Through the Warring States

Chapter 9 The First Task

The two simply cleaned up. Zhang Fenghuo bought some lime powder and chili water with the remaining silver, bought a long bow and a short blade, and went out of the city with enough dry food. Along the way, Zhang Fenghuo and Langyan talked about the content of this task. Langyan didn't agree and didn't ask what Zhang Fenghuo bought. .

After a long trip, the two came to the cave. After carefully approaching, Zhang Fenghuo climbed up the mouth of the cave, put pepper water and pepper in the bag, and let the wolf smoke climb up a tree in front of the cave and throw stones into the cave. Lang Yan didn't know what Zhang Fenghuo was going to do, and he did not refute or ask many questions, so he followed his method.

Not long after a few stones were thrown into the cave, only heard the bear roar, which was deafening. The stones in the cave fell one after another, as if they were about to collapse. For a moment, I saw a dark figure approaching the mouth of the cave, poked out its head and roaring out. Zhang Fenghuo counted the right time, and the pepper water lime powder fell on the black bear's eyes.

The black bear's eyes were stimulated and couldn't open. He roared, as if he was crazy and grabbed the stone at the mouth of the hole to come out. It seemed that it was close to the state of rampage. The wolf smoke pinched the opportunity, jumped off the tree and cut directly to the black bear's throat with a short blade. Then it stabbed the black bear's chest fiercely, and then the wolf smoke suddenly retreated five meters. Outside, holding the bow in both hands only heard a buzz, and the feather arrow shot into the black bear's head. The black bear fluttered a few times and fell to the ground without life. His movements were very coherent, and Zhang Fenghuo's eyes widened.

Wolf smoke scratched his head with some embarrassment, grinning at the corners of his mouth, smiling, and was not complacent, as simple as a common meal.

At this time, Zhang Fenghuo remembered that the wolf smoke had lived in the deep mountains since he was a child. He had never seen any beast, but he could still live until now. Thinking of his skills and means to save his life, Zhang Fenghuo also wanted to be opportunistic. For a moment, he was ashamed. It seemed that there was no fist in good power.

Even if you play with tens of millions of people, you can't change your face without changing your face.

Although Zhang Fenghuo believes in expediency, he has to admit that sometimes fists are indeed more useful than the brain.

The two came to the cave and saw that the black bear was dead, but it was too big to drag out the guts. For a moment, Zhang Beacon was a little embarrassed. The wolf smoke understood and said, "Brother, wait a minute."

So he held the broken blade and took the black bear out in just a moment.

Zhang Fenghuo was shocked again. He took a deep breath and put the bear bile in the porcelain bottle without saying more.

After the wolf smoke put away the bear skin, he saw that Zhang Fenghuo had no intention of leaving and said, "Brother."

Zhang Fenghuo stood at the mouth of the cave and looked in and said, "You said that this black bear can't come out. How did it live to this day?"

Wolf smoke was puzzled. He didn't seem to think about this problem at all. It's nothing for him whether the black bear comes out or not. As long as he is not caught off guard, just like last time, Wolf Smoke has absolute confidence in hunting an adult black bear.

Zhang Fenghuo made a torch and carefully walked in. The wind in the cave was harsh. The wolf smoke followed him alertly, and his short-edged arm rose slightly. If there was a situation, he would stand in front of Zhang Fenghuo at the fastest speed.

Zhang Fenghuo is also a little nervous. The cave is a little strange. What to eat here for so long with such a large amount of food as a black bear? Is there a different world in it? If so, there will be some beasts waiting for them?

After walking for about half an hour, Zhang Fenghuo saw a bright light in front of him. It seemed that he really hit it. It should be a big space inside.

Zhang Fenghuo swallowed and spit, and his mood became more and more nervous. The wolf smoke was also full of seriousness. When they came to the end, the two saw that it was not the cave of the imagined beast, but just a grotto, with a white jade-like stalactite on top and an underground river below. The light of the stalactite reflected in the water, which looked like here. It's a little weird.

