The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 18 Black-eyed Evil

Xiao Tian combed his hair neatly with water and washed his face. When he went to take a picture, a pale face was reflected in the stream. There was no trace of blood on his skin, his face was haggard, his eyes were red and swollen, and only a pair of black eyes were shining, adding a little vitality to the whole face.

After being locked in the cave for half a year and didn't have enough to eat for more than two months, he became almost unable to recognize himself. Qingqing stopped on his shoulder, tilted his little head, staring at his face left and right, looking extremely curious.

Xiao Tian laughed and scolded, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a clean handsome man?"

It's strange that no matter how depressed he is, as long as Qingqing makes a small move, it will make him happy and leave all his troubles behind.

Look at the late weather. After all, it is still close to Leiwang City. Xiao Tian did not dare to stay here for a long time. He whistled and greeted Qingqing to continue to move forward.

Xiao Tian knows that as long as the person who delivers the meal at night finds that he is gone, a large-scale search will begin, so the farther the better.

He didn't dare to walk along the road, so he could only look for some rare paths and stumble.

The first night, one bird did not dare to enter the market at all, but found a breeze in the wilderness on the roadside for a night.

In late autumn, the weather is already cold. Xiao Tian has worn all his clothes at home, but at night in the wilderness, he dares not make a fire, and the cold still goes deep into his bone marrow.

Looking at Qingqing sleeping sweetly with his head buried in his wings, he really envied the little guy with good hair. Even if you are fat, your body is resistant to freezing! Xiao Tian remembers that every winter, the fat man will laugh at himself for covering too thickly: "Look at you as cold as that chicken!" Look at me! Bring your own fat and anti-freeze!"

Thinking of the fat man, Xiao Tian's heart hurts, fat man, my good brother, I hope you are all right!

The next day, Xiao Tian had eaten all the dry food he brought, so he had to return to the road and find the market along the road to replenish dry food and water.

It was almost dark. He looked at no one around paying attention to him and asked Qingqing to stop on the tree by the roadside. He found a restaurant and walked in.

The heat is steaming in the restaurant, and there are many people eating. Xiao Tian carefully found a table in the corner and sat down. He asked Xiao Er, who came to greet him, for a bowl of noodles, and listened attentively to people's words - generally speaking, if there is anything new, the small restaurant in the streets and alleys is the fastest to spread.

After listening for a while, he didn't hear anything until the face came up. It seems that he is overthintentional, and the other party has not been killed.

Milky white noodle soup, white noodles, covered with a few pieces of mushrooms, sprinkled with a few chopped green onions, and the fragrance came to his nose. Xiao Tian regretted it. Knowing that it was okay, he should let Qingqing come in to eat - he was afraid of attracting attention when he let Qingqing stay outside. After all, it is rare to eat with small animals.

As soon as he picked up the noodles and took two bites, he stopped - a voice on the table next to him mentioned a few words: black-eyed demon.

Xiao Tian did not look back. He pulled the noodles with his chopsticks and listened to the sound: "That demon is amazing. More than 30 people were killed overnight. The person who died was miserable. There was no whole body! After that, a fire was set off, burning down half of the street shops. More people died in the fire, and several families were destroyed. What a tragedy!"

Another voice sighed a few times and said, "Then the government doesn't care?"

The voice said, "Is that evil, government?" His voice lowered: "The officials will bully the people. When they encounter such a powerful evil, they can only avoid it! Do you know why no one died? That demon cannibals!"

"Ah!" There was a sound of inhaling cold air around, "Cannibal?"

is still the authoritative voice: "Yes, cannibals, it is said that this demon can become many kinds of appearances, sometimes men and sometimes women, but the most common is the appearance of a teenager, becoming a teenager who is quite handsome! But no matter what he becomes, there is one thing that can't be changed. His eyes are black!"

Xiao Tian was shocked and took out a few copper coins from his arms and put them on the edge of the table. The voice continued to say, "So, if you find a black-eyed person, whether male or female, old or young, quickly report to Hao Dajiao in the east of the city. Mr. Hao will naturally find a way to hold him and provide information with great rewards!"

Xiao Tian pushed the copper money to the edge of the table, stood up and walked out slowly.

This is just a medium-sized market, not even a small town, but he can be sure that all markets and cities are circulating this rumor, and there must be local snakes such as Zhang Bigfoot and Li Bigfoot waiting to exchange themselves for a reward.

The other party is too poisonous!

I thought that a large number of people would come to chase and kill, thinking that it would be better not to be met by them, but I didn't expect that the other party came up with such a vicious method.

To find a person, the ruffians are far faster and easier than the government. The other party even prevents themselves from dressing up as women, and spreading rumors in advance may become women.

Qingqing was still squatting on the tree outside. Seeing him come out and flying over, he hurriedly took Qingqing out of the market and walked towards the wilderness.

Another ten days have passed, and the weather is getting colder and colder. The thin clothes Xiao Tian is wearing can no longer resist the cold wind, and he often trembles with cold in the wind.

But he didn't dare to enter any market to buy things. Fortunately, he practices as soon as he is free. It seems that practicing can also help him resist the cold.

However, no matter how you practice, you can't resist hunger. Fortunately, there are many wild fruits in autumn, and one bird can only live on wild fruits.

The sky is cloudy, and the northwest wind blows through the wilderness, blowing on people's faces like knives.

Winter is coming.

Xiao Tian didn't know what was wrong with him. He was dizzy all day today, his head was swollen, and his legs and feet did not listen to him. He thought that he might be sick.

It's almost dark, and the two - Xiao Tian now treats Qingqing as a human being. In fact, many people are not as good as this bird.

The two approached the road in confusion and walked into the city in front of them along the road.

It was getting late, and the food stalls on the roadside closed one after another. The two smelled the smell of food and heard the sound of each other swallowing.

Qingqing's little eyes stared at a small vendor by the roadside: he was selling steamed buns and was closing the stall, and there were still two big steamed buns left in the cage.

Xiao Tian followed its eyes and fell on the two steamed buns. He suddenly felt that his legs were weak and he couldn't walk.

The vendor selling steamed buns is a middle-aged man in his forties. Seeing Xiao Tian staring at his steamed bun in thin clothes, he sighed and grabbed a steamed bun and threw it to him.

Xiao Tian took the steamed bun, first tore off a piece of steamed bun skin and fed it to Qingqing. Then he saluted the hawker and said, "Thank you, uncle!"

Qingqing ate the steamed bun skin and flew to the hawker. His wings quickly flapped to maintain the balance of his body. The two small claws were hugged together and bowed in the air. I don't know how the little guy made this difficult action.

The hawker was amused by Qingqing, grabbed the last steamed bun and threw it to Qingqing, and said with a smile, "Then!"