Through the Warring States

Chapter 256 Military 1

The fluctuation of people in the water does not dare too much. Although you can't see the underworld army with your eyes, the battle of this kind of scene is not enough to find the enemy with your eyes. When you see the enemy, you will definitely die.

And the back door of the capital of the kingdom of God cannot be opened at will. If the space is found by the underworld army, not to mention whether they can enter safely, I'm afraid even the kingdom of God will be implicated.

There are very powerful formations around the capital of the Kingdom of God, and the air is forbidden! Even in the unit of the capital of the Kingdom of God, they can't fly, at least the junior god emperor can't fly up. As for the intermediate level, the peak god emperor can't enter boldly. Although their strength has few enemies, who can guarantee that there are no strong monsters in the kingdom of gods?

The lake is not wide. Everyone swam for an hour and went straight to the back door of the capital of God. At this time, the soldiers in the divine world on the city wall had found Zhang Fenghuo and others. After confirming that they were from the divine world, they did not open the door directly, but put down a board from the wall, which was fixed by several ropes. Fixed, as long as you stand on it, the soldiers on the wall can pull the rope and go up.

In wartime, the gate can never be opened at will. It does not mean that it is safe without enemies near the gate. Who knows if there will be enemies in the city? If this gap is found by the enemies in the city and the soldiers are not allowed to close the gate, even if it only buys a little time, it may be reversed and occupied. Nothing will happen on the battlefield, as if no one can think of the majestic demon emperor is mixed in this team.

I'm afraid that the god king will personally kill Zhang Fenghuo directly here, and then threaten the world. At that time, even if the demon clan is still strong, it will be hit hard, and the pressure on the abdomen and back of the divine world will be greatly reduced.

stepped on the board and went up more than ten people. Ten times, all of these people climbed the wall and stood on the wall. Zhang Fenghuo was very emotional. He had never climbed the city wall before. It was at least 200 meters high from the ground, and the wall was extremely wide, even if six horses walked side by side. It will never be crowded on the wall.

Dozens of soldiers surrounded them in the middle without asking for their family names. Instead, a small soldier commander checked them one by one and released them directly after confirming that they were human. Then other soldiers led them down the wall to explain to them the rules in the capital of the Kingdom of God.

Although the Kingdom of God occupies a large area, at least 60% of the people in the divine world are gathered here now. If it is not for some kind of formation in the Kingdom of God to expand the city, then it must be crowded, and there is no gap. Although there are arrays that expand the city, the housing in the city now Still very nervous, many soldiers live outside the city, and the city is full of old, weak, sick and disabled people with no combat effectiveness.

However, Zhang Fenghuo's strength now shows that he is a divine soldier, so he has not been sent to the battlefield for the time being, but is assigned to these more than 100 people. It is a small courtyard on the outskirts of the city. It looks relatively dilapidated and dusty. It should be that no one has lived there for a long time.

At this time, if there is no war, this kind of courtyard will not be demolished. Now it is obviously useful. Many small families have been assigned here. Everyone cleaned up and quickly cleaned up the yard. Because the rooms are limited, it is also in the yard. After setting up a tent, several naughty young people even put a few wooden boards on the house and built a bed temporarily. Naturally, Zhang Beacon would have a room to live in, otherwise he would also run to the top of the house.

After cleaning up, Zhang Fenghuo went out the door the next morning. Naturally, he had to stroll around the divine world to see what was going on here. When he came to the street, although it was morning, it was already crowded, but there was no crowding. It just looked a little dizzy, God The streets of the national capital are very wide, but because of the number of people, it makes people look particularly lively, but this kind of bustle is not funny, because now the divine world and the underworld have not taken advantage of a few sticks.

When he found a restaurant, Zhang Fenghuo found a seat to sit there. At this time, there was a lot of people in the restaurant, and his table was not enjoyed by himself. Before that, two people had sat there chatting and asked for a pile of dishes and a pot of wine. Zhang Fenghuo looked out of the window.

At this time, I heard a middle-aged man at my deskmate sigh and said, "My son was brought back from the battlefield yesterday, and one leg was almost broken. According to him, the underworld is extremely fierce, and the overall strength does not need to be much worse than in the divine world."

Another man said, "How can it be that those aliens will be beaten by my divine master in a long time. It must be that your son is fine and scared out of his courage by the aliens."

The man was a little unhappy and said, "My son is only 20 years old now, and he is already the cultivation of the peak god's servant. How bright the future is in the future? How can he be scared out of courage by those aliens? Do you believe it or not? I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

When Zhang Fenghuo heard the conversation, he felt interesting and suddenly interrupted, "Two brothers, I just came in from outside the city and witnessed the tragedy on the battlefield. Although the underworld army is brave and strong, I will definitely be able to defeat them in the divine world."

