Through the Warring States

Chapter 303 World Beast 1

And these people can't stop it in any way. They can only stop completely by killing them. After experiencing this episode, all families no longer dare to step forward and actually withdraw from a distance of 200 miles, but with their strength, even 200 miles can be seen very real.

The teenager did not seem to be affected, even the donkey beside him. The cooperation of this man and beast made people stunned. The most shocking thing is why the fierce beast is afraid of a donkey. Maybe they will never understand this question.

"Evil beast, are you going to continue to resist?" The teenager scolded.

The fierce beast originally showed a look of fear, but then it became a little ferocious. His body suddenly shook, and the scales on his body fell to the ground. At the same time, the stomachs on the left and right sides suddenly cracked two openings, and two hands appeared in that mouth. Yes, two human-shaped hands!

The skin on the arm and hand was black and looked a little strange. As soon as the hand saw the wind, a lot of scales grew. It didn't last long, and the monster came out with two more hands. At the same time, he said ferociously, "God, didn't expect that I still have hands! In the past tens of millions of years, I finally came up with the idea of breaking your ban on me and creating my own hands to fight against you. Let me twist your head with these two newly created hands.

The teenager was slightly stunned when he saw this. Obviously, the scene in front of him was not what he expected. When he heard the word Tiandao, everyone was moved, even Zhang Fenghuo, Tiandao! Is this person the way of heaven? Does the way of heaven really exist? This world is said to be created by Tiandao, so why can't Tiandao easily kill the fierce beast in its own world?

No one can answer all this, not to mention that Zhang Fenghuo is not clear, even those forces in the five continents, including the anti-sky ancestors, do not know the specific source of this fierce beast at all, and whether the heavenly way is just a rule or a real person.

"Evil beast, even if you break my ban, I can continue to seal you for thousands of years." The teenager opened his mouth and shouted, and at the same time, he looked at Zhang Fenghuo at a speed that no one noticed. His eyes were just facing each other. A voice appeared in Zhang Fenghuo's mind: "Do as I said with all your cultivation."

After hearing this, Zhang Fenghuo's body seemed to be out of control. According to Tiandao, he made a very complicated mark with his hands. No one noticed all this, that is, the five continents and others standing next to him were concerned about the teenager in the sky and the monster who had just grown arms.

This mark is complex and labor-intensive. Before Zhang Fenghuo finished, he felt that his body seemed to have been emptied, but the teenager's thoughts did not stop, making him continue to make this complex mark.

Finally, the mark was completed, and Zhang Fenghuo's brain was blank. When he opened his eyes again, he had come to a very strange place. It seemed to be an illusory world, but it seemed to be real.

He saw a child. The child was pinching people with mud. Those clay figurines fell into the child's hands and ran out. Finally, they didn't know where they went, and the child's hands never stopped. He seemed to keep pinching the clay figurines, and those clay figurines were men and women, old and young, and there were no rules. Lv Keyan, occasionally this child will fabricate a few weapons.

Zhang Fenghuo came to the child's side. The other party looked up at him and did not say anything. Zhang Fenghuo found that the child's eyes were white, as if he was born blind, without any brilliance, and it seemed that he only found someone coming to him through induction. That's all.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Fenghuo asked.

The child shook his head and opened his mouth. Zhang Fenghuo found that there was no tongue in the child's mouth, and his hands had never stopped fabricating the clay figurine. Zhang Fenghuo followed the clay figurines when he saw that the child could not ask anything. He came to a well. The well was very small, and there were only clay people. Being able to enter, Zhang Fenghuo saw that the reason why the clay figurines ran so fast was that there was a monster squatting by the well. The monster kept preying on the clay figurines and putting them into his mouth, looking very enjoyable.

Look carefully at the appearance of this monster, but it's not the monster he saw before he entered this space. The monster kept eating, and finally his body became bigger and bigger. The speed of those mud people was obviously not enough for his appetite.

Zhang Fenghuo wanted to stop him, but found that he appeared as a spectator at most and could not control anything, as if he were just a spiritual body. The monster also found the existence of Zhang Fenghuo and opened a big mouth to him, but did not bite the other party, but just bit the air. The monster tried again. I left after a few times.

Zhang Fenghuo breathed a sigh of relief and followed the monster to see where he was going. The monster went a long way, came to an open space, lay there and fell asleep. At this time, a figure suddenly appeared. The man was relatively thin and weak, holding a long black sword in his hand. Zhang Fenghuo saw the sword a little If you are familiar with it and take a close look, it's just cutting the world!

This figure walked behind the monster, and then picked up the world and stabbed the monster's head fiercely. The monster didn't even have a chance to shout and died in a dream. All this seems to have an illusory feeling. Why is this man's hand so smooth, and why is the monster not prepared at all? The scene that came down made Zhang Fenghuo a little stunned.

The monster's body was actually integrated into the beheading world, as if it had been absorbed by the sword body of the beheading world. There was no trace. Only a white fog floated away from the body and finally disappeared in this space. The man walked in, then stood in front of Zhang Fenghuo, handed him the sword in his hand and said He said, "This sword can kill the monster and kill him, otherwise the world will be destroyed."

Zhang Fenghuo subconsciously took the black sword in his hand. This is clearly the beheading world, but hasn't the beheading world always been on his body? He looked back and saw that the beheading world on his body had disappeared. Suddenly, there was a feeling of blood connection in the sword, because the beheading world had recognized it, although this person did not know what to use. The method took the beheading boundary on Zhang Fenghuo's body, but the mark was not extinguished, so he could feel it very clearly.

