The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 26 Special Barbecue for Rookies

Xiao Tian's face was painful and woke up suddenly, but it turned out to be a dream.

Qingqing squatted in front of his head and scratched his face with his small claws. Qinghe next to him looked at him with a smile. He sat up and remembered the scene in his dream. He felt quite embarrassed and lowered his head.

Qinghe refused to spare him and asked him, "Who is Shuang'er?"

This is an old and disrespectful guy!

Xiao Tian didn't dare to speak and was about to run away, but Qinghe suddenly smiled and sighed, "Poor child!"

Monk Xiao Tianzhang was confused. When he looked back, Qingqing was squatting on his shoulder combing his feathers as if nothing had happened.

Thunder frost came out of his mother's room.

It was the midsummer season. As soon as I came out of the house, the heat came to my face. The sun was like fire, so that people's eyes could not be opened. The annoying "squeak" kept screaming on the tree, which was annoying.

After Xiao Tian disappeared a few months ago, Lei Shuang fell into a serious illness. Wang Wan asked for medical treatment and many ways. Lei Shengyuan himself was also quite familiar with medical science. He took countless good medicines, and gradually recovered after more than half a year.

As soon as she could barely get down to the ground, Lei Shuang asked the girl to prepare a horse and go to the back mountain of Xiao's house with her.

Wang Wan felt sorry for her daughter's recovery from a serious illness, but she knew that it was useless to persuade her. She urgently asked Lei Fu to prepare a sedan chair and personally accompanied Lei Shuang to the back mountain of the Xiao family.

When he arrived at the back mountain of the Xiao family, the sedan chair man had just stopped the sedan chair. After not waiting for his mother to speak, Lei Shuang lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and walked down. Still some distance from the cemetery, she dragged her sick body, broke away from her mother's hand, took a bouquet of flowers in her hand, and walked timidly to the grave.

Wang Wan was sad and followed her daughter not far away.

Far away, Lei Shuang saw a new grave next to Xiao's father and mother's grave. He thought it was Xiao Tian's grave. His eyes darkened and he fainted.

Wang Wanlian patted and woke up her daughter. After Lei Shuang knew that it was Father Xiao's tomb, although she also cried a lot, she finally did not fall ill and followed Wang Wan back to Lei's house.

After that, Xiao Tian sank into the sea like a stone, and there was no message. Lei Shuang often took a bunch of flowers to Xiao's father's grave, but he never saw traces of sacrifice.

Her heart is getting colder and colder: "What's wrong with Brother Tian?"

She can't lift her spirits to practice, and she never goes out to play. Although my mother didn't say anything, she looked at her more and more worried.

The father is fine and often advises her to be open-open: "That child is blessed and will be fine. You have to take good care of your body. You are so sick that you won't be happy when he comes back."

"Brother Tian, where the hell are you? Have you forgotten Frost?" Lei Shuang does not believe that Xiao Tian will die. In her simple heart, Xiao Tian will never die...

Xiao Tian not only did not die, but also lived a happy life.

There are meals, fights, friends and beautiful women. This is a happy life that Xiao Tian never dreamed of.

The teenager has grown much taller and is much stronger. The patriarch is thoughtful and often sends Qingwu to send him clothes, which suits his figure. The style is made according to the clothes of the Qingwu family. Xiao Tian put on a mirror and can't help laughing - he looks like a handsome teenager in the mirror.

He has been practicing for more than half a year, and his skills have grown very fast. His elemental power has been faintly the top master among his peers.

Not only has the elemental power improved, but Xiao Tian's actual combat experience has also been rapidly improved - all thanks to the group of little children of the Qingwu people.

There is nothing new under the sun. The Qingwu ethnic group is known as the immortals, and the young men and women in the clan are similar to human young men and women.

After Xiao Tian stayed in Yaoxian Valley for more than a month, the Qingwu people knew that a human teenager came from the valley.

The threshold of Xiao Tian's cabin is about to be flattened.

I have never seen human beings, watch the lively, thank the youth for the life-saving grace, come to see the handsome man...

Every day, several groups of young men and women come and go. Xiao Tianguang smiled at the visiting guests, and the meat on his cheeks was sore.

At the beginning, Xiao Tian was very happy. He lacked friends since he was a child and suddenly received the friendly attention of so many peers. Don't mention the happiness in his heart.

However, the good times did not last long. With the increase of visitors, Xiao Tian's sleep has become a luxury.

There are guests coming to see him at dawn. The beautiful name is: I don't know when humans get up. Come and have a look.

Where do you think you are watching the sunrise?

In the middle of the night, someone knocked on his door and asked what he was doing: he came to talk to him at night.

You are a Qingwu, not an owl, okay?

The most helpless thing is that sometimes he and Qingwu barbecued by the river, and some people came here. At this time, it was even more lively - the baked thing usually went into the visitors' stomachs, and they could hardly eat a bone. Qing Wuqing and Xiao Tian became the special barbecue chefs for that group of little children.

The first thing I can't stand is not Xiao Tian, but Qingqing.

After all, he lived on other people's territory. Although Xiao Tian was impatient with these rookies who had just climbed out of the eggshell, he was still perfunctory.

Qingqing hasn't returned to his home since he came back. It seems that he doesn't have home either. Eat, live and travel with Xiao Tian every day. In Qinghe's words, it's better for them to wear a pair of trousers!

"Do you think Qingqing doesn't need to wear trousers? This is an example! You don't have much humor!" Qinghe said humorously.

Frequent visiting guests have seriously affected Qingqing's rest. Only that, Qingqing can still stand it. As long as the little guy falls asleep, it thunders in his ear, which does not affect his sleep at all.

But after the dozens of visited guests ate his barbecue and only left him with a little bone residue, Qingqing finally broke out: "Nima still won't let people live?! From now on, who will grab food with me again, you!" His little wings pointed to Xiao Tian: "Bat them!"

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly. Qingqing could say that he would beat them, but he couldn't really beat them. Under the shelter of others, he also had to beat the visiting guests. No matter what he said, he was indifferent.

Well, Qingqing can see if the command can't move Xiao Tian, and simply come out by himself:

During the day, visitors pay one silver coin to enter the house, and at night, visitors double, two silver coins.

As for participating in the barbecue event, the cost is relatively high - a gold coin.

Xiao Tian looked at Qingqing pasting these words at the door of the hut, and couldn't laugh or cry: Qingqing has never seen a fat man. How did he infect the fat man's love for money?

This measure immediately aroused a great response among the rookies of the Qingwu people. The first two can be tolerated. Anyway, human beings have seen it many times, and there is nothing rare, but this barbecue is a new thing. I have never eaten such delicious food before.

Although the Qingwu people don't have to worry about eating and are burdened by the clan, why is there no barbecue and delicious big pot rice?