When the two heard Zhang Fenghuo's words, they looked at him and recognized what Zhang Fenghuo said, so they chatted with him and knew the recent movements in the capital of the Kingdom of God by talking about Zhang Fenghuo.

As if the two people argued, some people said that the underworld was particularly strong and fierce, and the divine world was a little overwhelmed, and it was very difficult to fight, while the other side said that these people were demons and confused, and they still respected the soldiers of the divine world very much. They believed that aliens were aliens and could never beat the divine warriors. Soldier.

At the same time, Zhang Fenghuo also got the news that the casualties in the divine world have been particularly large recently, and I don't know why. Although there were casualties in the previous battles, it is definitely not like this. Thousands of people are carried into the city for treatment every day.

Zhang Fenghuo doesn't know what the cause is. If it is a normal battle injury, it is absolutely impossible that there were not so many casualties at the beginning, and suddenly there are so many deaths and injuries now.

So he planned to find out, but he didn't know whether God knew what he thought or not. At this time, he saw several soldiers in armor walking up the street and shouted, "Prove that those who are above can join the army, beat away the aliens, and return the pure land of the divine world."

These soldiers shouted, and many people came forward to ask. These people are all divine soldiers, or those who have more than divine soldiers. Although it is dangerous to join the army at this time, if they can or come back, whether they have the capital to brag in front of their friends or the benefits are indispensable.

Zhang Fenghuo joined the soldiers smoothly. Behind these soldiers is a cart, which is armor suitable for all kinds of people. As long as you write your name in the recruitment book and verify your strength, you can get the armor, and then follow these soldiers and start to distribute them after the recruitment is over. The task of conscription in the divine world is still very simple.

Along the way, there were predecessors joining. Zhang Fenghuo was not eye-catching at all. After walking for about an hour, the number of people was almost the same. A long team of more than 1,500 people, and then these soldiers took them out of the city.

Outside the city, there are not all the underworld army. At least five miles in front of the capital of the Kingdom of God are all the barracks of the divine world. There are millions of lions stationed in the divine world, among which the god king is among them. After Zhang Fenghuo and others entered the barracks, an officer came to pick them up and took them to a camp and let them stand there and wait.

After a while, a strong officer in silver armor came to these people. He said, "I'm the officer of your recruits. There are no rules at this time. You can do whatever you want in your spare time, but you can't leave the camp. When you go to the battlefield, your There are only two purposes, one is to obey orders and the other is to kill the enemy.

After saying that, the officer looked at these people and seemed to be a little unhappy. The officer was a junior god general's cultivation. He explored several people in the front row with his cultivation and found that they were all junior and intermediate divine soldiers, and he did not even have a peak divine soldier's cultivation.

"Now you come with me to watch the war." After saying that, the officer turned around and walked out of the camp, and everyone followed. Although the team was a little loose, it was not too messy. At least these people were in the realm of divine soldiers. They would not be like ordinary soldiers at all. As soon as they joined the army, they didn't even have the minimum formation.

When you come to the edge of the battlefield, it is the closest to the camp, and there will be no danger, and you can also see the situation on the battlefield. At this time, the underworld army is fighting with the soldiers of the divine world. The two sides fought extremely fiercely. The soldiers in the divine world are dressed in black armor, while the underworld army is coarse linen, and even some underworld clothes are not covered, which is with them. The race has a lot to do with it. Imagine that if they live under the sun all year round, they will not consider the problem of clothing except for survival, that is, the officers and nobles of the Hades of the Hades Army have the leisure to dress up themselves.

Zhang Fenghuo looked very carefully. The weapons held by these underworld forces are very complicated, and even many underworlds hold the weapons of soldiers in the divine world, which are obviously taken from the dead bodies. However, even so, their combat effectiveness must not be underestimated. It can be said to be extremely strong.

But seeing Zhang Fenghuo here, there is inevitably a question, that is, although the underworld and the soldiers in the divine world have suffered casualties, they are not big, as if they have been standing here for so long and less than 100 people have died. Why does the divine barracks send more than 1,000 injured people to the city every day?

Perhaps to answer his doubts, countless javelins suddenly flew down in the sky. These expressions were made of wood, cut into a cone and thrown in front from the rear. After falling in mid-air, they were very lethal to the soldiers of the divine world. Of course, these javelins will also hit the underworld, but the damage of both sides The injury was obviously not proportional. In just one round, countless soldiers of the Divine World fell down.

This simple and single method can cause such a big killing indeed surprised Zhang Fenghuo. According to reason, it is impossible for ordinary wooden cones to hurt the soldiers of the divine world, but these cones were thrown into the sky by the underworld army with divine power and fell in a straight line. Everyone's memories were placed on the underworld army in front of them. It is impossible to estimate the sky, so they can win. It seems that the casualties of the soldiers in the divine world every day are easy to explain, and the Pluto is not a single-minded army. They also have their own strategies.