After taking over the beheading world, Zhang Fenghuo had a flower in front of him, and he returned to the divine world. The teenager in front of him was fighting fiercely with the monster, and the two sides were inexsoluble. At this time, the teenager had no advantage just now. Because the fierce beast came out with two more hands, and his whole body was a place where he could attack people, so he saw it. It's a little difficult for teenagers to go.

The monster's hands are very strong. Although they have just appeared, they are flexible. There is no weapons in his hands, but their skin is stronger than steel. They bang on the ground without any damage.

After Zhang Fenghuo came back, the teenager suddenly shouted, "What do you think? Come and help quickly."

Zhang Fenghuo was slightly stunned and hesitated for a moment. Because his cultivation is really limited, even if he rushed forward, he may not be able to help, but the teenager has a disadvantage at present. If there is no help, I believe that he will definitely fail miserably in ten rounds.

At this time, the forces and many families of the five continents were watching, and no one had the intention of interfering. Hearing the teenager suddenly shouting for help, everyone, look at me, I don't know who the teenager is talking about.

Zhang Feng's heart was horizontal, and his hand * chopping the world out of the sheath and flew up. The scabbard of the chopping world didn't matter. As a result, it was unexpected. All the light around him seemed to fly to the sword body of the chopping world at that moment. At that moment, the chopping the world was like the most brilliant treasure in the world, emitting extreme Strong light.

Zhang Fenghuo was slightly stunned by the sudden abnormality in the beheading world, but he did not stop his figure. Zhang Fenghuo's behavior was seen by everyone. Except for the people of the five continents, only two disciples who knew him.

And those people of the Wuzhou forces changed their appearance slightly after seeing Zhang Fenghuo's behavior. They had also heard that Zhang Fenghuo was a new apprentice of the anti-sky ancestor, but they did not pay too much attention to him, because in their opinion, Zhang Fenghuo was just a junior, but they didn't expect that the other party would be so good, and The weapon made them not remember what a treasure it was.

The fierce beast ignored it when it saw Zhang Fenghuo jump out, but after seeing the beheading world in Zhang Fenghuo's hand, his expression changed greatly! If others don't know this weapon, he will never forget it. If there was no beheading world, there would be no beginning of him sealed for thousands of years.

The monster Zhang Fenghuo saw in that mysterious space is this fierce beast, which is just a reduced version of him. At the beginning, this fierce beast killed creatures and was finally killed by the beheading world. It can be said that the biggest effect of this beheading world is to restrain this monster.

The reason why it is called the beheading world is because the name of this fierce beast is called the world beast. Why is he not controlled by the heavenly beast is that this fierce beast is not in this space in the first place. It can be said that he does not have this space at all, but finds the space of the heavenly beast in nothingness, and then enters the heavenly way with his unique function. Space, killing creatures here, and finally, in order to deal with him, Tiandao created a black sword, whose name is Zhanjie!

After killing the world beast once, this long sword already has its original blood, so only this sword can completely kill the world beast!

Zhang Fenghuo held the beheading world in his hand and waved the fierce beast fiercely. He saw a sword gushing out. The fierce beast seemed to know the power of the beheading world and did not increase it at all. As soon as he rolled away from the offensive, the beheading world still left one of his arms behind.

The monster's eyes were full of fear and suddenly said, "This is the world of chopping! Tiandao, you dare not fight against me. Do you want to accept me with a sword? It's just that the master of the beheading world you chose is not strong enough.

Although he was small, Zhang Fenghuo found that when he stabbed the other party, he only left a very shallow wound on the monster, as if he was tickling the other party.

The monster also became more rampant at this time. He ignored Zhang Fenghuo's attack and tried to get close to the other party. Zhang Fenghuo would not let the monster get close. If he was really close to the other party, he was afraid that he would lose his soul in a round.

At this time, the seal of Tiandao seemed to have been completed. A huge fingerprint fell from the sky with endless light. The thorned crowd could not open their eyes. After this fingerprint fell, it patted straight on the body of the boundary beast. The boundary beast roared and seemed to be very sad. He only heard him shout, "God, you still Do you want to suppress me for millions of years? When I break through the seal again, I will completely destroy your space, I swear!"

The voice of the beast was getting smaller and smaller, and finally it disappeared like the sound of mosquitoes. Zhang Fenghuo also collapsed on the ground, and Tiandao, that is, the teenager, also fell in the air, with a pale face.

All this restored the former calm, and there was no trace left where the monster was, as if it had never appeared. Tiandao looked at the crowd and Zhang Fenghuo. He came forward and waved his hand to Zhang Fenghuo, and the two disappeared in place.

And the forces of the five continents dispersed by themselves because they didn't get what they wanted. Of course, there was no regret in their hearts, because they knew that even if they had practiced to the point of incarnation outside their bodies, it was absolutely impossible to beat the monster, and the monster claimed that he wanted to break this space. How big it was. However, after seeing the teenager who claimed to be the way of heaven, the test between the monster, and hearing their dialogue, they have lost all interest in this monster. At the same time, the red light array outside the kingdom of God has also disappeared.

Zhang Fenghuo's guess is right. This array was arranged by the five continents, and has been arranged for many years. As long as the people of the non-five continents step into this array, if their own cultivation is too high, they will attract the array and absorb all the vitality and skills of the other party. At the same time, the array has also been strengthened. The reason why the forces of the five continents arranged this formation is to trap the beast of the world.

Of course, they have no idea about the world beast at this moment, because they know that even if the formation is powerful, it is absolutely impossible to keep the world beast in it. If it completely angers that guy, no one knows what will happen.

The key to starting this array is all the people in the kingdom of God!