The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 2 The Future Master's Wife

Lei Shuang is Xiao Tian's only friend except for the little fat Chopin.

Lei Shuang is the daughter of Lei Shengyuan, the owner of the city. She is beautiful and lively. Lei Shengyuan loves her very much and treats her like a pearl on her palm.

Lei Shengyuan has a total of seven sons and two daughters. The eldest daughter has already been married, leaving only this little daughter around her, which is inevitable to be spoiled. The servants in the house knew that Lei Shengyuan liked this little daughter the most. In addition, Lei Shuang was kind and close to people. He did not have any airs, but everyone liked her.

From childhood to age, I don't know how many friends there are around Lei Shuang, but Lei Shuang doesn't pay much attention to them, except that he likes to play with Xiao Tian, a child with a series of titles such as ink pupil, evil, nemesis, broom star and so on.

The eyes of all creatures in the Yuanji continent are blue and violet, some monsters' eyes are green or pink, and only Xiao Tian's pupils are black.

These black eyes, which are different from ordinary people, have made him discriminated against by other children since he was a child.

When he was a child, Xiao Tian was very worried about his eyes. Because of these black eyes, there were no children to play with him, and adults also regarded him as a monster. He has had enough of bullying since he was a child, and all the children united to bully him.

Except for his neighbor Father Xiao's grandson Chopin, he played with him to help him resist the bullying of other children. As a result, the fat man was also implicated by him and was often beaten by other children to be bruised and untidy.

For good, Xiao Tian's mother is a cheerful and insightful woman. Although Xiao Tian has suffered a lot, he doesn't seem to have any impact on his personality. It's okay to say that he is submissive or broad-minded. Bullied by other children, he wiped the blood off his face and could do whatever he should do.

Chopin is like the water in Xiao Tian's life. Without him, Xiao Tianzhen doesn't know what he looks like.

And Thunder Frost is the sunshine in his life.

I met Lei Shuang when I was 12 years old. It was Xiao Tian's father's birthday. Tian helped the two masters sell the two hares and a pheasant and wandered around the market.

The two masters want to buy a gift for their father.

Unexpectedly, he met Wang Lei.

The result of the short fight was that the two had a lot more saliva on their clothes - the group of garbage fights were not good, but their ability to spit was first-class.

Xiao Tian's clothes were torn and opened a big opening, revealing the cyan clothes inside - Xiao Tian didn't look at it at all. Just go back and sew it by himself. Wang Lei's clothes were also torn by him, and both sides were flat.

This time, Wang Lei took few people, and the two of Tianbang were not injured. As long as the money bag was not robbed, the two still walked around the market as usual.

By the way, as long as there is a fat man, the money bag can never be robbed. This guy's famous saying is: the head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the money bag can't be lost! Several times, the fat man took advantage of the chaos and brought back Wang Lei's wallet. Of course, this money was also used as a help fund.

Unrighteous wealth! It is also appropriate to help them spend flowers. The fat man said righteously.

In fact, the most uncomfortable thing in the market is not Wang Lei, but the whispers of passers-by:

"This is the black-eyed child of the Xiao family..."

"I heard that his mother also has black eyes"

"Both of them are bereaved stars! The little mourning door star died!"

The fat man looked at his face uneasily and stared at the man who was gossiping with his fleshy little round eyes.

Xiao Tian seemed to be ignorant of everything around him. He reached out to get a decorative sword on the stall in front of him.

"The night gave me black eyes, but I used it to find light." He muttered to himself in a low voice.

When he was a child, every time he was bullied outside because of his black eyes, his mother would read this sentence and comfort him in her arms.

After his mother died, he never cared about other people's gossip. At this time, he would quietly read this sentence, and all insults and pain seemed to become less important.

The fat man's eyes suddenly became strange.

The stall owner stretched out a hand to stop him and suddenly stopped in mid-air. The surprised eyes stared at him, as if he was hesitant to sell it to him?

Because a white little hand grabbed the front of him and took the sword.

On the white and almost transparent little hands, there are five translucent pink nails, a light white arc at the root of the nail, and four small vortexes everywhere.

Xiao Tian looked up in astonishment. The owner of the little hand was a little girl about his height, wearing a light yellow shirt and a pink ribbon tied around her waist. The white and red little face is also a little fat baby fat, and there are several playful little freckles on both sides of the nose. The eyes are violet, which is common in the Yuanji continent, but it is extremely clear and clear, like a gem inlaid on the face.

For the first time in his life, he was a little embarrassed by his black eyes and quietly reached out to cover the hole in his clothes.

Lei Shuang stared at him with a smile: "What did you just say?"

Under the gaze of these eyes, his usual calm disappeared and involuntarily repeated that sentence.

"The night gave me black eyes, but I used it to find light"

Lei Shuang repeated this sentence and looked into his eyes and said, "I think the black eyes are very beautiful. I envy you very much!"

She handed the sword to Xiao Tian, grabbed his hand and left.

The voices of discussion around disappeared, and no one wanted to offend the city owner's favorite daughter.

The little girl behind Lei Shuang looked at Chopin.

Do you want me to pay? No way! Chopin shrugged his shoulders and showed that he had no money. The little girl looked at him, threw a few silver coins on the stall, and hurriedly chased him.

The fat man followed with a cheap smile.

Since then, Lei Shuang, the daughter of the city lord, became the third member of the Tianbang. Of course, Lei Shuang refused to admit her status. She said angrily, "Well, it's okay for me to join the Tianbang. I want to change my name to the Shuangbang. I'm your master and elder!"

Of course, Chopin will not agree to such a treaty of losing power and humiliating the country, but he said to Xiao Tian privately, "It doesn't matter. We have another way. When you grow up, marry Lei Shuang and let her be our master's wife, which is also a member of the Heavenly Gang!"

Xiao Tian and Lei Shuang returned home. His father Xiao Yuanzhong had prepared a horse. When he saw him come back, he didn't say anything, but silently handed him the reins.

Attribute test is a big deal, and Xiao Yuanzhong wanted to accompany his son in person. However, when Lei Shuang came to look for Xiao Tian, it was difficult for him to follow them. He had to let them go first and then go later.

Clear water was sprinkled on the official road outside the city, and the willow branches beside the road pulled out the buds and brushed the pedestrian's heads.

Lei Shuang and Xiao Tian walked side by side. Seeing that it was still early, Lei Shuang relaxed the reins, let the horse walk slowly, and said to Xiao Tian, "Brother Tian, what attributes do you think I will be? Several brothers are water elements, but I don't like them. I want earth attributes.

Xiao Tian smiled and said, "Are you afraid that practicing earth attribute skills will make your skin yellow?"

Lei Shuang's clear eyes flowed and hesitated for a moment: "I'm not afraid, I'm willing."

Lei Shuang's thoughts are not good to tell Xiao Tian: a large part of the elemental attributes are inherited, and the elemental attributes in Xiao Yuan are gold, so Xiao Tian is likely to be metallic. If you are an earth attribute, then it is very beneficial for Xiao Tian to practice the skills together.

As for the yellow skin, the simple girl really didn't think about it. After Xiao Tian said this, she was wondering if Xiao Tian would hate her when her skin turned yellow.