The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 86 Ugly Dan

Xiao Tian took out the pocket in the ring and put it on the table. He bought so many medicinal herbs in the afternoon, and didn't have time to sort it out in detail. His head was stuffed into the ring. At this time, it was easy to be idle and just in time to sort out the things in the ring.

Money is a good thing! Although Xiao Tian is not a financial fan, he still grinned with joy when he saw that the ring was full of medicinal materials.

His elemental force touched the ring and touched the dark blade.

Xiao Tian's heart moved and took out the dark blade and took it in his hand:

The dark element on this dagger is very strong, and the handle of the streamlined dagger is extremely ironed with the palm of the hand.

I don't know what material the scabbard is made of, non-gold and non-leather.

He pulled out the dagger and only felt cold. The dark blade was so blunt that it was unopened. He gently cut the corner of the table, and the corner of the table fell silently.

Xiao Tian was overjoyed: "It's so sharp without elemental force. What if elemental force is added?"

Xiao Tian injected the elemental force into the dagger without thinking.

The dagger glowed gray and shook uncontrollably in his hand. It buzzed and suddenly bounced up. He couldn't hold it. The dagger fell to the ground and inserted the floor tile until it had no handle, less than an inch away from his feet.

Xiao Tian was shocked: What's going on?

He bent down and pulled out the dagger, and the dagger returned to its original state.

Xiao Tian once again carefully injected the elemental force into the dagger, and the dagger once again emitted a gray light and vibrated in his hand. This time, he was ready to hold it, but he did not dare to urge the elemental force again. The dagger shook a few times and did not move.

Xiao Tian thought for a moment, but I don't know why? Depressed: "I spent so many gold coins to buy a dagger that can't use elemental force. Fortunately, this dagger is sharp, otherwise it will be a big loss!"

He put the dagger back into the ring, sorted out the medicinal materials on the table and put them into the ring, took out the medicine passed by the master to him, sat on the chair and looked through it carefully, thinking about what kind of elixir should be refined?

When two knocks came from the door, the door was pushed open, and Qingwu came in with Qingqing on his shoulder.

Qingqing fluttered in the Dan room, flew up and down, and finally stopped by the Dan furnace and said, "It turns out that the Dan room is like this! What do I think is great? It's just a few large pots and small pots, and a big tripod for cooking soup!"

Qingwu looked around the Dan room and smiled and said, "Qingqing heard that you rented the Dan room and said that you had never entered the Dan room. He pestered me to come and see it. It happened that I hadn't been to the Dan room much, so I came with him."

Xiao Tianxi said, "It's just right. I don't know what kind of elixir to make. I have helped my master refine the dry elixir myself, and I have also seen Brother Zhu refine the Yan elixir. The rest is just talking about it on paper!"

Qingwu laughed and said, "You have learned such a thing since you have been a teacher for more than half a year? I see that you often read that medicine. Isn't there any alchemy in it?

Xiao Tian is also very depressed. There is a way of alchemy, but now he doesn't know what kind of alchemy is good.

After thinking for a while, I decided to start with the simplest refining.

Build a foundation! Building a foundation elixir takes less time and does not affect learning. The procedure is simple, just the right time to practice, and the medicinal herbs needed are also easy to gather.

Qing Wudao: "I am a fire element attribute. What can I do for you?"

Xiao Tian scratched his head: "Brother Qingwu, look how confused I am. We have been together for more than a year, and I don't know what your attributes are! Fire attribute will definitely help, but I haven't started to practice yet. Let's try it together!"

Just do it. Xiao Tian listed all the medicinal materials needed to build the foundation elixir on a piece of paper, took out the medicinal herbs, weighed them, put them in the elixir furnace, and opened the furnace to alchemy.

Although Qingwu followed his father to the elixir room, he only entered the pharmacy and never entered the alchemy room.

For alchemy, the first person of the new generation of elemental power in the Qingwu clan is still a rookie.

