The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 44 The aurora shines blind your eyes

Lin Jie's heart is a: Hunting? I'm afraid the prey is me, right?

Xiao Tian suddenly felt that his breathing was tight, and the branch had flown over and wrapped around his neck. It became tighter and tighter. Xiao Tian only felt that he could not breathe, his face was blue and purple, and his eyes bulged out.

Xiao Tian was shocked and angry: "I just killed your pet, but you want me to pay for my life!!"

In terms of elemental power, he is much higher than this teenager Lin Jie, but he didn't expect that Lin Jie would be a killer as soon as he came up. He was about to be hanged by this small branch.

In a critical situation, Xiao Tian grabbed the branches with both hands and pulled them hard, and unconsciously used the most familiar trick: the warm sun formula.

Xiao Tian was familiar with this warm sun formula. At this time, his fate was on the verge, and his power was doubled. His hands were burned like two pieces of charcoal, and the part of the branches caught by him immediately turned yellow. The branch loosened him and waved weakly in the air, but did not dare to entangle him again.

Xiao Tian used a floating light and shadow and hurriedly fled to the way. He was worried that Lin Jie would catch up. He used an aurora flash and did not look back.

With a flash of strong light, the sky and the earth were bright, and the birds beside the trees were blinded and screaming.

Lin Jie saw that the other party had escaped and was hesitating to catch up with him, but his eyes were blinded by the sudden strong light. His eyes were dark. He sat on the grass and only felt that the place where he sat down was cold and sharp. His buttocks were in sharp pain. He reached out and touched it. It seemed to be blood warmly. He was punctured by something. ——A few more centimeters, I'm afraid it will be **.

He didn't care about this minor injury and was shocked - what trick did the other party do to blind himself? What should I do? But Xiaodi's scream was heard, his voice panicked, and he was also poisoned.

He regretted that he should not have brought it out for Xiaodi's upgrade regardless of the ban of the clan. He thought that nothing would happen in the dead of night, but unexpectedly, this Qingwu teenager ambushed here late at night. I don't know what the purpose was. He was also a guilty killer for a moment, but he didn't expect that he couldn't control him and was used by him. Strange tricks, now I'm blind, and it's all over...

Lin Jie stretched out his hand and groped around, calling the flute. Only the rustling sound of grass leaves was heard, and the little flute swam over.

He reached out and touched it. The flute coiled into a ball and lay in front of him, as if he knew that the master could not see it, and put his neck close to the master's hand. Touching Xiaodi's cold body, Lin Jie felt a little more secure.

When Xiao Tian flashed with the aurora, the flute was far away, and the light was partially covered by the branches. The damage to his eyes was not as serious as Lin Jie. He could see something in a moment. Hearing the master's call, he hurried to the master's side.

A python sat in place for a while, and Lin Jie found that his eyes were gradually able to see things! Now he was so ecstatic that he hurriedly fled back to the forest with Xiaodi.

Xiao Tian didn't know that Lin Jie was blown up by a few centimeters by him. He ran wildly and fled back to the Yudai River and fell to the ground. He was still shocked and gasped. He only felt that his heart was pounding in his chest. Qingqing was awakened by him and flew to him with his head tilted to look at him. Seeing that he was so embarrassed, he shouted at him. .

Xiao Tian came to his senses and thought to himself: Fourth uncle and Yueer's aunt were good friends, but I was almost killed by Lin Jie of the elf clan. If you tell them, it will inevitably hurt the harmony between the fourth uncle and the elf clan.

When I find a few attack formulas in the explosion formula and practice them well, I will find this scene and beat the black bamboo pole, that's it. Besides, I guess Lin Jie is not very good. I don't know if his eyes can see now?

With this in mind, he reluctantly smiled at Qingqing and said, "I'm going to pick a few mushrooms to make soup... Ah!"

Only then did he remember that the mushroom was still by the lake wrapped in his coat! He is only wearing a close-fitting clothes. At this time, I didn't dare to go back to look for it again, so I had to laugh and make up a reason: "Chasing a yellow sheep on the road, throw away the mushrooms, and look for it tomorrow morning!"

Qingqing chirped a few times, then went back to the grass and buried her head in her wings to sleep.

Xiao Tianchang breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Qinghe looking at him thoughtfully. He was shocked, but he was unwilling to tell Qinghe about this matter. He had to turn his head and string the bait on the hook, pretending not to see Qinghe's eyes, and went fishing.

Qinghe noticed it when Xiao Tian flashed aurora. He only assumed that Xiao Tian found his prey by the lake and used the aurora flash to blind his prey.

He secretly praised the little guy for being smarter than himself, and could hunt with the aurora flash. Seeing Xiao Tian running back, gasping and looking frightened, he knew that things were not that simple.

When Qinghe saw Xiao Tian, he didn't say anything and didn't ask carefully. He just silently walked to Xiao Tian's side and took down a piece of leaf on his collar. When he saw the strangulation marks on his neck, he was shocked: Did this little guy go to the magic jade forest to fight with people?

Qinghe took the removed leaf in his hand and looked over: the leaves were dark green, the leaves were extremely thick, and there was a clear dark green vein on the leaf surface, which was very textured. The juice on the petiole was not dry. He recognized that this was a unique elemental plant in the magic jade forest.

Everyone in the elf clan has planted a Ruyi rope from an early age, which is connected with the owner's heart. The elf clan issued instructions through specific methods to command Ruyi rope to carry out various daily activities and attack the enemy. Last time Xiao Tian was tied up by Yueer's Ruyi rope and could not move. Ruyisuo's attack power is closely related to the master's ability. Qinghe has seen Ruyisuo, an elder in the elf clan, fly out of the blades to hurt people when facing the enemy. At the same time, it can kill and injure many enemies. It is really a good helper for group battles.

Unlike other magical plants, Ruyisuo can grow in the soil and stay alive for about a month after leaving the soil, just by sprinkling water on the branches every day. There is a suction cup at the root of Ruyisuo, which can quickly stimulate the root system when it is plunged into the soil, absorb nutrients, and absorb one night's nutrients for a month. You can also put its suction cup on a big tree, which can absorb the nutrients of the tree for use, but the elves cherish the trees very much. This practice is not a last resort and will never be used.

Qinghe meditated, I don't know what happened to Xiao Tian? He patted Xiao Tian on the shoulder, grabbed the fishing rod, and smiled, "Tian'er, the fourth uncle is hungry. Let's take back the mushrooms you picked and beat a yellow sheep to eat by the way."

Xiao Tian was submissive, but he didn't dare to agree. Qinghe pulled him up. Qingqing heard that he was going to catch the yellow sheep, and he also got up and screamed a series of screams, which appeared to follow him.

Xiao Tian was helpless and thought about it for a long time, and then Jijie may also have left. Then he stood up and followed Qinghe. He wanted to delay the time and deliberately looked tired. He walked slowly, and Qingqing waited impatiently. He had already flown to the front.

Xiao Tian was very anxious. He was not only afraid of meeting Lin Jie again, but also afraid that Qingqing would eat the flute when he met Lin Jie. As a last resort, I had to greet Qingqing and wait for him and quickly follow him.