Zhang Fenghuo did not relax because he didn't see the beast, but was more nervous. He didn't even have anything to eat. Does the black bear need to drink water to grow meat? Obviously, it is impossible.

At this time, I only heard a tick, and the upside-down stalactite dripped a drop of water. The water fell into the river like substance, emitting a faint light. Although it was as water as the river, it was as bright as a pearl, which could be distinguished at a glance.

The phenomenon in front of us is beyond the thinking of the two people, which is really difficult to explain.

Neither of them spoke. Zhang Fenghuo approached the river and saw that there were no impurities or danger in the water. He reached out and grabbed the water droplet. The water did not disperse in his hand, which was very magical. Zhang Fenghuo put it on his nose and smelled it. There was a fragrance. He couldn't help putting it in his mouth, and the entrance of the water slid into his stomach and even feel it passing by. There was a warm current everywhere, and Zhang Fenghuo breathed a long breath, and there was a fragrance in his mouth.

For a moment, I felt full of strength and no sense of hunger. Presumably, the black bear often drew water here and drank that kind of water droplets to survive. For a long time, the black bear, which did not have to go out to hunt, gradually grew up and could not get out of the hole, so it has been living here.

"Am I right? This is a treasure, hahaha! I also have today. God helps me!" Zhang Feng burst out laughing.

The wolf smoke said seriously, "Brother, you can't eat indiscriminately in the future. It's easy to get dysentery, ranging from three or five days to ten days and a half months."

When Zhang Fenghuo heard the words, he raised black lines on his head, gave a chestnut to the wolf smoke, and said, "You can't say something nice."

Wolf Smoke's face was full of grievance and bowed his head without saying a word. How pitiful it looked.

The two walked around and laughed, but did not find anything strange. Suddenly, Zhang Fenghuo found that there seemed to be a stone bench in the river with an iron box on it. Zhang Fenghuo picked it up and looked carefully. The box was not locked, but the design was clever, but it was very important for Zhang Fenghuo, a man of the two generations. It's simple. It opens three times, and there is no water in it. There is a book with a yellow cover, which looks like it should be made of parchment and a porcelain bottle. There is nothing else.

Zhang Fenghuo opened the book and read it. It was just some pictures, which should be martial arts moves. At this time, Zhang Fenghuo was a little excited.

"Is this a peerless secret?" After turning over one by one, only twelve pages of books were quickly read by him, and then Zhang Fenghuo shouted wolf smoke and handed the book to him to see if he could understand it.

Wolf smoke took the book and asked, "Brother, there is nothing on it."

Zhang Fenghuo was stunned when he heard the words and took the book. There was indeed nothing, not to mention the picture just now, but there was no ink at all.

"Is it because he drank the water and had hallucinations? Zhang Fenghuo was very puzzled. He looked through it carefully several times and confirmed that there was no picture. He just thought he was dazzled. However, the book was placed in such a delicate box, and Zhang Fenghuo was reluctant to throw it away and put it away.

Then open the porcelain bottle, which contains a round ball, half black and half white. Zhang Fenghuo smelled it and had no smell.

Finally, he raised his head and shone with the light of the stalactite to see what he could find. At this time, his feet slipped, and Zhang Feng opened his mouth. The ball fell off his hand and fell into his mouth impartially, and melted into his abdomen before chewing.

Before Zhang Fenghuo could react, he felt that his stomach was like a horse rushing and rushing to somewhere. His legs were clamped tightly and he found a secret. He told the wolf smoke not to approach it. Before he finished speaking, he only heard the sound of thunder in the hole for a long time. Zhang Fenghuo was about to create a thunder in a few minutes, inside the hole. The air was turbid, and the wolf smoke couldn't stand it. He had already gone out.

When he went out, he said seriously, "I told you earlier, don't eat indiscriminately."