerable still stunned Wang Tianyue for a long time. A humble existence of the five continents has now cultivated to the realm of divine soldiers, and the apocalypse has such a great creation, and the apocalypse does not know about this matter. Presumably, in addition to the Apocalypse in the divine world Few people know that Zhang Fenghuo has had such a great transformation after ten years of cultivation. If it has been a hundred years, I really don't know what will happen to the duel with the God King.

If Zhang Fenghuo is even much better than Tianci in terms of qualifications alone, but after all, Tianci is a member of the Tian family. Although Zhang Fenghuo stands behind him with apocalypse, it also depends on how much support the other party supports him.

This question really gave Wang Tianyue a headache, but Wang Yinger had been stunned for a long time. She didn't expect that Zhang Fenghuo had entered the divine world, and his cultivation had changed so much. Over the years, Wang Yinger would think of Zhang Fenghuo from time to time, but it was a flash. She remembered the happiness of the two had been together. Time, and a little bit, is indeed much happier than life in the divine world, but they are two parallel people, and it is impossible to be together, but now the deepest estrangement has been broken by Zhang Fenghuo. It is really a little difficult for Wang Yinger to choose.

Zhang Fenghuo did not know that the Apocalypse Master had gone to the Wang family, but thought about how to stop the wedding of Yanran's Phantom and God-given. Because the ten-year marriage contract has arrived, the god king will marry in person. He is just the peak of the divine servant. Even if he steps into the divine soldiers, what ability can he compete with the two families.

However, after Mu Ke told him that the Apocalypse Venerable had gone to the Wang family to propose marriage, Zhang Fenghuo was extremely excited. He did not expect that the Apocalypse Venerable could do so. He made up his mind that no matter what the result was, he would definitely contribute to the apocalypse.

The next day, the apocalypse Vener took Zhang Fenghuo to the lobby of the apocalypse. At this time, the apocalyptic patriarch was having a meeting with the other elders. The apocalypse also calculated that at this time, he brought Zhang Fenghuo to show all the apocalypse. Now he has been under his door for ten thousand years. Unrivaled geniuses, although these elders were not as powerful as him in the past, their disciples were all dragons and phoenixes, so they were also arrogant and in front of the Apocalypse Venerable.

After receiving the notice from the door, the Apocalypse Vener entered the lobby with Zhang Fenghuo. At this time, many elders and Apocalypse patriarchs looked at these two people doubtfully. If Apocalypse Vener came to the meeting, why did he bring a younger generation?

Just when they were puzzled, the Apocalypse came forward and said to the patriarch, "Pear patriarch, this is my new disciple Zhang Fenghuo. I came to take him to see you today. I hope you can give him the name of his disciple." This tedious link could have been reduced, because he had the right to give the title of disciple of the apocalypse under the door received by the apocalypse.

But today's thing itself is a little abnormal, and the name Zhang Fenghuo has more or less heard of the apocalypse.

Looking at his strength again, everyone looks unbelievable, the peak of the divine servant! However, it's just a little surprised. After all, the peak of the divine servant is not a great existence. It can be proud of the heroes in the five continents, but they are all divine servants in the streets of the divine world. Of course, their surprise is that Zhang Fenghuo is the peak of the divine servant. In addition, it is very surprising that he can cultivate to this level.

The patriarch did not blame the Apocalypse Venerable. He knew that the other party must have something to say. Sure enough, the Apocalypse continued: "Now his Apocalypse has been cultivated to the first chapter."

As soon as this was said, the sound of a needle falling in the whole lobby could be clearly heard. Everyone was not shocked, but a little stunned! If it were another person, they would definitely think that the other party was joking, but the apocalypse will never say anything about the prestige of the other party in the apocalypse, but that he usually does not smile, and will never say something in front of everyone.

"Real?" After half a sound, the patriarch of Apocalypse asked.

The Apocalypse did not reply, but turned his head and took a look at Zhang Fenghuo.

Zhang Fenghuo knew the meaning of the Apocalypse, so he ran Tianjue. His eyes turned silver in an instant, and flashed with silver light, which was very strange. There were also faint silver flashes around him. Naturally, everyone in the lobby could feel the breath of Tianjue, and several elders had stood up with a shocked face. Shake! This is true, and it is the peak state of the first article, that is to say, Zhang Fenghuo may break through the first article anytime and anywhere and cultivate to the realm of the second article. Among these elders, there are also several people who have been wandering in the first article.

Even the apocalypse patriarch looked shocked, and suddenly the lobby fell silent again.

"Give, give him the identity of a core disciple of the apocalypse." The apocalypse patriarch said after calming down the shock.

also finalized Zhang Fenghuo's supreme position in the apocalypse. There are several core disciples, but they are much worse than Zhang Fenghuo.

