The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 5 Mother's Story

What is the movie? Is it an elemental formula? Xiao Tian asked.

"Ha ha, it's okay. I've thought too much... Apprentice, practice well, and the master will come back to you!" The middle-aged man smiled disappointedly and said to Xiao Tian that he turned his head and left.

Less than ten minutes ago, the middle-aged man had disappeared. If it hadn't been for the scroll in his hand, Xiao Tianzhen would have suspected that he was dreaming.

He looked at the scroll in his hand - the scroll was dim in the man's hand, but it changed in his hand. One end was dark and black. At first glance, it seemed to suck in the human mind, but the other end was white, emitting a blazing white light.

It seems that the things given by this master are really unusual, but how can I get them home like this?

seemed to guess his idea, and the old voice sounded in his ear: "Catch one end of each hand, thinking that you can hold it with your hands together to suppress its light. Thinking about separating your hands, you can open it. When you get promoted to an elemental engineer, it won't have any difference.

Xiao Tian looked up and couldn't see where the master was, but the words seemed to be in his ear.

He did what he said, and the scroll returned to its shabby appearance and was inconspicuous.

Lei Shuang tossed around in the forest for a long time and didn't catch the butterfly. She came back sullenly and asked him with a frown, "What's wrong with you, kneeling and worshiping with a beggar?"

Xiao Tian: "He is not a beggar! His clothes..."

Thinking about it, he did not explain to Lei Shuang. He just looked at the scroll in his hand. Lei Shuang also noticed the scroll in his hand and asked, "Huh, where did the elemental formula come from? Did that person give it to you?

Xiao Tian's eyes flashed and asked Lei Shuang, "How do you know this is the elemental formula?"

The elemental formula is extremely precious in the Yuanji continent, which is divided into four levels: heaven, earth, mystery and yellow, and each level is divided into upper, middle and lower levels. High-level elemental formulas are monopolized by a few big families, and ordinary people have no chance to come into contact with elemental formulas. No matter how excellent your qualifications are, you can't practice without elemental formulas.

It is extremely difficult to find an element that suits your attributes. Some small families have passed down an elemental formula, which is also regarded as a treasure and is not easily seen by others. Although Xiao Tian knew that there was a golden element secret handed down from his family, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

"I saw it from my father. After the big brother's attribute test, my father gave him such a scroll, but it was much more beautiful than this, and the two ends were white."

Lei Shuang said and came to grab the scroll in his hand: "Let me see."

Xiao Tian was unprevented, and the scroll was taken away by Lei Shuang.

The scroll shines strongly, reflecting black and milky white.

Lei Shuang was shocked and almost threw the scroll out.

A figure flashed in the woods in the distance and hid into the tree.

Xiao Tian saw that figure in the corner of his eyes, and he seemed to be very familiar with it?

He didn't have much time to think about it. He took the scroll over and meditated, and the scroll returned to its original state.

He had no intention to be perfunctory with Lei Shuang, hurriedly said goodbye and returned home.

In the dark blue night sky, two moons reflect each other, shining the earth silvery white.

The father and son went to Xiao Yuanzhong's study together.

"This is your mother's relic," Xiao Yuanzhong took out a box and gave it to Xiao Tian. "After the test, you are an adult. It's time to tell you about your mother."

Xiao Tian took the box and opened it. There were some jewelry, clothes and so on in the box. A flat blue box attracted Xiao Tian's attention.

He picked it up and opened the box. Inside was something thin like sheepskin, which was thinner than sheepskin and folded together to open. Many square-shaped symbols were neatly painted on it. He turned over curiously.

"This is your mother's most precious thing. She drew these symbols. She draws a page every night. She said that this thing is called 'experimental notes'."

Xiao Yuanzhong was in a trance and fell into memories:

"17 years ago, when I was still young, I was only in my early twenties. One day, I went to the mountain to cut some firewood, and suddenly it rained heavily. I ran to a nearby cliff to hide from the rain. The thunder that day seemed to explode in my ears, and my ears were shocked that I couldn't hear the sound. Looking up, the world was white. In the vast area, the rain was so fierce that it seemed that the Tianhe River had burst. At that time, I felt that the rain was unusual and frightening, and I always felt that something was going to happen.

Sure enough, a Thunderbolt exploded on the cliff and rolled down a few small stones. I was afraid that the cliff would collapse and bury me in it. Seeing that the rain was smaller, I left under the cliff and was ready to run home in the rain.

But after a few steps, I saw a woman lying on the ground. I remember clearly that when I went to the cliff to shelter from the rain, there was no one around me, and I didn't see anyone appear later.

She appeared there out of thin air. She was wearing a strange white gown with two square pockets on both sides, with this "experimental note" and a strange-shaped pen in her pocket. Other than that, there is nothing to grow.

I carried her back in the rain, and it was dark when I got home. At that time, Aunt Xiao was still alive. I went to ask her to accompany your mother and went to the city to ask for a doctor overnight. The doctor thought it was too late and the mountain road was difficult to walk, so he would not come until the next morning. I was so anxious that I rushed back first, but she had woken up. Aunt Xiao boiled ginger soup and was feeding her.

Seeing me coming back, Aunt Xiao pulled me aside and winked at me. I don't understand what Aunt Xiao means. But when I saw her, I understood. Her eyes are black...

I have never seen anyone with black eyes, nor has Aunt Xiao. Where did she come from? Why did she suddenly appear under the cliff? What does she do? Why does she have black eyes? All this is a mystery.

She is very special, with short black hair and a full forehead. Her eyes are big, black and white, and there is something in it that can't be said.

I think her eyes are more attractive and addictive than anyone else in the world. With just one look, I was attracted by those eyes.

I didn't live in my own house that day, but went to Father Xiao's house and asked Aunt Xiao to accompany her. Although my people are at Father Xiao's house, they have never left my home or her for a moment.

The next day, the doctor came, but did not help her see a doctor. The doctor saw her eyes and said that she was a demon and would bring disaster to me. I scolded the doctor and drove him away.

For good reason, Father Xiao was well-educated and said that she was fine. She was just watered by the heavy rain and caught a cold. She will get better after a few days.

In the next few days, she didn't say a word. I thought she was dumb, but when I talked to Aunt Xiao, she seemed to be listening carefully and didn't look like a mute.

A few days later, when she was having lunch one day, she suddenly pointed to the rice in the bowl and said, "Mi?" I jumped up with joy, grabbed her hand and shook it repeatedly, and shouted, "You can talk!" You are not dumb!"

She also laughed, but quietly shook my hand away. I didn't realize my gaffe at all. I just thought she could talk! That's great!

Her body gradually improved, and she learned to talk with me and Aunt Xiao every day. She is so smart that as long as she learns it once, she will remember it immediately. I have never seen such a smart person.

Aunt Xiao and I took her to the market to buy clothes, but the doctor had already been publicized in the city. Many people knew that a black-eyed demon appeared on the outskirts of the city. Those ignorant people spit on her, threw stones, and rude abuse penetrated into our ears. Aunt Xiao and I couldn't stand being scolded. When we secretly looked at her, her face did not change and seemed to hear it. I thought she couldn't understand those words, took her to buy clothes and fled the market.