The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 30 Magic Jade Forest (,)

Xiao Tian was beaten dizzy, but looking at Qinghe's angry eyes, he suddenly felt very guilty, and at the same time, there was a warm and moist mood growing in his heart.

Qinghe looked at his big innocent eyes, and got angry again. He waved his fist to fight. Xiao Tian was so scared that he closed his eyes, hugged his head, made a posture that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and shouted, "Fourth uncle, you can fight, as long as you can calm down!"

The expected fist did not fall. Qinghe sighed and said in a low voice, "It's just soft-hearted when facing the enemy. Why did Mr. Wu accept such a useless apprentice? If I hadn't brought a detoxifying elixir, you would have died long ago! I'm beating you for your master! If you are killed by such a gangster, people will laugh out loud! Laozi's famous name for a lifetime!"

Xiao Tian was shocked and remembered that the wound before coma was numb and itchy. Those people's weapons must have been poisoned!

He was shocked and worried about one thing. He hurriedly asked Qinghe, "Why did those people kill us?"

Qing He saw through his thoughts and told him, "They didn't come for you, but for that bag of gold coins."

Xiao Tianchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Qinghe was also afraid for a while. If Wu Laowei's apprentice followed him but was killed, it would be enough for Wu Laowei to bear his anger in the future. With hundreds of years of friendship between the two, it is estimated that he would beat himself at most, but the subsequent ridicule will force himself to death.

He was killed by several gangsters in front of his eyes. Qinghe really can't afford to lose this person.

He stood up, regardless of Xiao Tian's injury. He kicked Xiao Tian's buttocks and said, "Get up quickly. Next time you make such a retarded mistake, look at my big ear to beat you!"

Xiao Tian touched his red, swollen and painful face and said to himself, "You hit it this time, and say next time!"

He barely supported his body and looked up at Qinghe.

At sunset, the wind passed through the wilderness, like the remnants of blood, blood dripping with broken limbs and meat all over the ground. Green and hands stood in it, and their snow-white clothes were extremely clean, without even a drop of blood or dust.

Looking at the bloody meat and dirty meat all over the ground, the fishy smell drilled into his nostrils. Xiao Tian's throat was itchy and clucked twice, but he couldn't spit it out.

Looking back at the long jade, graceful Qinghe, Xiao Tian Chong looked up at Qinghe and couldn't imagine that he had just killed four people.

Qinghe turned around and didn't seem to see Xiao Tian's worshipful eyes and said, "Let's go!"

Xiao Tian hurriedly collected the big bags and small bags on the ground. Qinghe looked impatient and scolded, "Buy so many things? Go by yourself, I won't take you!"

Just kidding, I won't take the free carriage. Will I walk back by myself?

Xiao Tian thought to himself, but his mouth was as sweet as honey: "I know that the fourth uncle is a good man and will not leave me alone!"

The two returned to the valley. Qingqing and Qingwu saw a lot of food and play. They were happy. Qingqing was okay. They often went out of the mountain to play with their mother, but Qingwu had never left Yaoxian Valley since he was a child. They had never seen these food and play in the human world. They felt very fresh. Instead, they had nothing to do with the sword Xiao Tian specially bought for him. Interest.

Xiao Tian did not tell them about the matter in distress. Qinghe regarded it as a great shame, and the two suppressed the matter with a tacit understanding.

Xiao Tian still has another ghost idea in his heart.

He has long been interested in forests and mountains outside the grassland, but always speaking of the surrounding forests and mountains, Qingqing and Qingwu just shook their heads.

This time, he caught the handle of the drunkard uncle. If he didn't take the opportunity to blackmail something out of the drunkard, he would be very sorry for his injury.

Sure enough, a few days later, the opportunity came.

Qinghe was addicted to alcohol and came to find him to buy wine at the market.

Xiao Tian deliberately pretended to be squeaky and said that he lost his wallet when he came back last time.

The old man didn't think about it, "Oh" and turned his head away.

Xiao Tian quietly followed him.

How can a little fox fight an old fox? Xiao Tian didn't follow him far before he was found by Qinghe.

Qinghe turned around and kicked Xiao Tian's buttocks as if he could turn. Xiao Tian covered his buttocks, and his heart was strange. The two were obviously face to face. How did Qinghe's feet kick his buttocks?

Waiting for him to figure it out, he was kicked twice on his buttocks and scolded, "What do I want to do with you? Robbery? I'm poorer than you!"

Xiao Tian's face was bitter and said cheekily, "Fourth uncle, are you going to the Magic Jade Forest to hunt monsters? Can you take me there with you?"

Qinghe's big feet flew up and was about to kick him. Xiao Tian was ready this time. He fled to the distance quickly and threatened with a smile, "If you don't take me, I will tell Qingqing that they were almost killed by a few gangsters when they went out with you last time. Where is your face?"

"Bad boy, how dare you threaten me?" Qinghe's legs suddenly became thin and long, twisting ten * bends. The big foot became extremely large and kicked Xiao Tian's buttocks. With a "plop", Xiao Tian flew out and fell into the jade belt river in the distance.

Xiao Tian climbed out of the jade belt river wetly, with a few pieces of water grass hanging on his head. A small fish jumped out of his sleeve, jumped on the grass a few times, and jumped back to the river and swam away.

Qing He laughed. Somehow, he changed his mind and promised to take him there and made a three-chapter contract for him:

I. Do not tell Qingqing and Qingwu;

two. Don't move the vegetation in the forest;

three. Don't leave me ten steps away. Unless you are attacked, you can't take action at will.

Xiao Tian didn't even think about it, and hurriedly nodded.

Xiao Tian sat on Qinghe's back, and Qinghe flew fast against the ground. The grassland under his feet retreated like flying. Occasionally, he flew over a mirror-like lake. The figure of a colorful bird appeared on the lake contrasted with the white clouds. He didn't know whether the birds and white clouds were flying in the sky or swimming in the lake.

Magic Jade Forest is a homonym of Moyu Forest, which is named after its distant color like dark green jade. The magic jade forest is located in the southeast of the Yaoxian grassland. The area and production are unknown. I only heard that there is an ancient elf family living in the depths of the forest.

The elves have not appeared on the mainland for hundreds of years. Those sharp ears, beautiful and slender creatures disappeared from the mainland hundreds of years ago. The existence of elves seems to be just a legend.

Of course, Xiao Tian doesn't know, and Qingqing and Qingwu don't know. Qing and the old guys know, but he never said it.

There is a long row of dwarf trees on the edge of the magic jade forest, which is a kind of spiny shrub, like a naturally formed hedge, with light yellow bell-like flowers. Each flower is the size of a grain of rice, and dozens of flowers are arranged in spikes, with a faint fragrance with the wind.