The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 79 My father is Li Jiang

The city of Cannes is the capital of the Philpu Kingdom. Loki the Great, the king of the Philpu Kingdom, is 32 years old. He has been in power for eight years. Under his rule, the Philpu Kingdom is rich and powerful, just like the first of the three countries on the mainland.

Cannes City can be called the largest and most prosperous city in the mainland. The buildings on both sides of the street are either exquisite, heavy, luxurious, elegant, or high-rise painting pavilions, or Zhumen embroidery households, each with their own characteristics.

The streets are full of cars and horses. There are many shops on both sides of the road, and all kinds of people come and go.

Xiao Tian and other young men and women who grew up in the deep valley forest have never seen such an atmosphere. For a moment, they were blinded and dazzling.

Several young men and women are handsome, followed by a big cyan bird. Those who know more know that this big bird is the long-extinct warcraft green on the mainland, and they can't help but look at it a few more times.

After all, it is a big city, and the people in the city are well-informed, and no one comes up to ask.

Located in Cannes, the capital of the Kingdom of Philpu, Locke College is the largest and most prestigious comprehensive college among the three countries on the mainland.

The college offers elements, literature, art, politics, military, and various disciplines, and even ancient martial arts, ancient science and technology and other extremely rare disciplines.

As early as when the Qingwu people selected candidates to study, all the admission procedures of the three people had been completed, and only the people were waiting for them to come. Now the addition of three elves is not difficult for the Qingwu people.

The invisible power of the Qingwu people in the mainland is extremely strong. The transformed ethnic group members are widely distributed in all walks of life in the three countries on the mainland. In the chambers of commerce, politics, academia, and element guilds, the transformed Qingwu people all hold important positions.

Because of the unique resource advantages: on the one hand, with the assistance of various elixirs, the cultivation of elements is twice the result with half the effort, and on the other hand, the long life of the Qingwu people has gradually occupied an extremely important position in their field.

Several people came to the registration office and handed in letters, and the formalities were quickly completed.

Except for Feixuan, who was left to help by the senior sister of the freshman registration office, the other six people walked to the dormitory.

There are three dormitory buildings, one for girls and one for boys, and one for the smaller one for teachers.

Xiao Tian and Qingwu Feixuan were separated in a dormitory. The two quickly packed up their things and took Qingqing to see Xiaogu and Lin Jie. The door of their dormitory was locked and knocked on the door, but no one was there.

The two had to go to Yueer and Yan Duoduo again.

Xiaogu and Lin Jie are helping Miss Yueer settle things with a bitter face.

Yan Duoduo was worried that there was no one to help her move things. Seeing Xiao Tian, the younger brother, coming, it was simply a help: "Brother, come and help me work!"

Xiao Tian didn't care about looking at Yueer. In the muttering of Lin Jie and Xiaogu's "not being righteous enough", he escaped like lightning. Qingqing came first and had already flown far away.

"When did Xiao Tian's light kung fu be so powerful?"

"Did he fly on the famous grass in the world before he went to Yaoxian Valley? Seven red moles on the soles of the feet? Running so fast?"

"Huh? Qingwu, where are you going? Catch him!"

Poor Qingwu was held down by several people, so that he couldn't breathe: "Let go, let go, I, I'm going to the toilet..."

"No, don't go anywhere, work first!" Yan Duoduo crossed her waist and stared at her big bright eyes.

Qingwu sighed and honestly worked as a porter and cleaner.

Idged the fate of doing hard work, Xiao Tian and Qingqing wandered around the campus.

Rock College occupies a large area, and all kinds of public facilities in the college are extremely complete, just like a small city. A more distinctive point is that there are many handsome men and beautiful women.

Even if Xiao Tian saw more beautiful women in the Qingwu and Elf clan, who specialize in beautiful women, he couldn't help sighing at the high quality and quantity of the beautiful women of Locke College.

Xiao Tian's smooth and fat green hair on his shoulders soon won a very high rate of return. More bold girls came forward to stroke the blue feathers: "What a cute bird, what's its name?"

"Do you take a bath for it?"

"What does it eat? Do you eat bugs?"

Is this your pet? Why doesn't it call it?"

Xiao Tian smiled awkwardly and didn't know which sentence to answer first.

Qingqing stood high on his shoulder and looked forward to Shengxiong, which was very proud.

A tall girl with snowy skin and cherry lips came over.

The girl wore a fiery red dress, small red leather boots, and a beautiful silver-blue short hair. She raised her head high and looked disdainful of everything around her. Hearing the comments of many girls, the girl spit out a few words: "A group of rednecks!"

Her eyes crossed the crowd and stayed on Qingqing's body. Another string of words came out of her little mouth: "These country bumpkin, this is obviously a green black..." The girl did not deliberately lower her voice. Naturally, many people heard this sentence, including Xiao Tian.

At this time, Qingqing had been held in the arms of a pure and sweet-looking girl and gently rubbed its feathers. She drilled into the girl's arms with great pleasure, but did not hear this sentence.

The little red boots came over, and the girl took out a silver ticket from her arms and threw it lightly: "Is this your pet? I bought it!"

Xiao Tian did not reach out to pick it up. The silver ticket fell on his chest and bounced on him. The invisible red light flashed and fell into his arms. Xiao Tian took it in his hand and glanced at it. The silver ticket was quite large.

He handed back the silver ticket and said, "Sorry, Qingqing is my brother!" Don't sell it.

