The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 8 Disaster

The chicken on the roast fork is almost cooked, and the transparent grease drips down and falls on the fire, making a sizzling sound.

The fat man shook the roasted fork in one hand, sprinkled salt on the meat in the other, and shouted, "Brother Tian, if you are promising in the future, you can't forget my brother. In order to help you celebrate, I stole all the hen that was laying eggs at home!"

Lei Shuang smiled secretly.

Xiao Tian is speechless.

I didn't trap any prey in several places yesterday. Today, the three of them have been in the mountains for a long time. I don't know if they are unlucky or what's going on. They didn't even hit a sparrow.

I can't help it. The fat man volunteered to go home and steal one of his chickens - that's the one on the fork now.

The look on the fat man's face was really painful, and tears flashed faintly in his eyes: "Well, my oil and salt money is all up to this old hen! His grandfather has never been willing to eat the eggs he laid. Now, not to mention the eggs, he doesn't even have chickens!"

His little round eyes blinked, and tears rolled in his eyes, and he was about to fall down.

Lei Shuang looked very unbearable. She took out a small purse embroidered with flowers: "Why not, fat brother," she called out to fat brother for the first time: "I'll give you the money. You buy another egg for your father*."

The fat man's eyes lit up, and the tears in his eyes magically disappeared. He solemnly refused, "How can that be done! This is what I celebrated for Brother Tian! You girls don't understand the feelings between men!"

The fat thief stared at the purse - how much silver is in it?

The pink little hand stopped, and Lei Shuang frowned regretfully: "Well, it's really not easy for me to get along with you men..."

Looking at the opening of the purse being closed again, and the lovely silver exposed inside was covered again. The fat man was anxious. He shouted seriously, "But Lei Shuang, you are different. Not to mention your relationship with our heavenly gang, let's talk about yourself. You are not an ordinary girl. You are a woman! Many big men are not as bold as you!"

I said so boldly, are you embarrassed to take it back? The fat man stared at the thunder frost with his little eyes.

Lei Shuang smiled and saw that it was almost enough to make this guy laugh. A thin layer of sweat oozed from his fleshy forehead: "Then I'd better give you the money, or I won't look happy, won't you?"

Lei Shuang quickly turned his purse over and poured it upside down. There were a few taels of silver in the purse and a few copper coins, all of which were handed to the fat man.

The fat man said he was embarrassed. The dark meat hand hurriedly caught the silver, and then the silver magically disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Xiao Tian and Lei Shuang looked at each other and smiled.

Lei Shuang grabbed a chicken leg. The chicken leg was very hot. She gasped and asked the fat man, "I didn't care to ask yesterday. What are your test results?"

The fat man looked gloomy: "The first level of the source of the gold element. Alas, the attributes are not bad, but the level is too low. Why do people who grow up in the same place have the same attributes so much worse? I think I'm also the elegant and turbid prince of Yushu. Why is this level so far away from some people?

Lei Shuang curled her lips and smiled: You are a beautiful prince who lost 20 centimeters of height and 30 pounds of fat.

Xiao Tian also smiled. He ignored the fat man's emotion: "Are you also the golden element? That fat man, you can just use my family's elemental formula.

Ah? The fat man opened his small round eyes: "Then what do you use?"

"Me?" Xiao Tian easily told the fat man what happened when he got the explosive shadow formula, and only concealed that he was the two elements of light and darkness.

The fat man was envious and sad: "There is such a good thing. Why didn't I encounter it?"

But he soon became happy again: "Thank you, Brother Tian. I'm worried about where to find the elemental formula. You are sending help in the snow!"

Several people laughed together. Xiao Tian told the fat man, "Don't tell anyone about me that I still have a roll of elemental tips."

The fat man nodded carelessly: "I know, the fat master won't talk too much!"

The early morning breeze blew through the woods, and the leaves moved slightly, making a gentle rustling sound. The shiny dewdrops were about to fall on the grass leaves. An early fat bug bowed, bypassed the dewdrops, and climbed to the root of the leaves. A red-billed and green-footed bird fell on the grass, pecked up the bug, bent its neck and ate it.

Xiao Tian sat on a protruding stone cross-legged, with his hands flat on his chest, and the bone joints of his whole body made a grid explosion. It was faintly visible that there was a thin black airflow in the palm of his left hand and a thin milky white airflow in the palm of his right hand. The two airflows converged in the palm of his hand and gradually rose, forming a black and white circle. Shape, endless circulation.

Xiao Tianchang took a breath, and the airflow in his hand slowly flowed into the palm of his hand. I finished my work and stood up.

"Alas, I did another night of useless work. He also said that I was a genius, not even as good as the fat guy. What kind of genius?

Xiao Tian sighed in his heart: Did the master lie to him that he was not a talent, but a waste wood?

In fact, his skills have improved very fast, but due to the two elements of light and darkness, he feels that he has been doing useless work for more than a month.

He walked around the nearby woods and saw that there was no one left and right. He stopped under a big tree. There was a bird's nest on the tree. He reached in and took out a small bag wrapped in oil leaves for a while. He opened it and saw that the things inside were still there, and put the small bag back.

After doing all this, he looked up at the dawn in the sky. Xiao Tian was worried: his father must have been waiting. He jumped like flying and ran home.

The early morning wind blew on Xiao Tian's face, and the dew on the grass on the roadside leaves sparkled, all of which made him happy. Looking forward to it, "Master won't lie to me. It must be that I haven't practiced right. When I see Master again and can practice success, I must honor my father and let him live the happiest life!"

The simple but warm courtyard is in front of him. Before entering the yard, Xiao Tian shouted, "Dad, I'm back!"

There was no sound in the yard.

Xiao Tian was suspicious: My father took this medicine porridge very seriously in the morning, and he was already waiting for him on the table every day.

Did you go out to buy medicine and come back?

Xiao Tian ran into the room, and the room was in a mess. His eyes were fixed at the dinner table: his father sat on the usual chair and lay face down on the table. The red blood flowed down the legs of the table and converged into a large area on the table floor. On the table is a large bowl of bloody porridge and a few side dishes.

He was stunned by this sudden change. He carefully walked to his father and held up his father's head. The scene in front of him couldn't help shouting: his father's throat had been cut off with a sharp weapon, his head was only a little connected to his body, his face was extremely painful, his hands were pressed under his head, his palms were bare, and his fingers were ten fingers It's gone. Only then did he see the fingers thrown under the table.

Xiao Tian looked up to the sky and fainted.