"Go ahead." The Apocalypse looked back at Zhang Fenghuo and said lightly.

Zhang Fenghuo saluted the patriarch and several elders and left. At this time, Mu Ke was already waiting for him outside the door and led him directly back to his other courtyard.

As for what these elders and Apocalypse patriarchs said, Zhang Fenghuo didn't know.

On the way back, a woman came face to face for three years, all about the same age as him, but she looked very arrogant. After seeing Mu Ke, she did not stop, but snorted coldly and walked over.

After several people went far away, Mu Ke said, "They are under Elder Liu's door, and the woman among them is the core disciple, and she is inevitably a little arrogant."

Although Mu Ke's words are very obscure, Zhang Fenghuo has understood that these disciples are not at all, and the core disciples have great authority, so Zhang Fenghuo asked, "Senior, what are the core disciples?"

Mu Ke said, "Don't call me a senior in the future. If you don't mind, just call me a senior. This core disciple is a young man with top qualifications in the clan. If there is no obstacle on the way to cultivation, he can compete to be elected as the patriarch of the apocalypse in the future, and the protection of the core disciple And power is very large in the apocalypse, and even some core disciples are no less than elders.

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Brother, the patriarch also let me be a core disciple just now."

Mu Ke was stunned, and then his face was full of joy. It was also his expectation that Zhang Fenghuo could be selected as a core disciple, but he didn't expect that the patriarch would finalize this name for the first time he saw him. In the future, he could also raise his eyebrows in the apocalypse, and he didn't have to look in other doors.

"Congratulations to Brother Zhang." Mu Ke stood aside respectfully and saluted Zhang Fenghuo.

Zhang Fenghuo quickly stopped and said, "Brother, don't do this. No matter where I went, if I hadn't cultivated it at the beginning, there would be no Zhang Fenghuo today. I can't stand it." Zhang Fenghuo also had a straight face and said very sincerely.

Mu Ke's face turned red and was obviously excited. He didn't expect that the other party was still the same. Just like when he met in the five continents, he did not change. If Zhang Fenghuo was only under the door of the Apocalypse, then he must call him Brother Mu Ke, because Mu Ke entered earlier than him, but Zhang Fenghuo was the core disciple. In the future, it may not be the patriarch of the future apocalypse. He can't stand the senior brother, but wants to call the other brother. However, Zhang Fenghuo said so sincerely that Mu Ke will naturally not continue to insist, but his heart is very comfortable.

This person will never forget his original intention. Unexpectedly, it was just a dripping kindness, but today he got this reward. Mu Ke sighed in his heart that how many people flattered or insisted on themselves before becoming famous, and how many people looked proud after becoming famous, looked down on their former playmates and lost. Myself.

After returning to the room, Zhang Fenghuo began to prepare for retreat. He took the elixir given to him by the Apocalypse, because Zhang Fenghuo was going to be promoted! He wanted to break through to the realm of divine soldiers. The entrance of the elixir suddenly seemed to turn into water, and it seemed to be gas. It flowed in the meridians and finally disappeared. It turned around but felt very hot, and the explosive power filled his body.

Zhang Feng hurriedly ran the apocalypse, closed his eyes, and felt the realm of the divine soldier with his heart.

Three days have passed in a blink of an eye. In these three days, the Apocalypse Venerable had summoned Zhang Fenghuo, but Mu could see that the other party was in retreat and told the Apocalypse to the Apocalypse Venerable. Then the Apocalypse Venerable came in person and laid a previous prohibition in front of and behind Zhang Fenghuo's house. He did not want the other party to be disturbed. If there is Who can bear this heavy responsibility when a reckless person suddenly broke in and caused Zhang Feng to go crazy?

Now Zhang Fenghuo is not only the hope of the apocalypse, but also the hope of the apocalypse! And his status as a core disciple has also spread throughout the apocalypse, but no one knows what Zhang Fenghuo is.

Several of the indignant even went to meet the patriarch and said that it was unfair. In the end, they were not only reprimanded by the patriarch, but also severely scolded by the elders in the door.

Zhang Fenghuo, who had not left the house for three days, opened the door and breathed the fresh air outside. The air in the divine world is not only rich in aura, but also very fresh. He has been successfully promoted to the realm of divine soldiers. Without the elixir of the Apocalypse, it may take some time, but the elixir has played a great role in making him The promotion was unusually smooth.

Mu Ke has been living in Zhang Fenghuo's courtyard these days. He was ordered by the Apocalypse to ask Zhang Fenghuo to come out and go to his place. At the same time, he also played a role as a warning and not to allow anyone to disturb him.