Xiao Tian spoke and was shocked: Rock College is indeed the largest college in the mainland, and it can be full of people. The arrogant girl in front of her can accurately throw a light silver ticket into her arms, and the strength on the silver ticket also makes her shield take the initiative to protect the master. This girl's elemental power and mastery of elemental power cannot be underestimated.

He didn't know that the girl was also shocked. The clothes on the teenager in front of her were very ordinary. When she threw out the silver ticket, she used her family's unique skills and planned to tease him. If you want him to fall, you have to take at least a few steps back.

Unexpectedly, the teenager seemed to be fine. It seemed that the silver ticket was really as light as it seemed, and he was not attracted by the huge number on the silver ticket, so he handed it back to her.

This woman has always been unruly and capricious. At this time, she was rejected and was angry: "It's enough to ask for more money, and she also found an excuse to say that she is a brother!"

If she hadn't arrived at the new school and her family asked her not to make trouble, she would have robbed it directly. Unexpectedly, this guy in front of her didn't know how to praise and handed her the silver ticket back!

The unruly girl stretched out her hand and knocked down the silver ticket in Xiao Tian's hand: "Can the money be returned? Besides, being brothers with animals is not a good person!"

The girl holding Qingqing saw that the situation was not good. She was worried that the trouble would happen to her, so she hurriedly returned Qingqing to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian didn't care about the silver ticket on the ground. He turned around and walked away and said, "I didn't answer it. You threw it on me!"

The unruly woman bent down to pick up the silver ticket in the eyes around her and shouted at the backs of the two, "It's just a broken bird, what kind of brother! It's polite for your aunt to buy it. Wait, and your aunt wants you to send it back obediently!"

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly as he walked: Qingqing is a troublemaker. This seems to be the second time he has caused trouble. The first time he was blackmailed by several scoundrels in that small town.

However, it is not what it used to be. Xiao Tian was no longer the little beggar who was chased and had nowhere to escape. When he heard the girl's words, he was too lazy to pay attention to her.

If he ignores it, it doesn't mean that no one pays attention to it.

With a long cry, Qingqing broke away from Xiao Tian's hand and flew to the air above the head of the unruly woman. Her long tail curled up, and a bubble of dung fell down impartially. The unruly woman's hair and clothes were stained a lot, but other people nearby were fine.

In the laughter around her, tears flowed down and shouted, "How dare you bully me?! My father is Li Jiang!"

The lively crowd next to him dispersed, leaving only a handsome young man with a crowned face. The teenager said coldly, "Your old Li family is a talented person from generation!"

The unruly girl frowned and was about to attack, but she saw a golden flying dragon embroidered on the corner of the teenager's white clothes. She shook her body and lowered her head and left.

The teenager didn't care about her, but looked at Xiao Tian's direction with great interest: "This green black is really interesting and suits my taste!"

This interesting young life is not easy to live. Xiao Tian is blaming Qingqing: "No matter what's wrong, you can't pull shit on other people's head. After all, it's a girl..."

Qingqing interrupted him: "It's not bad for me. She scolded me as a pet broken bird and beast, so I'll do something about pet broken bird and beast for her!"

Xiao Tian couldn't laugh or cry when he was told: It's not a good thing to understand Qingwu! Qingqing's sharp teeth are so powerful that even if he and Qingwu are tied together, they are not his opponents.

I didn't steal it, but when I met such a great bitch, I found it boring for each bird. Let's go back to the dormitory.

In the next few days, everyone was attracted by the fresh campus life, and Xiao Tian and Qingqing also forgot what happened a few days ago.

Just a week later, the first problem after the teenagers entered the college appeared: money.

Money is not a problem, the problem is that there is no money.

All food in the Qingwu people is public, and the food is free. If you need anything, go to the warehouse to get it.

When you come here, you don't have to pay tuition fees, but living expenses...

I don't know if the Qingwu people forgot? Or test these children?

At lunch, several teenagers stood at the door of the canteen and turned their pockets upside down. There were only a few cents in total, which were only enough to eat some steamed buns and pickles.

Since I came to the college, no one in the clan has appeared. Today, there is no food to eat, and several teenagers have known Lockeju. It's not easy!

Never mind him, Gu Ke waved his hand: "Let's make do with it today and find a way in the afternoon."

Several people entered the canteen and bought a large pot of steamed buns. Pickles and soup were free of charge. Several teenagers gathered around the table, chewed at the table, and ate with relish.

Qingqing looked at the steamed buns on the table, and then looked at the colorful dishes in front of the students around him. A bird's face was as bitter as bitter gourd, squatting on the back of the chair listlessly and did not eat anything.

Her Majesty Queen Yueer sat at the table and watched several other people eat, but she didn't eat at all.

The impact of the economic crisis on her was minimal. Originally, the girl ate very little, but she felt that the food in the school canteen was not to taste. Except for moving her chopsticks the day before, she had never eaten a bite of food in the school canteen. When she came out, she brought a lot of snacks made of lotus wheat, and she was full when she ate one piece every day.

At this time, she looked at several people nibbling steamed bread and pickles with a smile, but she did not share her private collection with everyone.

The tuition fee of Locke College is extremely expensive. Those who can study here are both rich and noble. Have you ever seen students so poor that they only eat steamed buns?

In addition, among this group of poor ghosts, there is Feixuan, who has just been selected as the school hunk, Lan Yueer, who is known as the "cute fairy princess", and the green owner of the girl who is popular in the school. Almost all eyes in the canteen are focused on this table.