Xiao Tian is also a master of soldiers talking on paper. He is familiar with all kinds of magic formulas and medicinal materials, but he has only refined a furnace of dry elixir under the command of his master.

Although the elixir has been extremely successful, his role here is a humanoid flame.

The two rookies began to alchemy with great interest.

Qingwu sat underground by the fireside and transported the elemental force to help Xiao Tian control the heat.

It quickly became hot in the room. Qingqing flew around the room and kept complaining: "Ah, it's too hot! Your Dan room is too hot!"

Xiao Tian watched him fly around and was really helpless: "Qingqing, don't make trouble, don't disturb Brother Qingwu!"

Qingwu put the palm of his left hand up on his lower abdomen by the stove, and his right hand drew a circle opposite his left hand. He turned his palms at the same time. Facing the flame under the elixir furnace, the flames rose a little and licked the bottom of the furnace.

Xiao Tian ignored Qingqing and carefully turned over the medicinal herbs according to Dan Fang's instructions.

Qingqing looked aside for a while and felt depressed. She looked around and saw the door closed and flew out of the skylight.

Xiao Tian was busy with alchemy and didn't care about him.

Qingqing doesn't know what happened in the Dan room after flying away. If she knows, will she be happy or regret not staying to watch the fun?

Without warning: With a "boom", the furnace sprayed...

The two people next to the Dan furnace were caught off guard. Qingwu was full of medicine foam. At that time, Xiao Tian was farther away from the Dan furnace. When the Dan furnace was abnormal, he had already found that something was wrong. He retreated in time and hid by the cabinet in the corner of the room, which was finally better than Qingwu.

Look at me, I look at you, both of them have lingering lingering: Fortunately, they sprayed, not exploded...

Check that there is no damage to the elixir furnace, and the two stupidly and boldly start a new round of alchemy. No, it's playing with fire.

This is the only way to live. Xiao Tian sighed in his heart at this time. There is a song that makes people run around for the sake of life...

Money, money, it's hard to walk without you!

The two rookies were busy all night, and finally there was no spray furnace. At dawn, the furnace faintly revealed a reddish-brown light, and the foundation was refined.

Xiao Tian stood in front of the elixir furnace and was ready to open the furnace to get the elixir.

Qingwu stood beside him, and the sweat on his forehead was not dry.

The two looked at each other and felt uneasy: I don't know how this furnace elixir is doing?

Xiao Tian took a deep breath and opened the lid of the Dan furnace. A fragrance of medicine came to his nose. Both of them were refreshed and looked into the furnace:

There are more than a dozen crooked and ugly-like elixir lying in the stove. The color is dull, but the medicine is extremely strong and coming towards me.

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly and took out these dozen "Ji Dan" (if this can be called Ji Dan).

Qingwu was very surprised: "Brother Tian! The elixir has been refined!"

Xiao Tian said, "It doesn't matter. There will be another time if you can't practice this time!" He pointed to the ring in his hand: "There is still a lot of medicine here!"

Qingwu smiled and said, "Brother Tian, this medicine looks ugly, and the power of the medicine is not bad at all. Can you smell it carefully?"

Xiao Tian gathered his letter suspiciously in front of the elixir, moved his nose and took a deep breath: "Well, the smell of this medicine is the same as the formula, but why is it so ugly? It's not like medicine, but like the feces pulled out by some kind of warcraft?

Qingwu scratched his head and said, "I don't know. I've never seen such an ugly medicine."

Xiao Tian recalled the record of the medicine formula and didn't seem to say what would happen if the elixir was ugly. He was tired after working all night and waved his hand: "Forget it, let's go back to bed first. We have to go to class later!" Contact the shopkeeper of the auction house next Sunday. No matter how ugly it is, at least it's medicine!" Qingwu nodded and said yes.

Seeing that there were still two hours before class, the two returned to the dormitory and fell asleep.

Xiao Tian was awakened by Qingwu. This guy didn't delay the class when the sky fell.

The first session of the second day is the elemental relationship class.