After watching the war, it came to an end because the soldiers in the divine world were severely damaged. The feelings of these new soldiers can be imagined. They all want to make contributions on the battlefield, but they not only want to prevent the opposite enemy, but also to defend the air. How can they be comprehensive? Moreover, the soldiers in the divine world are actually the retreating side, making many people It is difficult to accept it. In their minds, although the underworld army is brave, it may not be as difficult as they once exterminate the demon clan, but the reality is completely different from imagination, and it is inevitable that they will be lost.

After returning to the camp, the officer left. The adjutant was responsible for explaining some common sense on the battlefield, such as various instructions, the drums of advancing and retreating. There was a drum in front of the camp, which sounded several times represented different meanings.

For example, nine sounds represent attack, and one ring represents retreat. At present, what they have to learn is nothing more than to understand the two steps of attack and retreat. The rest depends on their performance on the battlefield. This is not a mortal world, nor does it pay attention to some formations to respond to the enemy. Everyone's Pluto Army or every god Soldiers in the world are not ordinary people. They have their own ability and judgment, so their schemes are generally rarely succeeding.

And because of their natural divine power, their wooden cone can have an unexpected effect, but Zhang Fenghuo knows that this effect will certainly be gone in a few days, because the divine world can't let the underworld continue like this. They will definitely get along with the enemy's side, for example, they can be equipped with a The shield can have a good defense against the air.

It's just that the divine world has not made any shields before, so now it has not been made and distributed.

After watching it for two days in a row, on the third day, they will finally send their heart soldiers to the field. The bloody picture has been floating in everyone's hearts these two days. Their original excitement has decreased a lot, and it is more heavy. After all, no one wants to die on the battlefield like that. They still have family and friends in the city. They come back, but they can't retreat. If they retreat, their families will definitely be implicated.

Of course, this involvement is not the official accountability of the divine world, but once everyone has the intention to retreat, the war will be completely defeated, and the underworld will be able to open the gate and wantonly slaughter civilians in the divine world.

Zhang Fenghuo was not the only recruits who fought this time, but also many veterans, about 10,000 people. After the drums sounded, everyone bravely came forward, and the underworld army also rushed up, and the two sides began to fight directly.

There is no fancy action. All people in the divine world understand a truth under the baptism of war, that is, aesthetic movements are useless. The underworld will not stand there and appreciate it and applaud you. They will only come up and cut you while you are still dancing.

Zhang Fenghuo did not stand at the front of the team this time. These recruits were assigned to the rear to see everything on the battlefield more closely. On this battlefield, the smell of blood is extremely strong, and you will even lose your sense of taste if you stay for a long time.

In the process of fighting, Zhang Fenghuo fought with a underworld army, not because he dodged well, but because there were few underworld troops that could break into the back row. At this time, there was a whining sound from the sky. Everyone knew that this was the awl of the underworld army again.

Everyone is ready to defend, sacrifice their skills, and form shields around them. Although the protection is limited, it is always much better than doing nothing, and the Pluto did not retreat because their cone was about to fall to the ground. At this time, they stepped forward more bravely, and the soldiers in the divine world had no power to fight. They should not only prevent air attacks, but also take care of the enemies in front of them.

Zhang Fenghuo is the cultivation of the god king and is almost immune to the attack of this kind of wooden cone, but he knows that many high-level officials in the divine world are paying attention to the battlefield at this time. It is absolutely impossible to completely resist all the attacks of the wooden cone with his power. He flashed left and right, or "accidentally" was scratched by the wooden cone, but it was not too big. The damage, the rest of the divine soldiers were uncomfortable, and many people died on the spot.

There is no doubt that this scepter is the failed party in the divine world. Although the current situation is unfavorable to the divine world and should not send troops according to reason, the underworld is pressing step by step, and they will not go out of the army. This kind of casualties are inevitable, and the shield is also in full swing now, which can not affect their own performance and can resist The wooden cone in the sky has also cost the minds of the craftsmen of the divine world. You should know that this is not a battle between two people, but a battle between the two armies, nor a confrontation between generals. Therefore, the shield should adapt to everyone and should not become a burden, but be absolutely strong.

When the drum sounded, all the soldiers of the divine world retreated to the camp, and the underworld did not continue to chase. Their purpose every time was very simple. As long as they wear out the other party's troops, they would retreat after victory, but today it was undoubtedly a little abnormal, because the speed of these underworld troops retreated very slowly. At this time, they only heard that the earth seemed to be Trembling, everyone looked into the distance and saw that the main force of the underworld army had attacked!

There are hundreds of thousands of troops, a sea of people, and everyone's eyes are full of the shadows of the underworld. They quickly retreated to the camp, and at this time, the divine camp also reacted to defend at the fastest time.