Xiao Tian entered the classroom with two dark circles, but saw that Lin Jie also had two dark circles. Soon, Qingwu came in, and there were also two dark circles. The three of them looked at me, and I thought it was funny.

Qing Wu pointed to Lin Jie and said, "What did you do last night? Be honest!"

Lin Jie laughed and said, "Let's do it with Li!" Looking at the left and right, no one paid attention and smiled, "Do you want to know the result?" Xiao Tian and Qing Wu said in unison, "I want to!"

Lin Jie stretched out his right hand and quickly rubbed his thumb and index finger a few times.

Qingwu didn't know what this meant, but Xiao Tian often saw his fourth uncle doing this. He knew that Lin Jie wanted money. He took out a gold coin from his arms and stuffed it in Lin Jie's hand: "Come on, if you don't say it, you can take it back!"

Lin Jie threw the gold coin in his hand and smiled proudly, "I won. That stinky girl was convinced by me!" I don't dare to bother me anymore!"

Students came in the classroom one after another, looking at Lin Jie with a trace of awe. Several students passed by them and said hello to Lin Jie: "Goodby, boss!"

Lin Jie threw the gold coins in his hand and said with a smile, "Okay!"

Several students next to him saw the gold coins thrown in his hand and secretly cast sympathetic eyes at Xiao Tian and Qingwu.

No matter how nervous Xiao Tian and Qingwu are, they don't think it's right: "Did we miss something good yesterday?"

Lin Jie just laughed, but no longer paid attention to them.

Xiao Tian felt around in his arms and wanted to take out a silver ticket of 500 gold coins and hand it to Lin Jie, asking him to tell what was going on, but looking at the sympathetic eyes of his classmates around him, it was still fine.

Xiao Tian and Qingwu really missed a good play yesterday.

Lin Jie fought against Li.

It's still caused by Qingqing's troublemaker.

Qingqing flew out of the Dan room and walked around the campus without finding anything interesting.

The little guy flew to Yue'er, who was having fun with the new Apple Five.

There are many strange games on Apple Five. Yueer opened them inattention and was immediately attracted to play.

Yueer was having a good time. Seeing Qingqing coming, she didn't even have much time to say anything. After saying hello, she lowered her head and continued to play. Qingqing looked aside and found that she had to use her fingers to play with this thing. He stretched out his little paws to make a comparison. He felt hopeless and flew away.

Qingqing flew to find Feixuan again. Fei Xuanzheng and Ling Bo, a famous beauty of the college, sat side by side on the lawn to study elemental formulas. Although Qingqing was reckless, he also knew that he should not be a bird-shaped light bulb and flew to Gu Ke in Ling Bo's retention.

Gu Ke was reading a book in the library. When he saw Qingqing, he only said one word. This word still said with his index finger on his lips: "Shh..."

Qingqing flew back with great boredom and saw Lin Jie playing on the sports equipment beside the playground!

This joy was not small. Qingqing flew over and landed next to Lin Jie. The two began a round of competition on various sports equipment at Locke College.

The dexterity of the elf clan is unmatched by ordinary human beings, but the physical quality of Qingwu is not bad.

The competition between the two quickly attracted many students.

Most of Qingqing's fans are girls, and "Qingsi" (shortly after school, Qingqing's fans spontaneously organized a fan group, calling themselves Qingsi) screamed constantly, and colorful handkerchiefs flew in the air.

Boss Lin Jie showed his skills in the canteen a few days ago, defeating Li Fanjian's two bodyguards, which was also quite well-known in the college.

Many boys are also next to "Come on, boss!" The ground shouted wildly.

Qingqing's two claws grabbed the horizontal bar, flapped their wings, made more than 100 abdominal bars in one breath, stopped dizzy, landed on the horizontal bar, opened her mouth and gasped.

The surrounding green silks are handing water and handkerchiefs.

When Qingqing was proud, Li Fanjian passed by the playground, heard the excitement and squeezed into the crowd.